Flowering wisteria from beads. Wisteria beading: a master class with step by step photos and videos

Today we will weave a bead tree again. The theme of this lesson is a blooming beaded wisteria. As a rule, the weaving of any beaded tree consists of the same steps. But to create each individual tree, it is necessary to introduce a “zest” characteristic of it, which one you will learn from our step-by-step master class and weaving pattern.

Tools and materials Time: 120 hours Difficulty: 6/10

  • wire;
  • yellow beads;
  • pink beads;
  • lilac-violet beads;
  • green beads of two shades;
  • floss threads of dark brown (black) color.

Step-by-step instruction

This magnificent blooming beaded wisteria is really worth spending more than one day to make. So, let's get to work.

Step 1: make branches with flowers

As you may have noticed, wisteria twigs consist of loops of different sizes. The numbers on the diagram indicate how many beads correspond to each pair of loops. Lilac branches are woven in the same pattern as green ones. In total, you need to weave 75-80 green and 55-60 lilac branches. You can make several branches, consisting of 6-8 rows. This will make the crown of our wisteria more lush.

Step 2: assemble the tree

Now let's start building the tree. The appearance of the tree depends on how carefully this is done.

First, we twist 2 branches each and wrap them tightly with a thread. We continue to enlarge the branches, adding 2-5 branches of the previous level. You should get 5 main branches. We wrap them tightly with threads. We fix one large branch on a piece of hard wire and wrap it with a thread. We fasten the remaining branches below, while artistically twisting them around the main trunk. Branches and twigs are also slightly bent.

Step 3: fix the tree in the pot

Our beaded wisteria is ready. Now, for stability, it needs to be planted in a pot on plaster. If you wish, you can create a whole composition, for example, as in the topmost photo.

Wisteria, or wisteria, is a creeper of incredible beauty. Whole tunnel gardens are formed from it. The most popular of these is the "Wisteria Tunnel", which is located in Kawachi Fuji, Japan. However, for all its beauty, it is poisonous, so its bark and seeds should not be available to animals and children. Again, and this seemingly negative property is beneficial, because the phytoncides secreted by wisteria are a powerful antibiotic that suppresses the tubercle bacillus. This is probably why wisteria is a symbol of protection, healing, youth. Given the symbolism of the plant and its dangerous properties, the best option for the home would be a do-it-yourself wisteria. Just in the article wisteria beading will be given, the master class includes several options for colors and techniques.

In lilac tones

Materials and tools:

  • beads of white, light green, dark green, light pink and purple;
  • wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm, 1 mm (branches) and 3 mm (trunk);
  • bowl for the base;
  • gypsum;
  • white and blue gel candle;
  • decor as desired.

We start weaving with the clusters themselves. In the middle of a piece of thin wire about 90 cm long, we string five purple beads and form a central loop for three turns.

Leave one end of the wire for now, take the second. We string 6 purple beads and twist the loop. The next two loops will consist of 8 and 9 beads of the same color, respectively.

Fifth loop - 3 purple beads, 4 pink, 3 purple. Sixth - 1 purple, 10 pink, 1 purple. Seventh - out of 14 pink beads. Eighth - 5 pink, 5 white and again 5 pink. Ninth - consists of 16 white beads.

At the end that remained free, we form the same loops.

Now we twist the two halves, starting from the central loop.

Such blanks must be made 60 pieces.

Let's start weaving leaves.

We prepare beads of green shades and a piece of wire 25 cm. We collect 3 beads of light green color and thread one end through the two extreme ones. This technique is called parallel, with it a whole row is strung and the free end passes through all the collected beads.

We have already strung the first and second row. The third row - 1 bead of a light shade, 1 dark, 1 light. Fourth row - 1 light, 2 dark, 1 light. Fifth row - 1 light, 3 dark, 1 light. Sixth row - 1 light, 4 dark, 1 light. The seventh row - consists of 1 light bead, 5 dark and 1 light. Eighth row - 1 light, 6 dark, 1 light.

From the ninth to the fifteenth row we weave in the reverse order.

The number of leaves is determined by yourself.

Collecting branches. We wind 10-12 clusters and several leaves on a thick wire, thus forming thick branches. Now we connect them into a common trunk.

We can leave it as it is, or we can close the entire wire with brown floss threads.

We fix the tree in the bowl with the help of plaster. And after it dries, decorate to your liking.

In shades of blue

We will need:

  • beads of three shades of blue, size No. 10;
  • green beads;
  • wire with a diameter of 0.3 mm and 3 mm for the barrel;
  • molar tape;
  • glue;
  • gypsum (can be replaced with alabaster);
  • paints, preferably acrylic.

Let's get to work with the formation of brushes. For them, we need pale blue, blue, blue beads and a wire 120 cm long. The central loop consists of 7 beads of a blue hue. We twist it in such a way that 6 mm of double wire is formed under the loop.

We will work on both ends of the wire at once. On each we form a drop of seven blue beads.

Third loops - 2 blue beads, 4 blue and 2 light blue.

The fourth pair - 4 blue beads, 1 blue, 4 light blue.

Fifth pair - 10 blue beads. The sixth pair is out of 11 of the same color. The seventh pair - 12 blue beads. Eighth - 4 pale blue, 5 blue, 4 pale blue. Ninth - 5 pale blue, 4 blue, 5 pale blue. Tenth - 6 pale blue, 3 blue, 6 pale blue. Eleventh - 7 pale blue, 2 blue, 7 pale blue. The twelfth and thirteenth pairs consist of 18 and 19 pale blue beads, respectively.

Now let's transform the woven element a bit. We turn the loops of the first pair towards each other and slightly bend the tops.

We fold the second pair so that the loops are between the loops of the previous row.

The third pair duplicates the addition of the first pair. And so, alternating, we add all the pairs in a checkerboard pattern.

You need to make 14 such branches.

The foliage is also formed in a looped way. For one blank, we need a piece of wire 50 cm long. The first drop consists of 11 green beads and is twisted at a distance of 10 cm from the end. We continue to work on the long working tip of the wire. In total, loops of eleven beads must be made 11 pieces. After they are all ready, fold so that one drop is the top, and all the rest are on the sides. You need to collect 14 green branches.

Wisteria is believed to bring happiness. And it looks amazing when made of beads. Weaving it is not very difficult, but quite laborious. So, let's figure out how to weave this beaded tree.

In order to weave a tree of happiness, we need certain materials.

List of materials

  • Beads for flowers (lilac, pink, light pink, white);
  • Beads for leaves (green, two shades are possible);
  • Wire 0.3mm., 0.4mm., 1mm., 3mm.;
  • PVA glue;
  • Alabaster;
  • Foil;
  • Paints;
  • Stand (The bottom of a soda bottle will do).

Weaving of wisteria from beads

The weaving pattern is quite simple, but it requires care and patience from the craftswoman.

Wisteria brushes

It is necessary to take a wire of 0.3 mm about a meter long. We put 6 beads on it, move them to the center and twist an oval-shaped loop:

On the left side of the central loop, you need to make another 12 loops each - here it is important to observe the order of the set of beads by color. The first 2 of 7 loops are the same lilac as the central one. The second 2 of 9 loops are three pink, three lilac, three pink. Third 2 - 10 pink and 4 light pink, fourth 2 - pink and light pink - 4 pieces alternate 2 times. And two loops each - 12 light pink beads, 13 white. Following this sequence, we will get a smooth transition of color in the inflorescences, like a gradient.

Weave the right side from the central loop in the same way. The loops need to be slightly turned to the top of the branch.

It is necessary to weave 32 such branches.

wisteria leaves

The leaves are woven on a 0.4 mm wire made of green beads. It is necessary to immediately string more beads on the wire, after it start twisting the loops. Each loop should consist of 10 beads. There should be 11 loops in total. The wire is twisted to form a branch.

Branches with leaves need to be woven in the same way as with flowers - 32 pieces

Building branches

To assemble and combine the leaves and brushes of wisteria, you need a 1 mm wire. A pair of twigs is combined with this wire, and then wrapped with a thread. After 1 cm, another 1 branch is added. And thus, 4 branches are attached one after another.

We make the fifth branch, but we need to add two more branches to it:

Assembly and installation of the tree

We connect all the branches with a 3mm wire. We start from the top - two large branches, fasten with wire and wrap with thread.

A little lower, another branch is attached, and is also wrapped with a thick thread.

Those branches that remain (consist of 6-8 branches), we wrap with a thread, and then we fasten it - first a branch of 8 branches, then of 6. In this case, the trunk needs to be twisted a little.

We cut off the plastic bottle - we need its bottom. Inside, pour alabaster mixed with PVA glue (1: 1). A tree is inserted into this mixture, after which we wait for it to dry. We coat the tree trunk with the same mixture. In order not to stain the beads, tree brushes and leaves can be hidden in bags or wrapped in foil.

After drying, the wisteria trunk is stained with acrylic paint, gouache or watercolor.

There are several ways to weave wisteria. For example, leaves for her can be woven using a completely different technique, and they will have a different look:

To weave such a leaf, you need to string 1 bead on the wire, and then thread the ends of the wire through it towards each other. Then add 2 beads, then 3, and so on. until 6 beads in a row are reached, after which the number of beads in a row is reduced, one at a time. This is a parallel weaving technique. Wisteria, with such leaves will look a little different:

We also invite you to watch a video on how wisteria is woven.

Video on the topic of the article

Such a flower will certainly delight its mistress with its delicate beauty.

Hello. I am posting step by step photos of how to make wisteria brushes.

You will need:
- wire
- beads of different colors, similar shades

Cut the wire about 1 m (for one brush), fold it in half and make a loop

Now work with one side of the wire, making loops as shown in the photo, increasing the number of beads in the loop and changing the color

Then we do the same from the opposite side, at the other end of the wire ...

Now we twist the loops in pairs, starting from the top - down, trying to make the loops match

Here's what should happen

Then we begin to turn the loops facing each other

Then we open the loops a little and bend back a little, forming a fluffy twig

And here is the result

Weave wisteria leaves

After you make all the brushes with your own hands, you will need to start making leaves. For each leaf, you will need about 25 cm of wire, as well as dark and light green beads.

The scheme of weaving the leaves is different from the scheme that we used to create loops. However, it is also quite simple to perform and our master class will help you master it.

First, put 1 light green bead on the middle of the wire. It will form the basis of your first row.

Then you will need to push the ends of the wire in different directions through 2 light green beads of the second row. We do the third row in the same way.

The weaving scheme we use is called parallel. See what it looks like in the diagram.

Pay attention to the fact that in the figure the third row consists of 3 beads, and in our case - of two. This is due to the fact that our leaf has a diamond shape and with each new row the number of beads increases by one. Until it reaches 8 pcs. In the end, it turns out that the core of the leaf is made of dark green beads, and its edges are made of light green beads.Then we will also reduce the number of beads and narrow our leaf in the same way.

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Wisteria is a stunningly beautiful tree with flowing chic tassels. The lush clusters of such a beauty are usually light and purple shades. Needlewomen are very fond of weaving wisteria from beads with their own hands, as small beads can convey all its beauty. If you use Czech-made beads, the beaded wisteria will turn out to be especially accurate and of high quality. By choosing the right shade of material, you can accurately make amazing flowering trees from beads.

For weaving we need beads:

  • white transparent tone - 30 gr.;
  • light pink - 30 gr.;
  • purple - 30 gr.;
  • light green - 25 gr.;
  • dark green - 25 gr.

Additional materials and tools:

  • wire for beading;
  • medium and strong wire for creating a trunk and branches - about 25 centimeters;
  • landing capacity;
  • gypsum (can be replaced with alabaster);
  • blue-white gel candle;
  • a variety of decor in the form of beads and stones.

Making bunches

We begin the master class with weaving bunches with our own hands. Sixty things will need to be made of similar elements. We string five pieces of purple beads onto a wire segment that is ninety centimeters long and form a loop out of them in the center, twisting the base three turns.

We continue the process of weaving on one of the halves of the segment. We string six pieces of the main material, twist and repeat step by step the same steps with eight and nine beads. We look at the photo, what should happen:

The next five loops are formed from the following bead sequence:

  • three purple (FB), four - pink (RB), three - purple (FB);
  • one - FB, 10 - RB, 1 - FB;
  • 14 - RB;
  • 5 - P, 5 - white (BB), 5 - RB;
  • 16 -BB.

On the second tip of the wire we weave the same details.

The next step, the master class proceeds to create a branch by twisting. We start twisting from the central loop. In the photo we see the finished item:

weave leaves

The leaves must be made from beads of green tones. We take a wire about twenty-five centimeters in length and start beading. We string one bead of light green color. With the second tip of the segment we pass through the typed bead in the opposite direction. That is, the technique of parallel weaving will be used to create the leaves. Scheme as follows:

  • 2 row - 2 light green beads (SB);
  • 3 - 1 SB, 1 green (ZB), 1 SB;
  • 4 - 1 SB, 2 ZB, 1 SB;
  • 5 - 1 SB, 3 ZB, 1 SB;
  • 6 - 1 SB, 4 ZB, 1 SB;
  • 7 - 1 SB, 5 ZB, 1 SB;
  • 8 - 1 SB, 6 ZB, 1 SB.

The lower part of the leaf is woven according to the same scheme, but taking into account the narrowing of the edges, that is, weave the reduction of the corresponding beads in the rows. The photo shows a finished beaded leaf for a wisteria tree.

Assembly of parts

At this stage, the master class begins to collect all the elements of wisteria from beads with their own hands. We take a strong wire and attach branches of twelve pieces to it in random order. We fasten the foliage on top. We combine all the details and make the trunk, strengthening it with a wire of medium diameter. We strengthen the lower part of the tree with strong wire.

Tree planting and base decor

We use a prepared container for planting. You can use flower clay or plastic pots, coasters. Gypsum must be diluted with water so that the mixture becomes the consistency of thick sour cream. Add glue to this mass and pour it into a pot. We place wisteria from beads in the solution and apply a little gypsum to the bottom of the trunk with a brush. We form a small depression for the future reservoir and leave to dry.

You can decorate the base in different ways. In this master class, a lily is additionally woven from beads using the French weaving technique. The prepared flower is best placed immediately on the base until it dries.

As soon as the gypsum mortar at the base dries, strengthen the branches with it. It is better to leave the tree to dry overnight. It remains to apply brown paint to the trunk.

You can decorate the base as you wish. Use small decorative details in the form of beads, beads, pebbles, sparkles.

To make a lake, you need to take a gel candle and melt it with a water bath. The resulting solution is immediately poured into the recess formed in advance.

At this stage, the master class is over, the wonderful beaded wisteria is ready.

Beaded blue wisteria

The next master class will introduce you to beading delicate beaded wisteria with your own hands. This weaving option differs not only in the color of the clusters, but also in the way the leaves are weaved. In the first lesson for foliage, a parallel technique was used. Here, simple loop weaving will be used. A step-by-step lesson with photo examples will show you all the stages of work.

Required materials and tools:

  • beads number 10 (use three different tones of blue and one green);
  • wire - 0.3 mm (for weaving) and more durable to strengthen the trunk;
  • construction tape;
  • glue;
  • alabaster or plaster;
  • paints.

Let's start creating brushes. We take beads of three colors: pale blue, blue and blue. We string seven beads of a blue hue onto a wire 1.2 meters long, move them to the center and form a loop. We twist the base under it by six millimeters. Please note that the tips must be of equal length.

On any of the segments we string seven pieces of the main blue material and twist the loop. We make a similar detail on the second segment from the same amount of beads.

We connect the ends and twist them with each other by six millimeters.

The next loops will consist of beads of two colors. We first string eight beads on the first segment in the following sequence: two blue shades, four blue and two light blue. We twist a loop out of them. On the second side, you need to make the same element.

The fourth row of loops consists of nine beads, in the following order: four blue, one blue, four blue.

The beading of subsequent rows consists of blue beads, by increasing each row by one bead. Scheme as follows:

  • fifth row - ten beads;
  • sixth - eleven;
  • the seventh is twelve.

Starting from the eighth row, the loops on both sides will consist of multi-colored beads. To create loops, use the following scheme:

  • eighth: 4 beads of pale blue tone (BGB), 5 - blue (GB), 4 BGB;
  • ninth: 5 BGB, 4 GB, 5 BGB;
  • tenth: 6 BGB, 3 GB, 6 BGB;
  • eleventh: 7 BGB, 2 GB, 7 BGB.

The remaining rows consist of pale blue material:

  • twelfth: 18 pieces;
  • thirteenth: 19 pieces.

We turn the second line of loops one to the other and slightly bend the ends, as in the photo.

We unfold the third line with loops so that they are among the elements of the second line.

Expand the fourth line. As the second, and so on, we continue to the end of the branch.

Having done these steps, you should get such a bunch. In total we weave fourteen such blanks.

After the brushes, the master class begins weaving foliage for wisteria with your own hands. We prepare a segment fifty centimeters long and string eleven pieces of green base material. At a distance of ten cm from the border we twist the loop. We string eleven more on the long tip and make the next detail. In total we weave eleven such elements.

We take the resulting workpiece and arrange it in such a way that one loop is in the center, and the remaining five are on different sides. We make twisting of the wire basis. For wisteria, we make fourteen branches with green foliage.

We collect the tree. We attach foliage to each woven bunch. In total, we get fourteen such details, as in the photo:

We take two blanks, connect them with each other. We attach a pair of wisteria brushes to a strong piece of wire.

The base must be wrapped with masking tape (can be replaced with floral tape or threads).

The next step, you need to step back a little less than a centimeter, attach the next bunch and wrap it with tape.

We fix in this way seven clusters at a distance of less than a centimeter from one another. This will be the first thread.

The second branch is done in a similar way.

We twist the two resulting blanks with each other and form a tree trunk.

It remains to make the trunk and stand. We make a mixture of gypsum, glue and water, stir and cover the base and the trunk itself.

We use acrylic paints to paint the barrel and stand. We fix the paint with varnish. Fixing branches.

This beaded wisteria is ideal for beginner needlewomen.

Having cast a glance at such luxurious trees, it is difficult to assume from the beginning that this beautiful product was created by oneself. Beaded brushes, gleaming in daylight and evening light, are so similar to their living prototype. Creating such a craft is a rather painstaking process that can take you more than one evening. But, having understood the details, this activity will captivate and immerse you in the interesting world of beading. Watch various master classes and lessons, learn a variety of weaving methods, and you will be able to fantasize and create original flowering trees from beads on your own.

Making coasters for beaded trees can be classified in a separate category. Tireless craftswomen here can give full rein to their imagination. What they don’t do at the bases of trees: these are small ponds, as in one of the master classes presented, and swings on green grass, as well as various mini buildings. Always start small. Improvised decor made of beads, stones, beads, artificial moss - this is not a complete list of materials used for this.

To consolidate the material covered, watch video tutorials that will show you how to bead a wonderful wisteria tree with your own hands.

Video: How to make wisteria from beads
