What Valery Bolotov remembers - one of the leaders of the Donbass militia. Valery Bolotov: People's Governor of Lugansk Bolotov LPR biography

Promoting the independence of the South-Eastern region of Ukraine. Bolotov's face is familiar to everyone who keeps abreast of the world, as his actions directly affect the fate of Donbass. And yet, where did Valery Bolotov come from? What is his life path? And what does he want to achieve?

Bolotov Valery: biography

Valery was born in 1970 in the city of Taganrog, in the Rostov region. However, soon, due to circumstances, his family was forced to move to Ukraine. Here they settled in the city of Stakhanov, which is located near Lugansk.

In 1988, Valery Bolotov was called to serve in the army. He was assigned to the Vitebsk division of the airborne troops Soviet Union. It should be noted that during his service, Valery Bolotov repeatedly took part in hostilities. In particular, he was in Yerevan, Nagorny, Tbilisi and Karabakh.

Upon returning home, he began to rebuild his personal and professional life. He entered the Lugansk Institute, thanks to which he received two higher educations in the specialties of "economist" and "engineer-technologist".

Unfortunately, there is no exact information about his professional career in the public domain. On the this moment it is only known that Valery Bolotov worked for a long time for an active member of the Region party. According to the documents, he was listed as a full-time driver and security guard for the deputy's son.

In the ranks of the Army of the Southeast

The change of power in Ukraine led to the fact that a revolution of its own began in the Donbass. Residents of Luhansk and Donetsk did not want to recognize the powers of those who made their way to the political levers of Ukraine. And so, in March 2014, videos began to appear calling for the defense of Donbass from potential aggressors.

At the same time, initially the public could not determine the identity of the speakers, since their faces were hidden under masks. But a month later, the head of the new Army of the Southeast tore off the veil of secrecy and revealed his identity to all viewers. This was Valery Bolotov.

From that moment began the struggle of the military leader for his beliefs and beliefs. The first victory came pretty soon. So, on April 21, 2014, he was proclaimed the governor of the Lugansk People's Republic. However, despite all his merits and achievements, on August 14, 2014, Valery Bolotov left his post and for some time disappeared from the field of view of the lenses.

In the fight for your own life

The rule of the new governor was not to the liking of many people. On the one hand, he clearly interfered with the Ukrainian authorities, on the other hand, those whose place he took did not like him. This was the reason that on May 13, 2014, an assassination attempt was made on him.

Valery Bolotov received a through wound in the chest. The life of the new governor of the LPR hung in the balance, but he survived. Thanks should be said to the doctors who mastered the super-difficult task and pulled the fighter from the other world.

The further fate of Valery Bolotov

For some time, Bolotov was away from political intrigues and hostilities. It was rumored that he was killed by the Ukrainian authorities, or at least taken prisoner.

However, in October 2014 he was spotted in Moscow. After a journalistic investigation, it turned out that he had teamed up with the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Together they led a public program to raise humanitarian funds for the residents of Donbass.

In April 2015, Bolotov was captured at the Forum of Hero Cities, Military and Labor Glory. There he, along with other veterans, received an award from the hands of the Communist Party leader Gennady Zyuganov.

Persona non grata

On April 29, 2014, Valery Bolotov was included in the list of persons who are prohibited from entering the territory of the European Union. In addition, the European Parliament has frozen all assets that fall under their powers. A month later, Canada imposed similar restrictions on Bolotov.

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Biography, life story of Bolotov Valery Dmitrievich

Bolotov Valeriy Dmitrievich - statesman, military and public figure of the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine. Since April 2014, the leader of the unrecognized public education"Luhansk People's Republic".

Childhood, youth

Valery Bolotov gave birth on February 13, 1970 in Stakhanov (Lugansk region, Ukraine). He received his secondary education at the local school number 18.

In the late 80s of the last century, Valery Dmitrievich was drafted into the army. The young man served in the Vitebsk Airborne Division. During his service, he took an active part in the armed conflicts on the territory of Yerevan and Nagorno-Karabakh (in 1989 and 1990, respectively). At the end of his service, he received the rank of senior sergeant in the reserve of the airborne troops.

After Valery Bolotov returned to the "citizen", he came to grips with his education. Valery Dmitrievich managed to master two specialties at once - "engineer-technologist" and "economist".


In March 2014, several videos circulated on the Internet, in which an unknown masked man urged everyone to take up arms and protect their homes from the nationalist Euromaidan militants. The man and his two assistants did not give their names. Instead, they called themselves the Army of the Southeast. For a long time none of the journalists could find out what kind of person he was and what interests he actually had regarding the current difficult situation on the territory of Ukraine.

On April 5, 2014, a new video with the participation of the Army of the Southeast got into the network. This time the man took off his mask and said that his name was Valery Dmitrievich Bolotov. Bolotov said that the Security Service of Ukraine, which opposes the Kyiv authorities, was detained. However, at the same time, he still called on his compatriots to resist injustice and continue to defend their lands. On April 6 of the same year, the local headquarters of the Security Service of Ukraine was seized in the center of Lugansk. Activists took to the streets, armed with the flag of the airborne troops Russian Federation. Valery Bolotov was one of the activists of the seizure.


On April 21, 2014, the residents of the city of Luhansk elected Valery Bolotov as the people's governor of the Luhansk region. Having assumed this position, Valery Dmitrievich first of all announced that he was going to resubordinate the judicial system and law enforcement agencies of the Lugansk region to the people's council as soon as possible.

Valery Dmitrievich Bolotov is actually considered the commander of the Army of the South-East.

The deeds of Valery Bolotov did not go unnoticed. The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine assigned him the status of a terrorist.

Sanctions against Bolotov

On April 29, 2014, the European Union included Bolotov in the list of persons against whom sanctions were imposed, that is, Valery Dmitrievich was banned from moving around the world and freezing assets in the European Union. On May 13 of the same year, similar sanctions against Bolotov were introduced by the Canadian authorities.

Attempted murder

On May 13, 2014, at about eleven o'clock in the morning, Ukrainian time, an attempt was made on Valery Dmitrievich. Bolotov received a gunshot wound to the chest. The bullet grazed the lungs. After the incident, the politician was taken to a private clinic, where experienced doctors did everything to save his life and health. Many tend to believe that the attack was carried out by representatives of the Kyiv junta.

Personal life

At one time, Valery Bolotov got married. The marriage produced children. Due to the safety of the members of the Bolotov family, their names and ages have not been released. Only approximate dates of birth of children are known - 2001-2002 and 2007-2008. From the very beginning of his public activities, Valery Dmitrievich preferred to keep the rest of the details of his private life in strict confidence.

All this time, the residents of Donetsk, Lugansk and dozens of other cities of Donbass are experiencing a real war, which resulted in rallies that seemed completely fearless in the main squares. Those people who called for the storming of officials no longer play a significant role in the "DNR" and "LNR". A whole series of "commanders" has also changed. Who they were, where they came from in the Donbass, and where some of them disappeared, was sorted out by Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Photo: Viktor Huseynov

, "people's governor", 31 years old

What do you remember. By right, he can be called the first "DPR" leader. In the first days of March last year, at a rally, he proclaimed himself "people's governor." Then he led the assault on the local regional administration. Before the spring events, the "governor" managed to graduate from the history department of Donetsk, organize an event agency and work as Santa Claus. However, the career did not work out right away with politics - the "people's governor" spent only a week in public. Then he was taken to jail. Gubarev spent two months behind bars, after which he was exchanged.

Where now. For the "honorary people" in the "DPR" they organized a non-dusty position of "the leader of the Novorossiya movement" and they prefer to invite people less often. I didn’t even find it among the “DNR” people.

Photo: Viktor Huseynov

, "head of the DPR", 38 years old

What do you remember. For the first time in public, the future head of the "DPR" appeared on April 16. During the wholesale seizure of administrative buildings in Donetsk, the Oplot commander raided the local mayor's office. However, unlike many institutions, these fighters entered the officials quite peacefully - they opened the doors for the City Soviet ladies, did not interfere with work, and the head himself was remembered for going to the mayor's canteen. There he dined with a "complex" and honestly paid.

Where now. Among supporters of the "DPR" Alexander Zakharchenko is a vivid example of an almost real "American dream". In a few months in the "young state", his career rapidly stepped from an unknown miner-commander to - no more, no less - the head of the "all DPR".

Photo: Wikipedia

, leader" people's militia Donbass" in Gorlovka, 48 years old

What do you remember. "Demon" was criticized more than once even by "brothers in arms" - either for staged videos of executions, or for insubordination, or for disrespect for the "republic". The residents of Gorlovka also suffered from Bezler, where he "dug in" for several months. Little is known about the leader himself - he was born in Simferopol, a few years ago he was transferred to the reserve from the Russian Armed Forces.

Where now. Bezler has not been seen or heard in Gorlovka since the end of October. During this time, the press buried the leader twice. However, later Igor Strelkov said: according to his information, the Gorlovka leader "resigned and is in reserve in Crimea," and Bezler himself got in touch via YouTube.

Photo: Konstantin Bunovsky

Alexander Borodai, former "Prime Minister of the DPR", 42 years old

What do you remember. The mysterious Muscovite - a political scientist, journalist, businessman, publicist, philosopher - first "appeared" in the "DPR" in mid-May. In the "republic" they announced in plain text: "Borodai has been discharged from Moscow to strengthen the newly assembled government." The new "premier" of the "DPR" was strengthened for almost three months, during which, among other events, the crash of the Malaysian "Boeing" fell. However, at the first opportunity, the "premier" immediately resigned. He stated that as an anti-crisis manager he fulfilled his task and was not at all interested in further leadership.

Where now. For some more time, Borodai supervised the "republic" from afar, and in the middle of autumn he finally abandoned the "eastern fellow citizens." However, talking about the "DPR" does not stop. Increasingly on Russian television.

Photo: kp.ru

, ex-"Minister of Defense of the DPR", 44 years old

What do you remember. They first heard about Strelkov on April 12, when he, along with his fighters, entered Slavyansk, which he left almost three months later, moving the detachments to Donetsk. However, in Donetsk, Strelkov did not lead for long - about a month. In mid-August, he resigned as "Minister of Defense" and disappeared. In the "DPR" they explained vaguely: he went on vacation, he was tired. The commander never returned from vacation.

Where now. "Surfaced" in Moscow, where since then he has been regularly giving interviews, which in their meaning are completely contrary to the "policy of the party." He speaks about himself: he is engaged in military reconstruction for the soul, writes books, including children's books. He recalls that he had a penchant for this even "before the war."

Photo: Vadim Sherstenikin

Valery Bolotov, ex-“head of the LPR”, 44 years old

What do you remember. The former "head of the LPR" told about himself: a senior sergeant in the reserve, he served in the 130th Guards Airborne Division in Tbilisi, Yerevan and Nagorno-Karabakh. Lugansk heard about Bolotov on 5 April. In a video message, he called on local residents to come to the rallies. The next day, armed people under the flag of the Airborne Forces seized the building of the SBU in the Lugansk region, and Bolotov was appointed "people's governor." And on May 18 - "the head of the LPR." In mid-August, he announced his "temporary resignation" with reference to the consequences of the injury.

Where now. Since then, no one has seen Valery Bolotov.

The death of Valery Bolotov, the first head of the LPR (the self-proclaimed Lugansk People's Republic), was announced on January 27 by a politician, a former deputy, to several media at once. In addition, the fact of death was confirmed by the former prime minister of the DPR. The causes of death have not yet been reported.

Bolotov left Luhansk in August 2014, handing over his post to Igor Plotnitsky, but in recent months he has tried to return to public and political activity in the self-proclaimed republic. In June 2016, he posted a message on his Facebook page about his intention to create a socio-political movement.

“Since the LPR does not stop trying to “push” pro-Ukrainian candidates to the elections, and also want to hold “primary elections” and thereby “light up” the necessary candidates, preventing others, I consider it necessary to register a socio-political movement,” Bolotov wrote. “It will represent the interests of the republic as declared in the referendum.”

He invited his associates to come up with the name of the movement themselves. Then Bolotov assumed that it would hardly come to registration in the LPR. Indeed, it was never registered.

In December 2016, Valery Bolotov gave an interview sharply critical of Igor Plotnitsky, accusing his Zorya battalion of shelling civilian homes in Lugansk. This allowed the Ukrainian media and Luhansk bloggers to write about the possible violent death of Bolotov on the territory of the LPR in the first hours after his death.

The first head of the LPR before the war was little known in the political circles of Lugansk. A Gazeta.Ru source close to political projects, the former head of the presidential administration of Ukraine, said that Bolotov "surfaced out of nowhere" and had a reputation as a good military commander, but a weak politician.

“He was from Stakhanov, and they talked about him as a person relatively close to Efremov (the head of the Lugansk region from 1998 to 2005. - Gazeta.ru) on the grounds that he at one time drove Igor, Efremov’s son, as a driver , the source said. “But he didn’t participate in the Afghan veterans’ movement, or in any other, we would have known him then.”

Valery Bolotov himself said that he had a small business in Stakhanov, and received combat experience in the service of the Airborne Forces. He did not get to Afghanistan, but managed to gain combat experience during the unrest in Tbilisi and Yerevan and at the beginning of the war in Nagorno-Karabakh.

“It seems to me that the first time I saw him was in the summer of 2013, when we had a large-scale historical reconstruction for the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Voroshilovgrad. - continues the interlocutor of "Gazeta.Ru". - We made a performance with trucks, cars, tanks, and even a couple of planes. Later, members of this society of reenactors "lit up" when they were taken.

During the conflict in eastern Ukraine, Bolotov recorded four video messages to residents of the Lugansk region. At first he acted in a mask, but showed his face in the now famous last appeal on April 5, 2014, in which Bolotov called for the storming of the building of the regional branch of the SBU. The day before, SBU officers tried to arrest the Luhansk commander.

During the storming of the SBU building on April 6, more than 3,000 units of automatic weapons were seized, and this was the beginning of an armed confrontation in Luhansk, making the protest irreversible. On April 21, Bolotov was declared "people's governor" on the square. From May to August, he served as head of the self-proclaimed LNR.

In his entourage, it was believed that Bolotov had a hard time accepting the terrible psychological stress of the first months of the war. From time to time he disappeared from the information space. The disappearances were attributed to injuries.

The last time Bolotov left the LNR for Moscow was in August 2014 and never returned. He announced his resignation in a video message on the Russia 24 TV channel, saying that due to the consequences of his injuries, he could not fully exercise leadership in the republic.

Now he is remembered as one of the last heroes of the “sincere period of the“ Russian spring ”in Luhansk. Of the major leaders who started the protest in the LPR, only Igor Plotnitsky is now alive.
