Beautiful schemes of horses for embroidery. Horse cross stitch: schemes and sets, free, ponies running on water, Riolis for girls

You can embroider a horse if you use the free cross stitch pattern. You can make a tablecloth or just a picture, as well as use embroidery as a napkin or a picture on clothes. A variety of images of horses allows you to make a product both for a child, choosing a mischievous filly or a cartoon image, and for an adult, choosing a classic version of the image of horses.

In order to facilitate your work on cross-stitching, you should follow a number of rules. It is best to start embroidering with basic stitches, such as crosses and half-crosses, and only then additional ones - a lowercase stitch, or, for example, French knots.

The working thread is attached from the wrong side of the embroidery under the stitches that are located at the beginning. You should fill in the fragments in turn, after one of them is finished, you need to finish the thread by passing it under the stitches. You should not make a knot, as in this case the embroidery will be uneven. Embroider should be in horizontal rows, from the bottom stitches to the top. You can embroider both in one thread and in 2 threads. Story lines are best embroidered in two lines. And finally, in order for the embroidery to be neat, it is necessary to follow the same order of overlaying the top and bottom stitches.

Cross stitch of horses running on water

One of the most popular cross stitch patterns is horses running on water. You have already seen their photo at the beginning of the article.

Horse heads are made according to the scheme:

To embroider tails, follow the scheme:

To avoid mistakes, you can download the diagram:

Cross stitch horse with foal

Very often there is also embroidery, which is based on the image of a mare with a foal.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that it is easier to first make the upper and then the lower parts. The scheme includes six parts.

Top embroidery:

Bottom embroidery:

Animal embroidery video

A very entertaining video tutorial that you will definitely enjoy.

Very interesting work on creating an image of a dog of the Boxer breed. Looks very nice and stylish.

And here is a leopard - a very dangerous and proud wild animal.

Everyone's favorite cats are fluffy pets.

You can also make such a charming bear that will melt any heart.

It doesn’t matter if horses are depicted in the picture, you should always remember that this is a noble animal, so a picture of him will be a great gift for any animal lover.

Embroidering a horse is quite difficult, so first you need to gain experience Girls began to embroider a long time ago. During the Middle Ages, there was not much choice of entertainment. Therefore, beautiful ladies spent all their free time devoting it to this occupation. The materials were primitive. And the color palette of threads is not as diverse as it is now. The embroidered items looked beautiful despite this. Finished products (skirts, sundresses, shirts) were decorated in Rus' with patterns, ornaments, images of animals and plant elements. Horses began to embroider back in those days. Now there is everything you need to start doing this type of needlework.

Cross stitch horse needlework kits

Initially, it is necessary to prepare all working tools and materials. All this can be bought in a specialized store or ordered online. There are special kits that already have embroidery patterns and all the materials. This makes it easier for any needlewoman. But you did not find a suitable set. In this case, you need to purchase everything yourself.

To embroider horses you need to have the following:

  • Scheme;
  • Canvas for the base;
  • Hoops of the right size;
  • Needle set;
  • Mouline threads;

All the necessary accessories for embroidering a horse, including a pattern, can be purchased at any specialized store

All types of embroidery are carried out according to certain patterns. You can draw it yourself. Or take the original image from a book or the Internet, and transfer it to checkered paper.

There are many illustrations and paintings that can serve as source material for the scheme. You will meet the image of a horse on many sites. You won't have any problems finding the original image.

To make embroidery beautiful and original is the task of a person who is engaged in embroidery. A trio of horses will decorate your home. It is possible to make it in the form of a panel, arrange it in a frame and hang it at home. Or make such a gift to a loved one for the new year or any other holiday. Artists depicted a trio of horses in their paintings in different variations - in summer, in winter, in a harness, with heroes in the saddle.

When you have all the materials and the scheme, get to work. Cross stitching is very easy. Care must be taken to transfer the image correctly from the diagram to the canvas. The image of a horse will decorate any pillow, bag or clothes.

We embroider a pony with a cross: schemes for beginners

Organize your workplace for this kind of creative activity. You already have all the materials, time and workplace. Nobody distracts you. But you have not decided on the embroidery scheme. There is a cartoon "My little pony": the character for the scheme can be taken from it. It is a very good idea to make such a picture on a children's T-shirt. There are many characters in the cartoon. Therefore, ask your child which character he likes and start embroidering it.

The characters from My Little Pony are bright and colorful, they are sure to please the child and look beautiful on a T-shirt or backpack.

Pony embroidery pattern great for kids and teens

What are the characters in this cartoon:

  • Apple Jack;
  • Pinkie Pie;
  • Rarity;
  • Fluttershy;
  • Sparkle;
  • Rainbow Dash;
  • Princess Celestia;
  • cadence;
  • Twilight Sparkle;
  • And many other minor ones.

Finding these heroes is not difficult. There are already ready-made embroidery schemes on the Internet on this topic. Such original t-shirts are suitable for girls. If you have a girl, then she will like cross-stitching. You can devote your free time to this activity and make a product together.

Cross stitch requires attention and patience. She is a painstaking task. If you are new to this, do not immediately take a complex and large scheme. For the first time, it will be enough to embroider a small image. Then, gradually increase volumes.

Cross stitch: horses running on water

Horses will look great against a picturesque backdrop. Horses running on water will decorate your house. You can make a large picture "Horses at a Watering Place" and hang it in the hall. This will take a lot of time and effort. The work will be voluminous, but the result and the process itself will please. You will be distracted from problems and worries by making a work of art. How to make a complex circuit?

Embroidery depicting horses running on water can decorate any interior.

Use the following steps:

  • Choose the right picture;
  • Print on the printer a color image of the desired size;
  • Translate through glass onto paper in a cage;
  • Color the cells in different colors;

It is not difficult to do this. It is enough to connect your imagination and use drawing skills. Then find the floss threads you need by color and get to work.

The main thing is not to get confused in the colors when you embroider horses. Look carefully at the diagram and select the color of the thread.

Original cross stitch horse riolis

Riolis is a handicraft made to decorate the house. The meaning of this word can be interpreted differently, as goods for creating needlework. These kits include patterns and floss threads of different colors. You can buy a set for yourself or a child.

Embroidery allows children to develop fine motor skills and thinking. You can make such a product together with your child.

Horse embroidery is a great gift for any occasion.

Horse embroidery can be done in several stages:

  • First, make shadows (the darkest thread colors in the set);
  • Then chiaroscuro (the threads are several tones lighter);
  • Embroider the lightest areas.

You will be clear when and where to use a certain color. To do this, just look at the diagram.

Monochrome: girl with a horse cross stitch

You can decorate your home with a picture made in monochrome. This will require threads of the same color, but different tones. Animals will look good in this color scheme. The girl with the horse and the moon in the background is a good composition for the scheme. The girl's head can be tilted towards the shadow, then you do not have to rack your brains and spend a lot of time embroidering the face. Such a pair may be in an open field.

The second idea for embroidery is "shire horses". This breed of horses is very beautiful. They are usually black or brown in color: they have white spots or paws that are very shaggy.

If your girlfriend loves horses, then an embroidery with her image near a horse will be a good gift for March 8

A white mane is suitable for such a horse to make it fabulous and beautiful, when embroidered in monochrome.

The third motif for embroidery is bright poppies with horses. Pictures for the scheme can be found or made by yourself.

Do it yourself: horse cross stitch (video)

Girls began to embroider a long time ago. During the Middle Ages, there was not much choice of entertainment. Therefore, beautiful ladies spent all their free time devoting it to this occupation. The materials were primitive. And the color palette of threads is not as diverse as it is now. The embroidered items looked beautiful despite this. Finished products (skirts, sundresses, shirts) were decorated in Rus' with patterns, ornaments, images of animals and plant elements. Horses began to embroider back in those days. Now there is everything you need to start doing this type of needlework.

Initially, it is necessary to prepare all working tools and materials. All this can be bought in a specialized store or ordered online. There are special kits that already have embroidery patterns and all the materials. This makes it easier for any needlewoman. But you did not find a suitable set. In this case, you need to purchase everything yourself.

To embroider horses you need to have the following:

  • Scheme;
  • Canvas for the base;
  • Hoops of the right size;
  • Needle set;
  • Mouline threads;

All types of embroidery are carried out according to certain patterns. You can draw it yourself. Or take the original image from a book or the Internet, and transfer it to checkered paper.

There are many illustrations and paintings that can serve as source material for the scheme. You will meet the image of a horse on many sites. You won't have any problems finding the original image.

To make embroidery beautiful and original is the task of a person who is engaged in embroidery. A trio of horses will decorate your home. It is possible to make it in the form of a panel, arrange it in a frame and hang it at home. Or make such a gift to a loved one for the new year or any other holiday. Artists depicted a trio of horses in their paintings in different variations - in summer, in winter, in a harness, with heroes in the saddle.

When you have all the materials and the scheme, get to work. Cross stitching is very easy. Care must be taken to transfer the image correctly from the diagram to the canvas. The image of a horse will decorate any pillow, bag or clothes.

We embroider a pony with a cross: schemes for beginners

Organize your workplace for this kind of creative activity. You already have all the materials, time and workplace. Nobody distracts you. But you have not decided on the embroidery scheme. There is a cartoon "My little pony": the character for the scheme can be taken from it. It is a very good idea to make such a picture on a children's T-shirt. There are many characters in the cartoon. Therefore, ask your child which character he likes and start embroidering it.

The characters from My Little Pony are bright and colorful, they are sure to please the child and look beautiful on a T-shirt or backpack.

What are the characters in this cartoon:

  • Apple Jack;
  • Pinkie Pie;
  • Rarity;
  • Fluttershy;
  • Sparkle;
  • Rainbow Dash;
  • Princess Celestia;
  • cadence;
  • Twilight Sparkle;
  • And many other minor ones.

Finding these heroes is not difficult. There are already ready-made embroidery schemes on the Internet on this topic. Such original t-shirts are suitable for girls. If you have a girl, then she will like cross-stitching. You can devote your free time to this activity and make a product together.

Cross stitch requires attention and patience. She is a painstaking task. If you are new to this, do not immediately take a complex and large scheme. For the first time, it will be enough to embroider a small image. Then, gradually increase volumes.

Cross stitch: horses running on water

Horses will look great against a picturesque backdrop. Horses running on water will decorate your house. You can make a large picture "Horses at a Watering Place" and hang it in the hall. This will take a lot of time and effort. The work will be voluminous, but the result and the process itself will please. You will be distracted from problems and worries by making a work of art. How to make a complex circuit?

Use the following steps:

  • Choose the right picture;
  • Print on the printer a color image of the desired size;
  • Translate through glass onto paper in a cage;
  • Color the cells in different colors;

It is not difficult to do this. It is enough to connect your imagination and use drawing skills. Then find the floss threads you need by color and get to work.

The main thing is not to get confused in the colors when you embroider horses. Look carefully at the diagram and select the color of the thread.

Original cross stitch horse riolis

Riolis is a handicraft made to decorate the house. The meaning of this word can be interpreted differently, as goods for creating needlework. These kits include patterns and floss threads of different colors. You can buy a set for yourself or a child.

Embroidery allows children to develop fine motor skills and thinking. You can make such a product together with your child.

Horse embroidery can be done in several stages:

  • First, make shadows (the darkest thread colors in the set);
  • Then chiaroscuro (the threads are several tones lighter);
  • Embroider the lightest areas.

You will be clear when and where to use a certain color. To do this, just look at the diagram.

Monochrome: girl with a horse cross stitch

You can decorate your home with a picture made in monochrome. This will require threads of the same color, but different tones. Animals will look good in this color scheme. The girl with the horse and the moon in the background is a good composition for the scheme. The girl's head can be tilted towards the shadow, then you do not have to rack your brains and spend a lot of time embroidering the face. Such a pair may be in an open field.

The second idea for embroidery is "shire horses". This breed of horses is very beautiful. They are usually black or brown in color: they have white spots or paws that are very shaggy.

A white mane is suitable for such a horse to make it fabulous and beautiful, when embroidered in monochrome.

The third motif for embroidery is bright poppies with horses. Pictures for the scheme can be found or made by yourself.

Do it yourself: horse cross stitch (video)

For a child, the embroidery pattern of a horse from Equestria Girls will be simple and interesting. This process will calm the child and help to focus on work. And you and your daughter or son have to spend time together for an interesting activity. A variety of materials will help you make a beautiful picture and decorate your home with it. Or make a product as a gift.

Despite the fact that the technological twenty-first century is in the yard and machines have come to the aid of man, he continues to admire horses - the most perfect creatures of nature. Handmade horse embroidery can be used as a panel, painting or large postcard. Embroidery schemes are very simple, and even a beginner needlewoman can figure out all the subtleties.

Embroidery equipment

To create a beautiful embroidered picture with a horse, you need to “arm yourself”:

  • scheme;
  • canvas;
  • suitable threads (preferably using floss);
  • needle;
  • hoop.

Stages of work

There are a variety of patterns for embroidering horses. Patterns designed for the manufacture of cute and cozy sofa cushions are very popular. Also, these beautiful animals look great on tablecloths and bed linen.

The preparatory phase looks like this:

  • fold the canvas in four, thereby defining the center of your work;
  • remember that the diagram is not intended to reflect the finished size of the work, and its cells correspond to the squares on the canvas;
  • Use double thread for embroidery.

Embroidery process

It is best to start working in the very center, and slowly move towards the edges of the embroidery. First, work out the main stitches - half-crosses and crosses. Then start working on additional elements - French knots and a lowercase stitch. You will need to act as follows:

  • fasten the working thread on the wrong side;
  • fill in the fragment as the diagram suggests;
  • complete the segment by passing the thread under the completed stitches (you should not make knots to avoid irregularities and distortions);
  • It is best to embroider in horizontal rows. It's simple enough. To do this, you will need to first impose the lower stitches in one direction, and then, in the opposite direction, the upper ones;
  • the horse you embroidered will look neat and beautiful if you stick to the same stitching order;
  • the cross will be voluminous if you follow the tension of the thread. It should not be too loose or tight.

When moving on to another piece of work, do not pull the thread from the inside out for more than three centimeters. Otherwise, the work will not look aesthetically pleasing. Carefully cut the thread and fasten it to another section. Having made a mistake, “arm yourself” with a needle and carefully unravel the canvas. Scissors should not be used.

Sewing Extra Stitches

After you have completed the basic crosses, you will need to embroider additional stitches on top of them. For the execution of individual elements, as well as to give the horse expressiveness, it is customary to use a seam-line and a stalk seam. The scheme assumes that the seam-line is depicted with thin delicate lines. The seam is made as follows:

  • skip the needle to the front side, and then return to the wrong side (there are hints in the diagram on which points to work with);
  • embroider following the pattern, breaking large stitches into several small ones.

Registration of work

A harmonious addition to the picture is its design. To do this, it is important to correctly choose the shade of the passe-partout, as well as the style of the frame. Passe-partout can be made independently or ordered in the workshop. Do-it-yourself cross-stitch can give the interior what it lacked. The horse will look great both in a bachelor's apartment and in a children's room. Of course, for the manufacture of a children's horse, other schemes will come in handy.

Horse embroidery patterns

It is not a secret for everyone that cross stitch of strong and beautiful horses is the most famous and popular. After all, this is a very noble animal, and every novice master and pro is happy to capture it on his canvas, especially since work is done with schemes without difficulty. Very often, images where horses are present are embroidered on pillows for the home or as a gift, and they also create masterpieces that will decorate any room.

Embroidery takes place using such improvised materials as:

  1. Canvas;
  2. Needle;
  3. Mouline threads;
  4. hoop;
  5. Thimble;
  6. Scissors.

The most important thing is to make the right selection of threads, because in this version there are only 16 options. Thus, the product is not complex, but requires great perseverance and labor intensity due to the large parameters of the picture.

We prepare the base fabric for cross-stitching horses

First of all, you need to download free schemes for their subsequent implementation on the canvas.

Check the canvas. If it crumbles, you should process its edges with:

  • Overlock seam made on the hands;
  • Sew in a zigzag on a typewriter;
  • Starch or walk on them with PVA glue and water.

If you sew the edges with threads, then it is better to do it as usual, since the floss is not so strong and they are not suitable to solve this problem. The following steps determine the middle of the canvas and the center of each side. To do this, fold it in four, then apply stitches along the fold lines, which should be removed from the product at the end of the work.

Thanks to the stitches, it is possible to see the center of the picture; on a schematic plan, this is usually indicated by black arrows. Now you can start creating by revealing the available schemes. The very first cross is made in the middle, and then it is worth doing in any direction. The main thing is to embroider as many crosses as possible with the same color scheme. Thus, it will be difficult to get confused between the threads and skillfully navigate through the elements made.

Fascinating DIY painting

The embroidery of a picture of horses running on water gives a surge of strength and enchants with its freedom and lightness, creating only a sea of ​​splashes behind it. In order to embroider such beauty, it is necessary to follow certain rules that are available in needlework.

The thread intended for work is attached from the wrong side under the stitches that were made at the beginning. Fragments need to be done sequentially one after another, and at the end of it, the remaining thread should be passed under the stitches. This is done in order not to create unnecessary knots that interfere with the full viewing of the future image. It is worth doing the drawing in horizontal rows, starting from the bottom and ending with the top stitch. A work can be created using both two threads and one. The only thing that in the first case is desirable to do this when executing the storyline. You need to know that the picture will look neat only if the order of the top and bottom stitches is observed. Next, consider the graphic plan for creating a masterpiece:

Horse heads are performed as follows:

When creating the tail section, you should adhere to the following plan:

You can also find part of this plan above in the description.

I advise beginners to use this scheme so as not to make unnecessary mistakes:

Horse embroidery with foal

Each time, the embroidery of a mare with a foal is gaining a broad outlook. Because it looks very impressive and caring. To make it, you need to first make the upper, and then the lower parts. The schematic plan consists of six fragments.

Topmost element:

Bottom view:
