Amur State University AmSU. Amur State University

Mining (specialization "Processing of minerals"). Full-time
Technosphere safety (profile “Life safety in the technosphere”). Full-time and correspondence forms
Physics. Full-time
Applied geology (specialization "Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of solid minerals"). Extramural

Economy. Full-time and correspondence forms
Management. Full-time and correspondence forms
Economic security. Full-time and correspondence forms
State and municipal administration. Full-time and correspondence forms
Trading business. Full-time and correspondence forms
Merchandising. Full-time and correspondence forms

Thermal power engineering and heat engineering. Full-time
Power industry and electrical engineering. Full-time and correspondence forms
Automation of technological processes and productions. Full-time

Service (profile “Service in the fashion and beauty industry”). Full-time
Design. Full-time
Monumental and decorative art (specialization "Artist of monumental and decorative art (interior)"). Full-time
Hotel business. Full-time

Applied mathematics and informatics (profile “Mathematical and information support of economic activity”). Full-time
Informatics and computer technology. Full-time
Information systems and technologies (profile "Security of information systems"). Full-time
Applied Informatics (profile “Applied Informatics in State and Municipal Administration”). Full-time
Business Informatics. Full-time

Foreign regional studies (profile "American studies"). Full-time
Foreign regional studies (profile "Asian studies"). Full-time
Linguistics (profile "Translation and Translation Studies"). Full-time
Tourism. Full-time and correspondence forms
Religious studies. Full-time
Customs business. Full-time and correspondence forms

Psychology. Full-time and correspondence forms
Clinical psychology. Full-time
Psychological and pedagogical education. Full-time and correspondence forms
Sociology (profile "Economic sociology"). Full-time
Social work. Full-time and correspondence forms

Programming in computer systems
Geological survey, prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits
Design, modeling and technology of garments
Economics and accounting (by industry)
Operational activities in logistics
Commerce (by industry)
Commodity research and examination of the quality of consumer goods
Law and organization of social security
Design (by industry)

Amur State University
Former names

Blagoveshchensk Technological Institute,
Blagoveshchensk Polytechnic Institute


Preserving traditions - looking to the future

Year of foundation
Legal address

Ignatievskoe Highway 21, 675027

Coordinates : 50°17′56″ s. sh. 127°30′36″ E d. /  50.299° N sh. 127.51° E d. / 50.299; 127.51 (G) (I) K: Educational institutions founded in 1975

Amur State University (AmSU listen)) is a higher educational institution located in the city of Blagoveshchensk.


In 2013, Amur State University joined the space scientific and educational innovation consortium.

In 2013, a branch was opened on the basis of the university.

Since 2014, ASU has been participating in the work of the Association of Technical Universities of Russia and China (ATURK), which unites 29 universities of the Russian Federation and China.


  • Engineering Physics
  • Mathematics and computer science
  • International Relations and History
  • Design and technology
  • Social Sciences
  • Philological
  • Economic
  • Energy
  • Legal
  • Pre-university training
  • Advanced training and professional retraining.

Printed publications

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  • Kobyzov R. A. Religious Studies Centers in Russia: Department of Religious Studies of the Amur State University // Religious Studies. - 2007. - No. 1. - S. 196-201.


An excerpt characterizing the Amur State University

Not only from the place below where he stood, not only from the mound on which some of his generals were now standing, but also from the very fleches, on which were now together and alternately now Russians, now French, dead, wounded and alive, frightened or distraught soldiers, it was impossible to understand what was happening in this place. In the course of several hours, in this place, amidst the incessant shooting, rifle and cannon, either Russians, or French, or infantry, or cavalry soldiers appeared; appeared, fell, shot, collided, not knowing what to do with each other, shouted and ran back.
From the battlefield, his sent adjutants and orderlies of his marshals constantly jumped to Napoleon with reports on the progress of the case; but all these reports were false: both because in the heat of battle it is impossible to say what is happening at a given moment, and because many adjutants did not reach the real place of the battle, but transmitted what they heard from others; and also because while the adjutant was passing those two or three versts that separated him from Napoleon, circumstances changed and the news he was carrying was already becoming false. So an adjutant rode up from the vice king with the news that Borodino was occupied and the bridge on Kolocha was in the hands of the French. The adjutant asked Napoleon if he would order the troops to leave? Napoleon ordered to line up on the other side and wait; but not only while Napoleon was giving this order, but even when the adjutant had just left Borodino, the bridge had already been recaptured and burned by the Russians, in the very battle in which Pierre participated at the very beginning of the battle.
The aide-de-camp, galloping from the flush with a pale, frightened face, reported to Napoleon that the attack was repulsed and that Compan was wounded and Davout was killed, and meanwhile the flushes were occupied by another part of the troops, while the adjutant was told that the French were repulsed, and Davout was alive and only slightly contused. Considering such necessarily false reports, Napoleon made his orders, which either had already been executed before he made them, or could not be and were not executed.
The marshals and generals, who were at a closer distance from the battlefield, but, like Napoleon, did not participate in the battle itself and only occasionally drove under the fire of bullets, without asking Napoleon, made their orders and gave their orders about where and where to shoot, and where to ride horseback, and where to run foot soldiers. But even their orders, just like those of Napoleon, were carried out to the smallest extent and rarely carried out. For the most part, the opposite of what they ordered came out. The soldiers, who were ordered to go forward, having fallen under the shot of a grapeshot, fled back; the soldiers, who were ordered to stand still, suddenly, seeing Russians suddenly appearing in front of them, sometimes ran back, sometimes rushed forward, and the cavalry galloped without orders to catch up with the fleeing Russians. So, two regiments of cavalry galloped across the Semyonovsky ravine and just drove up the mountain, turned around and galloped back with all their might. The infantry soldiers moved in the same way, sometimes running not at all where they were ordered to. All the orders about where and when to move the guns, when to send foot soldiers - to shoot, when horsemen - to trample on Russian foot soldiers - all these orders were made by the nearest unit commanders who were in the ranks, without asking even Ney, Davout and Murat, not only Napoleon. They were not afraid of punishment for non-fulfillment of an order or for an unauthorized order, because in a battle it is the most precious thing for a person - his own life, and sometimes it seems that salvation lies in running back, sometimes in running forward, and these people acted in accordance with the mood of the moment. who were in the heat of battle. In essence, all these forward and backward movements did not facilitate or change the position of the troops. All their running and jumping on each other did almost no harm to them, and harm, death and injury were caused by cannonballs and bullets flying everywhere in the space through which these people rushed. As soon as these people left the space through which the cannonballs and bullets were flying, their superiors who immediately stood behind formed them, subjected them to discipline and, under the influence of this discipline, brought them back into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfire, in which they again (under the influence of the fear of death) lost discipline and rushed about the random mood of the crowd.

Anton Chesnakov 02.12.2017 04:18

I am very disappointed with this university, since I absolutely did not have to get an education in my life. It is not realistic to get a job in a specialty without family ties in a large energy company. And I have not been able to realize myself as a specialist for more than three years. There is an option to go on a shift for 25-30 thousand rubles, but I don’t like this option. After all, why can the son of the general director of some Far Eastern energy efficiency distribution company find a job in Blagoveshchensk without any problems, but I can’t Anton Chesnakov? And I do not advise anyone to choose my specialty electrical power supply. Since it supposedly combines all other specialties. Everything about everything, but in the end, nothing. So draw your own conclusions!

Denis Nikopolsky 07/08/2013 17:04

A lot of time has passed since I graduated from high school. Of course, at that moment, each of the graduates of my class thought what would happen next, where to go to study. As for me, I made my choice in advance.

My plans included entering the Amur State University or simply AmSU. What did I want to be? I liked the profession of a power engineer, as I lived in a small village where a hydroelectric power station was being built. My parents always told me that this profession is in demand in the modern world and I will not be left without work. So, back to my university, the place where my student life flew by.

It seemed to me that it would be quite difficult to enter the university due to the fact that the results of my exams were, to put it mildly, not so successful. Since the hydroelectric power station under construction had an initiative to attract new specialists, they helped me with admission to the university.

Yes, I do not argue, the competition was tough. Plans collapsed for those who did not pass it. I felt sorry for these guys. I passed the competition successfully. To my surprise, I thought that I would join those who did not get in, but this did not happen, which I am very glad about.

Amur State University is one of the leading higher educational institutions in the city of Blagoveshchensk. More precisely, he is the leader, since there are not so many universities here. If memory serves, then only five.

School days have begun. Of course, there were plenty of people here. They came from other regions of the Amur region. This is no longer my school, where the number of students was hardly three hundred people.

After studying, I came to the hostel, which soon became my home. My friends and I took an active part in the life of the university, because AmSU provides students with various entertainment programs. Everyone could take part in concerts, competitions and sports games. Also, we had programs to clean up our hometown from garbage. We were all volunteers, no one forced us. I really liked this attitude of people to their city.

My parents firmly told me that it would be much more difficult at the university than at school. I realized this when the session started. It was very hard for me, but I managed. Subsequently, I did not miss a single lecture. Therefore, I passed all the exams perfectly or well. I did not have to buy credits, although students say that it is impossible to negotiate with teachers. All this made me even more anxious to study well.

Five years have passed imperceptibly, but tangibly. After receiving the diploma, I left for my native village, but I have not yet had to work according to the diploma, as I will soon move to another place of residence.

Nina Tkochenko 06/05/2013 18:47

It was in the Amur region, Blagoveshchensk. The choice was small and I entered the Amur State University - aka AMSU. Given that it was the only worthy institution of higher education in the region, the competition was quite solid - about 30 people per place. But abstract figures did not stop me.

In general, everything went like clockwork. The stress scale was not overloaded, and here I am at the goal - the lists of those who entered the university are posted and the long-awaited victory is in my pocket. The university is also listed outside the region, is famous for its competent teachers, and, in addition, there is a chance to automatically find a job. At that time, the university we are talking about had already existed for about 35 years. Yes, and the faculty can be chosen for every taste. I was personally attracted to public administration. And throughout my studies, I never regretted my choice, although there was a desire to get additional education. Which, by the way, is much easier if you choose a second specialty at the same university. Due to the fact that some of the subjects are the same, there is no need to take disciplines several times.

So, there were 32 people of different ages in our group. By the way, communication with already internally settled people in general had a positive impact on the outlook on life. By the word "communication" I mean joint preparation and conversations on topics related to the content of disciplines and the exchange of thoughts, and not a discussion of the characteristics of student life.

Without hypocrisy, I would like to note the special attitude of teachers to the subject, and at the same time to the requirements that were imposed on students. It is probably easier to fall in love with a subject if the teacher personally appreciates and loves it. In this case, he approaches the matter with enthusiasm, I would even say with passion. You yourself understand that when a person talks about something with pleasure (sometimes it doesn’t even matter what), and even seasoning it with examples, comparisons, practical value and violent emotions, you will involuntarily become interested and you will listen with an open mouth. And for students, the appetite for knowledge has finally woken up, now it’s just a matter of setting the direction. And there were no problems with this, the educational process was gaining momentum day by day, and here we were forced to get involved in current events.

Exams are known to be stressful. But with regard to proposals to acquire the coveted grade in the record book for a certain number of valuable banknotes, such cases were extremely rare, and even then at the suggestion of the student team. Which few were willing to do. Basically, people only from that category of teachers who themselves had no particular interest in the subject. In general, I adhere to the point of view that since we have come here to replenish our knowledge base and gnaw at the granite of science, the goal should be achieved to the maximum with all seriousness. Exams were sometimes quite tough, the requirements were high, and the teacher assessed not only the amount of information that the student has in his head, but also how he owns it. I usually keep a positive attitude in exams, although the fear of "failing" still does not leave.

Right on the territory of the university there was a whole complex of libraries and reading rooms, in which there was an abundance of fresh information. All the additional tools provided by the university greatly facilitate the preparation and the learning process itself, as such.

Of particular value was the practical part of the classes (I'm talking about educational practice). They taught with invaluable experience and undoubtedly even more valuable connections recommended us as valuable and irreplaceable potential employees in various government structures. That's how you can easily get a good job and even at a young age pave the way to what - no career growth. My advice to you: before you rush to skip the next couple and carelessly exchange it for less important things, think about your reputation. It will always be in demand in the future.

Of course, there were more pleasant moments. The management of the university organized leisure activities. Many sports sections and other additional "circles", where you could learn something interesting, and just relax, were also located right on the territory of the educational institution. At least once a year, or even two trips to nature were organized, usually it was a recreation center. Many students attended such events more willingly than the training sessions.

Summing up, I want to note that, whatever one may say, a diploma of higher education is a green light when applying for a job. Educational practice and a good reputation are the key to a good job, and the fact of having a diploma (regardless of its internal content) guarantees at least an interview for a prestigious job. Although theoretically, having the mind and ingenuity, you can be entrepreneurial and find other ways to find a well-paid job or even organize it. Nevertheless, as mentioned earlier, the university promotes the development of a broad outlook, and hence a well-delivered speech and at least the appearance of some kind of erudition.

Immediately after graduation, I was lucky to get a job in my specialty, and six months later, career growth took root. Studying at the AMSU has added both mental flexibility and the ability to react more mobilely to changes in working conditions. Draw your own conclusions, gentlemen, future students, but, by and large, you will not lose anything, and the results, as practice shows, will not keep you waiting and directly depend on your efforts. It would be a wish!

Sergey Markov 06/02/2013 19:10

Amur State University is one of the most popular universities in the Amur region, annually opening its doors to thousands of former graduates. For me personally, the choice of an educational institution was not too difficult, since the specialty I chose - a linguist-translator from English and German - can only be obtained here in Blagoveshchensk. I have never regretted my choice: I immediately liked the large, well-groomed territory, the atmosphere of the building itself, friendly and friendly employees. Admission to the AmSU (in 2004) was not too difficult for me for two reasons - firstly, I had a fairly good knowledge of the subjects that had to be taken; secondly, the entrance exams were held within the walls of the native school, which became possible due to the existence of an agreement between the university and the school. There were very few students in our group (initially 13, 9 graduated), in contrast to the parallel group, in which, in addition to English, they study Chinese. This is explained by the fact that our city is located on the border with China, and, naturally, the native language of this country is much more in demand than the languages ​​of Western countries. I had mostly positive impressions about the time spent at the university - among the many advantages, one can note the clear organization of the educational process, the high quality of knowledge, qualified teaching staff, and the interaction of management with employees and students. In addition, it is noteworthy that student life at ASU is not limited to attending lectures and practical classes - all students can take part in some kind of amateur art (singing, dancing, theater, KVN, etc.). The Student Council, together with teachers, regularly holds all kinds of events that attract the attention of not only students and university staff, but also other residents of Blagoveshchensk.

Marina Stakanova 01.06.2013 12:27

I entered ASU in the specialty "Sociology" in 2010, studied here for a year and a half and left (due to pregnancy).

Initially, I planned to enter the budget, but my very decent USE scores were not enough, the competition here is very big. Education for money for the specialty "sociology" is not so expensive (18 tr. semester), but even payers need scores for the Unified State Examination upon admission.

There were 28 people in our group, 3 left after the first course. It is not difficult to study if you have a humanitarian mindset and have basic knowledge from school. Be sure to attend all classes, and I highly recommend participating in additional seminars, of which there are a great many. Automatically be considered an activist, and they are forgiven a lot here. Another true secret of successful study is to be friends with senior students, from them I got all the laboratory work, answers to control tests, tests. Sophomores for 200 rubles made me essays and presentations.

Another moment - when she left, there were no ordeals with bypass sheets, signatures and receipts for payment. In 2 days I took the documents and received the necessary certificates.
