Child abuse. How can I find out about child abuse? Children with visual vector

Physical violence- infliction of physical injuries, various bodily injuries to a child by parents or persons replacing them, educators or any other persons that cause damage to the health of the child, disrupt his development and take his life. These actions can be carried out in the form of beating, torturing, shaking, in the form of blows, slaps, cauterization with hot objects, liquids, lit cigarettes, in the form of bites, and using a variety of objects as tools of fanaticism.

Physical abuse also includes involving a child in the use of drugs, alcohol, giving him poisonous substances or " medical preparations, causing intoxication (for example, sleeping pills not prescribed by a doctor), as well as attempts to suffocate or drown a child.

In some families, various types of physical punishment are used as disciplinary measures - from cuffs and slaps to spanking with a belt. It is necessary to realize that physical violence is really a physical attack (torture), it is almost always accompanied by verbal abuse and mental trauma.

Sexual abuse or seduction- the use of a child (boy or girl) by an adult or another child to satisfy sexual needs or obtain benefits. Sexual abuse includes sexual intercourse (coitus), oral and anal sex, mutual masturbation, and other bodily contact with the genitals. Sexual corruption also includes the involvement of a child in prostitution, the porn business, the exposure of the genitals and buttocks in front of the child, peeping at him when he does not suspect it: during undressing, the administration of natural needs.

Mental (emotional) abuse- constant or periodic verbal abuse of the child, threats from parents, guardians, teachers, educators, humiliation of his human dignity, blaming him for what he is not guilty of, demonstrating dislike, hostility towards the child. This type of violence also includes constant lies, deceit of the child (as a result of which he loses trust in an adult), as well as demands placed on the child that do not correspond to his age capabilities.

Neglect of the interests and needs of the child- lack of proper provision of the basic needs and needs of the child in food, clothing, housing, upbringing, education, medical care on the part of parents or persons replacing them, due to objective reasons (poverty, mental illness, inexperience) and without them. A typical example of neglect of children is leaving them unattended, which "leads to accidents, poisoning and other consequences that are dangerous to the life and health of the child.

One of the manifestations of child abuse is woman's lack of love for a child when he is still in the mother's womb, that is, to a child from an unwanted pregnancy. He, who has not yet shown himself in any way, is no longer loved, they do not think and do not care about him. Being emotionally rejected even before birth, such children are born ahead of time twice as often compared to children from a desired pregnancy, they often have low body weight, get sick more often in the first months of life, and develop worse.

Any kind of child abuse leads to a wide variety of consequences, but they all have one thing in common - damage to the child's health or danger to his life. Negative health effects are: loss or deterioration of the function of any organ, the development of a disease, a violation of physical or mental development. Out of 100 cases of physical abuse of children, approximately 1-2 end in the death of the victim of abuse. The consequences of physical violence are bruises, injuries, fractures, injuries internal organs: liver, spleen, kidneys, etc. It takes time to heal these injuries, but even more time and effort is required to heal the spiritual wounds, the psyche of a child who has suffered from beatings.

Distinguish immediate and long-term consequences of ill-treatment and neglect of children.

The immediate consequences are physical injuries, injuries, as well as vomiting, headaches, loss of consciousness, characteristic of concussion syndrome, which develops in young children who are taken by the shoulders and shaken violently. In addition to these signs, in children with this syndrome, hemorrhage in the eyeballs appears. The immediate consequences also include acute mental disorders in response to any kind of aggression, especially sexual. These reactions can manifest themselves in the form of excitement, the desire to run somewhere, hide, or in the form of deep inhibition, external indifference. In both cases, however, the child is seized with the most acute experience of fear, anxiety, and anger. Older children may develop severe depression with a sense of their own inferiority, inferiority.

Among the long-term effects abuse of children, violations of the physical and mental development of the child, various somatic diseases, personal and emotional disorders, and social consequences are distinguished.

Disorders of physical and mental development

Most children living in families in which severe physical punishment, scolding the child are "methods of education", or in families where they are deprived of warmth, attention, for example, in families of alcoholic parents, there are signs of a delay in physical and nervous mental development. Foreign experts called this condition of children "inability to flourish."

Abused children often lag behind their peers in height, weight, or both. They begin to walk, talk later, laugh less often, they do much worse at school than their peers. These children often have "bad habits": thumb sucking, nail biting, rocking, masturbation. And outwardly, children living in conditions of neglect of their interests, physical and emotional needs, look different than children living in normal conditions: they have swollen, "sleepy" eyes, a pale face, disheveled hair, untidiness in clothes, etc. signs of hygienic neglect - pediculosis, rashes, bad smell from clothes and body.

Various diseases as a result of abuse

Diseases can be specific to a particular type of violence: for example, during physical violence, there are injuries to parts of the body and internal organs of varying severity, bone fractures. With sexual violence, there may be sexually transmitted diseases: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitals, syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS, acute and chronic infections urinary tract, trauma, bleeding from the genitals and rectum, ruptures of the rectum and vagina, prolapse of the rectum.

Regardless of the type and nature of violence, children may experience various diseases, which are psychosomatic: obesity or, conversely, a sharp weight loss, due to impaired appetite. With emotional (mental) violence, there are often skin rashes, allergic pathology, stomach ulcers, with sexual violence - inexplicable (if no diseases of the abdominal cavity and small pelvis are detected) pain in the lower abdomen. Often, children develop such neuropsychiatric diseases as tics, stuttering, enuresis (urinary incontinence), encopresis (fecal incontinence), some children are re-admitted to the emergency department for accidental injuries, poisoning.

Mental characteristics of children affected by violence

Almost all children who have suffered from abuse and neglect have experienced psychological trauma, as a result of which they develop further with certain personal, emotional and behavioral characteristics that negatively affect their future life.

Children who have been subjected to various kinds of violence themselves experience anger, which is most often poured out on weaker children: younger children, animals. Often their aggressiveness is manifested in the game, sometimes their outbursts of anger have no apparent reason.

Some of them, on the contrary, are overly passive, unable to defend themselves. In both cases, contact, communication with peers is disrupted. In abandoned, emotionally deprived children, the desire to attract attention by any means sometimes manifests itself in the form of defiant, eccentric behavior.

Child survivors of sexual abuse acquire age-appropriate knowledge about sexual relationships, which is manifested in their behavior, in games with other children or with toys. Even young children who have not reached school age and are victims of sexual violence can subsequently become the initiators of sexual abuse and involve a large number of participants in them.

The most universal and severe reaction to any, and not just sexual violence, is low self-esteem, which contributes to the preservation and consolidation of psychological disorders associated with violence. A person with low self-esteem experiences feelings of guilt, shame. that "you are the worst." As a result, it is difficult for a child to achieve the respect of others, success, communication with peers is difficult.

Among these children, even in adulthood, there is a high frequency of depression. This is manifested in bouts of anxiety, unaccountable melancholy, a feeling of loneliness, and sleep disturbances. At an older age, adolescents may experience suicide attempts or completed suicides.

Feeling unhappy, destitute, adapting to abnormal conditions of existence, trying to find a way out of the situation, they themselves can become blackmailers. This, in particular, applies to sexual violence, when in exchange for a promise to keep a secret and not break the habitual family life, children extort money, sweets, gifts from adult rapists.

Social Consequences of Child Abuse

Two aspects of these consequences can be distinguished simultaneously: harm to the victim and harm to society.

Children who have experienced any kind of violence experience difficulties in socialization: they have broken connections with adults, do not have the appropriate communication skills with peers, they do not have sufficient knowledge and erudition to gain authority in school, etc. Solving their problems children - victims of violence - are often found in a criminal, asocial environment, and this is often associated with the formation of their addiction to alcohol, drugs, they begin to steal and commit other criminally punishable acts.

Girls often begin to engage in prostitution, boys may have a sexual orientation. Both of them subsequently experience difficulties in creating their own family, they cannot give their children enough warmth, because their own emotional problems have not been resolved.

As mentioned above, any kind of violence forms in children and adolescents such personal and behavioral characteristics that make them unattractive and even dangerous to society.

What are the societal costs of child abuse? First of all, this is the loss of human lives as a result of the murders of children and adolescents or their suicides, these are losses in their person as productive members of society due to a violation of their mental and physical health, low educational and professional level, and criminal behavior. These are losses in the face of parents who are able to raise physically and morally healthy children. Finally, it is the reproduction of cruelty in society, since former victims often become rapists themselves. (From the article "Child Abuse and Its Consequences").

This information should be known to adults and children.

American specialists, employees of the American non-profit organization "Project Harmony", who in 1998 conducted a study on the territory of the Republic of Karelia as part of the Prevention of Domestic Violence project, defined the concepts of "violence" and "child abuse" as follows:

Over a child committed violence, if:

They tortured him

He was beaten

His health was damaged

Violated his sexual inviolability and sexual freedom.

A child has been bullied if:

He was instilled with fear through actions, gestures, looks,

Used to intimidate their height, age,

They shouted at him

Threatened with violence towards others (parents of the child, friends, animals, etc.).

To abuse also includes the use of the power of public institutions:

religious organization,


Special schools for children


A child is abused if they use insulation:

Control his access to communication with peers, adults, brothers and

Sisters, parents, grandparents

The child is also subjected to emotional abuse, if:

Degrade his dignity

Use offensive nicknames

Use him as a confidant

When communicating with a child, they show inconsistency,

The child is ashamed

Use the child as a transmitter of information to another parent (adult)

Over a child committed economic violence, if:

His basic needs are not met, his behavior is controlled with the help of money.

Adults spend family money.

The child is used as a means of economic bargaining in divorce.

A child is treated cruelly if threats are used:

Threats to leave him (and in the orphanage - to exclude and transfer to another institution),

Threats of suicide, physical harm to yourself or relatives.

Adults treat the child brutally, if:

Use your privileges:

They treat the child like a servant, a subordinate,

They refuse to inform the child about decisions that relate directly to him, his fate:

About visits by his parents, guardians,

The child is interrupted during conversations.

From an article by T.Ya. Safonova, E.I. Tsymbal
"Ill-treatment with children and its consequences" / Ill-treatment with children: essence, causes, social and legal protection. M., 1993

(available to unregistered users)

The stories of former pupils of the St. Petersburg orphanage, who have been sexually abused by adults for a long time, continue to acquire new colors and details. And the worst thing about these stories is their age. Only after twelve years the victim of violence was able to complain about the offender, only after a long period of time the child subjected to such a test can talk about it at all. According to the psychologist, up to 90% of child victims of sexual violence are not able to tell adults about what happened. Meanwhile, such crimes happen quite often in St. Petersburg.

Little victims of unhealthy adult fantasies

One of the most high-profile stories of violence against St. Petersburg children came out in 2014. And it started even earlier - in 2010. Then, on the eve of the summer holidays, a St. Petersburg woman with many children posted an ad on the Internet with a request to provide her and her five children with a cottage for summer holidays. A married couple from Moscow, Pavel Vasyagin and Tatyana Shmekanovskaya, responded to the mother's request.

Young people introduced themselves as volunteers and happily rented a cottage for a mother of many children for the whole summer. But this help was not enough for them, and the couple announced that they would take the children to their place for the weekend. "Moscow weekend" lasted all summer, and when the summer season ended, Vasyagin and Shmekanovskaya decided to continue their charitable work.

Muscovites took three older children to their place for the weekend - a five-year-old girl, a nine-year-old boy, and a sixteen-year-old girl (the age was given at the time of the opening of the crime) - for four years. However, in 2014, the eldest girl could not stand it and told her mother about sexual violence and various perversions that children suffered from a couple of "kind" Muscovites all this time.

The mother turned to the investigators. A criminal case was initiated, and a year later, when prolonged abuse of children was confirmed, the "volunteers" from Moscow received the corresponding term - 33 years for two. Vasyagin was sentenced to 20 years without admitting his guilt, and his wife, who also took part in orgies with minors, received 13 years.

However, it happens that the danger lies in wait for the child much closer. So, quite recently - in early April - the Krasnogvardeisky Court of St. Petersburg arrested a 47-year-old coach of a children's football team. A man in sexual violence against pupils. According to the investigation, during the training camp in Belarus, the coach abused two boys who were not even 12 years old.

But the worst case is when violence reigns in the family. There are many such cases, but children almost never tell their “worst secret”. Sometimes - because they are ashamed, sometimes - because they do not even understand what adults are doing to them.

A year ago, in March 2016, in the city of Pikalevo, there was a suspect in sexual abuse of his own 8-month-old daughter. The girl was hospitalized with numerous abrasions and edema. And in November of the same 2016, a Petersburger turned to the Investigative Committee with a statement about her own husband - the woman found out that she was her.

Psychologist's advice: listen, understand, help and teach

The scariest thing about all stories of child and teen sexual abuse is the victim's endless weakness and inability to not only stand up for themselves but, more often than not, just ask for help and tell anyone about what is happening. According to Irina Logutenkova, a psychologist at the All-Russian Psychological Service, sexual violence is a deeply taboo topic for children in our society. And if the violence comes from close relatives, the topic becomes doubly taboo.

Children, for the most part, are afraid to talk about it, says the psychologist. - This topic is associated with a great sense of shame. First of all, children worry that "they won't understand me," and secondly, that "they won't believe me."

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Irina Logutenkova's colleague Nikita recalls the story of a 16-year-old girl who called the helpline with supposedly "normal teenage problems." However, during the conversation, a secret was revealed that had tormented the teenager for many years.

The girl started with problems with a guy, with conversations that she loves motorcycles and a fairly free lifestyle. But in the end, very carefully, with pauses, she said that when she was 12 years old, her uncle raped her, Nikita recalls.

The saddest thing in this story is that the girl immediately turned to the closest person - her own mother, but she did not want to do anything, citing an iron argument - "this is a relative!"

In general, there are a lot of such stories in which criminals get away with everything in such situations, because "they are a family," Nikita shares.

The girl told the most terrible secret to a specialist in the psychological assistance service "in the simplest words."

In such cases, a person usually hesitates, is silent, then quickly gives out a couple of key words, as if overcoming an internal barrier. Usually does not cry, because such people have a kind of armor that helps them not to experience the situation again and again, - says the psychologist.

Irina Logutenkova confirms that in the case of girls who are sexually abused by male relatives, such as stepfathers, there is a 90% chance that they will not be believed. In this case, you need to seek help from professionals, Irina is sure.

Be that as it may, any parent, the psychologist assures, needs to be very attentive to what the child tells him.

Not every adult will listen to this and accept this information, - says Irina Logutenkova. - And sometimes the child has to look for that adult who can listen and believe. It can be a teacher, a relative, a coach, a teacher in a circle. There are such adults, they can be both professionals and those adults who surround them. It is important that the child ceases to feel a sense of fear, goes and tells everything.

Be that as it may, if a child or teenager has already suffered abuse, it is necessary to help him regain balance and return to normal life. And here, Irina is firmly convinced, it is absolutely necessary to contact a specialist - a trauma therapist:

Only through trauma therapy is it possible to form the victim's trust in the world and in adults. Having experienced violence, the child is not able to modify, to endure this trauma. His confidence in the world is broken, the world becomes unsafe. It is very important to restore this factor.

But on the part of parents, one cannot do without powerful psychological support. The psychologist is sure that close psycho-emotional contact with mom and dad is extremely important for a child. The main thing is not to confuse it with hyperprotection.

own secret", "own business", which are done behind a closed door: when he goes to the toilet or bathroom, the door must be closed. In addition, it is necessary to explain to the baby that only mom and dad have some access to his body. And other people they have no right to touch him, and even a doctor can examine the child only in the presence of the parents.

However, no matter how prepared your child is for moral confrontation with a rapist, sometimes it is impossible to avoid trouble. And in case a misfortune happened, it is important that the child can trust his parents and firmly know that he will find support from them.

This article is for those who have heard shocking news from their children. For those who have not yet heard, but may soon hear. You probably just don't want to know about it, and that's why I'm writing this article for you. So that you still turn your attention to what is happening in your families. This news is about your child experiencing sexual abuse by a close relative or stepfather.

It sounds scary, but the percentage of raped children in families is too high. And in most cases, the mothers and grandmothers of such children prefer not to notice what is happening. I wasn't wrong.


Litigation on this topic is avoided, so only psychologists or psychotherapists know about the scale of the tragedy. For by the nature of their work they work with injuries. And these are only those who found the strength to talk about it with a specialist. And how many people have closed and buried this terrible story in themselves, carry pain in themselves and are silent?! A victim of sexual harassment and violence who has succeeded in punishing his abuser through the judicial mechanism is much better at recovering from trauma because he gains a sense of greater security. Most often, we are approached by already adult girls or women who understand that they cannot cope with this pain on their own. Relatives do not find any support or understanding. Most often they are rejected, they are not believed even when they talk about it as adults!

Stories of Victims of Sexual Assault

“When I told my mother that my father had raped me while she was in the hospital, my mother was shocked and could only say one thing: “What are we going to get divorced now?”. She sat for a long time, then she went somewhere and at night she came drunk, although she does not drink at all. They quarreled with my father, and I scolded myself - what have I done.

“At the age of 10, my daughter told me that when she was about 4-5 years old, and she often visited her grandmother, my mother’s husband did terrible things to her ... I won’t describe the details, but from her stories I realized that he committed indecent acts of a sexual nature. She also said: "Mom, I was not afraid." I was shocked! I told my mother, but she did not want to believe it and justified him!”

There is a wonderful project. Anastasia Melnichenko launched it on Facebook under the hashtags #I'm Not Afraid to Say and #I'm Not Afraid to Say Users talk about their experiences of violence. One of the stories from this project:

"I was 5 years old. And that was my own grandfather. Parents at that time were very young, there was enough money back to back for food and utility bills - there was no talk of a kindergarten. I stayed with him. From morning to evening. Every single day except weekends. I don't know how soon it started. At first he just beat me. Slap. Kick. Light slap. Just. He could grab his hair and throw him to the floor. Every time my parents called to find out how I was, I screamed, choking on tears and snot, into the phone, but he, throwing me away and locking me in the next room, easily and naturally ended the conversation. Weaved something like "porridge refuses to eat." I tried to tell everything. I did it, crying, with this scum and without him, but he always managed to justify himself: he is strict, and I just miss parental warmth. Rich fantasy, that's all. I just miss the attention. I fought at home in hysterics, but in the morning the same hell was waiting for me. They either did not believe me, or did not want to believe - there was no one but him with whom I could be from morning to evening. Soon broke. I stopped resisting. I was afraid to make an extra sound with him, but this, of course, did not help. When he realized that I no longer even stutter about bullying in front of my parents, harassment began. I became very quiet. The parents must have noticed. I LIKE to believe they only noticed it then. But, most likely, the reason was that the school was about to begin and they no longer needed the "services" of their grandfather. At some point it stopped. I just stopped staying with him. I didn't tell anyone about his sexual harassment for 10 years. For a long time she was too scared and lost, and was simply glad that during further (frequent - he lives on the next street) meetings, her parents were always there. Then I pushed it into my subconscious, deep, deep. Buried in myself. Sometimes it seems like I almost forgot. But this is impossible to forget. It's always in you. And fear, and hatred, and impotence. I confessed a year or two ago. That bastard spanked my sister in front of me. Not much (father and I were in the room), but it was enough. I was able to hit him twice in the face with all my might. Screaming, crying, trying to escape from her father's arms. When she finally calmed down, she told everything. For some reason, dad. Alone. I wanted to hear at least "I'm sorry, daughter." Didn't hear. For five minutes he was in shock, smoked two cigarettes, wiped his sweaty forehead, and then said: "Let's pretend that this conversation did not happen." I cried in the bathroom for two hours. I still can't forgive. But I am relieved by the fact that by my confession I nevertheless saved my sister from the same fate. Now I am eighteen. I study, I work, I meet a beautiful girl. In general, I am happy, but, remembering the events of that time, I cry every time. And still deep in my heart I hate, because this scum is still alive and not punished. I feel that I can truly let go of everything that has accumulated in me for so many years, I can only when it rots underground.

Sexual orientation is not always innate. Sometimes it is the result of an acquired injury.

If the child feels strength in you, then he will cope with his injury faster. Children need to rely on adults. By depriving him of this support, you betray him. You betray him when you choose not to hear or know what is happening to him. If your own peace and the safety of relations with a relative or husband are more important to you, then you will “keep peace” in the family, but at the cost of betraying your own children. And this is your responsibility.

I believe that it is necessary to prosecute parents who are silent about the facts of sexual crimes against their own children. Because it is thanks to silence that the amount of evil in the world increases.

A terrible case is being investigated in St. Petersburg:. According to psychologists,A child who has been abused tries, on average, 17 times to tell adults about what happened before they finally hear and believe him. What words and changes in behavior should alert parents?

Tell directly

Sexual abuse of children in 70% of cases is committed by relatives or acquaintances. It turns out that the rapist is not some abstract villain from the street, but one whom the parents know well. Therefore, it is doubly difficult for a child to talk about the horror experienced.

But any child who has been raped still tries to do it. Often he does this not directly, but veiled. For example, he can tell a story and say that it did not happen to him, but to some other girl or boy.

Children can disguise their own stories as stories from books or cartoons, says Lecturer, Department of Educational Psychology and Pedagogy, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosova Anna Skavitina. - Adults usually do not attach any importance to these stories or dismiss them altogether: "Don't talk nonsense."

No zoo, no cinema

The behavior of a child who has experienced violence is changing, - said family psychologist Irina Obukhova. What you used to enjoy is no longer enjoyable. There is a clear apathy towards everything in the world.

According to the specialist, the baby can become abruptly indifferent to his favorite toys and games. He also refuses walks and entertainment such as a game room or a movie.

From scratch, such changes usually do not happen - most likely, psychological trauma is hidden behind this.

More than bad manners

One of the signs that a child has experienced sexual abuse is unexpected overly sexual behavior.

The little girl gets up, pulls up her dress and shows everyone what kind of panties she has. She clearly expects that others will admire this, - said the director of the center for helping survivors of sexual violence "Sisters" Maria Mokhova. - This means that the child perceives such behavior as the norm.

According to Maria Mokhova, adults often attribute such oddities to bad manners or the influence of cinema. Thus, they make a big mistake.

draw trouble

The drawings of a child are a reflection of his inner state. If yesterday they were joyful and bright, and today they are gloomy and dark, this is a reason to think.

Children who have experienced violence often paint using red and black colors, - said the director of the Vetka Ivy Center for Victims of Violence Claudia Nikitina. - Black is associated with traumatic events, red is the color of pain and blood. Also, the drawings can be in gray tones, fuzzy. The brain of children perceives difficult memories schematically, without separate details.

Keeping a terrible secret, children often draw what happened to them - directly or indirectly.

It happens that the sex scene is depicted directly, or in men the penis is drawn in the picture, Anna Skavitina said. - Violence can be depicted symbolically, for example, it is a fight or a beast entangled in nets.

You can suspect something is wrong by watching the game of the child. He reproduces sexual intercourse using dolls or soft toys.

He himself may not even understand and not know what it is. He will repeat what the rapist did to him, - said Claudia Nikitina.

According to psychologists, while no one hears the child, he carries a psychological trauma. He is unable to survive it alone, and this can lead to irreversible consequences.

Sexual abuse of children has become a scourge of modern society. In the last 15-20 years, the medical community has become aware of the enormous scale of sexual abuse of children, to which the latter can be subjected both by strangers and by parents and other family members. There are between 150,000 and 200,000 cases of newly diagnosed child sexual abuse in the United States every year. From 10% to 30% of adult women in the UK were victims of sexual abuse in childhood, and in only 25% of cases the abuser was unknown to the child (Ashurst P., Hall Z., 1991).

Usually the victims of sexual abuse are children under 12 years old, but most often they are between the ages of 3-7 years. At this age, the child does not yet understand what is happening, it is easier to intimidate him, to persuade him not to tell anyone what happened (that is, to conclude a contract of silence). The abuser also hopes that at this age the child will not yet be able to describe what happened in words. Since the child's fantasies are often mixed with reality, it is likely that his story will not be believed, even if he says something about it.

Sexual violence before the age of 14 typically affects 20-30% of girls and 10% of boys. In 75% of cases, rapists are familiar to children. And only 25% of rapists are complete strangers. In 45% of cases, the rapist is a relative, in 30% - a more distant acquaintance (brother's friend, mother's or grandmother's lover). Among relatives, violence is most often committed by a father, stepfather, guardian, less often by a brother or uncle (Cherepanova E. M., 1996).

Social advertising urges not to steal from kids the best time of their lives - childhood. A series of prints, according to the link, reports: very often a child is seduced by someone he knows well. On the prints themselves - "children's drawings" - this message is revealed even more fully: a sunny day, a walk with the family and a familiar uncle. The degree of acquaintance with the uncle is given out by the unambiguous "details" of his image.

A significant proportion of parents who have sexually abused their children have themselves experienced sexual abuse as children. This has created an incestuous pattern of behavior that allows children to be used as sexual partners (Green, 1995). It is believed that rapists belong to older people. However, usually these are people under 40 years old, 50% of them become rapists in their 30s. There is also an opinion that only a mentally ill person can commit sexual abuse of a child, but only 5% of them suffer from mental disorders or violations of behavior and drives. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that the rapist lives among us, most often leads a normal life and turns out to be the one who is trusted by the child: father, stepfather, relatives, friends, or those who, due to professional duties, are called upon to communicate with him and protect him. : doctor, teacher, educator, coach, priests, etc.

Those parents who do not use violence, but also cannot protect their children from the violence of another parent, also form in the child the model of a helpless parent. It is mothers who have traumatic childhood experiences who are unable to protect their children from their partner's sexual abuse, for the reason that they identify with their mother, who did not care for them and did not protect them.

When such a mother finds out about incest, her world collapses, and therefore she tries to push out the obvious things, manages not to notice what is happening unconsciously. The child, on the other hand, regards such behavior of the mother - non-interference, passivity - as a betrayal on her part and does not forgive this. Therefore, first the mother loses her husband, and then the child.

The Tonga Workroom agency draws attention to the fact that, alas, there are often three actors. Silence or unwillingness to see the nightmare that is happening under the nose of a person is assistance. It doesn't matter if you are the mother of an abused child or a simple layman. Copyline: If you pretend to not see it, you could be a paedophile too

The rapist himself must exert such pressure on the child that he under no circumstances reveal the secrets of what is happening. In the vast majority of cases, this succeeds. Children can be intimidated both by threats of physical violence, and by a moral threat to become the cause of troubles and misfortunes, up to the destruction of the family. With incest, the situation unfolds especially tragically, because the whole horror is that the victim is afraid of losing the love of the person who rapes her. One of the most forbidden tricks is a threat: "Your mother will not love you, your father will be sent to prison, etc." The child is faced with a choice between punishment (loss) and "reward" for sex. Usually the secrecy phase lasts a long time, sometimes up to several years.

Sometimes facts of violence are discovered by accident. The reason for such a disclosure may be an accidental witness (third person), sometimes - wounds and injuries on the body that do not correspond to the child's explanations; venereal diseases; pregnancy, finding traces of semen in the child's tests, etc. In this case, neither the perpetrator nor the victim is ready for disclosure. And, paradoxically, the victim may react negatively to attempts to change the situation and help her. In most cases, due to psychological mechanisms, victims of sexual violence in the family form a distorted idea of ​​the meaning, value and norms of sexual relations.

Establishing the fact of sexual abuse is much more difficult than physical abuse, since the disclosure of family secrets is hindered by the guilt, shame and fear experienced by the child and other family members who know about what happened. It often seems to the child that by telling the psychologist about this, he will betray his father or mother. In addition, the mental pain is too great, and the children are afraid of their repressed anger associated with the processing of stress. They fear that if they start talking, their anger will increase and they will lose control of themselves and their feelings. In addition, they are always haunted by the fear that the one to whom they tell will reject them, feeling disgust.

The child often represses, refuses memories because they are too painful and because only in this way can he live normally. This is the mechanism of dissociation of traumatic experience, and this is also one of the reasons why children do not talk about violence. Sometimes there is stigmatization: the child feels flawed, and he himself is responsible for what happened, resulting in shame, guilt and low self-esteem.

A child who has been abused usually has an astonishing knowledge about sex life for this age. Seductive behavior towards the opposite sex and adults. Sexual activities with other children, sexual games, imitation of sexual intercourse with characteristic groans and movements. This is a disorder of sexual development: the child learns to use sexual behavior to meet various non-sexual needs, resulting in abnormal and premature sexual activity, unclear sexual identification, and abnormal sexual arousal.

Often such "spoiled" sexual behavior is not understood by others and condemned by them. In order to prevent this, one must have an understanding of the consequences of sexual violence for its victims and what tactics they use in order to survive. For example, if a child is abused by a father, this may result in the child responding to attention and love shown to him only by displaying sexually "spoiled" behavior and that the child does not know how he can otherwise deserve attention. and love.

But there are children who show a completely different behavior - they have learned to behave as discreetly as possible in order to prevent (as far as possible) the sexual abuse from happening again. They avoid people, often their presence is almost imperceptible. They have big problems with intimacy and sexuality, and therefore with entering into relationships with others and maintaining them.

There are many "survival tactics" that arise from sexual abuse, such as refusing food (anorexia nervosa) or, conversely, eating large amounts of food, causing pain to oneself. Understanding the strategy used by the victim can make a lot of sense to the social worker.

It is impossible to give clear and fast rules on how violence can be recognized. Each situation is unique, and each child finds their own way of coping with abuse, as well as their own way of talking about what happened.

Children do not always know the words to clearly explain what exactly is happening to them. They may try to tell, for example by saying "I don't like him", "He's nasty", "He's acting weird". Such statements are often misunderstood and ignored. In her book Staying Safe, Michelle Elliot gives one such example: “One little girl told her mother that her uncle was teasing her and she didn't like it. The mother answered every time that everyone was teased, so she had better get used to it. The child was very upset, but she said nothing more. A few months later, the girl was diagnosed with gonorrhea of ​​the throat. Her uncle said that he was 'teasing' her, and she was too young to understand anything.

Pay more attention to your children! says the poster by O&M Chennai. Signs of sexual harassment against children are not always very noticeable. Parents should pay more attention to children to prevent these signs from appearing. Poster text: “Mom doesn’t see Uncle John coming to our house. He likes to play a game that hurts me. So I hurt my doll. Mom stopped buying dolls for me. Now mom doesn't notice anything.

It is worth paying attention to any changes in the behavior of the child:

Frequent and/or painful urination.
- Pain and cramps in the abdomen.
- Bruises, especially around the genitals.
- Urinary incontinence or urination at night.
- Chronic eating disorders, anorexia.
- Suicide attempts.
- Self-mutilation.
- Poor attitude towards oneself, refusal to take care of oneself.
- Night terrors, insomnia.
- Panic attacks.
- Obsessive washing, obsession with cleanliness.
- Refusal to speak (elective muteness).
- Unexpected changes in behavior.
- Escape from the house.
- School truancy.
- Fear of men or a particular man.
- Deterioration in performance.
- Regression to earlier behavior.
- Falling asleep at school.
- Uncharacteristic child behavior that can be perceived as sexual.
- Inadequate age or too detailed knowledge about sex, manifested in games, conversations, drawings.
- Drawings with details, symbols related to sex.
- Resistance to physical examination.
- Fear of a specific person or fear of being alone with a specific person.

An additional difficulty is that some of these signs are characteristic of any stressed child. And some abused children show none of these warning signs and successfully hide what happened to them. Therefore, it is very important to remember that if we are dealing with a child who is experiencing severe stress, we must be aware of the possibility of sexual abuse. It is very difficult for children to speak openly about sexual abuse.

Professionals working in any capacity with domestic violence should be trained to recognize the signs of child sexual abuse. Until recently, the observation of children playing with anatomically accurate dolls and the interpretation of children's drawings on a free topic was used as a methodological approach when working with children who had experienced sexual violence. (Boat M.D. and Everson B.W., 1988; Kendall-Tackett K.A. and Watson M.W., 1992).
