Where should the bedroom door open? Where should the interior door open: the basic rule

Medical doors must meet the requirements of hygiene, safety, practicality. Therefore, most often they are made of plastic and metal.

Important parameters

It is no secret that most healthcare facilities, including hospitals - hospitals, emergency departments, first aid stations - were built back in the days of Soviet Union and require updating. Medical doors are one of the cost items for the re-equipment of premises, to which quite voluminous requirements are put forward. They concern not only specifications, but also put forward special strength criteria.
Doors for healthcare facilities are a concept that is not limited to entrances to wards, operating rooms or service rooms. In many cases, steel or wooden structures with special requirements are used. For example:

  • Hospital elevators for the transportation of bedridden patients;
  • fire exits;
  • Entrances to high-risk areas, such as laboratories with biological samples or valuable equipment.
  • In such cases of use, doors for medical facilities must first of all correspond to the conditions of use. That is, to provide sufficient strength, the possibility of visual control, as well as the level of protection. Other requirements that these doors must meet fade into the background, but do not disappear.


    It should be remembered that medical doors are constantly under load. It is difficult to imagine a more intensive mode of use. Visitors, repeated openings and closings, exposure to the environment, mechanical damage - all these are harsh working conditions.
    Therefore, for medical purposes, frame structures with overlays, hollow inside, are not used. Most often, these are either typesetting canvases made of rails, or filled with honeycomb filler.
    The key features that these products should have are something like this:

  • High strength fabric;
  • Hinges selected with a margin of sash weight and designed for long-term operation;
  • The use of coated fittings is not recommended; hinges, handles made of brass or stainless alloys are most often used;
  • For the safety of visitors and staff, the use of glass for inserts is not encouraged. If necessary, reinforced materials, high-strength transparent plastic or tempered glass are used that do not form large fragments.
  • Similar requirements for the level of glass safety are imposed for technical doors equipped with observation openings. In addition, the requirement to separate reliability zones is often put forward. For example, the use of complex latch-lock mechanics is not welcome. Separate blocks are installed. This is not necessary, but desirable, as it simplifies actions in the event of a breakdown.

    User specifications

    Medical doors must comply with certain rules of the institution, as well as the requirements of sanitary and environmental safety. A short list of sample requirements looks something like this:

  • The coating and material must be certified for environmental safety, do not emit harmful substances or odors;
  • The surface material must resist active chemicals well, without changing its appearance and not collapsing;
  • Doors must have a coating that does not interact with household cleaners;
  • The surface of the flaps must have sufficient strength to resist mechanical stress, including impacts;
  • The coating should resist abrasion, scratches well;
  • The materials from which the doors and the box are made must not absorb odors or various substances.
  • Decorating fireplaces with artificial stone

    Such requirements are due not only to the huge number of hand touches, the presence of various odors, and sometimes potentially hazardous substances. Elements of the interior of medical institutions imply mandatory wet cleaning several times a day, which is due to the normatively approved cleaning schedules for operating rooms and wards.

    Plastic products

    It is difficult to find modern medical doors made from classic materials such as wood. Also, linings made of MDF or other rather fragile materials are almost never used. Today, plastic and metal are widely used. It is very convenient, moreover, it is justified in terms of spending money and meeting the necessary requirements.
    Plastic doors have become popular due to the following properties:

  • absolute moisture resistance, zero absorption of liquids, odors;
  • environmental safety is confirmed by numerous certificates, studies;
  • excellent sound insulation due to the strength of the canvas, tight closing, the use of high-quality seals;
  • high stability of geometry, reliability of loops, which eliminates the effects of temperature, humidity, increases the reliability of the mechanisms;
  • good ability to keep warm, lack of drafts;
  • the surface, as well as the material, is neutral to almost all chemicals: PVC doors perfectly tolerate care with simple household cleaning products and fairly caustic chlorine-based substances;
  • zero reaction to radiation, in particular, plastic surfaces on the side of the ward or operating room will not change their appearance for many years even if the room is quartzized daily.
  • The coating, which is applied to modern PVC profile medical doors, has antibacterial properties. In the case of a laminated coating, the films have the same positive characteristics as plastic, and the technology used guarantees a perfect application.
    Not the last role is played by the ability to give plastic doors any shape, as well as to use overhead decoration elements. Such structures are mounted much faster than wooden ones, the setting is more convenient, plus it is possible to adjust almost any parameters of the position of the sash in the box.

    Composite Solutions

    Although PVC doors are quite convenient and practical, in order to save resources, you can resort to the use of composite structures. This is a door leaf of a frame structure, on which linings of plastic sheets are applied. This reduces cost, increases user performance without complicating installation. Such canvases are more familiar, besides, they can be mounted in existing boxes.
    Modern medical designs can boast not only excellent properties, but also a pleasant appearance.
    Despite the emphasized utility, emphasis on durability, you can easily find products that are pleasant to look at. Moreover, they will be durable similarly to simple smooth canvases. Also, glass inserts made of reinforced or tempered glass, which are safe for people, are quite widely used.

    How should the doors in the house be opened? This question worries everyone who plans to install new door structures. To correctly answer it, it is necessary to take into account the convenience of use and the rules for the rational organization of space and, in addition, satisfy the requirements of fire safety.

    Where should the interior door open in terms of convenience?

    Typically, interior door blocks are installed so that they open into the room. This is due to the fact that, opening towards the corridor, they create inconvenience when furniture or large household appliances are brought in. And the door leaf to the nursery must necessarily open into the room so that you can break it out if the baby accidentally closes.

    - double-leaf or single-leaf - in the open state should not block the room. Therefore, when choosing in which direction the doors should open, it is better to set the opening of the canvas towards the nearest wall.
    It is necessary to decide where the interior door should open at the stage of ordering door blocks. In the online store of the Porta Prima factory, you can order both left and right door blocks, with outward or inward opening.

    How should doors be opened in terms of fire safety?

    In accordance with building codes, doors to apartments in multi-storey buildings must be installed with opening outward in the direction of travel. This is the most correct option in terms of fire safety if you need to quickly evacuate residents or take out the wounded on a stretcher. But when choosing how fire safety doors should open, it must be borne in mind that the open sash should not block the exits from neighboring apartments and not interfere with free evacuation. Therefore, when discussing the issue of opening with the manufacturing company, you need to make sure that the open door leaf does not block the neighbors from leaving the apartment.

    Fire safety rules do not impose strict restrictions on opening interior doors. However, when thinking over where the doors should open, it is necessary, first of all, to make sure that they do not interfere with each other and do not create inconvenience in case of simultaneous opening.

    Interior organization according to Feng Shui - how should the doors in the house open?

    By following the advice of the Feng Shui teachings, you can attract positive energy to your apartment or house. To do this, you should correctly arrange all the elements of the interior and take into account how the doors should open according to Feng Shui.

    Interior doors from the point of view of Feng Shui play a central role in the distribution of vital energy. And the teaching clearly defines where the door to the bedroom, living room or kitchen should open: they should open strictly inside the room and to the left of the person entering. Another Feng Shui rule says that when opening interior doors, they should allow you to see most of the room. And in no case do not rest against a wall, closet or other pieces of furniture. In addition, they should not spontaneously open or close, so as not to disrupt the circulation of vital energy flows.

    The question in which direction the front door opens is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. This is due to the fact that the answer, which seems obvious, is not always correct at the same time. At the same time, the problem must be considered in two aspects, where and from which side the steel structure installed in the apartment or house should open.

    Current rules and regulations

    The current SNiPs and Technical Regulations, approved by the relevant Federal Laws, clearly define the location and method of opening entrance structures only in buildings for public and industrial use. In such buildings, steel and other types of doors should open strictly in the direction of movement towards the exit from the building. Moreover, this applies only to those structures that are installed on the escape routes.

    It is important to note that in the current regulatory documents, the answer to the question in which direction the front door should open in multi-apartment and private residential buildings is simply not available, since this parameter is non-standardized. This situation looks somewhat strange, however, it has developed for a long time. Therefore, in most cases, choosing the option of opening the entrance structure should rely on common sense and practical considerations.

    Rules for determining where a steel door should open

    When determining which way to open the front door, you must follow fairly simple and unspoken, but effective rules. They say that in most cases the structure should be installed so that the sash swings outward. Thanks to this location, the homeowner receives a number of significant advantages:

    • no need to stop and take a step back to open the door when leaving the room;
    • it becomes possible to install an additional internal inlet structure, which is often used to increase the thermal insulation parameters of the outlet;
    • the useful space of the hallway is not wasted, which in most cases is not enough.

    An important advantage of opening a steel door outwards is that with such an arrangement, the burglary resistance of the structure increases, which becomes more difficult to knock out. However, when deciding on the type of opening, it is necessary to take into account the ease of use of the installed product. In particular, if the sash, when opened, touches counters located in the corridor, other details or interior items, it is advisable to use a design whose sash swings inward.

    As another example, when it is advisable to choose steel doors that open into the room, we can give such a common situation. On the site where several apartments are located, a vestibule is created. It separates their living spaces from the rest of the entrance space. The door at the entrance to it, which is quite natural, swings open outward. However, the designs of each apartment in this case are usually selected with an opening inward. As a result, the vestibule area is much more convenient and efficient to use.

    How to choose the opening side of the front door

    The side of opening the front door is also not regulated in any way by the current building codes and regulations. Therefore, when choosing a product option, the following factors are taken into account:

    • convenience and comfort of use. The main criterion that must be guided in the first place. The opening of the sash must be carried out in such a way as to exclude the possibility of injury, interfering with movement. In this case, the design should occupy the minimum possible space;
    • location and opening side of adjacent doors. Probably, every person has ever encountered a situation where the wrong choice of the input structure led to problems in the relationship of neighbors. Although it is quite simple to avoid such a development of the situation - you just need to correctly select the necessary door;
    • the presence and option of opening a second door installed in the opening. The main thing to consider in this matter is to ensure a convenient entrance to the apartment.

    Most often, when choosing a product option, if any of the problems described above are absent, residential owners stop at the right-hand opening of the canvas. This means that when entering, the door swings open with the right hand, and when exiting, respectively, with the left. This option is considered traditional, however, it can be changed to the opposite for any of the reasons and circumstances listed above.

    There is no single answer to this seemingly simple question, because if you put together SNIPs, individual preferences and cultural and historical traditions, many of the most unexpected nuances open up...

    There is no single answer to this seemingly simple question, because if you put together SNIPs, individual preferences and cultural and historical traditions, many of the most unexpected nuances open up.

    Entrance door

    Historical and esoteric traditions in this matter are contrary to modern building codes. Since ancient times, in the northern climate, the doors of houses opened only inward, because when snowdrifts sweep outside, otherwise it is simply impossible to open it. Only when a porch appeared, protecting the house from snow drifts, the doors began to open outward.

    The ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui is in solidarity with the beliefs of our Slavic ancestors. The door is the most important part of the house through which good luck and positive energy penetrate, therefore it can only open inwards so that this positive flow is not interrupted.


    The huts are huts, and the specialists of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and SNIPs in this matter have a completely different opinion: the doors at the evacuation exits should open exclusively in the direction of the exit from the building, so that in the event of an emergency it would be convenient to take out the wounded on a stretcher.

    In addition, if the front door opens outward, it is almost impossible to break it down, therefore, criminals trying to enter the house for the purpose of robbery will have to spend more time and effort to break in. So, the external opening of the door is considered more correct, from the point of view of rescuers and law enforcement officers.

    Another thing is that it is not always possible to comply with this requirement on a cramped stairwell of an apartment building. In addition, it conflicts with another rule, which states that the direction of opening the door leaf must be coordinated with the nearest neighbors, since an open door should not interfere with the evacuation of people in case of fire, etc.

    Interior doors

    SNIPIs are more interested in the bathroom, kitchen and bathroom. In these rooms, the doors must open outward so that in an emergency you can get out by simply pushing the door. If the person inside becomes ill, it is easier to open such a door, since the probability of accidentally blocking it is extremely small.

    The conclusion is simple: in a cramped space it is better to equip the entrance as common sense dictates. In the end, if the space is sorely lacking, you can install a sliding door, which is especially true for small bathrooms, tiny kitchens and dressing rooms.


    In the nursery, it is recommended to choose a door that opens inward, since it is easier to knock it out in an emergency if the child is suddenly locked from the inside. However, the age of the children also matters. In rooms for the smallest, locks and locks are rarely installed, but with a door that opens inward, you can accidentally hit the baby.

    In general, the decision is again yours.


    What else needs to be considered when choosing the direction of opening interior doors?

    If two doors are located close to each other, you should think about moving the doorway, if this is not possible, consider the option when one door opens into the room and the other into the corridor. In any case, the doors must not block or overlap each other. It's traumatic!

    If the door is located in the corner of the room, it should swing open towards the nearest wall without blocking the view of the room. When the door is placed in the center of the wall, it is more correct to open it towards the window so that the light from it enters the corridor or the next room.

    Right or left?

    It also matters whether the door opens to the right or to the left, and here again cultural and historical differences come into play. In Russia, the “right” is the door, in which the hinges are located on the right, and the handle is on the left. In European countries, the situation is exactly the opposite: the “right” door has a handle on the right, and the hinges on the left.

    The question in which direction the entrance doors should open is solved differently in different traditions.

    Since ancient times, in Russian villages, they opened only inside the hut. In winter, heavy snowfalls and blizzards often occur. The entrance can be blocked by a huge snowdrift. If the door opens outward, then leaving the house is simply unrealistic. If inside, you can simply open it and blaze a path in the right direction. In many villages, this rule is still observed, born out of experience and common sense.

    Feng Shui and proper door installation

    The philosophy of feng shui is in complete solidarity with Russian traditions. According to this teaching, the positive energy of luck qi enters the home through the front doors. The correct opening of the front door is inside the building. So it will not block the way for qi flows. Opening the door outward changes their direction, driving away good luck and prosperity.

    For the free flow of qi energy, it is also important that secret vertical “arrows” are not directed at the entrance: the spiers of neighboring buildings, lampposts, drains, sharp corners. They degrade the feng shui of the home. To accumulate good energy, you can hang a lantern in front of the entrance of the house (it is important that the place is well lit). Feng Shui experts advise people living on the upper floors to hang a small round mirror above the front door. It will reflect the flows of bad energy.

    Where should the front door open according to Vastu Shastra

    The Hindu philosophy Vastu Shastra advises to install the main door in the house so that it opens inward and only in a clockwise direction. It will bring good luck and health. The best directions for entry equipment are east and north. From the east, the powerful energy of the rising Sun penetrates into the house. It brings health, fulfillment of desires, glory and clarity of mind. Energy flows from the north bring fertility and luck in all matters.

    Extremely undesirable are the southern and western directions. South along Vastu is the zone of influence of Yama. In Hinduism, this is the name of the god of death. Energy entering from the south brings disease, destruction and death. The west and southwest are in the zone of strong influence of Rahu. This is a shadow planet with negative energy. It hinders all good undertakings, brings illnesses and poverty.

    Like feng shui, Vastu focuses on the fact that there are no large obstacles in front of the main entrance (trees, lampposts, etc.). They slow down good energy flows.

    Rules of convenience and fire safety

    According to fire safety standards, the front door must open onto the landing. In the event of a fire, it will not block the entrance, will not become an obstacle to the movement of panicked people. If there are several doors on a small landing at once, they are all installed so as not to interfere with each other (i.e., opening inwards).

    If all neighboring doors swing open to the outside, they will interfere with each other and not all residents will be able to quickly evacuate from the burning house. For the arrangement of a private mansion, the rules are not so harsh. In it, the front door can open in any direction.
