Agreement with a legal entity. Features of concluding a contract for the provision of services for a fee with an individual Contract between a legal entity and an individual

Currently, quite often a legal entity turns to the services of individuals, they draw up contracts between themselves. The latter, in turn, do not have the status individual entrepreneur(IP). The provision of services is carried out on a reimbursable basis, which involves payment for the provision of services by the principal. But is this a legal action if the other party to the agreement does not have IP status? In this regard, it should be clarified whether the contract concluded between a legal entity and an individual is legally valid? Is it possible to conclude it without obtaining IP status? What are its types and features?

Free contract

So, it is important to note that the relationship of such an agreement between a legal entity and an individual is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. A legal entity has the right to enter into contractual relations with individuals who do not have the status of an individual entrepreneur, if the services to be provided do not have the nature of classifying them as entrepreneurial activities and do not entail systematic profit.

Types of gratuitous contracts

Among the agreements between legal entities and individuals, the following should be highlighted:

Civil law contract (on the provision of services or an intermediary contract (including agency);

Work agreement;

Partnership agreement and others.

Each of the above contracts has certain features at the conclusion.

GPA and its types

A civil law contract with individuals is a document that is concluded between an individual or individuals, as well as other individuals (individual), or legal entities (legal entity), or between a legal entity (legal entities) and another legal entity (legal entities). persons), which is concluded for the purpose of the emergence, change, or termination of mutual rights and obligations. For example, we can talk about an interest-free loan agreement between an individual and a legal entity. These types of contracts include: a contract for the provision of services, an intermediary contract, property contracts. Let's consider them in more detail.

Intermediary agreement

Legal entities may enter into an intermediary agreement with individuals, including an agency agreement, the parties to which are the Agent and the Principal. The principal acts as the customer of the service, the agent is the executor. The terms of this agreement should be the obligation of one party for a certain remuneration to perform certain actions at the expense of the principal and from own name. The subject of the agency agreement is the direct performance on one's own behalf and at the expense of or on behalf of the Principal and at his expense of a certain action to conclude a certain transaction with third parties. This may include a sale agreement between a legal entity and an individual.

In addition, the parties must agree on the conditions, type, and scope of the service, cost, and timing of this action. Consequently, the agent acquires rights and obligations, despite the fact that the other party to the contract has already entered into contractual relations with third parties. The Agent must provide a report on the work performed to the other party to the contract, which must pay for his work. This is an integral part of the contract.

Work agreement

In addition, in this case, it is also possible to conclude a special agreement between a legal entity and an individual, which is called a work contract. According to its terms, the obligation of one party (contractor) is to perform certain work on the instructions of the other party, and subsequently to the need to hand over its results to the other party. In this case, the customer must accept the final work performed by the contractor and, accordingly, pay for it. Such an agreement is reimbursable, consensual and mutual. Its subject is the result of the work done. An agreement between a legal entity and an individual can be downloaded online.

Its result may be the manufacture of a new object or even the correction of an old object. The main condition of the contract is its term. It provides for the initial, intermediate and final part of the work. It is also possible to indicate the deadline for accepting the result of the work; in its absence, the customer must still accept the result of the work upon notification of this from the other party to the contract. The price of the contract is expressed as an approximate or firm estimate. The first type of estimate is compiled if it is initially impossible to determine the amount and scope of work. The second type of estimate is compiled when there is all the data for this, but changes cannot be made to it. A sample contract between a legal entity and an individual is presented below.

Involvement of subcontractors

If such an agreement does not provide for the obligation of the contractor to perform the work personally, then he has the right to involve other persons, subcontractors in this work. Therefore, the general contractor is directly responsible for the timing and quality of work. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation provides for the following types of work contracts, including the type of construction contract, household contract, contract for survey and design work, etc.

partnership agreement

A partnership agreement can also be concluded with an individual. Provisions of the Civil Code Russian Federation regulate contractual legal relations that are associated with the partnership.

To do this, you must provide passport data, including the registration of an individual and the data of his individual taxpayer number. All this is necessary when concluding such an agreement.

Features of the partnership agreement

Another important feature of the conclusion of this agreement is that when it is concluded with an individual, all actions performed are carried out through cash payments at the company's cash desk. When signing this agreement, the parties confirm that this agreement is drawn up in accordance with their interests, which entails joint and coordinated cooperation. They are obliged to carry out joint actions in a certain area for the implementation of common interests and in order to achieve common goals. In addition, the features of the conclusion of such an agreement are the implementation of general actions in accordance with its terms and other agreements that are concluded between them. There is also a contract of legal services between individuals.

In achieving the set goal and performing functions for joint interests, they must build their own relationships as equal, honest and conscientious, namely as partners, in order to protect their own interests. Accordingly, each party to the agreement must exchange information regarding the common cause, which will ensure the most effective cooperation for the parties, the opportunity, if necessary, to conduct consultation activities for each other. In addition, both parties are obliged to take all necessary measures to preserve confidential information that is received between them during the partnership. This condition is an integral part of the partnership agreement. They have the right to discuss all types of cooperation individually, by concluding additional agreements. As for the income part of the agreement, the profit received in the partnership process should be distributed in accordance with the agreement of these persons. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the persons who have concluded it must certify that this is not a preliminary agreement and, in turn, on the basis of it, no legal obligations are imposed on them regarding the conclusion of other agreements in the future.

A lease agreement between a legal entity and an individual is common.

Modification and termination of the agreement

The subject of the partnership agreement is the mutual cooperation of persons. The main goal is to increase the sale of goods, improve the work of a company or organization, enterprise, increase the level of a client audience. The parties have the right to change, supplement or terminate such an agreement on the basis of mutual consent or in the manner prescribed by law. This agreement is also subject to termination unilaterally, that is, at the request of any party, but by written notification within a certain period until the moment of this action. All changes proposed to be made to it must be agreed between the parties by means of a written agreement with its corresponding signing.

Obligations of a dishonest partner

How to draw up a loan agreement between an individual and a legal entity? Regarding the liability of the partnership agreement, it is important to note that the person who is guilty (both legal and natural) is obliged to pay the injured person a certain amount and compensate in full for all losses incurred. However, they may be released from liability due to non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations assigned by this agreement, if this did not happen as a result of force majeure circumstances.

We emphasize that in the case when one party to the contract pays remuneration to the other party under a civil law contract, this remuneration acts as a remuneration from the customer. This is evidenced by the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 255). It provides that the remuneration of a company, an enterprise also includes the cost of remuneration of employees who are not on the staff list for services performed as a civil obligation. The same applies to contract agreements. As an exception, there is payment for such contracts, which are concluded with individual entrepreneurs.

There are certain nuances in the contract for the provision of legal services between individuals.

Among the main documents that are necessary for the payment of the appropriate remuneration, we single out: firstly, between the parties to a civil law contract (provision of services), an act of work performed must be signed, which confirms the fact of the provision of services; secondly, under the terms of the agency agreement, an individual undertakes to submit a report to the customer.

The remuneration of an individual on the basis of the GPA is his income, which is subject to personal income tax.

Advantages and disadvantages

Thus, when concluding contracts, it is necessary, first of all, to draw up this or that contract correctly:

  • consider all mutually beneficial terms of cooperation for the parties to the agreement;
  • clearly regulate the rights and obligations of the parties;
  • determine the scope of work performed or services provided (depending on the type of contract);
  • terms of payment for the performance of services, etc.

The current legislation establishes a certain procedure for the conclusion of this kind of contracts and agreements, which, in turn, is an indispensable condition for compliance with the planned conclusion.

It should be borne in mind that the terms of such contracts should not contradict the norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

An important point in the implementation of the activities of the IP is the correctness in the design and filling of various documents.

This article will discuss the features of drawing up contracts between individual entrepreneurs and LLC. A sample of an IP agreement with LLC is presented to the attention of visitors.

What is a contract?

An agreement is a legal document containing a description of the relationship between the parties, the beginning, change and termination of rights (or obligations) that are regulated at the legislative level. A more detailed description of the term "contract" is covered by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 420).

The contract can be attributed to the most common type of documents.

A written contract must be concluded by a legal entity, regardless of who the 2nd party is - an organization or a citizen. In the case of an oral agreement, in accordance with Art. 162 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, you do not have the right to refer to the confirmation of the transaction and its conditions to witness testimony. But at the same time, you can provide written and other evidence confirming the transaction made orally. Those. failure to conclude an agreement in writing may complicate the situation that has arisen when the parties fail to fulfill the agreements.

Only correctly drawn up contracts do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and fully reflect the mutual interests of the parties.


According to Article 421 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the choice of a business partner is a free choice of each of the participants in the transaction. More recently, however, tax authorities and courts have applied the notion of "failure to exercise due diligence" to investigate unjustified tax benefits. Also, imprudence in choosing a counterparty can lead to the following negative aspects:

  • violation or non-fulfillment of contractual obligations by the counterparty;
  • the impossibility of real compensation for losses;
  • increasing the risk of on-site inspection.

As a result, this may lead to additional taxes and fines from the IFTS.

Therefore, it is very important to check the partner for his reliability before concluding an agreement. To do this, if your counterparty is an LLC, then it must provide you with the following documents:

  • Charter of LLC;
  • certificates of state registration and certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
  • protocol (decision) on the appointment of the head;
  • a lease agreement or a certificate of ownership, as confirmation that the counterparty is located at this legal address;
  • a power of attorney if the contract is not signed by the head;
  • certificate of opening a bank account;
  • accounting reporting.

The individual entrepreneur, in turn, must provide documents such as:

  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • certificate of state registration of IP; ***
  • extract from USRIP;
  • passport and its photocopy;
  • a document confirming the legality of being at the legal and actual addresses - a certificate of ownership or a lease agreement;
  • a power of attorney, if the Agreement will be signed by another person, and not the individual entrepreneur himself.

*** - Since 2017, IP registration certificates have not been issued, but those individual entrepreneurs who were registered before 2017 have the right to use these certificates and refer to them when concluding an agreement. Since 2017, when registering an individual entrepreneur, the tax inspectorate issues an extract from the USRIP, the number and date of issue of which fits into the preamble to the contract.

In order for the upcoming transaction to be safe, you can independently obtain information about the counterparty at the link. This is a service of the Federal Tax Service that allows an organization or individual entrepreneur to obtain an extract from the USRIP or USRLE on the required individual entrepreneur or LLC.

Which parties can enter into an IP agreement with an LLC?

The parties to the agreement may be:

  • individuals;
  • legal entities;
  • municipal structures;
  • international organizations;
  • legal structures (state).

According to the legislation, an individual entrepreneur has the right to conclude agreements with various parties, that is, the second party can be an individual entrepreneur, a legal entity, and even the state.

Considering that an individual entrepreneur is actually an individual, but, nevertheless, he participates in transactions as a legal entity and bears full responsibility for them.

What sections does a standard contract consist of?

The mandatory components of a standard contract are the following sections:

  1. Preamble (or introductory part). This section indicates data on the name, date, place of compilation, names of the parties, concluding parties, full name of persons (authorized to sign the document).
  2. Subject of the contract (main section). This section focuses on the specific intentions of the parties to the treaty. It contains information about the object of the transaction (for example, the sale of something>) and a description of the subject of the contract.
  3. Rights and obligations of the parties.
  4. Amount and method of payment for services. This section describes the procedure and form of mutual settlements.
  5. Contract time. The terms (or period of time) for which the parties undertake to fulfill their obligations.
  6. Additional terms. This part of the contract provides for various specific conditions that are not mandatory.
  7. Responsibility of the parties. This section specifies the sanctions that threaten the parties if they fail to comply with the conditions and obligations.
  8. Termination of amendments to the contract. This part of the document is devoted to the conditions that allow you to terminate or change the contract of the parties.
  9. Final provisions. The section provides for ways to resolve disputes that may arise between the parties.
  10. Details of the parties. The section contains the following items:
  • Name;
  • the address;
  • bank details of the parties.

Now let's consider which of the types of contracts in the course of their activities most often an individual entrepreneur may encounter.

The types of contracts are as follows:

 Paid provision of services - a type of contract, according to which Party 1 (Contractor) is obliged to Party 2 (Customer) to provide certain services within the period specified in the document. Party 2 (Customer) is obliged to accept these services and pay for them in a timely manner.

 purchase and sale - the most common type of contract, according to which Party 1 (Seller) is obliged to transfer an object (or property) to Party 2 (Buyer). The buyer under the contract undertakes to accept this item and pay for it within the period specified in the document.

 contract - a type of contract, according to which Party 1 (Contractor) undertakes to perform any type of work for Party 2 (Customer) (for example, to manufacture or process something) within a certain period and deliver finished work to the customer. The customer under the contract undertakes to accept the work and pay for it within the period specified in the document.

 Lease - a type of agreement, according to which Party 1 (Lessor) is obliged to transfer to Party 2 (Lessee) for a certain amount any property for a period specified in the document. The Lessee under the agreement undertakes to accept this property and pay rent in favor of the Lessor. If the lease agreement is concluded for a period of more than one year, then registration with the Rosreestr, which is mediated by the MFC, will be required. To conclude such an agreement, you will need to pay a fee.

 Loan - a type of agreement, according to which Party 1 (Lender) is obliged to transfer to Party 2 (Borrower) any valuables for a period specified in the document, in a certain quantity and quality. The borrower under the contract undertakes to return these valuables (in the amount and quality, as indicated in the contract).

When concluding any type of contract, the IP has the opportunity to require additional documents from Party 2 (from the LLC). These documents may be:

  • Certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • Certificate of state registration;
  • Certificate of making an entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

How to draw up an agreement between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC?

In order for an agreement concluded between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC to be correct and competent, certain conditions must be met:

  • formulate clearly and clearly your requirements, which will have to be fulfilled under the contract;
  • try to identify in advance all the "pitfalls" of the contract and tricks (for example, ambiguous interpretations);
  • before signing an important contract, consult with a qualified lawyer who can professionally evaluate the contract and point out to you any shortcomings or shortcomings that you can correct before signing the document.

An important feature of the execution of an agreement between an individual entrepreneur and an LLC

The duality of the legal status of an individual entrepreneur allows him to conclude and sign agreements with an LLC not only as an individual entrepreneur, but also as an individual. Using this legal incident, the entrepreneur may not indicate his details of the individual entrepreneur and in this case he will be liable as an individual (for example, by indicating in the Agreement a current account not of an individual entrepreneur, but of an individual).

In the form of an online consultant. It's fast and free! You can also consult by phone: MSK +7 499 938 52 26. SBP +7 812 425 66 30, ext. 257. Regions - 8 800 350 84 13 ext. 257

To receive RU-CENTER services, you need. This can be done in advance or during the ordering process.

After filling in the data, the questionnaire will be assigned a unique number - the contract number (for example: 1234567/NIC-D).
The contract number is a login for access to, in which you can manage services and contact details. You specify the password for your personal account during registration.

After filling out the questionnaire and receiving the number, you will be able to conclude an agreement by accepting the offer (by performing actions that are acceptance) or by signing the document by both parties.

Conclusion of an agreement by accepting an offer

RU-CENTER provides services on the basis of an agreement with the terms of which you agree when ordering and

The agreement with the data from your profile is available for review in the section → Agreement → Text of the agreement.

The acceptance of the contract is the receipt of funds to a personal account. Funds are credited to the personal account of the agreement after they are received on the current account of RU-CENTER and upon receipt from the bank of confirming payment documents identifying the payment.

The acceptance of the agreement is also the receipt of RU-CENTER:

Service/Domain Transfer Letters, drawn up by ;
request for transfer or acceptance of services/domains;
service/domain acceptance notifications .

Conclusion of an agreement by signing by the parties

Step 1. Print the text of the contract.

The agreement with the data from your profile is available for printing in the section → Agreement → Agreement text.

If you printed the text of the contract from the site without authorization in personal account , fill in the fields: contract number assigned during registration (number of the questionnaire); name of the organization-customer; position and full name of the person concluding the contract on behalf of the Customer (Director, General Director, Rector, Chairman of the Board); address and location; TIN; Contact details; signature and decryption of the signature. Place a stamp (if available). If the organization does not have a seal, it is necessary to attach a copy of the charter to confirm the information about the absence of a seal in the organization.

Step 2. For your part (on behalf of the Customer), draw up two copies of the contract.

The date of the contract is entered by a RU-CENTER employee.
Documents with facsimile signatures and seals not accepted.
Annexes to the contract (regulations) are signed only at your request. In accordance with the contract, they are changeable documents, their current versions are presented.

If the contract is signed by a trustee who is not the head of the organization, then the position, last name, first name, patronymic of this authorized person must be indicated on the first sheet of the contract, and a link is given to a document confirming his authority to conclude this contract (for example: “based on power of attorney No. ______ dated _______”, or “based on Order No. _____ dated ______"). At the end of the contract in this case, the signature of the trustee must be. The name, address and location, TIN of a legal entity must fully match the information contained in the RU-CENTER database about this organization. If necessary, correct the information in the database.

If the contract is concluded by a branch (another separate subdivision) of an organization that is not an independent legal entity, the first sheet of the contract is filled out, for example, as follows: branch and power of attorney No. _____ ""). The last page of the agreement must contain the signature of the head of the branch and the seal of the branch (if any). If the branch does not have a seal, a copy of the branch regulations must be attached to confirm the information about the lack of a seal.

Step 3. Attach additional documents to the contract.

Two copies of the agreement must be accompanied by a copy of the certificate (sheet) on making an entry on the state registration of a legal entity in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (EGRLE), containing the Primary State Registration Number (OGRN).

If the contract is signed by proxy, attach to the contract: a copy of the document confirming the authority of the person who signed the contract: an order from the head of the organization on the right to conclude an agreement by this person, or a power of attorney for the right to conclude an agreement by this person.

Pay attention to the expiration date of the power of attorney.
If an order of the head of the organization is provided, it must contain a reference to the fact that the authorized person is familiar with the text of the order, and the signature of the specified person must be present.

If the contract is concluded by a branch (other separate division) of the organization, attach to the contract: a copy of the certificate of state registration of the parent organization, a copy of the Regulations on the branch (title page, general provisions, those pages where the powers of the branch are prescribed in terms of concluding contracts) and a power of attorney for the head of the branch (the right to sign the contract).

If the contract is concluded by the Representative office (branch) of a foreign organization, attach to the contract: a copy of the Certificate of entry in the state register of accredited branches, representative offices of foreign legal entities; a copy of the Permit of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation; a copy of the Power of Attorney for the Head of the representative office (branch); a copy of the Tax Registration Certificate.

Step 4. Send two executed copies of the contract and additional documents to RU-CENTER.

A package of documents can be sent by mail to the address: 123308, Russian Federation, Moscow, st. 3rd Khoroshevskaya, 2, building 1, Regional Network Information Center (JSC "RSIC"). Or bring it to the RU-CENTER office: Moscow, 3rd Khoroshevskaya street, house 2, building 1.

Step 5. Get a signed copy of the contract.

Upon receipt of the agreement, RU-CENTER draws up both copies on its part and returns one copy of the agreement to the Customer.
If the contract was received by mail, then after its registration one copy will be sent to the postal address specified in the questionnaire when registering on the site.


St. Petersburg "__" ________ 20__.

Hereinafter referred to as the "Customer", represented by __________, acting on the basis of __________, on the one hand, and Limited Liability Company "78 CONTINENT", hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor", represented by General Director Litusova T.N., acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have concluded this Agreement as follows:

1. SUBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1 In accordance with this Agreement, the Contractor undertakes to perform repair and construction work in non-residential premises, located at: __________________________, according to the Terms of Reference (Appendix No. 1) of the Customer, and purchase the necessary material to perform the work specified in the Estimate (Appendix No. 2), which is an integral part of this Agreement. The Customer undertakes to accept repair and construction work and pay for all materials under this Agreement in full. 1.2 The Contractor undertakes to perform at its own risk, at its own expense or by engaging subcontractors, a set of repair and construction works in accordance with the terms of this Agreement, the Customer's task, based on the Cost estimate for the production of works, including possible works not specifically mentioned in this Contract, but necessary for the completion of work at the facility and its normal operation. 1.3 The Contractor guarantees that the involvement of subcontractors will not affect the increase in the cost of the work specified in this Agreement. 1.4 The Contractor warrants to the Customer that he, as well as subcontractors, have all the necessary licenses and permits to perform repair and construction work. 1.5 The Agreement comes into force from the moment of signing and terminates after the full mutual settlement of the parties. 2. COST AND TERMS OF WORK 2.1. The cost of work under this Agreement (Contract Price) is determined on the basis of the approved Calculation for the performance of work, and is approximately ____________ rubles, but is finally determined on the basis of acceptance certificates for work performed (Form KS-2). Deadline - ____________________. Start of work within three working days after the prepayment is credited to the Customer's settlement account. 2.2. All changes to the initial Contractual price, terms of performance of work, volumes or one of these parameters are formalized by an additional agreement of the parties in writing. 2.3. If in the process of performing work, circumstances arise that are beyond the control of the Contractor, interfering with the normal production of work and affecting the timing, then the deadline for the production of work is adjusted for the appropriate period. 2.4. Additional materials not specified in Appendix No. 2, which may be necessary to complete the work, are agreed in advance with the Customer and paid separately 2.5. Possible additional works not provided for in the Estimate are drawn up in an Additional Agreement, after agreement with the Customer, and paid by the Customer separately. 2.6. The Contractor informs the Customer about the need for additional work at least 3 days before the start of additional work and proceeds to them only after agreement with the Customer. 2.7. The volume of materials used is determined by the Estimate (Appendix No. 2). In the event of a change in the composition and quantity of materials caused by a change in technology, the initiative of the Customer or additional work, the price of this Agreement is adjusted by the Additional Agreements. 2.8. All changes in the Estimate (Appendix No. 2) of works and materials, as well as changes in the technology of work production, are preliminarily agreed with the Customer 3. CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS To perform work under this Contract, the Contractor, at the expense of the cost provided for in clause 2.1., undertakes: 3.1 Perform all work in the scope and terms provided for in this Agreement and its annexes, and hand over the work to the Customer in a condition that allows the normal operation of the facility. 3.2 Perform the work provided for by this Agreement, in accordance with the approved Local estimate or Cost estimate for the production of work, as well as building codes and regulations. 3.3 Supply the necessary materials and equipment to the work site, with the exception of materials, equipment and products supplied by the Customer. 3.4 Be responsible to the Customer for the proper performance of work under this Agreement. 3.5 Provide the necessary measures for safety, fire safety, environmental protection, green spaces, etc. at the place of work. 3.6 Within 5 days after signing the act of acceptance of completed construction projects, remove from the construction site the property belonging to him and construction debris. 3.7 Fulfill in full all its obligations provided for in the following paragraphs of this Agreement. 4. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CUSTOMER. To fulfill this Agreement, the Customer undertakes: 4.1 Transfer to the Contractor before the start of work all the necessary technical documentation for the implementation of a complex of repair and construction works. The documentation transferred by the Customer must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of building codes and regulations and approved in the prescribed manner. 4.2 Transfer the work site to the Contractor in the amount and within the time specified in clause 2.1 4.3 Provide free access for the Contractor's personnel to carry out repair and construction work. 4.4 Make payment for the work performed by the Contractor in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by this Agreement. 4.5 Accept the work under the Acceptance Certificate within three days from the date of receipt of the Contractor's written notification of the completion of work. 4.6 If the Customer does not fulfill its obligations under this Agreement in time, which will lead to a delay in the performance of work, then the Contractor has the right to extend the completion date for the appropriate period, and he is exempt for this period from paying a fine for delaying its commissioning. 4.7 Fulfill in full all its obligations stipulated in other articles of this Agreement. 4.8 In the event of conflict situations under the contract, disputes are resolved through negotiations. 5. PAYMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS 5.1 Before the start of work, the Customer makes an advance payment in the amount of 100% of the cost of materials and 30% of the cost of work according to the Estimate (Appendix No. 2), which is _________________________. 5.2 The final payment for the work performed is made by the Customer in stages, after the complete completion of work for each stage within three banking days after signing the Work Acceptance Certificate. 5.3 The calculation is made at the Contractual price established for the object in clause 2.1 of this Agreement. 6. PRODUCTION OF WORKS 6.1 Provision of works with materials and equipment shall be borne by the Contractor. By agreement of the parties, the Customer may assume the obligation to fully or partially provide the Contractor with the necessary materials and equipment. 6.2 The party responsible for providing the work with materials and equipment is liable for the discovered impossibility of using the materials or equipment provided by it without deteriorating the quality of the work performed, unless it proves that the impossibility of using arose due to circumstances for which the other party is responsible. 6.3 The Contractor is obliged to fulfill the instructions of the Customer received during the complex of construction works, if such instructions do not contradict the terms of this Agreement and do not constitute interference in the operational and economic activities of the Contractor. 7. PROCEDURE FOR ACCEPTANCE OF WORKS QUALITY REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Handover of work by the Contractor and its acceptance by the Owner are documented by an act of acceptance of work performed (Form KS-2) and a statement of the cost of work (Form KS-3) presented by the Contractor, which are signed by both parties. 7.2 The Customer has the right to refuse to accept the work in case of detection of deficiencies that cannot be eliminated by the Contractor.

7.3 The Customer, within 2 banking days from the date of receipt of the Certificate of acceptance of the work performed, is obliged to send the Contractor a signed Certificate or a reasoned refusal to accept the work.

7.4 In case of a reasoned refusal, the parties draw up a bilateral Act with a list of necessary improvements and the deadline for their implementation.

7.5 In case of early completion of work, the Customer has the right to accept the object ahead of schedule. 7.6 In case of improper performance of work, the Contractor is not entitled to refer to the fact that the Customer did not exercise control and supervision over their performance. 7.7 Warranty qualities apply to all structural elements and work performed by the Contractor under the contract 7.8 The warranty period is set within 12 months, from the date of signing the certificate of completion. The Contractor shall be liable for deficiencies discovered within the warranty period, unless he proves that they occurred as a result of normal wear and tear of the object, improper repair of the object made by the Customer himself or third parties involved by him, as well as improper operation of the object. 8. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES 8.1 For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, the Parties shall be liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation. 9. FORCE MAJEURE

9.1 The Parties are released from liability for partial or incomplete fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement, if this failure was the result of force majeure circumstances that arose after the conclusion of this Agreement as a result of extraordinary events that the parties could not foresee, prevent, by reasonable measures. Force majeure events include events over which the parties have no influence and for which they are not responsible, such as an earthquake, flood, fire, as well as a strike, government regulations or orders of state bodies. The term for the fulfillment of obligations under this Agreement shall be extended in proportion to the time during which such circumstances and their consequences are in force.

10. OTHER TERMS 10.1 Termination of this Agreement is carried out by mutual agreement of the Parties.

10.2 Any changes and additions to this Agreement are valid only if they are made in writing and signed by both parties.

10.3 This Agreement is made in two copies, having the samelegal force, one for each party.


___________________//_________/ _______________/T.N. Litusova/
