Where to find motivation to lose weight. Motivation for weight loss - advice from psychologists

From the point of view of modern medicine, excess weight is not a disease (unless, of course, it is N-degree obesity), but for many people this is a serious problem ..... how to lose weight once and for all?
In we learned about why the path of harmony begins with psychology.

Today we will talk about the motivation to lose weight - how to work with it, how to properly form motivation in order to achieve the desired result.
And the psychotherapist, specialist in the correction of eating behavior, Mikhail Alekseevich Gavrilov, will help us in this.

If you decide to lose weight once and for all, you will have to make a lot of efforts and it is possible to radically change your usual lifestyle and attitude to food. For some, eating delicious food is perhaps the only joy in life, but in no case should food be elevated to a cult.

A person "drives himself into the frame", begins to depend on food, forgetting that you need to eat in order to live, and not live in order to eat. Remember the famous proverb: “Not by bread alone…”.

Of course, it is not so easy when there are so many temptations around. "Vkusnyashki" pursue everywhere - in cafes and restaurants, on shop windows, beckon you from billboards and Internet pages. Friends and relatives also often do not share your views on healthy eating and strive to treat you with delicious, albeit harmful ones. But if you really want to lose weight once and for all, you will have to learn to refuse, to say "no" and, above all, to yourself.

Now it is probably not a secret for anyone that any diet is only a temporary measure for weight loss, but it is not a guarantee that the weight will remain unchanged. In order to gain slender forms and consolidate the result, it is not enough just to reduce the number of calories consumed during the diet.
Losing weight and maintaining the weight that is optimal for you is a continuous work on yourself.

But when your body gets used to new conditions, you will not recognize yourself!
Here is just a small list of pleasant changes:

  • You will sleep better and feel better in the morning.
  • You will become more mobile and easy to climb.
  • An indescribable feeling when you feel full and at the same time you do not want to eat something else or something sweet for dessert.
  • The sweet itself will become disgustingly sugary in taste (tested many times).
  • EVERY acquaintance at a meeting will note that you have lost weight and look great.
  • It will always become very easy to choose clothes: EVERYTHING will suit you!

Everyone who is faced with the problem of excess weight and intends to solve it understands how important a strong motivation for losing weight is. It is she who is the core that keeps a person in good shape, makes him reconsider his diet and purchase a subscription to a fitness center.
We are all different, and if it will be enough for someone to see their reflection in the mirror in order to audit in the refrigerator and include a morning jog in their regimen, then someone needs to be reminded every day that his physical form is far from ideal.
But, despite our differences, the motivation for losing weight should bring only positive emotions to each of us. Someone may disagree with this, assuring that the only way to take care of themselves is to get really angry.

The fact is that despair, resentment, envy, anger are bad means to achieve the final result. At the beginning, they, of course, strongly spur on, but fade away rather quickly, and the person returns to his former way of life.

Where to look for motivation?

The first question that a person who is worried about the problem of his overweight should ask himself is “why do I need to lose weight?”. The answers to it can be very different. For example, for women, a strong motivation for losing weight may be the desire to like the “soulmate” again, to improve their health.
And for someone to successfully fight extra pounds, it’s enough to want to try on a beautiful dress that requires a slender waist.

Motivation should be long-term and not limited to, for example, “I want to look attractive in a bikini during this vacation”, since with a high degree of probability the weight after rest will begin to grow again.
In the long term, such motivation should sound like this: “I want to lose weight so that every vacation I can wear beautiful swimwear”. Such desires, extended over time, form willpower, which is also a good helper in the difficult struggle with extra pounds.

Effective motivation for weight loss

Motivation, compiled for yourself, is the most correct. What is the best way to do this? Write down on a piece of paper all the reasons for your immediate declaration of war on extra pounds. You can supplement this list with those advantages that a new physical form will give you. Strong motivation for losing weight can include, for example, the following items:

It will be really more pleasant for me to see myself beautiful and slim than just eating everything;

When I build up, I will be proud of myself and my willpower;

I can choose any things for myself, and they will sit well on me;

If I do not switch to the right diet now, then it will be even more difficult to do it later;

I will no longer be ashamed of my body;

I will become light and beautiful, and from the realization of this, everything in my life will work out!

It is important to work with this list, and over time, begin to write in all the advantages of your new, lower weight. The more points, the better. The motivational list needs to be decorated festively and hung so that it always “looks” at you when you are going to have a bite, it is better right on the refrigerator. Re-read it more often, and it will not let you turn off the “slender” road towards sweets, fatty and junk food.

Then take a sheet of paper, divide it into 2 parts and write on one what you will get when you lose weight, and on the other what you refuse. Do not go to extremes: a piece of marshmallow can always be eaten, you do not need to give up something once and for all. I am sure that the "good" side will outweigh all the temptations.

Tough motivation for weight loss

For some, positive motivation is not enough, and they need something tougher. Therefore, they often seek to decorate their refrigerator with various evil phrases that actually negatively affect their appetite:

For fatty - only apples and kefir!

Appetite flared up - look at cellulite!

Before you eat, pinch your fat!

Oddly enough, but such unsympathetic replicas sometimes give an even brighter and more lasting effect.

In any case, the main thing is to plunge headlong into the thought of losing weight, to know how it is done and why you need it specifically. The Internet and social networks can help you in gaining confidence that your efforts will not be in vain. There you can easily find communities for losing weight, where, as a rule, there are “before and after” photo albums with photographs of people, first in large and then in low weight. So everything is achievable!

Remember, strong motivation to lose weight is the most important thing you should start with. And if you don’t have enough internal need to change weight, you will never move from theory to practice, and if you dare to take the first step, you will soon abandon everything anyway. Motivation is the most compelling reason that will not allow you to abandon your plan.

And here are some incentives for inspiration:

  • build up to attract the attention of a person you like;
  • become as mobile and muscular as an idol;
  • finally stop standing out from the crowd with a huge body weight;
  • show will and purposefulness in order to prove something to others;
  • because I want to.

The most difficult thing is to maintain the proper level of emotional arousal every day, “fixation” on the goal. For some, a dream slide helps maintain the right mood - an edited photo with the desired body proportions, when getting rid of fat on the waist and stomach is completed.

To find the motivation to lose weight, it is necessary to identify specific stimulating factors for a particular person and associate them with visual or auditory images. Anything can become a shift towards weight loss - the stories of ordinary people, psychological attitudes or trainings of experienced scientists, artistic techniques. Sometimes for motivation it is necessary to arm yourself with a number of examples.

The desire to lose weight can steadily develop on motivators alone. Many people have achieved impressive results by setting goals based on the experience of another person. Motivation can be exactly the driving force that can overcome laziness, encourage, restore strength in a difficult period. A few tips for incorporating motivation into your life will help you start losing weight more effectively:

  • modern smartphone apps have gone far ahead, creating a powerful platform for motivation. You can install any one depending on personal requirements, since there are many applications of various kinds: social networks where you can communicate with like-minded people, connect the services of a trainer online, program a special reminder that announces the need to train every time, etc.;
  • during training, you need to carefully in advance choose musical accompaniment uplifting and uplifting;
  • a constant reminder of your desire and the end result can be hung in all prominent places of the apartment and passing by a motivating picture or inscription, take not chocolate, but an apple from the refrigerator. Visual motivation installed on a computer or phone screen works the same way;
  • encouragement can serve as an excellent incentive in losing weight. Ideally, if it is not associated with food. You can buy a new dress or go to the theater as a reward for losing excess weight;
  • stronger motivation to lose weight may be related to health. If a understand the harm that excess weight brings to the body, then it will be easier to start exercising and following the principles of proper nutrition. To do this, you can watch scientific programs or read articles;
  • any woman at a certain stage of weight gain wonders how much she remained attractive in the eyes of men. Reduced attention of the opposite sex can also spur weight loss;
  • to psychologists advise resorting to rigid motivation only in extreme cases and in the presence of a stable psyche. These methods include criticism from others and complete control of the diet by a nutritionist.

Tip: In order to objectively assess yourself, it is recommended to shoot a video in motion (for example, in a dance) - so, unlike a static position in front of a mirror, there are more opportunities to understand your shortcomings.

Video motivation

The right motivation often depends on the chosen coach. Many accomplished bodybuilders and fitness models maintain video blogs detailing their path to success, backed up with advice on building a training program and nutrition plan.

Especially popular on the net are video by Irina Turchinskaya.


Many films take as their basis the biographies of famous personalities who have gone through difficulties in order to achieve success. These films can serve as a powerful motivation for those who want to overcome laziness and force themselves to regain their lost form. They are also suitable as an additional motivation - it will not be superfluous to reinforce sporting success based on the experience of others.

We are one team

Fat men (Gordos)

I am losing weight

fast food nation

List of phrases and quotes

Inspirational and life-affirming aphorisms can be hung in a prominent place or written on the cover of a food and training diary. Thus, quotes can become a kind of slogan that encourages action. It can be either a single phrase or a whole verse. Here is a list of just a few of them:

  • There is no life tomorrow, tomorrow will be the same as today. I couldn't today, I won't be able to tomorrow. I did it today, I can do it tomorrow.
  • It doesn't matter how slowly you progress. The main thing is that you don't stop.
  • Do not look for motivation for yourself - become motivation for others!
  • Demand the impossible from yourself and you will get the maximum.
  • Do not give up. The beginning is always the hardest.
  • Believe in yourself. Especially when no one believes in you. This is the spirit of the winner.
  • The simplest thing is to tidy up your appearance. Can't do this? What can you do?
  • Without killing laziness in yourself, the dream cannot be achieved.
  • Training is a struggle with yourself. With laziness, genetics, life circumstances.
  • Get better every day!
  • Strong is not the one who can afford a lot, but the one who can give up a lot.

Motivational pictures

Funny and serious motivating photos and drawings also help to achieve success in losing weight and return the lost stimulus.

Psychological attitude

There are techniques that work on the subconscious. They are based on hypnosis or Neuro Linguistic Programming. With the help of special installations, they involve the pituitary gland, which is responsible for metabolism. Many people report successful weight loss after sessions of such effects.

The mood of Georgy Sytin

Academician G.N. Sytin built a theory of positive attitudes, backed up by a large number of studies and additional materials. He believed that it is necessary to accustom a person to attitudes from childhood. For this, it is necessary to completely change the way of life and the system of education and upbringing.

It is necessary to choose a suitable mood that meets all the requirements and unattainable goals of a person at the moment. It must be regularly spoken or listened to, comprehending every word. Attitudes should not contain denial, they should be built in a positive way.

Mood Andrey Rakitsky

The impact on thinking with the help of Rakitsky's program is achieved by broadcasting visual symbols accompanied by the voice settings of a medical psychologist. The technique is aimed at activating the metabolic process and programming a ban on junk food.

The psychologist claims that after listening to his course, the attitude towards food will completely change - it will lose its former attractiveness, lose its bright aroma, and food receptors will perceive products differently.

Affirmations of Svetlana Nagorodnaya

The constant repetition of phrases and putting thoughts into words can lead to weight loss. A regularly repeated text is deposited in the subconscious, programming the right mood and provoking positive changes in life.

There are several rules for compiling affirmations, the observance of which depends on the final result:

  • they must be in the 1st person,
  • phrases should be short
  • in present time,
  • no negatives are used.

What to do if you lose motivation?

Sooner or later, with a heavy load, fatigue of the body can occur, which is fraught with a loss of motivation. You can return it in several ways:

  • Get your goals down on paper. This will help organize all thoughts, put things in order. You must write in detail. For example: “I want to get rid of fat because I don’t like feeling unattractive, clothes won’t fit. I want to look slim and get rid of shortness of breath.” Next, divide the sheet into 2 parts. One column should be titled "What I can currently do to lose weight", the second - "What I need time to do."
  • existing break down a big task into small sub-items which won't take long to complete. For example, weight loss includes proper nutrition and exercise. Every day you can perform only one exercise and do not eat a harmful product. Gradually, this list will expand.
  • Motivation can periodically disappear - you need to be aware of this. You can give your body a rest during this period. If apathy drags on for a long time, then only discipline and willpower will help restore inner confidence and fuse. Therefore, it is necessary develop a clear action plan and follow it.

Photos of figures before and after

Motivation can lead to the goal of people who cannot rely only on their own strength in losing weight. This is a powerful tool that can defeat laziness and bring impressive results.

Often, even having comprehensive information about effective training and proper nutrition, we put off losing weight on the back burner and continue to exist, burdened with extra pounds and complexes.

This is especially true of the fair sex, who have repeatedly achieved the coveted harmony, but again and again returned to their original weight category.

To start dieting and exercising, you need to find inner support. The right motivation will help you follow the toughest nutrition system and withstand the most intense workout.

Before working with the body, you need to deal with psychological attitudes

None of us like limits. And weight loss sometimes consists entirely of various prohibitions. To leave the comfort zone, you need a serious reason, there are no standard solutions.

Everyone should find their own good reason to say goodbye to fat. For introspection, you should ask yourself: why am I losing weight? Usually this:

  • hope to find a soul mate or remain attractive for a permanent partner;
  • a chance to get rid of diseases caused by obesity;
  • the opportunity to come to a clothing store and with one hundred percent probability find a fashionable new thing in size.

If the reason for obtaining perfect forms is determined, you need to fix the thought and proceed to the second stage. You need to find out what is holding you back on the path to harmony:

  • fear of standing out from the environment and attracting attention;
  • fears that the desire to look better will lead to disagreement with the second half;
  • fear of turning into a curvy beauty and being a victim of sexual harassment.

For clarity, it is easier to conduct self-analysis on a piece of paper. If a factor inhibiting weight loss is found, it is better to work with a psychologist or get rid of fears on your own. You need to realize fat as an obstacle to harmony, beauty and high self-esteem.

Define an achievable goal

In most cases, slimming people set themselves global goals. On the initial enthusiasm, things are moving forward, but then the ideal seems unattainable, the enthusiasm dries up. Therefore, it is better to achieve the desired in stages.

In the beginning, you need to determine how many kilograms you need to lose, and set an approximate time frame. So, for example, if you need to get rid of 18 kg per year, you can set a goal to lose 3 kg every 2 months.

Find a partner

Many work more effectively in a team and thus find a like-minded person and psychological support. Choose a person from your inner circle or a virtual friend.

It is desirable that you be in the same weight category. Discussing the menu, consulting about purchases, sharing results ─ you can do all this with your new partner and go towards the goal together. If, on the contrary, it starts a rivalry, get involved in an online weight loss duel.

Sign up for classes

When losing weight, first of all, food restrictions are needed. But without increasing physical activity, it is impossible to succeed.

Today, many group and individual weight loss programs are offered.

The effectiveness of sports on the personal example of our reader:

From school I was inclined to be overweight and worried about the ridicule of peers, but I could not stop overeating sweets and start moving more. After graduation, she got a new job and saw Him. Of course, a modestly dressed fat woman could not count on the attention of such a handsome man. But now I don't waste time. I signed up at the gym for individual training, learned what BJU and the calorie corridor are. Six months later, seductive contours began to appear under a layer of fat, and I gained the long-awaited confidence in my attractiveness.

Kristina, 24 years old, Voronezh

You can do yoga, Pilates, aerobics, Zumba or swing on the simulators. The sports instructor, in addition to the selection of exercises, will advise the optimal nutrition program. Prepaid classes or a gym membership will discipline and will not let you turn off your chosen path.

Come up with a reward system

In the view of many, a diet is a kind of asceticism with poor nutrition and torture of the flesh. And although this is not true, there are still certain limitations and difficulties. To color diet everyday life, you should reward yourself.

Moreover, your achievements on the scale of other people may seem tiny, but for you they will be huge. Of course, treats cannot be used as rewards. Let it be a good perfume, branded cosmetics, a new handbag, a set of beautiful underwear or a SPA procedure.

How to properly motivate yourself to stay on track

No matter how hard the intrinsic motivation to lose weight is, sooner or later you want to quit everything, lie on the couch or try a chocolate cake dripping with cream or a juicy, spicy hamburger with a serving of french fries.

At such moments, a kind of psychological crutches will come in handy, relying on which you can go through the “difficult section of the route” on the way to the coveted slender forms.

It can be the publication of a daily menu on your blog, when before you eat a tasty treat, you think a hundred times how this online community will perceive it. Or an example of a phyton who managed to carve perfect shapes from a 100-kilogram carcass, and you passionately want to repeat her stunning results.

Keep a daily report

Today, there are many ways of self-control for those who want to get rid of excess fat. This can be a regular notebook or a virtual journal, where the food eaten per day and physical activity are recorded. Report with:

  • notepad;
  • online food and sports diary;
  • personal blog.

On sites dedicated to diets, you can immediately calculate the calorie content of the diet and the amount of fat, protein and carbohydrates and adjust the nutrition system. On specialized resources, it’s really possible to get support and constructive criticism from experienced slim girls. On such platforms, you can create a ruler with a weight count and visually see your achievements.

Adjust load and power

Recently, strict express diets, in the menu of which a single leaf of lettuce is adjacent to a glass of low-fat kefir, have been replaced by proper nutrition.

The system provides a nutritious diet of meals containing slow carbohydrates, animal and vegetable protein, the right fats in the optimal ratio. Guided by the principles of PP, you need to create a menu that allows you to lose weight, albeit slowly, but only at the expense of your own fat reserves.

But after some time, the body gets used to a diet with a certain energy value and sports load. Therefore, you should periodically review the menu and cut calories. At the same time, it is better to reduce calories due to fats and carbohydrates, and leave the protein content the same.

And also it is necessary to increase the intensity and duration of training.

How to disable negative

The brain, deprived of a regular influx of fast carbohydrates, begins to whisper seditious thoughts and at times persuades you to quit what you started. In such difficult moments, everything is seen in gray, and a taut figure seems like an unattainable dream.

I want to enjoy the here and now. But while the hand has not yet reached for a calorie bomb, you need to find a way to switch to positive thoughts. As a way out of the negative will serve:

  • photos of sandy beaches where you plan to demonstrate a slim figure in a trendy swimsuit;
  • motivational books, quotes and videos;
  • thematic blogs with advice.

Get inspired by other people's success stories

Allow yourself small weaknesses

A cheat meal, or boot day, is a diet slang term for a high-calorie meal. Chitting has a positive effect not only on the emotional background, but also on physiology.

The increased calorie content kicks off the metabolism and can even push weight loss. The main thing is to control that the cheat meal does not turn into a “food binge”. It is better to arrange a loading day at the stage when a person has already entered the rhythm of diet and training, that is, not earlier than 1.5 months after the start of losing weight.

Don't forget about rest

You need to be aware that you have a long way to go and you need to correctly distribute the load. This is especially true for sports.

The effectiveness of training will even increase if you exercise 3 times a week, and not every day.

Too intense sports and drastic dietary restrictions do not always justify themselves, it is better to get rid of the fat layer slowly but surely.

Helpful tips on how to get things done:

After the birth of the child, she grew fat to disgrace. Each time, looking at my old photos and things from my previous wardrobe, I experienced not the most pleasant emotions, which I ate with pizza and chocolate. But the day came when I honestly admitted to myself that I want my growing daughter to be proud of me, I want to be healthy, beautiful and desirable. From that day on, my new life began. Restrictions in nutrition no longer brought hardships and were easily tolerated. For a year without sweet, fatty and starchy foods, I lost 35 kilos!!!

Tatyana, 36 years old, Volgograd

Food is not just a means of satiety, but also a way to entertain yourself, calm down and feel secure. Therefore, the vast majority of us find it so difficult to give up our favorite foods and start the path to harmony.

Understanding your motives and bringing to light the real reason for overeating will help psychological help. But not everyone can open up to a stranger or are unable to pay for the services of a specialist. There are general psychological recommendations that will help you follow a diet. Here is some of them:

  1. Distinguish emotional hunger from physiological hunger. Eat mindfully.
  2. Avoid strict, low-calorie diets.
  3. Don't talk negatively about yourself.
  4. Practice visualization. Imagine your new figure and appearance.
  5. Realize what you lose if you return to the old way of life.

Studies have shown that a person loses weight on any food system. The main thing is that the intake of calories is less than the expenditure. Thus, in the process of weight loss, the decisive factor is the willingness to adhere to a diet and training schedule, that is, internal motivation.

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Hello readers!

Are you looking to lose weight? Do you follow diets, exercise yourself physically, but is something missing to achieve an ideal figure? It is possible that there is no proper motivation. Therefore, today we will focus on the topic - motivation for weight loss for every day.

You will learn how important psychological aspects are in the process of gaining harmony, what are the weighty factors for losing weight and what daily motivation looks like.

Finding a motive is half the battle

Psychological aspects are important on the way to a slim figure, therefore, when compiling a diet for body shaping, do not forget to determine the main motive for wanting to change. The following statement does not apply here: "I'm fat, I need to lose weight" Words remain words, but actions do not.

Psychologists are sure that the question: “Why do you need to lose weight?” a lady with a real motive responds promptly. At the same time, in the answer one can feel the fighting spirit and confidence in achieving the goal. And what is your motive, did you manage to achieve success?

I really look forward to your stories. Share with others, maybe your story will help someone else. On my blog there is a separate heading “Stories”. Send your photos before and after, video, description and we will be happy to post it.

To achieve a goal, make it real. So, you will lose 5 kg before the New Year and start the new year with a new attractive figure - the right decision.

Example of an invalid target: I will lose 10 kg before the New Year, I will prove to everyone that I can, I will be patient, and my favorite cookies will be waiting for me after the holiday. You lose weight primarily for yourself, because it is you who are hindered by extra pounds.

10 weighty arguments for harmony

Women Those who want to lose weight, you just need to determine: why they want to change. When you find the reason, then add 10 more reasons to it that will strengthen your incentive:

  1. I want to get rid of health problems.
  2. I will be able to wear beautiful clothes that will fit a slender body, and not folds from all sides.
  3. My conscience will be clear, because I will get rid of the habit of overeating.
  4. I will catch admiring glances men (women).
  5. I will gain confidence in my workplace.
  6. I will be a few years younger, because age adds weight.
  7. I will not need to be shy on the beach, and hide the body in a piece swimsuit.
  8. I will be more relaxed in bed.
  9. My circle of interests and communication will become wider.
  10. My family will be proud of me.

Important!Before losing weight, considering psychologist's advice, ask yourself a few simple questions. What is it for me? What are my weaknesses (strengths)? What do I expect in the end? What actions can negatively affect my incentive, and what will strengthen it, etc. When your strength is realistically assessed, you can begin to draw up a plan for a weight loss technique.

Psychological aspects

Psychology weight loss is that you do not need to lose weight all your life. There are many people who have been dieting for years and it does not bring them pleasure, they are tired, but they do not stop.

Definitely, that's not possible. On the way to an ideal figure, you do not need to devote your life to diets, just proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle should harmoniously complement your life.

To figure it out where to get incentive, let's look at simple but practical tips that will help you set your goal and stay on track:

  • get a notebook where you will write down your, even very tiny, achievements, it will help strengthen the motive;
  • the first positive result needs to be encouraged, it is not necessary to treat yourself to goodies, buy new perfumes, a handbag, etc., but be sure to reward yourself;
  • decide on the method of nutrition correction and training program, while taking into account the characteristics of your body;
  • start watching movies where people achieve the desired results, no matter what it costs them, this will strengthen morale;
  • take a weekly selfie, so you will really evaluate your achievements, and in a month you will easily show off your “before” and “after”.

Effective weight loss every day

The decisive role in any weight loss process still remains with psychology, so it is important to motivate yourself not only before starting a diet, but daily. Only in this case you will notice a positive result. Let's look at motivation for every day.


How to find motivation? And you try to visualize yourself the way you want to be. To do this, imagine your future in a new way, where you are slim, graceful and attractive.

Your new life will change, as will you, you will be perceived differently. Such a technique gives a good effect. Have you tried visualizing yourself? What was the result?

I wrote more about visualization and meditation for weight loss in my article.

List of virtues

Before you start losing weight, you most likely determined what advantages of a slim figure you will receive. Transfer all the positive aspects point by point to a piece of paper, and place it in a conspicuous place, ideally on the refrigerator. Before you want to snack, read the benefits of losing weight, these phrases instantly reduce appetite.

Change your look

Go to a beauty salon, change your hairstyle, get a pedicure and manicure. Reincarnation has a positive effect on strengthening the stimulus. The main thing is that you like the new one yourself.

Communication with like-minded people

Your friend also wants to be reincarnated - great, then you will have an ally. Share your achievements, discuss failures. When there are no people who want to lose weight, communicate with those who lead the right lifestyle, taking care of their health.

Motivational slogan

Choose the right quotes , that awaken your motivation, because the main thing is not the rate of dropping extra kilos, but the fact that you do not stop halfway. Stimuli can not only be written down on paper, but also put as a screen saver on a computer, phone, etc.

Down with stress

It is important to avoid any stressful situations, they can dull the stimulus, but awaken the appetite. Surround yourself with positive: watch funny shows, comedies. Walking in the fresh air also has a positive effect on a good indoor atmosphere. Anyone who tries to interfere with you or spoil your mood, drive away!

For girls a good motive is someone else's result: photos of slender models, women who have lost weight and share their photos on social networks. Look through these pictures daily so as not to lose the source of your inspiration.


“After giving birth, I became overweight, the child grew up, and the kilograms remained. I realized that being overweight bothers me not only physically (it's hard to bend over, ride a bike, etc.), but also psychologically. The fact is that they wanted to promote me for a long time, but they said: which of you is the head of the department, you are plump - and the head is the face of the department.

The incentive to lose weight became obvious: to change the opinion of others about me, because in my soul I am completely different. I hung photos of slim business women, successful women, and so on around the house. During the month of vacation, I overcame 8 kg, which affected my forms.

Six months later, I was appointed leader, the addition to the salary made it possible to go to the gym. I am pleased with myself, and daily motivate myself with compliments in favor of my figure. I wish you success. Svetlana".

Eleonora Dobrynina - an example to follow

strong motivation forced the Russian fitness model to reincarnate from a woman who weighed 100 kg into a slender, sculpted girl with a weight of 52 kg. Eleanor did not like her body, she did not love herself and decided to change everything radically.

She succeeded, now she loves her body and does not want to part with it, so she eats right and spends a lot of time in the gym. I think not many people like the result of the transformation, but the main thing is that she herself likes it.

What to remember

  1. Psychology plays an important role in the weight loss process.
  2. You can achieve the desired result if you set realistic goals.
  3. Proper motivation is half the battle.
  4. Applying daily motivation, the effect is more stable and comes much faster.

Good luck and stay on the path! See you in the next article!
