Rosneft's chief security officer is helping to ruin the case. Reshuffle in Rosneft

Latypov's "feats"?

Convicted FSKN colonels, trade in positions and bribery. There are rumors that the vice-president of Rosneft may be connected with this. Will he get what he deserves?

In March 2017, after the departure of General Oleg Feoktistov, Ural Latypov, deputy head of the security service, was appointed to the post of vice president for security at Rosneft.

Ural Latypov, acting Vice President for Security at Rosneft Oil Company PJSC.

As it became known to the UtroNews correspondent from informed sources, there are many questions about his biography, activities in previous government posts and current activities.

Drug fighter?

Latypov started from a position in the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Bashkortostan, then went on to be promoted to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation. Rumor has it that such career growth could be directly related to the very successful marriage of Latypov. But is it possible to condemn the help of a spouse?

Then the current vice-president of Rosneft went to work for the Federal Drug Control Service, an agency that no longer exists. Evil tongues say that Latypov began to violate the law even then - allegedly for kickbacks, he reclassified criminal cases from the sale of drugs to their storage. As a result, the largest drug dealers received, in the worst case, a "condition" and remained at large.

At the end of 2015, Latypov's immediate subordinates - deputy head of the investigation department Igor Kotov and investigator for especially important cases Andrey Yudin - were under investigation. They were detained for taking a large bribe. Immediately after that, Latypov resigned. Kotov and Yudin allegedly did not testify against him only because of the promise to feed their families during their stay in the colony.

In Rosneft, Latypov, presumably, ended up thanks to his ex-head, a general and just a man with a broad soul and not empty pockets, Vasily Yurchenko. Could have a hand in this and his assistant Alexander Tyulenev. Both of them used to work in the Federal Drug Control Service for the Moscow Region and, according to rumors, they jointly pulled off more than one corruption scheme there.

Vasily Yurchenko, ex-head of the Rosneft security service.

So, by the time Latypov came to Rosneft, Yurchenko was the head of the security service there, and Tyulenev was his deputy for economic security. The "sweet trinity" allegedly organized the trade in positions in the state corporation - we are talking about a number of appointments to the post of heads of security services in the "daughters" of Rosneft. For this, they supposedly could receive a monthly "percentage".

In the event that the person holding the position refused to pay tribute, according to rumors, Latypov's proteges could be used. Allegedly, he instructed Sergei Usevich, Ruslan Sheyanov, Evgeny Yapryntsev, Alexander Rybalo, Igor Kirov (all were fired from law enforcement agencies, presumably due to failure to recertify or with corruption motivations) to organize inspections in relation to the "object". Their outcome, however, was a foregone conclusion. Together with the compromising evidence collected on the "object", they, according to rumors, became the reason for the dismissal of a person no longer needed. It was replaced by a new "cash cow", and everything went in a circle.

So, in March 2017, a former employee of the Krasnodar customs Sergey Belomestny was appointed to the position of Deputy General Director for Economic Security of RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt LLC. According to rumors, Latypov's "fighting team" could receive no less than 250 thousand dollars for this.

World agreement?

The entire team of Latypov was subsequently dispersed by the vice-president for personnel policy of Rosneft, Yuri Kalinin. When "little linen from the hut" decided not to endure. Rumor has it that this was Sechin's own decision - he allegedly ordered everyone to be fired "quietly" and without punishment.

Igor Sechin, President of the Rosneft Corporation.

Latypov, however, remained in place, and after that he generally headed the security service. So far, however, as acting, but what are his years?

To replace his subordinates, allegedly dismissed from Rosneft for the corruption schemes of his superiors, Latypov recruited a new "combat" team. Vacancies in it were again taken by former security officials. And they, according to the "evil tongues", again took up the old, but taking into account bad experience - the schemes allegedly became more sophisticated, and the amounts - larger.

At the end of September 2017, the Moscow City Court sentenced ex-colonels of the Federal Drug Control Service Kotov and Yudin to 10 years in prison each, while fined 30 million rubles. The unfortunate law enforcement officers will be in jail for a long time, and Latypov, according to rumors, has to provide for their families: he allegedly allocates them 200 thousand rubles a month. It is possible that these amounts come from state funds.

Such is the difficult fate of a simple security official. How long will she be so careless?

The text “How Rosneft’s Security Service Corrupted” published in December 2016 in The CrimeRussia led to a number of events, each of which is still shrouded in a fog of rumors and assumptions.

The above material said that Tyulenev Alexander Alexandrovich created a clear corruption system. Her tasks were mainly lobbying and obtaining a percentage for access to control over firms under the leadership of Tyulenev. Accordingly, Vasily Nikolaevich carried out all illegal activities through him.

After the publication of such information, there was a reduction in high officials:

  • and about. Vasily Yurchenko, Vice President for Security at RN;
  • Albert Trebunskikh, Deputy General Director for Economic Security of OOO NGK ITERA;
  • Mikhail Akzhigitov, who held the same post at RN-Inform LLC;
  • Vladimir Voyakin in the same position from RN-Moscow LLC.

There is an opinion that U. Latypov, whose reputation can hardly be called clean, had a hand in layoffs. To paint a complete picture of the tangled relationships within the largest oil company, let's go in order.

Ural Alfredovich Latypov

Until 2012, the hero of the article occupied the position of senior investigator of the Main Directorate for Supervision of the Investigation of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation.

Stories about Latypov, to put it mildly, are not few.

It is difficult to reliably find out the reason for the end of a career, because. there are several versions:

  1. Abuse of lobbying.
  2. The use of narcotic drugs.

The senior investigator changed his job “of his own free will”, and in the same 2012 he took the post of deputy head of the department of the Federal Drug Control Service in the Moscow Region. This area of ​​activity was under the control of Vasily Yurchenko and occupied a leadership position in solving serious crimes. According to colleagues and colleagues, the hero of the article tried not to stand out in the team and worked without attracting attention.

As soon as the general moved to the "RN" in 2015, he began to contribute to the internal collapse of the FSKN and established his own rules. According to some reports, that period can be marked by large-scale corruption, which extended not only to violators of the law, but also to colleagues, including future ones. For getting a job, career growth and other manifestations of attention from the authorities, it was necessary to pay a certain amount, varying depending on expectations.

There is information according to which colleagues were repeatedly made to understand the following: V. Yurchenko also has his share in such "frauds". It is difficult to develop any attitude to such reasoning, however, after the UFSKN, the hero of this section gets a place in the RN security department, which is headed by Lieutenant General of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Vasily Yurchenko.

Further, events unfold in an unpredictable direction: Ural Alfredovich, through denunciations of his "employer" and his discredit, approaches the vice-president of the personnel department, Yuri Kalinin. Further, he warns Kalinin about the upcoming resignation from the state corporation. Its reason should have been Yurchenko's slander against him about corruption in RN.

After the notification, Vasily Nikolaevich loses his post at Rosneft - it is occupied by Mr. Latypov.

And this is just the beginning of the story.

After the reins of government in the Security Council are transferred to the above-mentioned gentleman, the following persons join the company team:

  • Evgeny Yapryntsev;
  • Sergei Usevich;
  • Ruslan Sheyanov.

Their common characteristic is the common place of work, as well as a similar reason for dismissal: bribery.

There is an opinion: the new head of the Security Council returned to old habits and, together with his former colleagues, built a “machine” to influence the interests of the corporation.

Activities in the FSKN

In the biography of the General of Justice, one more point should be highlighted regarding the service in the drug control department.

Under him, the bribery machine was engaged in editing criminal cases: the article on the sale of narcotic drugs was corrected for possession, and this significantly mitigated the punishment, and in a couple even got rid of it.

Subordinates also took part in this system:

  • Igor Kotov - Deputy Head of the Investigative Unit;
  • Andrei Yudin is an investigator for particularly important cases.

It was they who were detained by law enforcement agencies as suspected of receiving a large amount illegally - a bribe.

According to investigators, the above-named persons promised the violator of the law to influence the course of the trial for a symbolic contribution of 1 million rubles. After that, they “earned” another 1.5 million rubles by intimidating a witness. If he refused to fulfill the set condition, he could join the number of suspects. Only in 2015, Kotov and Yudin were caught red-handed, upon receipt of 1.2 million rubles.

During the interrogation, the defendants never mentioned the name of their boss in their testimony.

One could make an assumption: there is no connection between them, if not for the fact that he "helps" the families of his subordinates in the form of money. Every month he transfers about 200 thousand rubles to each family to their accounts, in general, he spends 500 thousand rubles a month, half a million rubles, on such provision.

GC "All people are equal" and the missing millions of rubles

In 2010, acting Andrey Votinov, General Director of the Tuapse Oil Refinery, together with the Tuapse deputy Alexander Firichenko, organizes the construction institution “All people are equal”. The latter becomes the director of the company and concludes an agreement with the refinery to sublease a plot of land in Tuapse for a rounded amount. The contract was concluded, the money was transferred, but the land was not used.

Votinov and Firichenko knew that the hectares of land specified in the contract belonged to the Krasnodar Territory, on the one hand, and were leased to a construction company, on the other. Moreover, construction work was already taking place on it, therefore, RN could not use it.

Thus, the investigation believes that the damage to the oil and gas enterprise is approximately half a billion rubles, which literally evaporated. Andrei Votinov, who managed to rewrite the assets in the name of his sister Irina Poley, also disappeared. On the this moment he is on the international wanted list. His accomplice had to spend a year and a half in a pre-trial detention center, after which, by decision of the court of the Krasnodar Territory, he was sentenced to house arrest.

And again Latypov

Ural Alfredovich hires his former colleague from the Bashkir procurator Yevgeny Yapryntsev to work in the oil and gas enterprise. According to some assumptions, an old acquaintance was supposed to provide him with maximum influence on the cause of the All People Are Equal Group of Companies.

To achieve this goal, Yapryntsev establishes contacts with the following persons:

  • Igor Babaev - First Deputy Prosecutor of Kuban;
  • Valery Kruglov - former deputy prosecutor of the region;
  • Andrei Alekseenko - Deputy Head of the Kuban Administration.

The means of influence was not new for Latypov and very traditional - an intricate network of bribes, contributing not only to the implementation of the plan, but also to the close convergence of all its "links".

Job sale

The workplace in the branches of the largest corporation after the appearance on the arena of Latypov turned into an expensive commodity, relentlessly profitable.

The management of the security department personally monitors the implementation of all payments: after a certain time, from 3 to 6 months, staying in a new place, the employee must “thank” the authorities in a significant way. Moreover, the manifestation of gratitude is not limited to one single time, but is repeated periodically.

If such conditions do not suit the "newcomer", then trusted persons of the system begin to deal with them. As a result of all sorts of checks, unexpected visits, and other things, it is possible to find compromising evidence on an unwanted employee. Further development of events is predictable - dismissal.

Note: the reliability of the data presented is difficult to determine definitively.


The participant in the cases described above denies any rumors about his criminal past and criminal present. In May of this year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs received a statement from the head of the Security Service "RN", which reported that for the first time its compiler personally discovered false information about himself on the Internet on July 28, 2017, while in the office of the NC "RN". In the statement, there was an accusation of spreading incorrect and false information about Google's northern equipment.

According to lawyer Alexander Ostrovsky, Latypov has every reason to seek help from the court: “The author of the article, Trushkov, claims that General of Justice Latypov may be involved in corruption crimes. Apparently, it was these facts that the head of the Rosneft Security Service considered slander and decided to contact the police ”- the electronic news portal“ Life ”

The accusation related to Google still defies explanation; some lawyers believe that the American service cannot have anything to do with this case.

Information about the further development of events is not yet available either on electronic sources or in the media: the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the NC "RN" refuse to give any comments on the current situation.


Mr. Latypov is a vague person, surrounded on all sides by rumors and inaccurate information.

To date, the media and Internet resources provide readers with a motley material about this person, therefore, after reading it, everyone will create their own opinion about everything that happens in the company associated with this name.

There is an interesting character - Dzhabrailov Anzor Ayubovich - Director of the Department of Inventory Management and Quality Control. From the point of view of an ordinary layman, it may seem that a person with the functionality of such a position should primarily deal with inventory management and quality control of these same stocks, planning, redistribution of the stocks themselves, and you quite legitimately ask, what does this have to do with purchases?

But no, this gentleman is engaged exclusively, oddly enough, in purchases, having abandoned his immediate responsibilities for inventory management and quality control. And in the actual management of which are specialists of the supply service, who, in turn, are also decorated in different legal entities and to departments that are in no way related to the supply service of PJSC NK Rosneft.

A very convenient scheme - Anzor Dzhabrailov himself, according to his official duties, is not engaged in supply and procurement and attracted the same nominal persons as accomplices. Thus, liability, including criminal liability, can be avoided, since legally the people who create lawlessness have nothing to do with procurement, and in the event of a showdown, innocent "clerks" registered and registered in the supply service of PJSC " NK Rosneft.

He is the Director of the Department, this is a serious position in the hierarchy of Rosneft, by the way, he is not yet 38 years old, so he needed accomplices Kapanin Alexander Nikolaevich, Shmygun Dmitry Alexandrovich, whose hands everything was done. It is these two characters, on the orders of their boss, who form analytical reports with distorted information and the determination of the winners of purchases with higher prices than the participants who took part in the same procedures. After all, the members of the central purchasing committee of Rosneft will not get into these tables to check whether the winning positions have been fairly or dishonestly assigned, whether there are lower prices and better delivery conditions. This is what a group of comrades have been using for several years now, because everything comes from impunity in our country, so they completely lost their borders ...

In the meantime, let's analyze the scale of Anzor Ayubovich Dzhabrailov's personality using the example of the procurement of special clothing for the needs of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC according to the needs of 2017-2018. By the way, it should be noted that he gives the impression of an extremely honest comrade, but in a still pool, like ours they say the devils are found, it should be noted that these very devils are costly to the company itself and its shareholders, including many foreign investors, so it would be good for them to start proceedings in the supply service of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC.

Volumes in Rosneft are huge, after accession assets of TNK-BP and Bashneft, almost 400 thousand employees, most of which are provided with fire-resistant special clothing, and this is an annual budget of at least 6 billion rubles for clothing alone.

In this message, we will not describe all the abuses committed during the competitive procedures that we know about, we consider it necessary to dwell on the abuses of uncontrolled distribution of volumes to suppliers without conducting any competitive procedures.

So, dear reader, you will probably immediately ask, how is this possible? After all, Rosneft is a state-owned company and all purchases must be made through tenders in accordance with the relevant Federal Laws Russian Federation. And here it is not - what the interested parties want, then they do. When there is an interest in this, it is possible to circumvent the requirements of federal laws, namely the requirements of 223 FZ, according to which the procurement plan must be published, and the entire need is realized only through competitive procedures. At the same time, priority is given to Russian-made goods and a direct ban on the use of imported raw materials for the production of fire-resistant clothing is established (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1299 of 10/26/2017). All this is happening against the backdrop of slogans about import substitution and support for small and medium-sized businesses.

Most importantly, procurement under 223 FZ makes it possible to make procurement procedures as transparent as possible, since otherwise, the results of illegal procedures in which participants are illegally or at high prices can be challenged in the Federal Antimonopoly Service. But our group of interested parties does not need this, how then can we “cut”, everything will be in plain sight? And so a scheme of friendly firms with Chechen roots arose.

Only in 2017 (and the scheme began to work in 2016), volumes were distributed without purchases and tenders in the amount of about 2 billion rubles to the following suppliers: Arte LLC TIN 5029146259 (it is a manufacturer of not clothes, but rubber shoes), Magna LLC TIN 7730585309, TK MirLight LLC TIN 5920020769, Transinservice LLC TIN 7729130924, FPG Energokontrakt JSC TIN 7703268269, Yunost garment factory CJSC TIN 6824000384 at prices significantly higher than those submitted by the procurement participants , and most of the volumes, by a surprising coincidence, were received by companies with roots in the Chechen Republic - the homeland of the successful manager of Rosneft's reserves.

It should be noted that JSC "FIG Energocontrakt" is the developer of technical requirements for special clothing for Rosneft. At the same time, this company is also Anzor Ayubovich's "pocket" supplier. So, Dzhabrailov concludes contracts with her for deliveries from 500 million rubles based on the results of a simple request. Moreover, the leaders of JSC "FIG Energokontrakt" with final beneficiaries located in North America are launching the production of workwear made from American raw materials for hundreds of millions of rubles, simply on the basis of Anzor Ayubovich's oral request. That's how you need to trust each other, people don't even need an agreement to start production, let alone competitions. This is done by the Rosneft company, against which the US imposed sanctions. Based on the oral request of the director of the Rosneft department, the American economy is supported by 500 million rubles. For expensive "American partners" there is no need to bother with competitive procedures, they are from the word "competition", and why do we need it, we need expensive and from American raw materials.

Since in 2016-2017 everything went well, then in 2018 it is planned to re-allocate volumes to Arte LLC (which, we recall, is a manufacturer of not clothes, but rubber shoes), MirLight TC LLC, TRANSINSERVICE LLC, Energokontrakt FPG JSC ", CJSC clothing factory "Yunost", LLC "LegProm Supply", without procurement and tenders in the amount of the same 2 billion rubles at prices significantly higher than the market. Preliminarily, the damage from such a "distribution" will amount to 111 million rubles to 251 million rubles!

You will notice that there are no special contests. Is no one monitoring this situation? Why are such large volumes distributed in this way and at high prices?

The scheme is extremely simple: if, as a result of the purchase, it is not possible to allocate multibillion-dollar volumes to the necessary suppliers at inflated prices, the old, well-established mechanism is activated - distribution of contracts without competition to "own" companies.

In 2018, the purchase was again carried out under Lot No. 84462 "Purchase of corporate workwear for JSC RN-Supply for 2018-2019." According to its results, the winners were determined at prices that were clearly inflated (LLC "Arte" (the same manufacturer of rubber shoes), LLC "Transinservice", CJSC clothing factory "Yunost", LLC "LegProm Snabzhenie", JSC "BTK Group", LLC " TD "Istok-Prom"). Fortunately, the leaders of PJSC NK "Rosneft" learned about this situation, as a result of intervention, the results of the purchase were canceled.

The purchase was canceled for two reasons: firstly, a doubling of the number of products was organized, that is, in fact, a competition was announced for the number of products twice as much as needed (inventory management rules again); secondly, it was revealed that, according to the results of the purchase, suppliers with higher prices won (while there were bidders with prices lower by 10-30% than those of the winners). Well, finally, the reader will think, the management intervened, canceled purchases, everything began to happen according to 223 FZ and competition appeared.

Thirst for profit leads a close-knit group consisting of Dzhabrailov Anzor Ayubovich, Kapanin Alexander Nikolaevich, Shmygun Dmitry Alexandrovich. If it didn’t work out to buy expensive through a competition, you need to turn a scheme that is simple to genius: buy expensive without a competition, as before.

By the way, it is here that Anzor Ayubovich Dzhabrailov finally, "to the fullest" uses his official duties - to control stocks. And he controls stocks in a very specific way - hiding the actual remnants of the same overalls in warehouses and forming an overestimated need for it. The more "inflated" the need, the more volumes can be issued at high prices. Well done, the scheme organized excellent.

It is scary to imagine how many hundreds of millions Rosneft has already lost from the effective work of this character, how much more it will lose in the future, what happens to other groups of the nomenklatura and how, from whom and at what prices they buy it? It’s scary to even roughly estimate the scale of the losses incurred by PJSC NK Rosneft, because the procurement program annually amounts to at least 1 trillion rubles!

And the conclusion suggests itself, because it is impossible to imagine such obvious and harsh abuses occurring due to the incompetence of this comrade and his colleagues, because this scheme has been working for a long time and brings profit not only to companies receiving these sweet contracts. Tell this story to an ordinary man in the street or a business owner, no one will believe in such a "successful" combination of circumstances under which for the past 3 years Anzor Ayubovich has so "accidentally" created a situation of supplying special clothing without holding tenders, as a result of which PJSC "NK Rosneft suffers hundreds of millions of losses.

But this is not the end of this interesting story...

A respected reader will ask, what about the second part of the title of the position of Dzhabrailov Anzor Ayubovich - Director of the Department of Inventory Management and Quality Control, what is the situation with quality control, for example, for the same special clothing, but here it is still more interesting ...

The quality of special clothing supplied by companies that receive contracts for the supply of special clothing at high prices and without competitive procedures is not controlled.

However, the assumptions that it is possible, nevertheless, somehow "accidentally" give volumes to suppliers at high prices without tenders for 3 years already, are broken by the fact that they accidentally "send messengers" from the above persons to existing suppliers of workwear with it is impossible to allocate these volumes without tenders by offering for a monetary reward!

This is pure corruption. True, it is strange that financial and legal services, as well as security service of Rosneft Oil Company PJSC are unaware of this situation. Perhaps no one sees such obvious abuses, understandable to any reader. And, perhaps, using the scale of a large company, our enterprising heroes of history have confused everyone so much that no one understands anything. And, at this time, our close-knit team earns, although the word "earns" in relation to this situation is incorrect - the team steals!

All of this is happening while the CEO - Sechin, wanders all over the world, attracting investors to projects, fights against sanctions and restrictions imposed on PJSC NK Rosneft, pays the most taxes to the budgets of all levels of the Russian Federation, carries a huge social burden. Its negligent directors rule purchases so much that instead of increasing the efficiency of the company, they make every effort to ensure that this very efficiency does not exist.

Evgeny Titov

Rosneft Vice President Svetlana Rai, who has been in charge of the company's procurement and supply chain since May 2015, has been honorably resigned. Her successor will no longer have the powers that the previous top manager of the company had. If Svetlana Rai tried to stop, then Rustam Alakbarov will be required only unquestioning diligence.

According to sources in Rosneft, the decision not to renew the contract with Svetlana Rai was made on March 23, the contract itself ended on March 31. That is, she was not formally fired, but simply finished her job at the company, emphasizes one of the sources. There are no claims against the top manager, he adds.

A former Rosneft executive who worked with Rai calls her "the man of [Rosneft CEO] Sechin." And an employee of the oil company says that Svetlana Rai "looked for corruption schemes." “There were those who were interested in her losing her job. Many times they tried to convict her of inefficiency, but Sechin defended her,” he says.

The representative of Rosneft declined to comment on personnel changes in the company. Svetlana Rai declined to talk about the reasons for her departure from the company. “No comment,” she answered the corresponding question from RBC.

Rustam Alakbarov

Now purchases at Rosneft will be supervised by Rustam Alakbarov, who previously held the position of deputy head of the procurement service and reported to Svetlana Rai, three sources at the company said. “He will have a different position, without the position of vice president,” says an informed source. Prior to joining Rosneft, Alakbarov served as Director of the Services Procurement Department in the Exploration and Production division of TNK-BP, which Rosneft bought in March 2013.

A source at Rosneft says that the lack of vice-presidential status of the new procurement curator "implies more technical functionality." “We expect promptness from the new leader in the routine coordination of procurement procedures,” he explains.

According to SPARK, in 2015-2017. Rosneft signed 8 thousand contracts for 8.6 trillion rubles, namely: in 2017, Rosneft signed almost 3 thousand contracts worth more than 1 trillion rubles, in 2016 - also 3 thousand contracts for 4.9 trillion rubles , in 2015 - almost 2 thousand contracts for 2.7 trillion rubles.

Excluding intra-group purchases, the most expensive Rosneft contract in 2017 was received by Transneft for the provision of oil transportation services for 318.6 billion rubles. This is followed by a tender for the provision of financial services for a loan of almost 125 billion rubles from Sberbank and the purchase of oil for 91.5 billion rubles from Gazprom. In all three cases, the purchases were uncontested, from a single supplier.

As Ruspres reported, in May 2017, RN-Aerocraft (a subsidiary of Rosneft) canceled the purchase of "interior items" for 5 million rubles after criticism from the founder of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Alexei Navalny. The company was going to buy silver teaspoons worth 14,000 rubles each, water glasses for 11,700 rubles, caviar bowls for 83,000 rubles, beige blankets for 124,000 rubles apiece, and some other items intended for the company's helicopters. In July last year, Vedomosti found out that Rosneft spends about 21 billion rubles a year on helicopter transportation, which makes the company one of the world leaders in this indicator.

And in August 2017, the Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) became interested in Rosneft's purchases, which revealed formal violations in the purchase of pipes and issued instructions to the company to eliminate them. Prior to this, the Federal Antimonopoly Service received complaints regarding five purchases of Rosneft regarding tenders for the supply of casing, tubing and general pipes for 2018–2020 with an initial maximum price of the contract of 10.8 billion rubles, for the supply of oil and gas pipelines in the amount of 24 .4 billion rubles, pipe products for 8.96 billion rubles, tubing with a coating and a high content of chromium for 7.4 billion rubles, as well as oil and gas pipelines and general pipes for the amount of 609.7 million rubles.

18:22 , 19.06.2017

Security "Latypian"?

The criminal case of embezzlement in Rosneft may fall apart. What does the head of the company's security service, Ural Latypov, know about this?

Ural Latypov, who headed Rosneft's security service in March, barely had time to settle down in his workplace, when the enemies of the top manager of the state-owned company began to quietly tell stories about him.

Just a few months after the appointment of the new chief "security officer", evil tongues began to spread information of a clearly slanderous nature: allegedly, Ural Latypov, instead of protecting Rosneft from any possible troubles, is doing everything possible to collapse the criminal case on the embezzlement of hundreds of millions of rubles in a state-owned company !

We are talking about the case against the former vice-president of Rosneft Andrei Votinov and the ex-head of the All People Are Equal Group of Companies, Tuapse deputy Alexander Firichenko.

Law enforcers suspect both defendants in the case of committing a series of frauds, as a result of which the Tuapse Oil Refinery, which is part of Rosneft, concluded a number of agreements that caused damage to the oil company in the amount of more than half a billion rubles.

Law enforcers believe that Votinov and Firichenko created the All People Are Equal Group of Companies in 2008, but when Votinov became the head of Rosneft's subsidiary RN-Tuapsenefteprodukt, he allegedly transferred the asset to his sister, Irina Paley.

After Russian President Vladimir Putin noticed in 2011 that some power engineers were "completely outraged already", "All People Are Equal" was rewritten first to an offshore company with a residence permit in the British Virgin Islands - Orsell Equities, and after - on Mr. Firichenko.

Allegedly, from 2012 to 2015, Andrei Votinov transferred 501 million rubles to the accounts of the All People Are Equal Group of Companies, where Alexander Firichenko was director at that time, as a payment for renting a plot of land and an unfinished administrative building located on it. The land itself is state property, and "All people are equal" used the land on a leasehold basis.

In reality, however, according to the investigation, the Rosneft enterprise did not use the land plot. Moreover, the GC had its own plans for a plot of just over 17,000 "squares" - construction of a number of real estate objects was to begin there.

As a result, Firichenko was sent to a pre-trial detention center, Votinov left Russia, and half a billion rubles were stolen from Rosneft.

Andrey Votinov

But envious Latypov spread gossip of such a nature that if the investigation believed them for even a minute, the head of the Rosneft security service could himself become a defendant in a criminal case. In particular, ill-wishers say that it is Latypov who is taking measures to put pressure on investigators. And allegedly this pressure has already had some "successes". Latypov's enemies cite the recent transfer of Firichenko to house arrest as an example.

Indeed, in May, by decision of the Krasnodar Regional Court, Mr. Firichenko was transferred to house arrest. The suspect had by this time managed to serve in the isolation ward for a year and a half. And earlier, the courts refused to satisfy the complaints of lawyers and petitions for mitigation of the measure of restraint.

Alexander Firichenko

The slanderers do not rule out that Latypov could take advantage of the connections he had developed over the years of work in the Bashkir prosecutor's office.

Frames decide?

If rumors are to be believed, last summer Ural Latypov hired Yevgeny Yapryntsev, a native of the Bashkir prosecutor's office, who was allegedly dismissed from the department "for discrediting reasons", to work for Rosneft. Allegedly, Yapryntsev was invited to the oil company for a specific purpose - to "throw" a "corruption network" on the court, interested officials and law enforcement officers of the Krasnodar Territory, with the help of which Yapryntsev's "customer" would have the opportunity to influence the Firichenko and Votinov case in his own interests.

The slander that was raised against high-ranking employees of Rosneft was immediately overgrown with the details of this "operation". They began to say that Yevgeny Yapryntsev coped with the task, having established contacts with the first deputy prosecutor of the Kuban, Igor Babaev, the former deputy prosecutor of the region, Valery Kruglov, and the deputy head of the Kuban administration, Andrey Alekseenko.

Igor Babaev

Babaev, according to gossip circulating in the corridors of the Kuban prosecutor's office, is even a relative of the fugitive Votinov: his niece seems to be the wife of the former vice-president of Rosneft. They also say that Andrei Votinov was friends and had common business with Kruglov.

And the current deputy head of the Krasnodar Territory, Alekseenko, as rumors say, actively participated in the conclusion of agreements on the transfer of Tuapse land controlled by Votinov and Firichenko to legal entities, which was then subleased to Rosneft.

However, the enemies of Ural Latypov and Rosneft have gone even further in their fantasies. Thus, ill-wishers who do not disclose their names spread rumors that Mr. Latypov allegedly has his own "side job" in Rosneft - he sells positions in the security service of numerous structures of the oil giant.

Job tax?

According to rumors, trade in the positions of heads of security services of the state company's subsidiaries may flourish in Rosneft. The slanderers do not name the cost, but they say that 3-6 months after the arrival of the next "security guard", he is strongly offered to deduct part of his income in favor of unidentified persons who contributed to his employment.

Those stubborn who refused to pay the monthly tribute, say those familiar with the situation, will have to deal with the team of Ural Latypov. Among the members of this informal company are, in particular, the head of the regional security department of Rosneft Sergey Usevich, a former colleague of Latypov in the Bashkir prosecutor's office, from where Usevich allegedly flew out due to suspicions of corruption, and a trusted employee of the department Ruslan Sheyanov. This one, according to some reports, was dismissed from the Prosecutor General's Office by order of the deputy head of the department, Viktor Grin, but for a similar reason - for corruption. Sheyanov is also a former colleague of Latypov in the Prosecutor General's Office.

And the team, on the "go-ahead" of Mr. Latypov, according to all the same slanderers, begins to "dig" compromising evidence on the employee who refused to pay. In most cases, say those familiar with the situation, the collection of compromising evidence ends successfully - the dismissal of the "object".

The gossip writers even speculate about what allegedly could have prompted Ural Latypov to collect tribute from the security services. No, not at all a thirst for profit, but, as they say, on the contrary, a generous soul.

Latypov - a generous soul?

Between work in the prosecutor's office and in Rosneft, Ural Latypov managed to apply his remarkable talents in the Moscow Region department of the Federal Drug Control Service, where, it seems, he came to work at the invitation of General Vasily Yurchenko, who in 2015 headed the security service of Rosneft.

Yurchenko himself was at one time a defendant in a criminal case, which, however, was successfully covered up. Perhaps he selected his subordinates to match. Indeed, according to rumors, Ural Latypov only miraculously escaped criminal liability.

Vasily Yurchenko

In the Federal Drug Control Service, Latypov served as Yurchenko's deputy for investigation. Envious people of the current head of Rosneft's security service slander that Mr. Latypov, while working at the Federal Drug Control Service, took bribes for reclassifying cases from an article on the sale of illicit drugs to an article on storage. Accordingly, those who managed to negotiate received the minimum punishment.

But they say that once Latypov "pierced". More precisely, his subordinates allegedly pierced: the deputy head of the investigative unit, Igor Kotov, and the investigator for especially important cases, Andrey Yudin. Both were detained on suspicion of taking bribes on an especially large scale.

According to the investigation, the suspects, who were part of an organized group, demanded a million rubles from the person involved in one of the cases for initiating a petition for cooperation with the investigation. And then another 1.5 million rubles was "persuaded" to pay the witness, intimidating him with the fact that in case of refusal he could change his status to a suspect. Kotov and Yudin were “tied up” at the end of 2015 upon receipt of 1.2 million rubles from a lawyer.

But those familiar with the course of the investigation then said off the record that both defendants in the case did not say a word about Latypov. This information strangely looks logical against the background of rumors that Ural Latypov allegedly undertook to support the families of former subordinates!

Of course, most likely, a former employee of the Federal Drug Control Service, who was lucky to take one of leadership positions in Rosneft, he simply has a good heart. And the generosity of Ural Latypov to the families of Yudin and Kotov is allegedly more than great, if translated into rubles - 200 thousand to each family every month. It is possible that the families of Yudin and Kotov will remain without breadwinners for a long time - in April, the investigation transferred their case to the Savelovsky District Court of Moscow.

Such charity will hit the pocket of even a highly paid top manager of Rosneft. Therefore, perhaps, Latypov's enemies prefer to explain his generosity by the promise allegedly given by the head of security of the oil company to former subordinates - to support their families until Kotov and Yudin are released. And in return, presumably, both defendants in the case undertook to remain silent about who was the main recipient of bribes in the FSKN near Moscow.

If even for a moment it could be assumed that all these gossips have some basis, the version of Latypov's "part-time job" by trading positions in Rosneft might seem logical.

Competent authorities may be interested in checking such gossip. Only now the result of this check may not please both the head of Rosneft, Igor Sechin, and Ural Latypov himself.
