The motto of socialism. "¡No pasarán!" The most famous political slogans

Scientific communism in the USSR was a subject obligatory for all students of higher educational institutions. Teachers who specialize in bringing its postulates to the minds of the younger generation considered it the main discipline, without knowledge of which any young specialist was considered an unenlightened person and not sufficiently educated. In addition, each school graduate was obliged to learn the articles of the Constitution of the USSR, which set out the basic principles of communism, the cherished goal of the entire Soviet society. But it was still necessary to reach it, but for now people lived in conditions

The role of money

Nobody canceled money under socialism, everyone tried to earn it. It was assumed that whoever has more of them works better, and, consequently, the benefits rely. The highest phases of development were proclaimed socialism and communism. The differences between these formations, however, were very serious. Their understanding in society ranged from the primitive (there will be no money, take what you want in the store) to the highly scientific (the creation of a new person, the superstructure-basis, the material and technical base, etc.). The task of propagandists was difficult - it was necessary to find a certain middle ground, since the broad masses did not own the majority of the "science of all sciences", namely they were the main object of propaganda. The most simple principle of modern life was affirmed in the "Stalinist" Constitution. It was clearly stated there that everyone is obliged to work to the best of his abilities, and he will be rewarded according to the labor invested in the common cause. The postulate of Soviet life was formulated in approximately the same way in the main law of 1977.


Even the most devoted supporters of Marxism were forced to admit that communist ideas did not arise in the brilliant head of the author of the most progressive theory, but were the result of a synthesis of “three components” taken from “three sources”, as V.I. .Lenin. One of the life-giving keys of science was utopian socialism, founded by the French sociologist and philosopher Saint-Simon. It is to him that we owe the wide popularity of the expression that became the motto of the socialist world order: "To each according to his work, from each according to his ability." Earlier, Saint-Simon wrote the same thing and Louis Blanc in an article on the organization of labor (1840). And even earlier, the fair distribution of the product was preached by Morelli ("Code of Nature ...", 1755). Karl Marx quoted Saint-Simon in The Critique of the Gotha Program in 1875.

and the principle of "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability"

If we study the course of human thought regarding the proportionality of the labor contribution to the benefits received, then we can be convinced that the paraphrased motto of the Marxists is even in the New Testament, which proclaims that everyone should receive what he needs. In practice, this is the same as "to each according to his need, from each according to his ability." The difference is only in the wording. Thus, the slogan of communist society formulates New Testament Christian love to the detriment of

What to do with property?

The fundamental difference between socialism and capitalism is the inherent ownership of the means of production. Any private enterprise is considered in this case as exploitation and is punished according to the law in a criminal manner. Public under socialism is what belongs to the state. And idealistic utopians like Thomas More and Henri de Saint-Simon, as well as Marx and Engels, who are closer to us chronologically, believed that any possession in an ideal human society is unacceptable. In addition, the state under communism is doomed to wither away due to its uselessness. Thus, both private and personal, and state, and public property must completely lose their meaning. It remains only to think about what structure will deal with the distribution of material wealth.

The triune task as a mirror of the revolution

Marxism-Leninism pointed to the fact that for a successful transition to a higher social formation it is necessary to solve a triune problem. In order to avoid disputes in the division of the social product, absolute abundance is required, in which there will be so many goods that there will be enough for everyone, and there will still be left. Next comes the point, which is not clear to everyone, about the formation of special social relations inherent only in communism. And the no clearer third component of the triune task is to create a new man who is indifferent to all passions, he does not need luxury, he is content with enough, he only thinks about the benefit of society. As soon as all three parts come together, at the same moment the line separating socialism and communism will be crossed. Differences in the approach to solving the triune problem were observed in different countries, from Soviet Russia to Kampuchea. Not one of the bold experiments was crowned with success.

Theory and practice

Soviet people have been waiting for communism since the early sixties. According to the promise of the First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, N. S. Khrushchev, by the year 1980, as a whole, conditions will be created under which society will begin to live according to the principle "to each according to his needs, from each according to his ability." This did not happen immediately for three reasons, corresponding to all three principles of the triune task. If in the eightieth year of the twentieth century in the USSR they would begin to share the social product, then the matter would not end without conflict. This was confirmed somewhat later, during mass privatization in the nineties. Relations somehow didn’t work out either, and about the new person ... It turned out to be very tight with him. Hungry for material goods, the citizens of the former great country found themselves in the grip of a directly opposite ideology, which preaches money-grubbing. Far from everyone succeeded in realizing the desire for enrichment.


The communist society entered the history of mankind as one of the grandiose unrealized projects. The scale of the attempt to radically transform all previously established principles of social organization in Soviet Russia was unprecedented. The new authorities broke the age-old way of life, and in their place they erected a system alien to human nature, preaching universal equality in words, but in reality immediately dividing the population into “higher” and “lower”. In the very first years after the revolution, the inhabitants of the Kremlin began to seriously think about which of the cars in the royal garage was more befitting of the rank occupied by a party member. Such a situation could not but lead to the collapse of the socialist system in a historically short period of time.

The most successful principle of "to each according to his needs, from each according to his ability" is observed in kibbutzim, public farms established on the territory of the State of Israel. Any of the inhabitants of such a settlement may ask to allocate to him any household item, justifying this by the need that has arisen. The decision is made by the chairman. The request is not always fulfilled.

Since September 4, the editors of the Internet portal site, on the initiative of the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, invited visitors to take part in a new vote as part of the action "Choose a slogan for the election campaign of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation."

2007-09-12 09:23

"Let's take back our country!" 3. "Bourgeois, return the stolen!" 5.

Regardless of the chosen version of the slogan, the voters could enter their own version of the election slogan for the election campaign of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

Among the proposals sent to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, one can note:

05/09/1945 - not the last Victory, 04/12/1961 - not the last Triumph, 11/07/1917 - not the last Revolution!

The wealth of the country is at the service of the people!

It is dangerous to be a bourgeois - Russia will be Red!

Bourgeois do not steal, let's work

Bourgeois it's time to pay the bills!

Being with the Communist Party is honest!

Does your heart have white blood? Blue? Red!!!

In deputies - people of labor!

Are you tired of collecting bottles yet?

Great, united and just Russia is not just words, gentlemen

Let's get our country back, comrades!

Let's return the country to the people

Power to the People's Councils!

Return power to the people - bastards!

Together - forward! Behind us is Russia!

A thief should sit in jail!

Forward to the USSR!

Forward, to the USSR-2!

Time to clean up

All under the banner of the Great October Revolution

All good things are back!

All power to the Soviets!

Bring on the Revolution!

Let's live humanly!

The cause of Lenin will live, the Communist Party will win!

Down with the ministers-capitalists!

Income to the people! Resources of the country - to the people of Russia!

United Russia party of the bourgeoisie! The Communist Party of the People! Party for the people!

United Russia, fair Russia - socialist Russia

EdRo, SRs and even: ATP - they are all FORMER, from the CPSU! Vote for REAL! For the Communist Party!!!

Eat pineapples, chew grouse! Your last day is coming, bourgeois!

For power without Russophobes!

For the Communist Party - the strength of the USSR!

For the people for the Power of the Soviets-KPRF and no one else!

For our Soviet Motherland

For the victory of the people, for the happiness of the people!

For workers' democracy

For a socialist, united and just Russia!

The precepts of Lenin on our banner and Stalin's heart beats in our chest!

Factories - to the workers, Land - to the peasants, n ... - to the bourgeoisie!

The task of the Communist Party is the restoration of the country!

Capitalism is the enemy of Russia!

The Communist Party of Russia is a reliable defense of the people!

Communist Party - the power of the working people

Communist Party - the red path of the Russian Federation

The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is my party and social guarantee!

The Communist Party is our helmsman!


The Communist Party is the party of the people and for the people!

Communist Party - truth and justice!

Communist Party - you have a choice!

The Communist Party is the Unity, Justice and Greatness of Russia SIMULTANEOUSLY!

The Communist Party is Native Russia

The Communist Party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era!

Communist Party - it's honest!

Communist Party for Russian Power! Let the enemies see that the Russians have come to power in Russia!

Communist Party and Socialism - your confidence in the future

The Communist Party is the replacement of elevators throughout the country, and not sending money to US banks

Communist Party: There are many parties, one choice.

Communist Party of the Russian Federation: there are many parties, with the people - one!

Red power, will not let us fall!

The red sun will warm Russia!

Who is true to beliefs is true to promises

Socialism is better than wild capitalism.

The people of labor are the people of Russia, they decide the fate of Russia.

WORK PEOPLE! The Communist Party is YOUR PARTY!!!

We are left, but our cause is right!

That day is coming, that hour will come, and the party that rules now will find itself in a moment in a stinking garbage dump, and its members are in Magadan at a construction site

Our Motherland is the USSR

Our goal is the development of the country!

You won't strangle our song, you won't kill it!

There will be no justice in the country without the Communist Party!

Don't trust the leftist rightists, trust the truthful leftists!

Embarrassing for the state? Together with the Communist Party, let us revive its glory!

Society - scientifically based management!

Occupiers - get out of the Kremlin!

From a raw material colony to an industrial superpower!

Defended the Banner - we will defend Russia

There are many parties, the people's one - the Communist Party

Our hearts demand change!

The communists win - the people win!

My Russia is defeated. Defeated, but not a slave and she will never be until the Sickle, Hammer and Star burn on the Banner of Victory, which our grandfathers bequeathed !!!

Let's support the Communist Party - the defender of working people!

Right - to the West, Left - to Russia

Right-wing bourgeois - run without looking back, Zyuganov Gennady - steps on the heels

Let's turn the country from a raw material colony into an industrial superpower! CPRF

Wake up Russia - Time to act

For Life, For Freedom - Communist Party

Russia is not a colony! Communists will build a power!

Russia without Zyuganov is like a bride without a dowry

Russia will soon rise from its knees - shake off all rubbish and decay from your heads.

Russia is rapidly moving to the left! CPRF

With the Communist Party of Russia - for the power of the working people!

Today the left is right!

Strong Russia - Communist Russia!

Socialism is our future!

Social justice is the basis of any civilization!

Save Russia from the liberal plague!

Put it on red!

Tech Power - YES! Raw material colony - NO!

Comrade, believe that troubles will recede, but you and I must do - two sure steps to victory, two sure steps to spring.

Labor is a burden when they plow on the bourgeoisie

Whoever has the Truth is stronger!

If you want to live in Russia and speak Russian, vote for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. If you want to be in the state of Uasia and forget Russian, vote against.

People have always been and always will be stupid victims of deceit and self-deception until they learn to seek out the interests of certain classes behind any promises. V.I.Lenin

After the experts of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation select the most successful proposals, the site will hold a new round of voting as part of the action "Choose a slogan for the election campaign of the Communist Party"

I propose to recall the famous campaign phrases, slogans, appeals of the times of the USSR: any, from political to local (in the canteen, school, clinic, etc.)

Bread for dinner in moderation take! Bread is a treasure, don't litter them!

Youth! Persistently acquire knowledge!

The USSR is a great railway power!

Great and powerful is the stride of the USSR, the great railway power!

Don't talk on the phone, talker - a godsend for a spy!

"Pioneer is an example for all the guys!"

"October-friendly guys!"

"The party mind, honor and conscience of our era"

"Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live"

"Decisions of the XX ... Congress of the CPSU into life!"

"Lenin's ideas live and win"


Five-year plan of quality - our labor victories!

If you want to gain strength, you need to eat right.

No worries from the moment you bought a subscription.

Forward to the victory of communism!

All work in the field - under the Quality Mark!

"Bread is our wealth."

"Motherland, know how to stand up for her!"

"Drunkenness - fight!"

"smoking is bad for health"

"Nothing is given to us so cheaply, and is not valued so dearly, as POLITENESS."

The union of the hammer and sickle - do not destroy!


"Proletarians of all countries, unite!"

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his work!"

"No to NATO!"

"Long live the Soviet, people's intelligentsia!"

"Art belongs to the people!"

"We are for peace!"

Don't waste working minutes

Night - work is not a hindrance

Your best indicators are satisfied customers

"Count money without leaving the cash register!"

"Keep your money in the Savings Bank!"

"Fly with Aeroflot planes!"

"Bread is our wealth! Use it carefully!"

"Pioneer! You are responsible for everything!"

"The best controller is the passenger's conscience!"


The USSR is the bulwark of the world!

After the foam disappears, require topping up!

The Soviet seller is a model of politeness!

"The economy must be economical"

"The people and the party are united!"

"Lenin's precepts will be fulfilled!" (Option: "Faithful to the precepts of Lenin!")

"Long live such and such an anniversary of the Great October Revolution!" and "Glory to the Great October!", and on the eve of May 1 - "Peace! Labor! May!"

"Pioneers - a change to the Komsomol!" and "Octobers are future pioneers!" It seems, in the same place: "Pioneer! You live in the XXI century!"

"Change is coming!"

Respect the work of cleaners!

"Keep your hands clean! Destroy the flies!"

"Protect the forest from fire", "Do not litter the forest", "The forest is our green friend"

"We have a simple law!
Didn't clean the dishes - STOP!"

Long live the Communist Party!

Lenin and the Party are twin brothers!

Learn to learn (at school)

The party is our helmsman!
Party decisions - in life!

Use the summer to study!

"Do not climb into the salt with your fingers and eggs!"

"take care of bread, bread is the head of everything"

"Each crumb - in the palm of your hand!"

"Tourist, you are a guest everywhere!"

"The book is the source of knowledge"

"Increase labor productivity!"

The banner of peace is the banner of socialism!

Glory to the Soviet youth!

The party is a school of communism!


: "Today work is better than yesterday, tomorrow - better than today! L.I. Brezhnev"

: "He who drinks milk will jump high!"

"Thanks to the chefs - they cook delicious food for us!"

At the maternity hospital:

"Happy birthday to you, Soviet man!"



"Matches are not a toy for children!"

Business before pleasure!

Business time - fun hour.

Sobriety is the norm

The Party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era.

"Long live the unity of the party and the people!"

"Praise the hands that smell of bread"

"Reclamation is a nationwide affair"

"Our goal is communism"

Boldly and fearlessly criticize shortcomings in the work!

Liberated woman - build socialism!

We serve the people!

Our friendship is unbreakable!

Down with kitchen slavery! You give a new life!

Work communist!

The party said "GO!" the cosmomol answered "YES!"

I saved up - I bought a car,

Long live the Soviet Union Socialist Republics!






Thanks to the Motherland for our happy childhood!


Communism will win!

Strengthen the world with your work!

We are faithful to the precepts of Lenin!

Five years in three years!

Slogans, mottos, slogans: Political

The compiler does not call to follow the slogans of this database of slogans, mottos, slogans.

Children have been sucked into the enraged printer!
Our Duma is stupid!
The MPs are screwed!
Duma resign, children in the family!
Come on, unleash!
A shame!
For the dissolution of the State Duma!
Shame on the scoundrels!
The orphanage system cripples children.
Create conditions for adoption in Russia!
Killing children, get out of the Duma!
We are the power here!
We are responsible for those who were not allowed!
Children are not to blame for the disassembly of adults.
Decisions about the fate of children are not made for political reasons.
Slow-thinkers! Before going to work, do not forget to turn off the iron and turn on the brain!
I will sell the deputy of the baby for breakfast.
Mom has no nationality.
I am against Herod.
A plague on both your chambers No. 6!
I think you're not just illegitimate. You are unbearable!
Children need a family, not official love.
Beat the children - "save" Russia?
Again relevant in Russia - they cut down the forest, the chips fly!
Great State Fool, Punishing those who are waiting for a new life, You are undoubtedly a quasi-dictatorship And an enemy to the bleeding Motherland!
Motherland does not replace mother.
To fight with children is the lot of scoundrels!
People, rock the boat!
Dissolution of the Duma. Definitely!
Well, what kind of degenerates, completely rumpled, we vote!
Isaev, take a closer look at me!
Mom, why did I grow up as a deputy?
Let dads and moms be anything, as long as they love!
We, large families, have already appreciated your help. Orphan line?
For waste. (On the tank, where the portraits of the deputies who voted for the "anti-orphan" law were dumped.)
Children are not your property! (St. Petersburg)
Do not deprive children of the future! (St. Petersburg
Hands off the kids! (St. Petersburg)
The President, the Federation Council and the Duma are unsuitable for professional use! (St. Petersburg)
Zhiriki, Zyugi, Isaevs, Lyakhovs and other ghouls! I'm sick of you! Leningradka. (St. Petersburg)
Everything is clear with them. And with us? (St. Petersburg)
Beware MPs! (St. Petersburg)
Children should live in families! (St. Petersburg)
Do not involve children in politics! (St. Petersburg)
We adoptive parents are against the cannibal law! (St. Petersburg)
Only terrorists change children for criminals. (St. Petersburg)
Uncle President, I don't know who Magnitsky is. I just want my mom! (St. Petersburg)
Down with the State Duma! (St. Petersburg)
Children are out of politics! (St. Petersburg)
State Duma deputies are lovers of death. (St. Petersburg)
Do not play political games with children! (St. Petersburg)
Create conditions for the adoption of children in Russia! (St. Petersburg)
Deputies, adopt sick orphans! (St. Petersburg)
Do not turn your homeland into a dungeon! (Kaliningrad)
Create conditions, not prohibitions! (Kirov)
Russian children are a national treasure! (Kirov)
The anti-orphan law is a disgrace to Russia! (Tomsk)
Slogans of protest rallies against the law adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation banning the adoption of Russian children by Americans, Moscow and other cities, January 13, 2013

Take over Wall Street!
Occupy Wall Street!
Take over the streets!
Occupy streets!
Take over your city!
Occupy your city!
Take over America!
Occupy America!
Let's take it together!
Occupy together!
Us 99%.
We are 99%.
This revolution will not be shown on TV. Get information yourself.
The revolution will not be televised. Keep yourself informed.
You can't privatize this revolution.
The revolution will not be privatized.
You have the right to remain silent. Your money speaks for you.
You have the right to remain silent. And let your money speak for you.
Money is talking. 99% are coming.
money talks. 99% walks.
Rise up October 15th. Bring your posters. Bring your tools. Bring your supplies. Come informed. Come with courage. Bring the noise with you. Answer the call!
October 15 rise up. Bring your signs. Bring your instruments. Bring supplies. Bring an informed mind. Bring a full heart. Bring the noise. Answer the call!
We are here. There are more and more of us.
We are here. We are growing.
This is democracy, dumbass.
It's democracy, stupid.
OCCUPY WALL SREET, social movement. Slogans in the USA, autumn 2011

Milk the cows, not the business!
Down with draconian taxes!
No 34%!
We are not puppets! We are citizens of Russia!
Get the corrupt officials out of power!
Maidan is not far off!
Slogans of a rally of representatives of small and medium-sized businesses against high taxes, Moscow, May 26, 2011

Iranism versus Islamism!
Not for Gaza, not for Lebanon - I will give my life for Iran!
Iran is a republic, but not an Islamic one!
Ayatollah, go away!
Army of the brave, support us!
Iranian opposition slogans, spring 2011

We support you, Mousavi!
Death to the dictator!
The Iranian will die, but will not tolerate humiliation!
Allah is great! (the cry of the opposition during the riots in 2009)
Opposition slogans in Tehran, February 2011

Our spirit and our blood are for you, Bashar!
Bashar is reforms!
Well done!
Bashar al-Assad is the president of the Syrians.
I believe in Syria.
Official slogans praising Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, spring 2011

Fuck Mubarak!
Mubarak, go away!
Go to hell, Mubarak!
Mubarak, Mubarak - the plane is waiting for you!
Game over, Mubarak!
You are an ass, Mubarak!
Leave Egypt alone!
80 million people hate you!
We don't need Mubarak!
Mubarak, bastard, the blood of Egypt is expensive!
Beloved Egypt, for your sake I am ready to die, and for my son to grow up, I will not be silent!
Anyone who clings to power against the will of the people will fall!
Nobody needs you, Mubarak, go away!
Egyptian, leave everything but the revolution!
Down with al-Adli, Minister of Torture!
The police are the cause of anarchy!
Police out of Egypt!
Sorry, your credit is depleted!
Mubarak, get ready, your last day has come!
Arise Arab people!
The police and the people are united against injustice!
Where is your daddy now? (photo of the son of the president, to whom Mubarak wanted to inherit power)
Coward and scoundrel Mubarak!
Egyptian Revolution Slogans, 2011

We choose our mayor!
We have appointed, do not fire you!
Think again! A million Volgograd residents will come here, and who is for you, Brovko?
Brovko, your region is in trouble!
Slogans of supporters of the ex-mayor of Volgograd Roman Grebennikov in conflict with the governor Anatoly Brovko, Volgograd, February 2011

Honor is above power.
The slogan of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Latvia

Dream! Think! Act!
OUR youth movement. Motto of the movement, 2010

Russia is the capital of the world.
OUR youth movement. Slogan-name of the Nashi program in Voronezh

Are you smart?
Not so the horns were broken.
Removed the camera! I'll break it down!
Press under the press!
You will take your wife!
I'll shove your camera up your ass.
Do not shoot, your mother!
FEMEN, women's movement in Ukraine. Slogans on the "shields" of "special forces" from the Femen movement, which "pressed" the press on Independence Square in Kyiv on June 3, 2010 on the occasion of 100 days of Viktor Yanukovych's presidency

Yanukovych is our president!
The slogan of supporters of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Lvov on May 27, 2010

Yanukovych is a fake president!
Bandera will come - he will restore order!
Slogans of opponents of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in Lvov on May 27, 2010

Yanukovych, parents and homelands are not traded!
Yanukovych, stop! Don't sell Ukraine!
Yanukovych, study the biographies of dictators, people do not forgive traitors! (the slogan of a flash mob in which books with biographies of Nero, Mussolini, Ceausescu were sent to Yanukovych ...)
Ukrainian opposition slogans against Ukraine's rapprochement with Russia, May 2010

NATO, get out!
Without Stalin, there is no Victory.
Stalin is our Victory!
Zyuganov, you give machine guns instead of slogans!
Communist Party, political party. Slogans of her supporters during the march on Victory Day, Moscow, May 9, 2010

"United Russia" - the party of social guarantees!
Tariffs - under people's control!
For a decent salary, fair social guarantees!
For the rights of workers!
The future of Russia is in the hands of teachers!
We will be worthy of the Great Victory!
Strong Russia - united Russia!
People! Medvedev! Putin! (Ryazan)
UNITED RUSSIA, political party. Party slogans (and the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia - FNPR) in Moscow and other cities of Russia on May 1, 2010

Let's protect labor rights!
Blogs are the conscience of Russia!
Every fair politician - a blog!
JUST RUSSIA, political party. Party slogans in Moscow May 1, 2010

Employer! Pay your wages and sleep well!
Everything can be attributed to the crisis, we must not forget about people!
Man of work - respect!
FEDERATION OF TRADE UNIONS of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region. Slogans of the May Day demonstration 2010

We want change!
I'm tired of stagnation!
YABLOKO, political party. Slogans of its activists, Moscow, May 1, 2010

Hands off Moscow!
Damn, construction site, Moscow is not a dump!
The master plan will not pass!
O chen P sucker G enplan.
Do not wake up the Kirghiz in us!
All power to the people!
If the planet were a bank, it would have been saved long ago.
Unity in struggle, not in lawlessness!
LEFT FRONT, a coalition of opposition parties and movements. Her slogans in Moscow May 1, 2010

New government, new course!
For socialist modernization!
Glory to Lenin! Glory to Stalin!
No to the NATO boot on Red Square!
Incompetent government - resign!
You have to fight for a better life!
People, don't mess around, get up!
Our strength is in the truth!
Our future is socialism!
Everyone - in the May Day columns!
Stop being patient, stop being silent!
Power and property - to the working people!
We demand the nationalization of key industries and natural resources!
The name of modernization is socialism!
The salvation of Russia is in the hands of the working people!
Russia needs a different path - the path to socialism!
Let's change the power - we will revive Russia!
Down with the price rise government!
No NATO participation in the Victory Parade!
Workers of the machine-tool plant - work and wages! (Ryazan)
Slogans of communists and left forces of St. Petersburg, Kemerovo, Nikolaev, Kursk, Tyumen, Saratov, Ryazan May 1, 2010

What we want - equality and peace, when we want it - now.
Less banks - more books!
As long as we are united, we are invincible!
No to fascism - no to capitalism!
Capitalism is boring!
No justice, no peace.
Our fatherland is all mankind.
The world is colored, not brown.
Rights are not given, rights are taken!
Our world is not for sale, keep fighting!
Your children will become like us.
Memorize like twice two - only the struggle gives rights!
Our weapon is solidarity!
No one is forgotten, no one is forgiven!
Freedom without nations, fascism will not pass!
People are more important than profit.
No seal building!
Our climate is not your business.
Anarchist and Antifa slogans in Moscow May 1, 2010

It is forbidden to prohibit.
The slogan of the unsanctioned march of anarchists in Yekaterinburg on May 1, 2010
The slogan is borrowed

No abolition of direct mayoral elections!
Let's repel the attack of bureaucrats!
Cancel the cancellation of elections!
FOR DIRECT PERM ELECTIONS, civil coalition. Coalition slogans in Perm May 1, 2010

Cancellation of elections - no!
The slogan of opponents of the cancellation of the election of the mayor of Chelyabinsk, May 1, 2010

Back to the future! Back to the USSR! (Left Kyiv)
No price increases, draconian extortion, bank robbery! (leftists of Lugansk)
Not an inch of Russian land for European integrators! (leftists of Lugansk)
For an alliance with Russia and Belarus, for the Russian language, for a decent life! (leftists of Lugansk)
Stop homeless in the backyards of Europe! Let's survive together with Russia! (leftists of Lugansk)
The workers - a rifle, the bourgeoisie - a twine! (leftists of Lugansk)
Zeka away! (right Cherkasy)
Bandera is our hero! (right Cherkasy)
We demand to deprive Bandera and Shukhevych of the title of heroes of Ukraine! (communists of Simferopol)
Neo-fascism will not pass! (communists of Simferopol)
May Day slogans in Ukraine, 2010

No to capitalism!
Only the dictatorship of the proletariat will lead to socialism!
Down with contract slavery!
Bourgeois - to the bunks, workers - to the Canaries!
God said to share.
The Communist Party of Belarus (VKPB) and the Belarusian ultra-left. Slogans of a rally of party supporters in Minsk, May 2, 2010

Capitalism is war.
Freedom instead of Germany.
Work for the Germans!
Generations of cowardice must pass!
Work instead of relocation.
Slogans of the far right in Germany May 1, 2010

Karl Marx has a vanguard! Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Karl Marx has a posse! Workers of the world, unite!
HEKMATIST, Iranian workers' communist party in exile. Party slogan for May 1, 2010, London

No discrimination against women workers in Iran!
End the discrimination against female workers in Iran!
The slogan in the hands of an Iranian, London, May 1, 2010

Let's join hands and let our dreams come true!
Hold our hands and let our dreams become true!
Slogan in the hands of Arab children, London, May 1, 2010

For children to live, let's stop the imperialist wars!
For children lives stop imperialist war "s!
Slogan in the hands of people from the Middle East, London, May 1, 2010

Migrants' rights are human rights!
Migrants" rights are human rights!
Slogan in the hands of (illegal?) migrants, London, May 1, 2010

Common struggle - common country.
Common struggle - common country.
The slogan in the hands of the Turks and Kurds, London, May 1, 2010

Investment, not stripping!
Investment not investment!
The slogan of DAY-MER, the unification of Turks and Kurds in London, May 1, 2010

Expand the rebellion!
Spread the revolt!
The slogan of the campaign of solidarity with the Greeks (who are aggressively protesting against the cuts in social benefits due to the bankruptcy of the country), London, May 1, 2010

Stop cuts! Fight for every job!
Stop the cuts! Fight for every job!
We will not pay for their crisis!
We won't pay for their crisis!
Down with this government!
Kick the government out now!
For a workers' government and socialism!
For a workers government and socialism!
BNP is a Nazi party. Hit the BNP!
The BNP is a nazy party – smash the BNP! (The British National Party - Right Party)
Unemployment and housing shortages are not caused by immigration.
Unemployment & lack of housing are not caused by immigration.
SOCIALIST WORKERS' PARTY of Great Britain. Party slogans May 1, 2010, London

Signature under the portrait of each of the prominent candidates in the UK parliamentary elections, London, May 1, 2010
Added Class War headline - Class War

No to pedophiles or pedophile advocates in Parliament! Let's make the world safe for children!
No paedophiles or cover-up of paedophilia in Parliament. Make the world safe for children!

Sex workers of the world, unite!
Sex workers of the world, unite!
The slogan in the hands of demonstrators, London, May 1, 2010

God save China!
China and the Communist Party are not the same.
We support the 70 million who left the Communist Party.
The Nine Commentaries are corrupting the Communist Party.
WORLD CENTER FOR ASSISTANCE ON EXIT FROM THE COMPUTER PARTY. Slogans of a procession in support of the Chinese leaving all communist organizations, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, March 2010
The publication in 2004 of the book "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party" served as a powerful impetus for the awakening of the Chinese

Only repentance will save Turkey!
The slogan of the Armenian torchlight procession dedicated to the 95th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide in Turkey, Sochi, April 23, 2010

With Chavez, the whole people is the government.
HUGO CHAVES, President of Venezuela. His propaganda slogan, 2010

Nations are power.
The slogan of the rally in defense of the Ukrainian language, Kyiv, March 2010

No to bilingualism! Join the ranks of the national opposition!
SVOBODA, all-Ukrainian association

The program of the Communist Party is the salvation of Russia.
Communist Party, political party. The slogan of a protest action against the increase in tariffs, Ufa, March 27, 2010

STOP Utilities!
Mayor, stop the robbery!
Mayor's salary - to the people!
Mayor, when will you start working?
Communist Party, political party. Slogans of a rally against the increase in tariffs in housing and communal services, Arkhangelsk, March 28, 2010

Russia is a great country, so we are not noticed in it.
The slogan of the "Day of Wrath" in Vladivostok, March 20, 2010

Save the country from socialism!
The slogan of supporters of the US Republican Party - opponents of the government of Democrat Bark Obama, 2010

Is O BOMB Is A doing a good job?
Is it really OK if O BOMB Does it?
The promises of change we believed in are lies!
Leave Afghanistan now!
We need jobs and schools, not war.
War is not the answer.
Slogans of an anti-war rally in Washington, March 20, 2010

Love always conquers envy and hatred.
Let's conquer hate with love!
Slogans of a rally in support of Silvio Berlusconi and his People of Freedom party in Rome on the eve of the municipal elections in Italy, March 2010
"Love always conquers envy and hatred" - the title of the book by Silvio Berlusconi

10 years without delay in retirement. A trifle, but nice!
OLDER GENERATION, public organization. Slogan of a rally in support of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and the government, Moscow, 2010

Kosovo is Serbia.
Anonymous partisan advertising in the Moscow Metro, February 2010

The snow has melted itself, we will pay taxes. Power, what have you done?
Petersburg motorists. The slogan of the sanctioned protest action against the increase in tariffs for traffic police services, OSAGO tariffs and for the abolition of "ineffective protective duties on foreign cars", St. Petersburg, January 30, 2010

Luzhkov, burn in hell!
Luzhkov resign!
Hands off the "River"!
"River" does not give up!
Slogans of a rally of residents of the village "Rechnik" and activists of opposition movements against the demolition of the village, January 2010

Confidence. Traditions. Transparency. Tolerance.
trust. Traditions. transparency. tolerance.
"Four Ts" - the motto of the OSCE summit, which takes place in Kazakhstan in 2010

We don't pay.
Let the plutocracy pay for the crisis!
The slogan of the striking civil servants of Greece, who do not want to bear any responsibility for the economic difficulties in the country, 2010

They ate, they stole. What about sitting?
Corrupt official's wife, tell your husband no!
United Russia deputies, do you give a tax on skis and air?
George, we are ashamed that you are a biker! (Georgy Boos dabbles in a motorcycle.)
Boos retire!
Bring back gubernatorial elections!
The slogans of the opposition rally in Kaliningrad on January 30, 2010

You are not a cattle, but a citizen, remember your rights, you are not alone!
The slogan of the employees of the Kharkiv municipal enterprise "Gorelectrotrans", who went on strike due to non-payment of wages, 2010

You give an immediate change in the course of reforms!
Anti-crisis program of the Communist Party - YES!
Rising prices and tariffs - NO!
Ministers-capitalists - resign!
The authorities that destroyed food security - under the tribunal!
The cynicism of the authorities has surpassed all boundaries!
Get up, people, trouble has come!
There is no forgiveness for the scoundrels who ruined Soviet power!
Capitalism is cannibalism!
No increase in prices and utility bills!
No robbery of the people!
For robbery prices and tariffs - the government to account!
Raising prices is a crime without a statute of limitations!
For housing and communal services - no more than 10% of family income!
Monetizing benefits and raising tariffs is a knife in the back of the older generation.
Stabilization Fund for production, not for oligarchs and banks!
Ministers-capitalists to the construction sites of the Far North!
Raise the salary first, and then the rent!
Socialism is development without crisis.
The program of the Communist Party is the salvation of Russia.
Russia's path - forward to socialism!
In the victory of socialism is victory over the crisis.
No to communal robbery!
The policy of rising prices leads to a social explosion.
No increase in food prices!
Anti-people government - resign!
So they will rip off - if we keep silent.
Stop the genocide of the people!
First salary, then rent!
The crisis is shaking, and the officials are fattening!
Let's call the government to account!
City manager Somov - resign! (Saratov)
Icicle mayor! Get out of the chair! (Saratov)
The dictatorship of capital has robbed all of Russia!
In the victory of socialism is victory over the crisis!
Together with Stalin along the Leninist path!
Communist Party, political party. Slogans of the All-Russian protest action against government policy in Moscow, Saratov, Perm, Chita, Rostov, Voronezh, Kirov regions January 23, 2010

Russia and Ukraine together are strong.
United people of brothers.
RUSSIA YOUNG, youth movement. The slogans of the action in defense of the status of the Russian language and the rights of Russian speakers in Ukraine. The action took place near the Embassy of Ukraine in Moscow on the day of the presidential elections in Ukraine on January 17, 2010

Strength in the people!
Speks ir tauta!
Latvian opposition slogan, December 2009

Death to America!
Death to Israel!
Death to Mir-Hossein Mousavi! (leader of the opposition)
Death to opponents!
Slogans of demonstrations in support of the government in Iran, December 2009

Russia against terror!
Find and destroy!
UNITED RUSSIA, party. Slogans of a rally against terrorism after the bombing of the Nevsky Express, St. Petersburg, December 2, 2009

You got it, now earn it!
You won it, now earn it.
The slogan is an appeal to Barack Obama. Norwegian activists hung it in front of the entrance to the city hall of Oslo on the day of the Nobel Prizes, 2009

Obama's care makes me sick.
Born free but killed by taxes
The slogans of opponents of the introduction of the public health insurance system in the United States, which was initiated by Barack Obama, September 2009

Russians against fascism.
Communist Party. The slogan of the rally in Moscow on National Unity Day November 4, 2009

Skinheads against Nazism!
Motto of ANTIFA

Stop the Polish invasion.
NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY of Germany (NPD), far right. Her slogan against immigrants from Poland, 2009
The court of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern ordered the NPD to remove campaign posters with this slogan from the streets

I am a citizen.
The slogan of the regional meeting of the youth activists of the Khabarovsk Territory, 2009

Living in a house is a right!
Olympics out of Vancouver!
Fuck you and your fucking Olympics.
Homeless village slogans in Vancouver during the 2010 Olympics

No - the Olympics on the lands of indigenous peoples.
The slogan of the protest in Toronto on the main street of Yonge Street - the route of the Olympic flame, 2009

I'm changing the mayor to a grader.
The slogan of a car race through the snowy streets of Vladivostok against increased duties on the import of foreign cars, 2009

The capitalists got us. Come, Comrade Stalin!
Stalin is a victory!
The fight for the truth about Stalin is the fight for our future.
Slogans of activists of the Communist Party of Perm on the 130th anniversary of the birth of Stalin (December 21, 2009)

World capital - world October.
Slogan of the Left, 2009

Our modernization is socialism!
ANTI-CAPITALISM-2009, march of the left forces in Moscow, 2009

Freedom, patriotism, law!
The motto of the Liberal Democratic Party, adopted at the party congress in December 2009

We are Armenians, we are young, we are strong.
The slogan under which a group of 60 Armenian university students visited Nagorno-Karabakh, December 2009

Karabakh is as much a part of Azerbaijan as Lyon is a part of Provence!
I want to go home... to Karabakh. (slogan in the hands of a girl)
Slogans of Azerbaijanis living in France. In front of the Euronews TV office in Lyon, they protested against what they believe to be an incorrect Euronews broadcast about Nagorno-Karabakh, 2009

Kidnappers - to The Hague!
Belarus opposition slogan against politically motivated kidnappings, 2009

Russian citizens speak more than 230 languages.
Russia is the home country for more than 180 nationalities.
There are many peoples. The country is one.
MINISTRY OF REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION. Headlines and slogan in support of the ideals of federalism, 2009

Sue us all!
The slogan of the Italian opposition, which finds unlawful the lawsuits of Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi against the press that criticizes him, 2009

Russia is for everyone!
Russian march - all our own!
OUR youth movement. Slogans on National Unity Day November 4, 2009

Nationalism in the trash!
Fascism kills!
Antifa in Petersburg. Their slogans on National Unity Day November 4, 2009
Source: Kommersant on November 5, 2009

Go Russia!
The name is the slogan of the program address of President DMITRY MEDVEDEV, September 2009. Before that, the motto was used by sports fans, and even earlier there was a novel by Valentin Kataev “Time, forward!”, A film based on the novel, music by Georgy Sviridov ...

Go Russia!
Name-slogan of the political movement of Boris Fedorov, 1995

Go Italy!
Forza Italia!
Name-slogan of the party of Silvio Berlusconi, 1993
A paraphrase of the football motto Go Italy!

Unity, spirituality, patriotism.
THE GREAT WAY OF RUSSIAN CIVILIZATION, the action of "United Russia", in which party members in UAZ-Patriot cars drive from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok, 2009

Without traces of war!
The slogan of the government of the Chechen Republic for the restoration of destroyed cities, 2009

Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity.
Bombing for peace is like fucking for virginity.
The slogan of opponents of US military activity in the Middle East, 2009

Latvia, get up!
The slogan of the events in Riga in memory of the 1991 barricades, 2009

What happens around - goes in circles.
What goes around comes around.
Slogan against the war in Iraq, 2008
The poster is glued to a round pedestal, so that a grenade thrown by a soldier flies to him ...

Thanks to Mugabe, that money became wallpaper.
Thanks to Mugabe this money is wallpaper.

And 250,000,000 Zimbabwean dollars can't buy paper to print this poster.
Z$250,000,000 cannot buy the paper to print this poster on.
THE ZIMBABWEAN, a newspaper in Zimbabwe. Campaign slogan in which billboards were pasted over with depreciated banknotes due to inflation, 2008

It's cheaper to print on money than on paper.
It's cheaper to print this on money than paper.
THE ZIMBABWEAN, a newspaper in Zimbabwe. Campaign slogan in which billboards were pasted over with depreciated banknotes due to inflation, 2008

Fight the regime that ruined the country.
Fight the regime that has crippled a country.
THE ZIMBABWEAN, a newspaper in Zimbabwe. Campaign slogan in which billboards were pasted over with depreciated banknotes due to inflation, 2008

Do not lead to sin - reduce housing and communal services prices!
Six acres - no tax!
"Fair Russia" - spring in politics!
JUST RUSSIA. Party slogans for May Day in Moscow, 2009

People! Medvedev! Putin!
Twentieth year! Go Russia! (2020 is the year of completion of the “Putin plan”)
Putin's plan is a plan for victory!

Russia needs children.
YOUNG GUARDS, the youth wing of UNITED RUSSIA. Their slogan during the May Day demonstration in Moscow, 2009

Power under the control of citizens!
APPLE, party. Her May Day motto, 2009

No anti-people politics!
Communist Party. May Day slogan of the party, 2009

Crisis for those who organized it!
No to unemployment!
No - poverty!
The slogans of the Communists of Kaluga, they picketed with them near the building of the city government, 2008

Better red than blue.
The slogan of the Krasnoyarsk Komsomol members, 2007
As Nikolai Yezersky, State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, explained in an interview with, this slogan does not have sexual overtones and indicates the blue color of the United Russia flag.

Release the bird from the cage.
The slogan of the Communist Party Committee of Guangdong Province, China, promoting the idea that the crisis will free the economy from labor-intensive, non-environmental, non-science-intensive industries, 2009

Calmly go to the green light, quickly to the yellow and bypass to the red.
Chinese economic reform slogan, 1980s

It's time to change the government!
Time to change power!
We need another Russia!
OTHER RUSSIA, a coalition of opposition parties and movements. The slogans of the protests in January 2009

This is our city!
We want to breathe freely!
UNITED CIVIL FRONT, DEFENSE, CHANGE, opposition movements. Slogans in the "Day of Dissent" January 31, 2009 in Moscow

People! Medvedev! Putin! Together we will win!
YOUNG GUARDS, the youth wing of the United Russia party. The slogan of street actions in support of the government on January 31, 2009 in Moscow

Let's put power under the control of the people!
The slogan of the opposition on the "Day of Dissenters" on January 31, 2009 in St. Petersburg

If a person is satisfied with everything, then he is a complete idiot.
APPLE, party. The slogan of the action in Omsk on the "Day of Dissent" January 31, 2009
Quoted from Putin

We are together and everything is fine!
UNITED RUSSIA, party. The slogan of the rally on January 31, 2009 in Vladivostok

We are FOR the abolition of transport tax!
We are for freedom of movement!
We are FOR the abolition of predatory duties!
We are FOR reducing the cost of fuel!
Slogans of Russian motorists

The car is not a luxury!
For empty canisters of urine monopolists!
A JUST RUSSIA, its youth faction. Campaign slogan for lowering gasoline prices, Moscow, November 2008

Leaders - to the mausoleum!
The slogan of those who disagree with the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation on the extension of the powers of the President and the State Duma to 6 and 5 years, respectively, 2008

Pioneers, go to hell!
Young opposition slogan addressed to activists of pro-Kremlin youth organizations, Moscow, 2009
With this phrase, Faina Ranevskaya protected herself from children who, after the release of the film "Foundling" with the famous phrase "Mulya, don't make me nervous!" didn't let her pass. True, Ranevskaya said: “Pioneers, go to hell!”

No capitalism - no crisis!
Communist Party. The slogan in the "Day of Dissent" January 31, 2009

A liberal in government means a crisis in the economy.
WE don't have to pay for THEIR crisis!
Capitalism is bankrupt. Bring on socialism!
Communist Party. Communist party slogans for the 91st anniversary of the October Revolution, autumn 2008

For internationalism!
Liberal slogan for National Unity Day, 2008

Our money is our people!
YOUNG GUARDS, the youth wing of United Russia. Slogan against migrants, 2008

Freedom of speech, not murder!
Opposition slogan demanding an objective investigation into the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, 2008

Why think the same way?
Freedom of personality, choice, creativity!
No xenophobia!
No herd instinct!
The totalitarian state encourages dementia.
Kill the state in you!
Why not immediately to a concentration camp?
Goth and emo slogans against the intention of State Duma deputies to ban appearing in society in pink and black clothes, with tattoos and piercings, Krasnoyarsk, 2008

One-two-three - good Lithuania without Russians!
NATIONAL CENTER OF LITHOVANIANS, an organization of Lithuanian national patriots. Their slogan, 2008

We reached Berlin, we will reach Tallinn.
OUR, pro-Kremlin youth movement. The slogan of the action at the Estonian embassy in Moscow, in which "Nashi" protested against the transfer of the monument to the Soviet soldier in Tallinn, 2007

This is our city!
The motto of the "March of Dissent" in St. Petersburg, March 2007

All the way.
OUR, pro-Kremlin youth movement. Image slogan, 2005

I am for!
YOUNG GUARDS of United Russia. Motto in support of Vladimir Putin, 2007

Glory to Russia!
Nationalist slogan, 2005

We are for the Russians, we are for the poor.
LDPR, early 2000s

Reform without mercy.
JUNICHIRO KOIZUMI, 89th Prime Minister of Japan (2001-2006). His motto

It's time to return the country to the people!
Slogan of the opposition NATIONAL SOCIAL-DEMOCRATIC PARTY (OSDP), Kazakhstan, 2000s

Do not piss in the entrance.
Paint the fence.
National idea slogans proposed by Georgy Satarov's group in the 1990s

While others are only talking, we are already doing.

Better - with us!
The slogan of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF RUSSIA, early 1990s

If a friend suddenly turned out to be neither a friend nor an enemy, but a member of the CPSU?
Democrat headline, 1990s

The government of the USSR - resign!
The devastation is the fault of the CPSU!
Long live a renewed Russia without communists!
Democracy does not attack, it defends.
Gorbachev - hands off sovereign Russia!
Slogans for the restoration of Russian sovereignty, 1990

Hands off Soviet trade!
The slogan in the hands of aunts in mohair scarves and mink hats who took to the streets of Nizhny Novgorod in March 1992. Quoted from: The New Times, 2009, nos. 46-47, page 14

Get out of the Moscow priest!
The slogan of Ukrainian nationalists during the visit to Kyiv of Patriarch Alexy II in 1990

Dad, exploit us!
The slogan of the inhabitants of the Czech city of Zlin, addressed to the shoe magnate Tomas Bata, 1990

Communism - never!
The slogan of the anti-communists of Germany
Image of green bronze bust of Karl Marx

Socialism is too expensive.
Motto of the Austrian right-wing parties

Proletarians of all countries, excuse me...
Democrat headline
Text against the background of a photograph by K. Marx

Nazi dictators!
On January 15, 1990, the crowd broke into the headquarters of the Stasi in East Berlin with such posters.

We will end the reforms like this - Stalin, Beria, Gulag!
NATIONAL-BOLSHEVIK PARTY (NBP), now banned. Her slogan in the 1990s

Eat the rich.
Eat the rich.
Slogan popular among the anarcho-punk community due to the Motörhead song of the same name released in 1987, as well as the Aerosmith song of the same name from the album "Get a Grip" (1993)

Down with the privileges of the party nomenklatura!
Boris Yeltsin's slogan for perestroika, late 1980s

More socialism! More democracy!
The slogan for the XIX All-Union Party Conference of the CPSU, 1988

Boris, you are wrong!
EGOR LIGACHEV to Boris Yeltsin at the 19th All-Union Party Conference, 1988

The party said: "We must!" Komsomol answered: "Yes!"
Komsomol slogan of the 1970-1980s

Party plans - in life.
Soviet slogan

Proletarians of all countries, unite!
Communist slogan

Forgive, crucified Russia!
Political slogan of Russian nationalist movements

Orthodoxy, autocracy, nationality.
The motto of the Russian MINISTRY OF ENLIGHTENMENT, proposed in 1840 by Minister S. S. Uvarov, is an adaptation of the slogan “For Faith, Tsar and Fatherland!”

For faith, the king and the Fatherland!
Vintage Russian patriotic slogan

For God, the Kaiser and the Fatherland!
Fur Gott, Kaizer und Vaterland.
Vintage german patriotic slogan

Three "S" - property, stability, freedom.

Why die for Thatcher? Stop rockets!
Why die for Thatcher? Stop the missiles!
The slogan of the opponents of Margaret Thatcher and her weapons program, UK, 1984

Love France, or get out of it!
Le Pen's NATIONAL FRONT slogan against immigrants living in the country, 1990s

The economy must be economical. (Full text: "The economy must be economical - this is the requirement of the time.")
The thesis, which became a political slogan, was voiced at the XXVI Congress of the CPSU in the report of L. I. Brezhnev

Communism is the youth of the world, and to create it young!
Lenin is now more alive than all the living!
The people and the party are united!
Our goal is communism!
The program of the party is the program of the people.
The Party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era!
Glory to the working class!
Work better than yesterday!
Better work - better life!
On the victorious path, on the Leninist course!
The power of the Soviets is the power of the people!
Soviet means excellent!
My company is my pride.
Under the banner of Marxism-Leninism, forward to the victory of communism!
Our path is wide and clear, lead us, party!
Soviet slogans, 1960-1980s

Biology is not destiny!
French feminist slogan, 1970s

We are losing our best friends.
Shame on the invaders!
Hands off Czechoslovakia!
Free Dubcek!
For your freedom and ours!
The slogans with which seven human rights activists came to Red Square on August 25, 1968, protesting against the entry Soviet troops to Czechoslovakia. They repeated the words of Alexander Herzen "For your and our freedom!", which he uttered at a meeting with Polish emigrants in London after the suppression of the Polish uprising in 1863. Actually, the Polish rebels were the first to put forward this motto during the National Liberation Uprising of 1830-31. The slogan was used in 1956 by the Revolt Pimenov group, which protested against the entry of Soviet troops into Hungary. Valeria Novodvorskaya and her comrades held this poster in the winter of 1991 near the Vilnius TV tower, and during the Chechen war it reappeared in Moscow

Socialism with a human face.
The slogan of the "Prague Spring" (January 5-August 20, 1968)

Make love, not war.
Make love not war.
Hippie motto, late 1960s

Give the world a chance!
Give peace a chance!
The title of a John Lennon song that became the slogan of the anti-war movement, 1969

Be realistic - demand the impossible.
Soyez realistes - demandez l "impossible.
The slogan of the Parisian students in May 1968

It is forbidden to prohibit!

Under the cobblestones is the beach.
Sous les pavis, la plage!

Gaullism is personal power plus the monopoly of television.

We are all German Jews.
The slogan of the students of Paris in May 1968; arose after the leader of the unrest, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, who came from a family of German Jews who fled to France in 1933 from the Nazis, was declared persona non grata

The barricade blocks the street, but opens the view.

All power is to the imagination!
L "imagination au pouvoir!
The slogan of the student protests in Paris in May 1968

The revolution is incredible because it is real.
La revolution est incroyable parce que vraie.
The slogan of the student protests in Paris in May 1968

Boredom is counter-revolution.
L "ennui est contre-revolutionnaire.

Red girls are always the prettiest.
Student riot slogan, Paris, May 1968

The sacred is the enemy.
The motto of the Parisian students in May 1968

There is no revolutionary thought - there are revolutionary actions.
Motto of the revolutionary students of Paris, May 1968

The liberation of mankind will be universal or it will not be.
L "emancipation de l" homme sera totale ou ne sera pas.
The slogan of the student protests in Paris in May 1968

Ten years is enough.
Slogan of the May Revolution in France (1968), addressed to de Gaulle

Let's go storm the Elysee Palace!
The slogan of the ultra-left during the days of student unrest in Paris in May 1968

Down with the republic of cowards!
The slogan of the 1968 May Revolution in Paris

Consume more, live less.
The slogan of the Parisian students in May 1968

Down with the Stalinist rotten stuff!
Student riot motto, Paris, 1968

Down with the consumer society!
The slogan of the student revolution, Paris, May 1968

Down with socialist realism! Long live surrealism!
The slogan of the Parisian students in May 1968

Art is dead, don't feed on its corpse.
Student riot motto, Paris, 1968

Let's be cruel!
Soyons cruelty!
The slogan of the student revolution, Paris, May 1968

Never work.
The slogan of the student riot in Paris in May 1968

I accept my desires as reality because I live in the reality of my desires.
Student riot motto, Paris, 1968

Run, comrade old world haunts you.
The slogan of the Parisian students in May 1968

In a society that has canceled all adventures, the only adventure is to abolish society!
Dans une societe qui a aboli toute aventure, la seule aventure qui reste est celle d "abolir la societe.
The slogan of the student riot in Paris in May 1968

The boss needs you, you don't need the boss.
Student riot motto, Paris, 1968

Who speaks of love destroys love.
The slogan of the student revolution, Paris, May 1968

The revolution takes place first in people, and only then in reality.
The slogan of the Parisian students in May 1968

Poetry is on the streets.
Student riot motto, Paris, 1968

To yield a little is to surrender completely.
The slogan of the student revolution, Paris, May 1968

To be free in 1968 is to participate.
The slogan of the Parisian students in May 1968

I love you! - Oh, tell me this with a cobblestone in your hands!
Je t "aime! - Oh! dites-le avec des pavis!
The slogan of the Parisian students in May 1968

Here is your ballot.
May 1968 slogan for those under 21
The poster depicts a cobblestone pavement

Elections suck.
The slogan of the student riot in Paris in May 1968

Reforms - yes, carnival - no!
De Gaulle's reaction to student unrest in Paris, 1968

Fire on headquarters!
Beijing slogan from the Cultural Revolution, 1960s

Yankees, go home!
The slogan of the anti-Americans of all countries

Give meat, butter!
We need apartments!
Khrushchev for meat!
The slogans of the workers of Novocherkassk June 2, 1962

From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.
Our goal is communism!
Communism slogans

Catch up and overtake America!
Soviet slogan, early 1960s

Let a hundred flowers bloom, let a hundred schools compete.
The slogan under which Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong launched a massive publicity and criticism campaign in 1957

Serve the people.
One of Mao Zedong's favorite slogans

Homeland or Death! We will win!
Socialism or death! We will win!
Revolutionary Cuba slogans, 1950s

The people and the party are united.
Soviet slogan. First published in the Pravda newspaper in 1953

For peace and friendship among peoples!
Motto of youth and student festivals, second half of the 20th century

Thanks to Comrade Stalin for our happy childhood!
Soviet slogan.
The parents of Geli Markizova, who was sitting in Stalin's arms in the famous poster with this slogan, were repressed

The captain of the country of the Soviets leads us from victory to victory.
Soviet post-war slogan about Stalin

Get out of India!
Mahatma Gandhi's slogan against the British colonizers, 1942

The only way.
IRGUN, a paramilitary Zionist organization in Palestine in the 1930s and 40s. The organization's slogan proclaiming that only a strong Israel can keep the Jews safe after everything that happened during World War II

For free abortions on demand!
For free abortion on demand!
For the liberation of women through the socialist revolution!
For women "s liberation through socialist revolution!
Slogans of the 4th INTERNATIONAL (Trotskyist)

With us before it's too late!
The slogan of the Italian neo-Nazis

One country, one people, one Fuhrer.
Nazi slogan, Germany, 1930s

Will and mind.
The motto of the Italian fascists.
The authors of the song of the same name by the Aria group did not know about this, nor did the members of the artistic council who approved the recording of the song for the record.

Do not believe. Don't be afraid. Do not ask.
Informal motto of Gulag prisoners

Life has become better, life has become happier!
Stalin's phrase that became a Soviet slogan summarizing the achievements of the first five-year plans, 1930s

Labor in the USSR is a matter of honor, glory, valor and heroism.
Soviet slogan taken from the text of the political report of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to the 16th Congress, made by Stalin on June 27, 1930

Drink and eat - all ours!
The informal slogan of many brigades for the dispossession of peasants, late 1920s - early 1930s

Every cook must learn to run the state.
Lenin quote that became the motto of state building in the USSR, 1920s

Lenin lived, Lenin is alive, Lenin will live.
Soviet slogan

All for a communist subbotnik!
Soviet slogan

For the Soviets, but without the communists.
The slogan of the Kronstadt rebellion, 1921

Steal the loot!
Expropriation of expropriators.
Revolutionary slogans

Anarchy is the mother of order.
Anarchist slogan

The socialist Fatherland is in danger!
Slogan-title of the decree written by L. Trotsky in February 1918, when the Germans were advancing on Petrograd

Bread and peace!
The slogan of the women's demonstrations in Petrograd in March 1917

The land is for the peasants!
Bolshevik slogan

All power to the Soviets!
The slogan of three Russian revolutions: 1905, 1917, perestroika

Bread and roses!
Bread and roses!
The slogan of 15,000 women marching through the streets of New York on March 8, 1908. This is how International Women's Day started.

Workers to arms!
War on palaces, peace on huts, death on luxurious loafers!
One pound of dynamite is better than a bushel of ballots!
Demand a reduction in the working day with arms in hand in order to adequately meet the bloody dogs of capitalism - the police and the militia.
Slogans for a workers' demonstration that was shot by the police (and started May 1st), Chicago, 1886

Equal pay for equal work!
Equal pay for equal work!
Women's emancipation slogan

All men and women are created equal.
Slogan formulated at a conference on women's rights in America in 1848

Aristocrats - to the lantern!
We will blow up all bourgeois!
Slogans of the Great French Bourgeois Revolution

No taxes without representation!
No Taxation without Representation!
The slogan of the famous Boston Tea Party. The authors of this phrase implied that, without having their own deputies in parliament, taxpayers pay for the maintenance of a superstructure alien to them, USA, 1773

Death to France, breathe, Italy!
Morete alla Francia, Italia anela! (MAFIA)
The cry of the Sicilians, who in 1282 massacred the French invaders of the island (the Angevins)

Motto of the Roman Empire

We all remember how popular slogans were in the USSR. They could be seen everywhere, including in the most unexpected places. Soviet slogans called for work (and work, as we know, ennobles a person), reminded that if you want to become a worthy citizen, then you need to “study, study and study”, and that “the party is our helmsman”. "... And then, in many ways, useful Soviet slogans were replaced by obtuse post-Soviet advertising

The first Soviet slogans completely broke the foundations of the old world!

Before the war, slogans made it possible to formulate goals and objectives in a concise, concise form. public policy and mobilize citizens to carry out these tasks. And those who composed them always remembered this!

· Under the banner of Lenin, forward to the victory of communism!

· Proletarians of all countries, unite!

· Let's defend the conquests of October!

· The victory of communism is inevitable!

· Our goals are clear, tasks are defined, let's get to work, comrades!

Although there were:

Great Patriotic War introduced other slogans and appeals into the life of the Soviet people.

Motherland - mother is calling!

· Did you sign up as a volunteer?

And here is the strongest: “Kill the German. Revenge!

Post-war slogans, among other things, contributed to the formation of patriotism.

· Soviet means excellent.

Thanks to the Motherland for our happy childhood!

· And everyone knew that “the USSR is a bulwark of peace!” and "Whoever is not with us is against us."

Political slogans devoted to international problems appeared, mainly during the Cold War. So we have a new enemy, to whom we said "No to NATO!". Well, we promised everyone else "Peace - peace"!

With the advent of a planned economy and five-year plans in the USSR, there was a need for laconic appeals aimed at accelerating the fulfillment of the tasks set: “Five-year plan - in four years!”, And even better in three, and “Cadres decide everything.”

At the same time, we all knew from an early age that “the Party is the mind, honor and conscience of our era”; that "The Party is our helmsman!" and that "The people and the party are united!".

Citizens of the country have been and remain the backbone of any state. Alas, not all citizens understood this, but there were those who did not want to believe in such statements. So many Soviet slogans shaped the patriotic and moral qualities of people.

October - friendly guys!

Pioneer - an example for all the guys!

The party said: "We must!" Komsomol answered: "Yes!"

· "Be worthy of the fallen heroes!"

Sobriety is the norm!

· Everyone to fight against the theft of socialist property!

· To work - with joy, and from work - with pride!

· Who does not work shall not eat.

· Youth! Persistently acquire knowledge!
