Planning the number of production personnel. Calculation of the number of key workers Number of key workers of the enterprise

1) Calculation according to the labor intensity of work or according to production standards;

The labor intensity calculation method applies to workers (main and auxiliary) who perform normalized work (piecework workers).

Table 6.1

Balance of working time of one worker (example)


Reporting period

Planned period

1) Calendar number of days, including:



Weekend Saturdays

2) Nominal working time fund, days

3) Absence from work, days, including:

Annual holidays

Study leave

Maternity leave

Additional holidays with the permission of the administration




4) Turnout fund of working time, days

5) The duration of the work shift, h.

6) Working time budget, h.

7) Pre-holiday shortened days, h.

8) Grace time for teenagers, h.

9) Intra-shift downtime, h.

10) Useful (effective) working time fund, h.

12) Average duration of a work shift, h.

a) Calculation of the number of workers by labor intensity used to determine the number of piecework workers:

- the required number of pieceworkers;

– labor intensity of the production program, standard hours;

-annual effective fund of time of one worker, hours;

– coefficient of performance of production standards.

b) Calculation of the number of workers according to production standards usually used to determine the number of work areas, where the amount of work can be measured using natural meters (this method is a variation of the previous one):

where - the amount of work in natural units of measurement, pieces;

– planned production rate, pcs. products in units time.

2) Calculation according to service standards- is used to determine the planned number of auxiliary workers engaged in maintenance, adjustment, repair and other similar work at enterprises (in workshops) with a continuous production process:

- the number of serviced jobs (pieces of equipment);

– number of shifts per day;

- service rate (i.e. the number of pieces of equipment serviced by one or a group of workers).

3) Calculation of the number of jobs- is used to determine the planned number of main and auxiliary workers who perform work to control the actions of the equipment, as well as control the technological process:

where - the number of workers needed to service the working machines.

Definition number of managers, employees and specialists is hampered by the fact that for most of them there are no production standards or service standards. The number of managers, specialists and employees depends on the functions they perform.

The number of engineering and technical workers, employees is determined according to the staffing table. It is possible to determine the number of this category of workers and according to the standards, depending on the number of jobs in the main production, the number of workers, the cost of fixed assets.

When planning the number of piece workers, the expected productivity of their labor is taken into account. Labor productivity refers to the efficiency (or effectiveness) of labor in the production process.

Level labor productivity expressed by the quantity of products manufactured per unit of working time, or the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output.

The most common and universal indicator is output, which can be hourly, daily, monthly (quarterly, annual).

Working out represents the amount of production ( Q) produced per unit of labor time ( T), or per one average employee per month, quarter, year. It is determined by the ratio of the quantity of products produced to the cost of working time for the production of these products: Q/T.

Along with the production, the indicator of labor intensity of products is widely used. Under labor intensity production is understood as the sum of all labor costs for the production of a unit of output at a given enterprise ( T/Q).

Depending on the composition of labor costs, their role in the production process, the following types of labor intensity are taken into account, which are components of the total labor intensity of manufacturing products: technological labor intensity of production maintenance, production labor intensity, labor intensity of production management.

where - development;

– labor intensity, hours;

- the volume of products produced for a certain period of time;

– the cost of working time for the production of this product, h.

Output and labor input are related as reciprocals:

Methods for measuring labor productivity differ depending on how the volume of output is determined. To calculate the volume of production (products, works, services) and, accordingly, labor productivity (by output), three methods for determining output are distinguished; natural, cost (cash) and labor.

natural method- the simplest and most reliable method, when the volume of manufactured products is calculated in kind (tons, meters, pieces, etc.).

Physical indicators allow you to see the composition of manufactured products by types, varieties, etc. The advantage of this method is the direct comparability of labor productivity indicators. However, with the help of physical indicators it is possible to measure labor productivity only within the framework of certain types of products or types of work.

cost method- its essence lies in the fact that the indicator of labor productivity is defined as the ratio of manufactured products, expressed in monetary units, to the cost of working time or the average number of industrial and production personnel.

To calculate labor productivity in value terms, various indicators for assessing the volume of output can be used: gross output, marketable output, gross turnover, net and conditionally net output, sold products. Each of these indicators has its positive and negative sides.

labor method widely used in intra-company planning, i.e. at workplaces, in teams, at production sites and in workshops when producing a variety of work in progress. In this case, labor productivity is determined in standard hours or, in other words, is estimated on the basis of the labor intensity indicator.

The growth of labor productivity creates conditions for the growth of production and profits of the enterprise.

Growth of production due to increase in labor productivity can be determined by the formula:

– increase in production due to increased labor productivity, %

–increase in the number of employees, %;

– increase in production volume, %.

In conditions of limited resources, it is relevant for the enterprise to carry out analytical work to identify reserves for increasing labor productivity.

reserves are untapped opportunities to save labor costs.

Labor productivity growth can be achieved through:

    raising the technical level of production;

    better organization of production and labor;

    structural changes in production;

    changes in external and natural conditions.

Raising the technical level of production reduces the complexity of manufacturing products, which is due to the introduction of advanced technologies, mechanization and automation of production, modernization of equipment, the use of new materials and raw materials.

The best organization of production and labor is implemented by improving production management, forms of organization of production, which leads to savings in working time as a result of reducing the loss of working time, increasing production standards and service standards.

Change in the level of labor productivity due to structural changes in production due to a change in the labor intensity of manufactured products due to structural shifts in the range of products and the magnitude of the volume of production.

Changing external conditions associated with the territorial location of suppliers of raw materials, changes in mining and geological conditions and methods of mining.

All of these factors affect the level of labor productivity. Using the appropriate analytical formulas, it is possible to calculate the number of employees released and, accordingly, the growth in labor productivity.

To determine the possible reducing the number of workers based on reducing labor intensity the following formula is used:

- the labor intensity of a unit of production, respectively, before and after the implementation of the measure, standard hour;

- the volume of production in the planned period;

-coefficient of the duration of the event in the planned period (the ratio of the duration of the event in months to the number of calendar months in a year).

Saving the number of workers by reducing the loss of working time determined by the formula:

where - the number of industrial and production personnel, calculated on the planned volume of production for the generation of the base period, people;

– share of key workers in the number of industrial and production personnel, %;

– loss of working time in the base period, %;

– loss of working time of workers in the planned period, %.

Savings in the number of employees by reducing absenteeism to work is determined by the formula:

- losses from marriage in the base and planned period, % of the cost of production;

– the number of key workers in the base period, people.

Reducing the number of employees by increasing the volume of production calculated by the formula:

- the number of industrial and production personnel without the main workers in the base period, people;

–planned increase in production volume, %;

–planned increase in the number of employees, except for the main workers, %.

Savings in the number of core workers due to changes in the composition (range) of products is determined by the formula:

– growth of labor productivity, %;

-savings in the number of employees, calculated for all factors, people;

- the number of employees, calculated on the volume of production of the planned period for the development of the base period, people.

Wage- this is a form of material remuneration for labor in the form of a part of the cost of created and sold products, received by employees of an enterprise, organization.

The payroll performs the following functions:

    ensures the reproduction of labor potential by the employee;

    stimulates interest in the results of labor;

    allows you to take into account the contribution of the employee in solving the problems of the enterprise;

    regulates the distribution of labor resources between activities.

From the point of view of the reproductive function, wages are the monetary expression of the volume of benefits at the disposal of the employee, which ensures the objectively necessary restoration of the employee's labor potential.

In modern economic conditions, the organization of wages at the enterprise should be based on the following principles:

1) an independent choice by the enterprise of methods of organization, forms, systems and the amount of remuneration of employees;

2) state regulation of wages through the establishment of a minimum wage and regulation of labor relations;

3) ensuring the differentiation of wages depending on the qualifications of the employee, his working conditions and other factors;

4) the material interest of the employee in achieving high end results of labor;

5) ahead of the growth rate of labor productivity compared to the growth rate of wages;

6) the simplicity of building wage systems.

payroll fund at the enterprise provides for the differentiation of labor costs into three components: basic wages, additional wages and bonus payments.

To basic salary relate:

    wages accrued to employees at tariff rates and salaries for hours worked;

    wages accrued for the work performed to employees at piece rates, as a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of products (performance of work and provision of services);

    the cost of products issued as payment in kind;

    stimulating additional payments and allowances to tariff rates and salaries (for professional skills, combination of professions, positions, etc.);

    allowances for years of service, length of service;

    compensation payments related to the mode of work and working conditions;

    payments due to regional regulation of wages, etc.

To additional wages include payments to employees provided for by labor legislation for time not worked at the enterprise. This should include:

    payment of annual and additional holidays;

    payment of preferential hours for teenagers;

    payment for study holidays provided to employees studying in educational institutions;

    remuneration of workers involved in the performance of state or public duties;

    payment for downtime through no fault of the employee, etc.

Additional wages should also include payments for food, housing, fuel and social payments (surcharges to pensions for employees working at the enterprise, lump sum benefits for retiring labor veterans, severance pay upon termination of an employment contract, payment for subscriptions to health groups, classes in sports sections and other payments).

Premium payouts include one-time incentive payments (one-time bonuses, remuneration based on the results of work for the year, annual remuneration for length of service, etc.)

The organization of remuneration at the enterprise is based on three interrelated elements:

    regulation of labor;

    tariff system;

    forms and systems of remuneration.

Labor rationing serves as the basis for the development of norms for the performance of various operations, allows each employee to establish a normalized (required for performance) amount of labor costs, which serves as the basis for payment and material incentives for the employee.

Tariff system remuneration includes a set of normative materials that regulate the level of remuneration of workers depending on their qualifications, nature, conditions, severity and intensity of work, as well as responsibility for the work performed and the characteristics of production.

The main elements of the tariff system are:

1) Tariff rate- expressed in monetary terms, the absolute amount of wages per unit of time. Tariff rates are determined on the basis of the tariff scale and the first category rate.

2) Tariff scale- a scale of categories, each of which is assigned its own tariff coefficient, which shows how many times the tariff rate of each category is greater than the first. Each tariff scale is characterized by a certain ratio of the tariff coefficients of the extreme categories, which is called the range of the tariff scale.

There are absolute (in fractions of a unit) and relative (in%) increase in tariff coefficients.

3) Tariff and qualification guides provide the possibility of establishing the category of work and the employee. They contain information about what a worker of each category, each specialty should know and be able to do.

Table 6.2

An example of the tariff scale for workers of an enterprise

The role of the tariff system has now changed significantly - enterprises have become completely independent in developing their own tariff system, or may refuse to use it at all, the same applies to the choice of forms and systems of remuneration.

The forms, systems and amounts of wages at each enterprise are determined at the discretion of the administration and staff in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Minimum Wage".

Table 6.3

Forms and systems of remuneration

forms of remuneration



wage systems

    direct individual;

    simple time-based;

    collective (brigade);


    piecework premium;


    indirect piecework;


There are piecework and time-based forms of remuneration:

I) piecework the form of remuneration is payment for each unit of output or volume of work performed.

The piece-rate form of payment is applied in the following conditions:

    it is possible to develop technically justified norms of output and labor costs;

    it is possible to accurately record the volume of work performed;

    there are quantitative indicators of work, the performance of which directly depends on a particular employee;

    workers of a particular site have the opportunity to increase output or the volume of work performed without violating the technology of the production process;

    the organization of work of workers excludes interruptions in work.

Within the framework of the piecework form, the following typical wage systems are distinguished:

1) When direct individual piecework wage system The worker's earnings depend on the amount of work done. Wages are determined by multiplying the rates by the number of units produced:

where - piece rate, rub. per unit of production;

- produced number of units of production.

The basis for determining wages piecework wages is the rate, ie. the amount of payment for a unit of work performed or manufactured products.

With a direct piecework wage system, the piece rate is calculated using the formulas:

according to the time limit:

according to production rate:

where - hourly tariff rate of the corresponding type of work, rub./h;

– norm of time per unit of production (work), hour;

in- the rate of production of this product per hour.

2) When brigade piecework wage system a brigade (collective) rate is applied per unit of work performed by the brigade.

The calculation of the brigade piece rate can be performed using the following formulas:

- the sum of the hourly wage rates of all permanent employees who are part of this team, rub.;

– hourly rate of a team member i-th category, rub.;

- the time limit for the performance of all operations by a member of the brigade i th category per unit of work output, standard hours;

- hourly rate of production by the brigade of products (volume of work performed) in the appropriate units of measurement.

The total earnings are distributed among the workers of the brigade in proportion to the tariff rates of workers and the amount of time worked by each working time:

where - piecework earnings of a team member, rub.;

- the sum of the coefficient-hours worked by the entire team in this period;

– the number of coefficient-hours attributable to i th working brigade in this period.

3) When piece-bonus wage system in addition to wages for the quantity of products produced, the worker is paid a bonus for achieving established quantitative and qualitative indicators (saving raw materials, materials, fuel, energy, meeting production standards).

4) Piecework progressive wage system is based on payment for the output of workers within the established norms at direct piece rates, and for the volume of production in excess of the norm - at higher, progressively increasing rates. The amount of earnings under the piece-progressive system is calculated by the formula:

- the amount of earnings calculated at direct piece rates, rubles;

– fulfillment of production norms, %;

– the normative level of production rates, above which payment at increased rates is applied,%;

- bonus factor in fractions of a unit, showing an increase in the piece rate for overwork.

5) Indirect piecework wage system establishes the amount of wages of auxiliary workers depending on the results of the work of the main workers they serve. This system is used to pay workers whose personal labor cannot be accounted for, but on which the output of the main workers they serve depends.

Indirect piece rate is calculated by the formula:

where - hourly wage rate of an auxiliary worker paid according to the indirect piecework system, rub./h;

in- the rate of production of this product per hour;

N o- the number of serviced workers (equipment) - the rate of service.

The salary of an auxiliary worker under this system is determined by:

a) on the basis of an indirect price and the number of products made by the main workers:

- hourly tariff rate of an auxiliary worker paid according to indirect piecework wages, rub.;

- actually worked by this auxiliary working time, hours;

-weighted average of the fulfillment of production standards by all workers (objects, units) serviced by this employee.

6) When lump-sum wage system wages are determined for a predetermined amount of work (rather than for a single operation) based on current time standards or production standards and rates. The term of performance, quality of work is accurately stipulated. The amount of earnings is announced in advance, before work begins. Workers can be rewarded for reducing the duration of work.

II) Time form of remuneration is a form in which wages are accrued to an employee at an established tariff rate or salary for the working time actually worked by him (but not calendar, but normative (effective), provided for by the tariff system).

The time-based form of remuneration is applied if:

    there is no need to stimulate the growth of production above the optimum;

    the production process is strictly regulated (i.e., overfulfillment of the norms may be accompanied by a violation of the technological process with a subsequent deterioration in product quality);

    the functions of the worker are reduced to monitoring the progress of the technological process;

    flow and conveyor types of production function with a strictly specified rhythm;

    experimental work is being carried out or the process of manufacturing new, especially complex, critical objects is underway;

    a variety of works are performed that are difficult to standardize and account for;

    the use of time wages can ensure an increase in the quality of work performed (control, repair work, etc.).

Within the framework of the time-based form, the following typical wage systems are distinguished:

1) When simple time wages wages are determined by the product of the established tariff rate (hourly, daily, monthly) by the amount of hours worked or by salaries for all categories of employees.

2) When time bonus system wages are paid in the same way as with a simple time-based system with the addition of a bonus for achieving certain quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Managers, specialists and employees are paid on the basis of official salaries.

Official salary- the amount of the monthly salary provided for by the staffing table.

In addition to piecework and time-based forms and the corresponding systems within the framework of the tariff model of organizing wages, a mixed form has been widely developed within the framework of a tariff-free model of organizing wages (or tariff-free wage system- BTOT).

BTOT puts the employee's earnings in full dependence on the final results of the work of the enterprise's labor collective. It is advisable to apply this system where these results can be taken into account accurately enough, where there are conditions for a common interest and responsibility for the final results of labor. Another prerequisite for using this system is that the members of the work team must know each other well and have full confidence in their leaders. As a rule, such a remuneration system is used in small teams with a stable composition of employees, including managers and specialists.

With a tariff-free system of remuneration, an employee is assigned a certain qualification level ( CCU), but no base rate or salary is set.

Thus, the earnings of an individual worker completely depend on the wage fund accrued based on the collective results of labor, and can be determined by the coefficient of the qualification level, the coefficient of labor participation ( KTU), or by one summary labor coefficient (the number of "earned" points), which takes into account the factors of the qualification level, work results and attitude to work.

Skill level coefficient takes into account the results of the employee's past work and is determined by the ratio of the employee's actual salary for the past period to the minimum wage level for the same period that has developed at the enterprise.

Labor participation rate takes into account the current achievements of the employee and is determined at regular intervals according to the composition of factors (indicators) developed by the team that take into account the combination of professions, the quality of work, and the efficiency of using working time. Thus, it represents a generalized assessment of the employee's labor contribution to the overall result of the work of the team.

The following algorithm is used to calculate the wages of each employee:

a) the composite labor factor or the number of points "earned" is calculated i-th employee for the period:

c) earnings of an individual worker ( ) is determined by the formula:

where FZP– payroll fund of the enterprise (subdivision), rub.


1) In the planned year, the standard labor intensity of the production program of the enterprise is 14 million standard hours. According to the plan for the introduction of new technology and the plan of organizational and technical measures, a 10% reduction in labor intensity is envisaged. The planned average percentage of fulfillment of production norms for the enterprise is 120%. The annual fund of time for one worker is 1,860 hours. Determine the planned number of key production workers for the enterprise as a whole.

2) The enterprise produces products "A" and "B" according to the program indicated in the table. Losses of time for valid reasons average 3% of the nominal time fund, the coefficient of performance of production standards is 1.15, the number of working days in a year is 245, the duration of the work shift is 8 hours.

Determine the number of production workers necessary for the implementation of the production program for the planned year.

3) For the year, the company plans to produce product "A" in the amount of 500,000 pieces. The number of working days - 250. The rate of production of the product "A" 1 worker - 10 pieces / shift. Determine the number of production workers necessary to carry out the production program.

4) Determine the list number of the main workers of the machine assembly shop in total and by profession. The quarterly task and the labor intensity of the products are as follows:


Product 1

Product 2

Annual issue, pcs.

Change in work in progress, pcs.

Labor intensity, standard hours:




Average percentage of workers fulfilling the norms, %

The annual effective fund of time is 2,079 hours.

5) In the current quarter, the plant will produce marketable products worth 200 million rubles. The average number of employees is 5,000 people. Determine the planned number of employees in the next quarter, if it is planned to produce marketable products worth 180 million rubles, and labor productivity growth - 6%.

6) There are 350 looms installed in the weaving factory. Mode of operation - two-shift. Maintenance rate - 4 machines. Determine the number of production workers required for the enterprise.

7) Shift task - 100 parts. The time limit for a part is 5 minutes. The worker produced 120 parts in a shift. The duration of the shift is 8 hours. Determine the fulfillment of the production rate and the shift task.

8) Annual production program - 5,000 thousand rubles. The number of employees at the beginning of the current year - 970 people, at the end of the current year - 1,100 people. Next year, it is planned to increase output by 10% and labor productivity - by 7%. Determine the number of employees in the planned year.

9) Calculate the fulfillment of the output norm by the workers for May 200x. The enterprise has an 8-hour working day with a 5-day working week; on May 26, the worker performed the duties of a juror. For the closed work order for May 200x, the following was taken into account:

When determining the hours worked per month, the number of working days should be taken according to the time sheet - calendar, minus holidays, weekends and days of performance of public duties.

10) Based on the data given in the table, calculate the decrease / increase in actual labor intensity and decrease / increase in labor productivity:

12) Determine the planned growth in labor productivity, if in the planned year the production of marketable products will increase by 7%, and the number of employees will decrease by 1.5%.

13) Determine how the number of employees will change if it is planned to increase the output of marketable products by 10%, and increase labor productivity by 6%.

14) 60 pieceworkers are employed at the site. Due to a number of organizational and technical measures, it is planned to increase the annual output by 20%. The volume of production (120 thousand standard hours) remains the same. Determine how many people can be released as a result of an increase in labor productivity.

15) In the first half of the year in the workshop, the proportion of production workers was 65%, and in the second - 75%. Determine the percentage increase in labor productivity.

16) The enterprise had 4,400 main production workers and 1,200 auxiliary workers in the past period. In the reporting period, the number of main workers increased by 25%, and auxiliary - by 15%. Determine the growth of labor productivity.

17) The enterprise, which employs 2,000 people in the reporting year, plans to increase output by 10%. The share of cooperative deliveries in the gross output will increase from 18 to 22%. Determine the degree of increase in labor productivity and labor savings as a result of an increase in the proportion of cooperative deliveries.

18) Determine the target for the growth of labor productivity by factors based on a decrease in the labor intensity of products (see table 1):

Table 1

The following organizational and technical measures are provided for the planning year (see Table 2):

table 2


Reduced labor intensity per product, standard hour.

Organization of production lines in workshops

The use of a multi-place fixture

Design change

Introduction of precision casting

Technology change

Technology change

In the reporting year, 237 working days, in the planned year, each will work an average of 240 days. Its average duration is 7.7 hours.

According to self-photograph data, intra-shift time losses amounted to 11%. It is planned to cut them by half in the planned year. The proportion of key workers in the production staff is 43%, and in the planned year - 46%. The total number of industrial and production personnel is 5200 people. The planned increase in output is 8%.

19) Calculate the planned and actual daily earnings of a worker of the 5th category in the conditions of a direct individual piecework wage system. The production rate per shift is 100 parts, the actual time spent on processing one part is 4 minutes. The working day is 8 hours. The hourly wage rate for a worker of the 5th category is 27 rubles.

20) The norm of time for one product is 12 minutes, the hourly tariff rate for a given complexity of labor is 30 rubles per hour, there are 24 working days in a month; shift duration - 8 hours. 1,100 products were manufactured per month. Determine: a) the rate of output per month (pcs.); b) piece rate for the product (rubles); c) the amount of piecework wages per month, if for each percentage of overfulfillment 2.5% of earnings are paid at piecework rates (rubles).

21) Calculate the monthly earnings of a worker according to the piece-bonus wage system. For a month (176 working hours), the worker performed 1,200 detail operations. The time limit for one detail operation is 10 minutes. The work is charged by the IV category. The hourly tariff rate is 25.0 rubles.

Under the terms of the piece-bonus system, the bonus is accrued for the fulfillment of the monthly plan (norm) with the qualitative performance of work 10% of the monthly piecework earnings and for each percentage of overfulfillment of the monthly plan (norm) in the amount of 1% of the piecework earnings. The total amount of the bonus should not exceed 20% of the monthly piecework earnings. The conditions for bonuses to workers have been met.

22) Calculate the earnings of workers under collective piece work. There are three people in the brigade: IV, V, VI categories. In accordance with the capacity of work, the monthly earnings of the brigade amounted to 39,000 rubles. A worker of the IV category with a tariff coefficient of 1.68 worked 150 hours per month, a worker of the V category with a coefficient of 1.94 worked 160 hours per month, a worker of the VI category with a coefficient of 2.25 worked 170 hours per month.

23) The monthly earnings of the brigade amounted to 117,500 rubles. Calculate the piecework earnings of the team members in accordance with the number of hours worked and the complexity of the work performed:

Shifts worked

Tariff coefficient

Worker of the 4th category

Worker of the 5th category

Worker of the 6th category

The duration of the shift is 8 hours.

24) An auxiliary worker maintains a section of 5 pieceworkers employed in stamping equipment. Each piece worker must produce 300 units per hour. blanks. In fact, in 20 working days (shift duration - 8 hours), 260,000 blanks were produced. The hourly rate of an auxiliary worker is 29.5 rubles. Determine: a) the earnings of an auxiliary worker in the conditions of a time-based wage system; b) the earnings of an auxiliary worker under the conditions of an indirect piecework wage system.

25) Adjuster V-category (hourly rate of 27.50 rubles) serves five machines. Monthly norms at the site were fulfilled in the following amount: by the first worker by 150%; two workers at 140%; two workers by 125%. Determine the monthly salary of the adjuster when paying for his work according to the indirect piecework system. The number of working days in a month is 23. How much would an adjuster earn if he was paid according to the time system?

26) Determine the monthly salary of a grade VI fitter (an hourly rate of 28.00 rubles) using an indirect piecework wage system. The adjuster serves six machines. The production rate on each machine is 250 pcs. for 1 hour. In fact, in a month (22 working days), 325,000 parts were manufactured at the site. How much would the adjuster earn if he was paid according to the time system?

27) Within 9 days, the enterprise must produce 180 products "A" and 350 products "B". The length of the working day is 7.9 hours. Labor costs for the production of the product are shown in the table.

The average coefficient of compliance with the norms is 1.12; loss of time according to the plan - 5.2%. Workers are paid at the following hourly rates under normal working conditions: III category - 27.50 rubles, IV category - 30.90 rubles, V category - 36.50 rubles. Additional salary - 15% of the tariff.

Determine the required number of workers by profession and in general, the prices for products, the fund of tariff and monthly wages, and its average monthly level.

28) When performing a monthly task, workers of the III category must work out 4,000, IV - 6,000, V - 4,000 standard hours. On average, they fulfill the norms by 110% and their work is paid at rates with normal working conditions for engineering enterprises. Tariff hourly rate III category - 27.40 rubles., IV category - 30.90 rubles., V category - 36.70 rubles.

Additional payments to the tariff fund are: for night work - 2.3%, foremanship - 1.2%, vacations - 4.0%, reduced working hours for adolescents and nursing mothers - 0.6%, for the performance of public duties - 0 ,5%. There are 24 working days in a month, 7.9 hours each.

Determine the monthly payroll, the average daily and average monthly wages.

In this lesson:

  • Task 1. Calculate the number of main workers

Task 1. Calculate the number of core workers

Calculate the number of basic pieceworkers by profession and category, provided that the time budget of one worker is 1752 hours. The data for calculating the labor intensity of the production program are presented below:
Indicators product
Average coefficient
compliance with the norms
output, pcs. 2000 5000
Labor intensity by type of work, standard hours
turning 4th category 3 2 1,2
milling 4th category2 2 1,1
milling 6th category1 1 1,2
drilling 3rd category1 1 1,0
grinding 4th category2 3 1,3
grinding 6th category1 2 1,2
assembly of the 8th category4 2 1,0

Unfortunately, those people who teach at our universities "just passed by the plant", so they often do not understand what meaning is attached to certain indicators. If on average (!!!) the norm is overfulfilled by 30%, then it is necessary to dismiss the rationing officer and carry out a complete renormalization of the technological process, and not calculate the number of personnel based on these curved norms.

Teachers do not understand the reasons why such situations arise, and therefore cannot tell students about them. And what quality will a specialist come to work at an enterprise if he has no idea about this? He can't even imagine... There can be a lot of possible reasons. One of them is when the foreman needs to encourage the grinder Vasya. The authorities do not allocate a bonus, and Vasya is a "good guy." Then the rater (at the direction of his superiors, and maybe even personal sympathies) overestimates the time limit for him and Vasya becomes a "leader of production", doing exactly the same job. This is seen by other workers, and after a while the circle of "leaders" expands within the limits of the personal sympathies of the rate-setter and the foreman. And everything would be fine, but ... our production cycle is suddenly increasing, labor productivity is falling, and the cost of production is rising. And it’s good for the head of the shop, he has reduced the plan in accordance with the labor intensity, Vasya is good, he has a higher salary. It’s only bad for the enterprise as a whole, but nobody cares, right?

And you need to be able to manage such processes, identify them, find the reasons ... But why? It is more important for a teacher to teach a student to add and subtract numbers! And then the workers in the workshop will be happy to "hang noodles on the ears" of such a "specialist", quietly laughing at the "burdock" behind their backs.

The "decision" itself represents the most idiotic thing an economist can do. If the norm is "overfulfilled" by 1.3 times, then the number of workers needed is 1.3 times less. (which is what workers with a rationing worker achieve, receiving wages 1.3 times higher than the calculated one). In fact, a real management decision should look like this: "review the entire wage system in the shop and renormalize technological operations, bringing them in line with the real technical process, and bringing wages to real market conditions." But you need to think about it, and adding up the numbers is much easier ...

Turners 4 digits should be ...
(2000 x 3 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.2 = 7.61 ≈ 8 people (rounding down, we would increase labor intensity by more than 10%)

Milling 4 ranks
(2000 x 2 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.1 = 7.264 ≈ 7

Milling cutters 6th category
(2000 x 1 + 5000 x 1) / 1752 / 1.2 = 3.33 ≈ 4

Drillers 3 category
(2000 x 1 + 5000 x 1) / 1752 / 1 = 3.99 ≈ 4
It's funny, but the condition of the problem coincided with the situation in real life. Regular artificial overestimation of the norms of time always concerns the "old" workers of high ranks. And such "hazing" leads to the fact that beginners (1-3 category) are not able to earn normal money, since they are sent to the most "unprofitable" operations (k = 1). As a result, after working like this for a couple of months, the newcomer leaves. And then the head of the shop arranges "Yaroslavna's cry" about the lack of workers. For this, then they regularly punish ... personnel officers. And our "specialist" after the institute receives only the best reviews. Otherwise, they can send a competent specialist to the workshop ...

Grinders 4 category
(2000 x 3 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.3 = 7.02 ≈ 7 people

Grinders of the 6th category
(2000 x 1 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.2 = 5.71 ≈ 6 people

Collectors of the 8th category
(2000 x 4 + 5000 x 2) / 1752 / 1.0 = 10.27 ≈ 10 people

Task 2. Determine the number of workers according to the labor intensity of the production program

Calculate the planned number of workers based on data on the complexity of performing certain types of work. The annual effective working time fund of one average worker is 1675 hours. Other input data are shown in the table below.

t- the total labor intensity of the production program of the calculation year. Measured in standard hours.

F ef.- effective (real) fund of the time of work of one worker. Measured in hours.

K v.n.- the expected average coefficient of fulfillment of production standards by employees in the billing year.

n- the number of types of manufactured products.

t i- planned (normative) labor intensity of a unit of the i-th type of product. Measured in standard hours.

m i- the number of products of the i-th type. Measured in pieces.

Substitute the values ​​into the formula.

H main slave. =(15+21+11+7+23)*70,000/1.08*1675=77*70,000/1809=

5,390,000/1809=2980 employees.

Answer: 2980 workers.

Task 3. Determine the number of cleaners and auxiliary workers

Determine the number of cleaners and auxiliary workers of the metal machining shop on the basis of basic data on service standards. The initial data are given in the table below. The mode of operation of the workshop is one-shift.



Number of jobs in the workshop

Including places equipped with metal-cutting machines

Service standards for certain categories of personnel, jobs:





quality controllers



Service rate for cleaners, m2

Average area of ​​one workplace of a machine operator, m2

Average area of ​​other jobs, m2


In order to find the number of cleaners, we need to find the area of ​​the workshop.

S workshop = (number of jobs in the workshop - number of jobs equipped with metal-cutting machines) * average area of ​​other jobs + number of jobs equipped with metal-cutting machines * average area of ​​one workplace of a machine operator.

Substitute the values ​​in the formula

S shop \u003d (600-370) * 8 + 370 * 15 \u003d 230 * 8 + 5550 \u003d 1840 + 5550 \u003d 7390 m 2


One of the important issues of labor economics and its organization is the calculation of the number of personnel. Under the conditions of a planned economy, research and sectoral institutes, departments, ministries were engaged in the development and testing of calculation methods. Enterprises received appropriate instructions from above and carried them out. Today they decide this issue on their own.

The existing and currently used methods for calculating the number of personnel can be generally divided into two classes.

1. Purpose and scope

Calculation methods are classified depending on the purpose and scope of their application. In turn, within this class they can be reduced to four groups (table). In this case, it is more correct to speak not about a method, but about a methodological approach that includes several methods.

Calculation of the number of personnel according to the standards in the workplace, in the shops and services of the enterprise

When applying this approach, the number of personnel by profession is calculated first at individual workplaces, then summarized by sections, workshops and departments, and in general for the enterprise. For calculations, differentiated standards of labor costs (time, production, maintenance, service time) are used.

The methods are well developed, they were widely used both in Soviet times and now. The approach gives high accuracy in determining the number of personnel, but is highly labor-intensive.

Scope - current planned calculations of the number of personnel by categories, professions, positions and qualifications; development and correction of staffing tables; determination of the compliance of the actual number with the planned one.

Calculation according to consolidated labor standards

Using this approach, the number of personnel by profession is calculated immediately for the enterprise or production, workshop within the enterprise. The enlarged labor standards of service, number, controllability are used. The methods are less accurate than the previous ones, but also less time consuming.

The disadvantage of this approach is the inconsistency of the regulatory framework with today's organizational and technical conditions of production. Aggregated labor standards for industry have not been developed in the last 10-15 years, and the existing ones have become outdated, since the structure of service and management at enterprises has changed in a market environment.

Scope - selective approximate calculations of the required number of personnel by category; forecast of the required number of categories for the future.

Calculation by actual time spent

In this case, the number of personnel by profession is calculated by jobs, teams, sections, departments, and then summed up by the enterprise. For calculations, the actual costs of staff time, obtained using photographs of working hours, are used.

The methods of this group allow you to get a real picture of the costs and losses of working time in the workplace and calculate the required number of personnel. Based on the results of the calculations, it becomes possible to adjust the actual number. In addition, due to the lack or weakness of the regulatory framework, these methods are becoming the only ones today.

Their shortcomings are manifested in the subjectivity of application and high labor intensity. In addition, their systematic use requires a large number of qualified raters. The methods are generally outdated, but given the inadequacy of the regulatory framework, its absence or inapplicability, they quite work to correct the actual number of staff.

Combined method

This methodological approach makes it possible to determine the number of personnel both by workplaces and sites, and by the enterprise as a whole. In fact, this is a combination of the previous approaches, which can be used in different combinations. For example, the number of personnel is determined according to consolidated standards, and then specified according to differentiated ones.

Another option is that in some departments the number of personnel at individual workplaces is determined, in others - according to aggregated standards, and in others - on the basis of actual working hours. There may be many such options.

Features of the application of this method are the possibility of choosing the most appropriate methods and ensuring sufficient accuracy with optimal labor intensity. However, such a combination requires a good knowledge of the methods and high qualification of raters.

2. Category and nature of work

The second class includes methods for calculating the number of personnel, depending on the category and nature of work.

Traditionally distinguished:

    the main workers engaged in the production of the main products;

    auxiliary workers engaged in ensuring the activities of the main workers;

    employees involved in the management process.

These categories of personnel, in addition to their place in the production process, also differ in the nature of their work. For workers, physical labor predominates, and for the main workers it is more deterministic than for the auxiliary ones. Mental labor predominates among employees, which is generally less deterministic than physical labor. At the same time, different functions and works differ significantly from each other in the degree of determinism, the presence and volume of routine elements.

As a result, the rationing and remuneration of labor of different categories of workers and, accordingly, the methods for calculating the number of personnel (scheme) differ.

The main methods of rationing the labor of workers and calculating their number in Soviet times were reduced to the establishment of norms for labor costs according to the following standards:

    time and number for the main workers;

    service time and number for auxiliary workers;

    number and management for employees.

According to some estimates, up to 80% of the norms in production were calculated by the analytical and calculation method using normative materials.

The analytical research method using timing and photographs of working time was used in cases where there were no standards - in pilot and small-scale production, in the development of new products, etc. Currently, the situation in the regulation of labor has changed significantly.

In the 1990s, work on the development of labor standards was, in fact, curtailed. In addition, labor standards that exist and are being developed today are not intended for use in automated control systems. The result of this is a large amount of manual labor in the calculations.

There is an acute shortage of methodological materials on work. As a result, the calculation of the number of personnel is difficult due to the obsolescence of the regulatory framework for labor and the lack of automated calculation methods.

A more detailed analysis shows that the situation is not as hopeless as it seems. Let's consider this question in relation to different categories of personnel.

Basic workers. Over the past 15-20 years, the technological base of production has not changed much. Therefore, it is quite possible to apply the normative materials developed in the 80s. The author of this article calculated the number of personnel in a number of aluminum and alumina enterprises in 2001 according to the consolidated industry standards of 1987 and obtained quite satisfactory results.

Auxiliary workers. At enterprises with an unchanged organization of production, it is also possible to apply the standards of the 80s. When the organization of production is changed, for example, when auxiliary workers are withdrawn from the main workshops, repair complexes are created, and a number of auxiliary functions (repair, transport) are outsourced, other methods are required.

Employees. Old normative materials are not recommended.

Today, the main methods for setting labor cost standards and calculating the number of personnel are:

    predictive calculations of the number of employees using aggregated standards or expert coefficients;

    calculations of the current number of employees based on actual time spent using timing and photographs of working time.

When choosing a methodological approach and calculation method, it is advisable to apply the criterion complexity/accuracy(by analogy with the criterion price quality). It sounds like this: the more accurately the number of personnel is calculated, the higher the complexity of such an assessment. As a result, when choosing a group of calculation methods, specialists are faced with a choice - to calculate quickly, but not accurately, or slowly, but accurately.

At the same time, high labor intensity in practice can lead to losses of real calendar time. For example, you can get a rough estimate of the number in a month, and a more accurate estimate in six months. In the latter case, the release of workers will be implemented with a delay of 5 months, which will lead to unjustified costs for the maintenance of excess staff.

An important element in planning the number of employees in an enterprise is the calculation planned balance (fund) of working time, which the worker works out during a certain planning period (year, quarter, month). The basis for calculating the planned balance is the reporting data for the last year, taking into account measures aimed at reducing the loss of working time.

The balance of working time consists of calendar, nominal and effective time funds.

calendar fund is the number of calendar days in the planning period.

Nominal Fund- this is the number of calendar days in the planning period minus holidays and weekends.

Efficient working time fund calculated on the basis of the nominal fund of time, taking into account the planned loss of working time on average per worker.

The main task of planning the need for personnel is to determine the optimal number, composition and structure of employees in order to increase the productivity of the organization.

Methods for calculating the number of workers:

1) Calculation according to the labor intensity of work or according to production standards;

a) Calculation of the number of workers by labor intensity used to determine the number of piecework workers:

where is the required number of pieceworkers;

- the complexity of the production program, standard hours;

- the annual effective fund of the time of one worker, hours;

- the coefficient of performance of production standards.

b) Calculation of the number of workers according to production standards usually used to determine the number of work areas, where the amount of work can be measured using natural meters (this method is a variation of the previous one):

where is the number of serviced workplaces (pieces of equipment);

- number of shifts per day;

- service rate (i.e., the number of pieces of equipment serviced by one or a group of workers).

3) Calculation of the number of jobs- is used to determine the planned number of main and auxiliary workers who perform work to control the actions of the equipment, as well as control the technological process:

where is the number of workers required to service the working machines.

Definition number of managers, employees and specialists is hampered by the fact that for most of them there are no production standards or service standards. The number of managers, specialists and employees depends on the functions they perform.

The number of engineering and technical workers, employees is determined according to the staffing table. It is possible to determine the number of this category of workers and according to the standards, depending on the number of jobs in the main production, the number of workers, the cost of fixed assets.

When planning the number of piece workers, the expected productivity of their labor is taken into account. Labor productivity refers to the efficiency (or effectiveness) of labor in the production process.

Level labor productivity expressed by the quantity of products manufactured per unit of working time, or the cost of working time for the production of a unit of output.

The most common and universal indicator is output, which can be hourly, daily, monthly (quarterly, annual).

Working out represents the amount of production (Q) produced per unit of working time (T), or per one average employee per month, quarter, year. It is determined by the ratio of the quantity of products produced to the cost of working time for the production of these products: Q / T.

Along with the production, the indicator of labor intensity of products is widely used. Under labor intensity production is understood as the sum of all labor costs for the production of a unit of output at a given enterprise (T/Q).

Depending on the composition of labor costs, their role in the production process, the following types of labor intensity are taken into account, which are components of the total labor intensity of manufacturing products: technological labor intensity of production maintenance, production labor intensity, labor intensity of production management.

where is production;

– labor intensity, hours;

- the volume of products produced for a certain period of time;

- the cost of working time for the production of this product, h.

Output and labor input are related as reciprocals:

Methods for measuring labor productivity differ depending on how the volume of output is determined. To calculate the volume of production (products, works, services) and, accordingly, labor productivity (by output), three methods for determining output are distinguished; natural, cost (cash) and labor.

natural method- the simplest and most reliable method, when the volume of manufactured products is calculated in kind (tons, meters, pieces, etc.).

Physical indicators allow you to see the composition of manufactured products by types, varieties, etc. The advantage of this method is the direct comparability of labor productivity indicators. However, with the help of physical indicators it is possible to measure labor productivity only within the framework of certain types of products or types of work.

cost method- its essence lies in the fact that the indicator of labor productivity is defined as the ratio of manufactured products, expressed in monetary units, to the cost of working time or the average number of industrial and production personnel.

To calculate labor productivity in value terms, various indicators for assessing the volume of output can be used: gross output, marketable output, gross turnover, net and conditionally net output, sold products. Each of these indicators has its positive and negative sides.

labor method widely used in intra-company planning, i.e. at workplaces, in teams, at production sites and in workshops when producing a variety of work in progress. In this case, labor productivity is determined in standard hours or, in other words, is estimated on the basis of the labor intensity indicator.

The growth of labor productivity creates conditions for the growth of production and profits of the enterprise.

The increase in production due to an increase in labor productivity can be determined by the formula:

where is the increase in production due to an increase in labor productivity, %

– increase in the number of employees, %;

– increase in production volume, %.

In conditions of limited resources, it is relevant for the enterprise to carry out analytical work to identify reserves for increasing labor productivity.

Wage- this is a form of material remuneration for labor in the form of a part of the cost of created and sold products, received by employees of an enterprise, organization.

The payroll performs the following functions:

Ensures the reproduction of labor potential by the employee;

stimulates interest in the results of labor;

Allows you to take into account the contribution of the employee in solving the problems of the enterprise;

regulates the distribution of labor resources between activities.

From the point of view of the reproductive function, wages are the monetary expression of the volume of benefits at the disposal of the employee, which ensures the objectively necessary restoration of the employee's labor potential.

In modern economic conditions, the organization of wages at the enterprise should be based on the following principles:

1) an independent choice by the enterprise of methods of organization, forms, systems and the amount of remuneration of employees;

2) state regulation of wages through the establishment of a minimum wage and regulation of labor relations;

3) ensuring the differentiation of wages depending on the qualifications of the employee, his working conditions and other factors;

4) the material interest of the employee in achieving high end results of labor;

5) ahead of the growth rate of labor productivity compared to the growth rate of wages;

6) the simplicity of building wage systems.

payroll fund at the enterprise provides for the differentiation of labor costs into three components: basic wages, additional wages and bonus payments.

To basic salary relate:

wages accrued to employees at tariff rates and salaries for hours worked;

wages accrued for the work performed by employees at piece rates, as a percentage of the proceeds from the sale of products (performance of work and provision of services);

the cost of products issued as payment in kind;

· stimulating additional payments and bonuses to tariff rates and salaries (for professional skills, combination of professions, positions, etc.);

bonuses for years of service, length of service;

Compensation payments related to the mode of work and working conditions;

Payments due to regional regulation of wages, etc.

To additional wages include payments to employees provided for by labor legislation for time not worked at the enterprise. This should include:

payment of annual and additional holidays;

payment of preferential hours for teenagers;

· payment for study holidays provided to employees studying in educational institutions;

Remuneration of workers involved in the performance of state or public duties;

payment for downtime through no fault of the employee, etc.

Additional wages should also include payments for food, housing, fuel and social payments (surcharges to pensions for employees working at the enterprise, lump sum benefits for retiring labor veterans, severance pay upon termination of an employment contract, payment for subscriptions to health groups, classes in sports sections and other payments).

Premium payouts include one-time incentive payments (one-time bonuses, remuneration based on the results of work for the year, annual remuneration for length of service, etc.)

The organization of remuneration at the enterprise is based on three interrelated elements:

· regulation of labor;

the tariff system;

Forms and systems of remuneration.

Labor rationing serves as the basis for the development of norms for the performance of various operations, allows each employee to establish a normalized (required for performance) amount of labor costs, which serves as the basis for payment and material incentives for the employee.

Tariff system remuneration includes a set of normative materials that regulate the level of remuneration of workers depending on their qualifications, nature, conditions, severity and intensity of work, as well as responsibility for the work performed and the characteristics of production.

The main elements of the tariff system are:

1) Tariff rate- expressed in monetary terms, the absolute amount of wages per unit of time. Tariff rates are determined on the basis of the tariff scale and the first category rate.

2) Tariff scale- a scale of categories, each of which is assigned its own tariff coefficient, which shows how many times the tariff rate of each category is greater than the first. Each tariff scale is characterized by a certain ratio of the tariff coefficients of the extreme categories, which is called the range of the tariff scale.

There are absolute (in fractions of a unit) and relative (in%) increase in tariff coefficients.

3) Tariff and qualification guides provide the possibility of establishing the category of work and the employee. They contain information about what a worker of each category, each specialty should know and be able to do.

Forms and systems of remuneration

There are piecework and time-based forms of remuneration:

I) piecework the form of remuneration is payment for each unit of output or volume of work performed.

The piece-rate form of payment is applied in the following conditions:

· it is possible to develop technically justified norms of production and labor costs;

It is possible to accurately record the volume of work performed;

There are quantitative indicators of work, the implementation of which directly depends on a particular employee;

workers of a particular site have the opportunity to increase output or the volume of work performed without violating the technology of the production process;

· the organization of work of workers excludes interruptions in work.

Within the framework of the piecework form, the following typical wage systems are distinguished:

1) When direct individual piecework wage system The worker's earnings depend on the amount of work done. Wages are determined by multiplying the rates by the number of units produced:

where is the piece rate, rub. per unit of production;

- produced number of units of production.

The basis for determining the amount of wages in the piecework form of remuneration is the rate, i.e. the amount of payment for a unit of work performed or manufactured products.

With a direct piecework wage system, the piece rate is calculated using the formulas:

according to the time limit: according to production rate:

where - hourly tariff rate of the corresponding type of work, rub./h;

- the norm of time per unit of production (work), hour;

c - the rate of production of this product per hour.

2) Piecework progressive wage system is based on payment for the output of workers within the established norms at direct piece rates, and for the volume of production in excess of the norm - at higher, progressively increasing rates. The amount of earnings under the piece-progressive system is calculated by the formula:

where - the amount of earnings calculated at direct piece rates, rubles;

– fulfillment of production norms, %;

- the normative level of production rates, above which payment at increased rates is applied,%;

- bonus factor in fractions of a unit, showing an increase in the piece rate for output in excess of the norm.

3) Indirect piecework wage system establishes the amount of wages of auxiliary workers depending on the results of the work of the main workers they serve. This system is used to pay workers whose personal labor cannot be accounted for, but on which the output of the main workers they serve depends.

Indirect piece rate is calculated by the formula:

where - the actual amount of products produced in this period by the main workers;

b) either by multiplying the tariff earnings for the hours worked by the percentage of the fulfillment of the norms by the main piecework workers:

where - the hourly tariff rate of an auxiliary worker paid at indirect piecework wages, rubles;

- actually worked by this auxiliary working time, hours;

- weighted average% of the fulfillment of production standards by all workers (objects, units) serviced by this employee.

4) When lump-sum wage system wages are determined for a predetermined amount of work (rather than for a single operation) based on current time standards or production standards and rates. The term of performance, quality of work is accurately stipulated. The amount of earnings is announced in advance, before work begins. Workers can be rewarded for reducing the duration of work.

II) Time form of remuneration is a form in which wages are accrued to an employee at an established tariff rate or salary for the working time actually worked by him (but not calendar, but normative (effective), provided for by the tariff system).

The time-based form of remuneration is applied if:

· there is no need to stimulate the growth of production in excess of the optimal;

· the production process is strictly regulated (i.e., overfulfillment of the norms may be accompanied by a violation of the technological process with subsequent deterioration in product quality);

The functions of the worker are reduced to monitoring the progress of the technological process;

· flow and conveyor types of production function with a strictly specified rhythm;

· experimental work is being carried out or the process of manufacturing new, especially complex, critical objects is underway;

Various works are performed that are difficult to standardize and account for;

· the use of time wages can provide an increase in the quality of work performed (control, repair work, etc.).

Within the framework of the time-based form, the following typical wage systems are distinguished:

1) When simple time wages wages are determined by the product of the established tariff rate (hourly, daily, monthly) by the amount of hours worked or by salaries for all categories of employees.

2) When time bonus system wages are paid in the same way as with a simple time-based system with the addition of a bonus for achieving certain quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Managers, specialists and employees are paid on the basis of official salaries.

Official salary- the amount of the monthly salary provided for by the staffing table.

To determine the required number of workers, the amount of working time required to fulfill a given production program and the number of working days and hours that must be worked by one worker in the planning period are calculated. To determine the average annual number of days to be worked in the planning period by one worker, the balance of working time is compiled as shown in the table.

The balance of working time of one average worker

Elements of working time


1. Calendar fund of time

  • 2. Non-working days:
    • -weekend
    • - holiday

3. Nominal (regime) fund of time, Tn

  • 4. All-day absenteeism:
    • - regular holidays
    • - fulfillment of state and public duties
    • - study leave
    • - sick leave from work
    • - maternity leave

Total all-day absenteeism

5. Effective working time fund, T eff

6. Duration of the shift

7. Maximum number of working hours per year

  • 8. Intra-shift loss of working time, h
  • - on pre-holiday days
  • - breastfeeding mothers and adolescents

Total intra-shift losses

9. Effective working time fund, h

The balance of working time is calculated by subtracting from the calendar number of days in the year holidays and days of weekly rest (days off), the time provided for regular and additional holidays, for maternity leave, for absenteeism due to illness of workers and the implementation of state and public responsibilities.

Time spent absenteeism due to illness, pregnancy and childbirth, as well as time spent on the performance of state and public duties, is taken into account in the balance of working time based on the reporting data of the previous year.

Funds of working time must be calculated not only in days, but also in hours. When determining the effective fund in hours (Tefh), the planned losses within the working day are taken into account: breaks for nursing mothers, a shorter working day for teenagers, and a reduction in working hours on holidays.

When calculating the number of workers, shift, attendance, full-time and payroll compositions are distinguished.

The attendance number is the maximum allowable number of employees required to perform the appropriate amount of work or service jobs (service areas) for each structural unit during a work shift.

The attendance number of workers can be determined on the basis of: production rates, time rates and service rates.

Technical processes in industry are regulated by a number of standards. The main ones are:

technically justified output standards that determine the output at the main production sites, as well as at the processes of moving materials, at auxiliary stages of production (mixing, sorting materials, delivery);

equipment maintenance standards that determine the number of devices, machine tools serviced by one worker or one team. For example, four contact furnaces are served by one operator, three presses - by one presser, etc.;

staffing standards that determine the number of workers of appropriate qualifications required to carry out a given process or scope of work.

The number of main production workers is calculated according to service rates, production rates and time rates, depending on the nature of the operation performed. In manual or machine-manual operations, the number of workers is determined by the norms of time or output. On machine (semi-automatic, automatic, automatic production lines, rotary lines, units) - according to the norm of maintenance of units and machines.

The turnout number of workers can be determined on the basis of the production rate:

Lsp \u003d V / Nvyr * Tef * Kvn;

Lav \u003d Lsp / Ksp,

where B is the annual production program, nat.unit/h;

Нvyr - production rate (number of products produced by one employee per unit of time) nat.unit / person per shift;

TEF-efficient fund of time of one average employee, h; Kvn - coefficient of fulfillment of the norm.

Payroll coefficients for the transition from attendance to payroll and vice versa are determined by the formulas:

a) for continuous operation

Ksp \u003d T`ef / Tef,

where T'eff is the effective fund of equipment operation time, days;

Teff - Effective time fund of one average employee, days;

b) for periodic modes of operation:

Ksp \u003d Tnom / Tef,

where Tnom is the nominal time fund of one average employee, days (h).

Based on the time limit

Lsp \u003d V * Hvr / Tef * Kvn;

Lav \u003d Lsp / K sp,

where Hvr is the norm of time: the time required for the production of a unit of production, h / nat.unit;

TEF is the effective time fund of one average employee, h.

Based on the service standard:

Lav \u003d m / N obl H n c,

where m is the number of devices or jobs;

N service - service rate (number of devices that one worker must service per shift

n c - number of shifts per day.

The calculation of the number of basic workers is carried out by profession and category. It is recommended to perform it in table0. The list of professions or operations is indicated in accordance with the scheme of the technological process and the arrangement of workers adopted in the technological project. Tariff categories for all operations are set according to tariff-qualification directories. The service rate in this course project is assumed to be equal to one. The number of machines for each operation is indicated based on the calculation of equipment. The number of shifts is affixed in accordance with the accepted mode of operation.

The coefficient of transition to the payroll number of workers (the payroll ratio) is calculated by the formula:

Ksp \u003d Tn / Tef,

where Tn is the nominal working time fund, days;

Teff - effective fund of one average worker, days.

The payroll number of workers is determined by the formula:

Lsp \u003d Lav ChKsp.

Calculation of the number of main production workers according to the rate of service

Name of profession or operation

Tariff category

Service rate

Number of pieces of equipment

Number of workers per shift

Number of shifts

Number of workers per day

Coeff. payroll

List number of workers




