How to increase your running distance. How to Improve Your Running Endurance - Nutrition and Training Strategies

I can run a mile, a mile and a half at 9.5 to 10 minutes per mile, but after that my stomach starts to hurt on the right side, right at the base of my chest. If I really pushed it, I could make it up to 2 miles.

I want to be able to run 5 miles at that speed. What is the best way to increase mileage?

I could run a mile, slow down to a few minutes, then run another mile, or I could push it and run 1.5 miles for a few days and try to slowly increase from there.

Or maybe I could slow down my run and try to increase my distance and work on my speed after?

I'm fit, maybe 10 pounds excess weight but otherwise healthy. I recently started exercising again, I do cardio at home 2-3 times a week and run/lift weights an additional 2-3 times a week so I'm not a couch potato but cardio has never been my strong suit



Running spasms sometimes occur because your internal organs bounce off your breath in time. They hit your diaphragm multiple times at the same point in your stride. You can see if this is your problem by changing your breathing patterns. For example, if you start breathing at every 4th step, try to switch the foot on which you start breathing from time to time. Even better, try to breathe every 3rd or 5th step, which will change sides every time you breathe.

Having food or drink in your stomach while running can exacerbate the problem.

There are many causes of cramps, but these are cheap and easy to try before looking at other approaches.

In addition to cramps, many people have found that interval training - The best way increase your distance. This is the basis of many books, such as the sofa under 5k.


So interval training is done fast, slow down, run fast again, right? Can you elaborate on the breathing pattern? I'm trying to breathe steadily but can't really time my breath and run...

Running is wonderful and very rewarding, but rather monotonous. When jogging gets boring, the question arises: how to increase the endurance while running without losing speed in order to make training more effective. Let's see how you can increase these two indicators.

What is endurance for?

Endurance - ability human body withstand for a long time without losing performance. For what and who needs to develop endurance:

  • Overweight people. ? You need to run and move more. If endurance is low, you will not be able to withstand a long, albeit not very intense, load. This means you burn fewer calories. Therefore, it is necessary to increase this
  • Athletes. If you are a runner, you need to develop and maintain a high level of endurance. Otherwise, you will not be able to bypass rivals in competitions. Good endurance helps not to get tired and concentrate on other important moments during the marathon- follow the opponents, bypass them, control the speed
  • people involved in active sports and rest, busy with hard work. These are rock climbers, conquerors of mountain peaks, athletes, dancers, industrial climbers and others. During professional activity or favorite activities their body experiences heavy load. Well-developed endurance will help to withstand it.

A person with a sedentary lifestyle without much physical activity running endurance exercises are not needed. To maintain good health, ordinary ones are enough.

If you are an amateur athlete, there is no particular need to increase endurance and speed. This is necessary more for professionals who participate in competitions, because the development of speed endurance in running is very important for them. People who just run "for health" do not need to improve their sports skills.

How to develop endurance while running?

Let's try to figure out how to increase endurance while running? You can use, but now we will not talk about them. There are certain running exercises for endurance, inventors who promise that you can run without getting tired. We share the most effective of these exercises. Anyone can make them- special equipment and special sports skills are not required.

The quieter you go, the further you'll get

How to act? Incorporate plyometric exercises into your workout. For example, run the first 20 meters with jumping movements, kicking your legs high, bent at the knee, forward. Remember to actively move your hands. Need .

Long workouts at the same pace

Give yourself occasional long tempo workouts. You have to figure out how fast you usually run. Slightly reduce it and try to cover as long distances as possible. Add distance every workout. Approximately 5 minutes. But the speed should not be too slow - stick to the average pace.

Long workouts at a fast pace

This exercise is suitable for more trained athletes whose body is accustomed to the load and is quite hardy. Main principle- Run as long and as fast as possible. With each workout, the distance increases.

This does not mean that you need to immediately start training with a fast run. So you quickly exhale. ¾ of the time run at a normal pace, and the last 25% of the way overcome at the highest possible speed. Increase the distance every workout. Both stamina and speed will gradually increase.

Most of the described exercises develop not only special endurance, but also general. That is, you will be able to withstand a long load without loss of performance / speed, not only while running, but also during other active physical activities.

How to increase running speed?

Who needs to increase their speed and why?

  • Those: run faster, more energy is required, the body
  • Athletes, especially those who run

Speed ​​and endurance are two inextricably linked qualities. The faster you need to run, the more stamina you need to have. That's why first of all train it, and only then concentrate on speed. To increase it, you need to pay special attention to:

  • Endurance development. Suitable exercises listed above
  • stretch marks development. The more flexible the leg muscles, the longer the stride, the higher the speed and the less fatigue. Professional runners must be flexible
  • Technique development. Running technique must be correct, every movement verified. You need to carefully monitor the position of the back, arms and other nuances
  • strength development. Strong muscles in the legs, buttocks and back provide powerful pushing movements while running. Therefore, they increase the speed

To summarize: to increase your running speed, you need to train your muscles, work on technique and stretching, but first of all, develop endurance. There are effective exercises for this: for beginners, intermediates and pros. Important - then success will come!

Video. Sprint. Running speed training.

With these training tips, you should be able to run your first 10 in no time.

If you are new to running, then all your efforts at the initial stage will be aimed at overcoming the first five kilometers. However, with the right organization of the training process, the day will come soon enough when you can safely run for 30 minutes without stopping.

But what to do after you have mastered the 5-kilometer distance? The next goal is to overcome ten kilometers, which can be quite a challenge.

By following these simple tips, you will significantly improve your fitness and be able to cover this distance in no time.

1. Gradual increase in mileage

Doubling the distance will take some time and will require a gradual increase in weekly mileage. If you immediately try to conquer 10 km, then this can not only shake your self-confidence, but also lead to injury, since your muscles and ligaments are not yet fully prepared for such loads. Try to increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10% each month.

2. Rest

Your training process should include 3-4 workouts per week. The rest of the time must be used for recovery.

3. Cross training

Incorporating different types of cross-training into your training - (link) is not only a great way to diversify your workouts, but also an opportunity to take a break from running without losing shape. Swimming for 30-40 minutes once a week is great for strengthening your cardiovascular system, while Pilates or yoga classes will make your muscles stronger and more elastic.

4. Stretch

Many runners often forget to stretch after a workout. Although this is an important element of the training process and it not only increases the elasticity of the muscles, but also helps to speed up recovery and reduce the possibility of injury.

5. Long run

Try to do 1-2 long runs a week at a pace that is comfortable for you. This will increase your stamina and improve your fitness.

6. Threshold training

Using this type of training is another great way to increase your endurance. Do a threshold pace workout once a week at a near-max pace (80% of your max speed).

7. End goal

Setting an end goal is a great incentive to stick to your chosen training plan. Sign up for any race that will take place in 8-10 weeks, and this will be enough time to prepare yourself for overcoming this distance.

Based on site materials

Sergey Konyakin, multiple winner and prize-winner of Russian races, master of sports in athletics, shared the secrets of his preparation and told how to improve his time on the "top ten".

For the correct construction of the training process, it is necessary to take into account several key points: health status, degree of preparedness, age, gender. Long-distance running, in particular 10 km running, is a discipline that requires, first of all, the development of general and special endurance. An important point is also the technique and tactics of running.

Building Workouts

Determine the level of training

Running at an amateur level is a way to improve your health and quality of life, so before starting a full-fledged workout, you need to undergo a full examination by doctors in order to protect yourself from health troubles. Sports medicine does not stand still, and in our time of high technology there is a great opportunity to determine the degree of one's preparedness in the laboratory.

Find a coach

Having learned your level of training and having determined the zones of the pulse and (maximum oxygen consumption), you can build the training process with maximum efficiency. In order to move in the right direction from the very beginning of classes and not learn from your mistakes, I would recommend contacting a qualified trainer.

progress gradually

Many people believe that to achieve the best result, you need to run a lot and quickly. This approach leads to overtraining and injury. Bigger and faster does not mean better, in training you need to follow the principle of moderation!

I recommend performing the main running volume in: training in these zones develops general and special endurance, increases the adaptive properties of the body. The smallest part of training should be occupied by work at near-maximum and maximum heart rates.

Respect the principle of constancy

Endurance training requires a long and continuous process, so try not to take long breaks in your run (more than three days).

Alternate different types of workouts

In order to achieve the greatest success in training and in competition, it is not enough to run cross-country tracks at different intensities. It is imperative to use different types of training: interval, speed, tempo running, training to improve running technique (technical). All of them can be included in a weekly cycle: for example, on Monday we do a workout to improve speed, on Wednesday - a fartlek or tempo run, on Friday we run short intervals, and on the weekend you can run a long cross at a low heart rate.

At least once a week, you need to do exercises to develop the general physical training(OFP), for all muscle groups with their own weight. General physical training is an integral part of the training process, it allows the whole body to develop harmoniously and creates additional reserves in long-distance running.

Practice running technique

Long distances require a lot of energy, so the more economical your running technique, the better your result. Setting up the right running technique is not an easy process. Putting it on your own is unlikely to succeed, so it is better to contact a specialist. Each person is individual, there are no identical people, therefore, it is necessary to build training individually for each person, taking into account his characteristics.

Pay attention to nutrition

During training and recovery after them, it is consumed a large number of proteins, vitamins and microelements. At present, the quality of food leaves much to be desired, it is not always possible to eat properly and rationally in the modern rhythm of life. To replenish the missing substances, it is necessary to take complexes of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids.

Race strategy and tactics

How to run a 10 km distance?

1. In long-distance running, the most effective tactic is to distribute power almost evenly over the entire distance. You need to roughly calculate how long you are ready to cover the distance, calculate the speed in minutes per kilometer and try to strictly follow the schedule.

2. A common mistake is a quick start. On emotions, under the influence of adrenaline, many begin to run at a critical speed for themselves, while the pulse goes off scale, the muscles gradually accumulate lactic acid, and as a result, the person slows down a lot or even takes a step.

3. Weather conditions must also be taken into account: if the race takes place in hot weather, drink plenty of fluids during and after the race.

4. weather conditions clothing must also match: its choice can also affect the result.

5. During the passage of the distance, it is important not to pinch, constrained movements will not allow the muscles to fully work. Every kilometer you need to mentally check your arms, legs, back, neck for tightness and, if necessary, try to relax them without slowing down.

This article will talk about how to increase the average, it is also called cruising, speed over medium and long distances.

Do your workouts with a reserve of speed
This means that part of the training should be structured so that the pace of running on them should be higher than the pace at which you are going to run your distance.

Let's take 1000 meters as an example. If you need to overcome this distance in 3 minutes, then you need to run in training at a speed of 2 minutes 50 seconds. But not the whole kilometer, but its segments.

Namely, it is necessary to perform interval work on segments of 200-400-600 meters, at a speed greater than you are going to run 1 km in the standings or competitions. The same goes for other distances.

For example, do 10 times 200 meters with a rest of 2-3 minutes or 200 meters with an easy run in training. And every 200 meters, run at a speed greater than the average speed of the kilometer at which you plan to run that kilometer.

For example. If you want to show 3 minutes 20 seconds per kilometer, then every 200 meters along the distance you need to run in 40 seconds. Therefore, in training, when you run segments between which there is a rest, run every 200 for 37-38 seconds.

The same goes for other distances. If you're getting ready to run a 10K and want to run faster than 40 minutes, then do 1K intervals at 3m 50 seconds per kilometer. Between segments rest 2 minutes or easy run 200-400 meters.

Thus, you will accustom the body to a higher speed. And when you run a distance at a lower speed, it will be easier to overcome it, since your body has a reserve of speed.

Train your endurance

If you have to run 3 km, then in order for the body to withstand running for such a distance, it needs an endurance reserve. That is, you need to run crosses for 6-10 km. By doing this, your body will be ready to run for 10 or 12 minutes, because it is used to running long distances.

This rule also applies to longer segments. But it has to be applied in a different way.

For example, if you need to perform well in running a half marathon or marathon, then of course you will not be able to regularly run 40-50 km non-stop in order to have an endurance reserve.

This is compensated by two workouts a day or daily workouts. That is, for example, in the morning you did workouts on segments and ran, say, 10 times 1000 meters. In the evening, do a 10 km cross at a slow pace. Due to this, the total running volume will already be over 20 km.

Professional marathon runners run 1,000 km a month, just applying the law of endurance. An amateur is not capable of such a volume. Therefore, regularity is needed. So that the body does not fully recover from the previous work, and already receives a new load. I repeat, not completely, this does not mean that I did not recover at all. If you run with all your might, you will only make your body and future results worse. Being overtired doesn't do anyone any good.
