The main stages of pre-production. Technical preparation of production

Preparation of production ensures the full readiness of enterprises for the production of certain products of the highest and first quality categories at a high technical level with minimal labor and cost. Technological preparation of production is a set of measures that ensure the technological readiness of production (GOST 14.004-83). Modern production is characterized by a systematic expansion of the range of products using new, progressive materials and efficient technological processes, continuous improvement of production. Preparation of production includes: designer -

Rice. 159. Structural diagram of the technological

pre-production of wood products

training (KP), technological training (TP), organizational and economic training (OEP) and logistics (MTS). Sometimes organizational and economic training is combined with logistics in one section of organizational and technical training (OTP).

On fig. 159 shows a block diagram of the preparation of production and the relationship between its individual elements. Design preparation is carried out in full accordance with the unified procedure for the development and production of products

Rice. 160. Scheme of the procedure for testing prototypes when putting products into production

management, which is regulated by GOST 15.000-82 and G<ЭСТ 15.001-88. Комплекс этих стандартов устанавливает единую последовательность и состав работ по организации выпуска продукции серийного и массового производства. В техническом задании на конструкторскую разработку изделия указывают: наименование и область применения, основание для разработки, цель и назначение, источники разработки, технические требования, экономические показатели, стадии и этапы разработки, порядок контроля и приемки. Техническое задание (ТЗ) согласовывается заинтересованными организациями и утверждается

the organization responsible for the production. The developed design documentation for the product is undergoing preliminary tests according to the scheme shown in Fig. 160. With positive results, the prototype is submitted for acceptance tests conducted in accordance with the established program and methodology. The results of acceptance tests, formalized by the acceptance certificate, determine the possibility of putting products into mass production. The acceptance certificate formally completes the design preparation for production.

Technological preparation begins with the analysis of design documentation based on state standards of the Unified System for Technological Preparation of Production (UTPP), which provides a unified approach to technological preparation, taking into account the achievements of science, engineering and technology. The development of technological documentation is the main task of technological preparation of production. In addition, the functions of technological preparation include a whole range of measures that ensure the readiness of the enterprise to produce products of the highest quality category in the prescribed quantity. During the technological preparation of production (TP), the following issues are resolved (see Fig. 159):

1. Ensuring the manufacturability of the product design: times
work of the statement of technological assessment of the design of the product

2. Structural analysis of the product: development of a class sheet
specification structure of the product; development of a statement with
product line; development of a list of borrowed parts,
assembly units.

3. Technological analysis of production: development of a
bridges of production characteristics of workshops.

4. Organization and management of the CCI: development of a network
new product development schedule.

5. Design of technological processes by stages
production: development of technological process maps, ve
domost operations of technical control, technological in
structures, cutting cards, sketch cards, picking cards;
drawing up a list of equipment and equipment; development
technical specifications for special means of technological

6. Design of technological equipment: ka
librov, equipment, etc.

7. Development of technological standards: calculation of standards
consumption of basic and auxiliary materials and a set
cutting products; calculation of production rates, equipment loading.

8. Debugging of technological processes with adjustment
design and technological documentation. Stages

development of technological documents, their adjustment with the assignment of a letter must comply with GOST 3.1102-81. On fig. 19 shows the sequence of work on the organization of output in the woodworking industry. Technological documents also include graphic and text documents that define the technological process and product control methods. The main technological document for the product is a process flow chart (CTP), which contains a description of the process, including control and movement of all operations of one type of work performed in a process sequence in one shop. The KTP indicates the means of technological equipment, material and labor standards. In addition to the KTP, the following technological documents are attached:

statement of the technical control operation (VOTK), which contains a list of control operations for the entire technological process;

technological instruction (TI), containing a description of the methods of work or technological processes, the rules for the operation of technological equipment, physical and chemical phenomena that occur during the operation;

cutting chart of plates and sheet materials (KRP), illustrating the accepted variant of cutting sheet materials;

sketch map (SC) containing sketches, diagrams, tables necessary for the implementation of the developed technological process;

a list of tooling and tooling (VOOI), containing a list of tooling, equipment and tools required for the proposed process;

a picking card (QC) containing data on parts, assembly units and materials included in this product;

consolidated consumption rates of raw materials (SNRSM), containing data on the consumption of all basic and auxiliary materials;

a list of technological documents (VTD), which contains a list of all documents that determine technological preparation.

For the organization of production, capable of continuous improvement without significant expenditure of time, labor and funds, it is necessary to prepare production on the principles of continuity. Constructive succession is a property of a product, which means that in the manufacture of this product it is possible to use parts or assembly units from products that were previously produced at this enterprise.

ti. Constructive continuity is ensured when ko! structural preparation of production through the use of industry-specific systems of unification and methods of serial design* of products. Technological continuity - the properties of the product, allowing the use of technology that has changed in the manufacture of previous products.

The typification of technological processes to some extent contributes to technological continuity. Technological continuity does not require a fundamental change in the technological process in the development of new products. Technological operations and technological equipment basically remain the same. This simplifies the technological preparation; production, reduces the time of development of new products. Many issues of technological preparation of production are currently being solved by automated enterprise control systems (ACS) with the widespread use of computer technology.

The organizational basis of the automated system for technological preparation of production (ASTPP) is the systematic use of automation tools for engineering and technical work (Fig. 161). The purpose of ASTPP is to improve the technological preparation of production based on mathematical methods, process optimization. ASTPP should model the functions of technological preparation of production. ASTPP includes subsystems for general and special purposes. General purpose subsystems: information retrieval, coding, formation of initial data, execution of technical documentation. Special-purpose subsystems: ensuring manufacturability, designing technological processes, designing technological equipment, managing the Chamber of Commerce, manufacturing technological equipment. The composition of subsystems is established taking into account the specifics of the CCI and economic feasibility. Special-purpose subsystems can work on the basis of CAD, solving the problems of managing design processes. Three methods are used for this.

1. Software - synthesis method, when the whole process is re
solving technological problems, including optimization of solutions,
fully automated and is carried out by a computer according to the program.
The technologist enters the data and analyzes the results.

2. The method of dialogue between a technologist and a computer is interactive, when
The computer prepares data for decision-making by the technologist.
The technologist actively participates in problem solving.

3. The method of borrowed standard solutions followed by
modification to suit specific conditions.

ASTPP reduces the time for mastering new models by 30-40% and the duration of the production cycle by 10-15%.

The furniture industry has a CAD / CAM system - computer-aided design of products, technological preparation and production management. The CAD/Self system consists of automated workstations of five levels: information collection, information transfer, dialogue, control and EC computers. Mathematical modeling of technological processes makes it possible to find the optimal options that ensure maximum production efficiency. CAD/CAM consists of two systems: CAD and CAM.

The CAD system allows you to interactively solve the problems of product design: the choice of dimensions, the production of drawings, the preparation of specifications, costing and calculation of the cost of the product.

The CAM system provides automation of technological preparation for production: classification of parts according to technological characteristics, coding of parts and products according to these characteristics, specification of typical technological processes, selection of materials and calculation of their need for each operation, standardization of technological operations, scheduling of production output with determination of equipment load, management of warehouse operations and implementation of operational production control.

The connection of the system of technological preparation of production with the automated control system is ensured by the unity of the documentation used as information for compiling computer work programs. Organizational and technical preparation ensures the rhythmic work of production by rationally combining all the available resources of the enterprise, in accordance with established standards, technology and program, contributes to a high technical level with maximum production efficiency. The main principles of the organization of production are: compliance with the productivity of all sections (proportionality), continuity of work, its rhythm, parallel work of sections - the possibility of simultaneously performing several operations or flows.

Rules for registration of technological documents. Technological documents are divided into graphic and text. Graphic drawings include product drawings and sketch maps, which are performed according to the ESKD rules. Text documents can be printed forms filled out by hand or typed. When filling out documents by hand, the main inscription is performed in accordance with GOST 3.1103-82. The presentation of the content of the document should be clear and concise, excluding the subjectivity of interpretation. Abbreviation of words is allowed only in generally accepted cases in accordance with GOST 2.316-68.

If symbols are used, then it is necessary to give explanations to these symbols. In formulas, as symbols, it is necessary to use the generally accepted letter designations of the Latin, Greek or Russian alphabet in accordance with the guidelines RD 50-160-79 according to ST SEV 1052-78. All formulas in the document are numbered with Arabic numerals. If it is necessary to refer to a formula, the itext indicates its ordinal number enclosed in parentheses. References to standards and other normative documents are indicated in the text by its designation. Standards are indicated without giving their names. There may be annexes to the main document, which are numbered in Arabic numerals after the word "Annex".

Norm control is the final stage in the creation of technical documentation. The purpose of the standard control is: to ensure the widespread use of standard and unified parts in the designed products, the further development of standardization, unification and aggregation. The implementation of nomocontrol is mandatory for all organizations that carry out design and technological developments. The normative control of technical documentation is carried out in two stages: verification of documents in originals and in the final form of originals (tracing paper, photographic films, etc.). In case of normative control, it is rational to carry out the check in the following sequence: completeness of the documentation; verification of compliance with the norms and requirements established by the standards; complete, if it meets the list or items of specifications.

When checking compliance with the norms and requirements of the standards, they reveal the compliance with the standard of the main parameters of the appropriate tolerances, the designation of grades of materials, the possibility of replacing completed documents with already existing, previously developed ones, etc. The instructions of the normative controller are obligatory for the executors, the disagreements are resolved by the head of the standardization department. The normocontroller may appeal the violations of standards established by him to the State Standard of the USSR. The Comptroller is responsible for compliance with the standards in the technical documents reviewed by him. Nomocontrol can be passive and active. With active normative control, the controller participates in the correction of errors and works to prevent errors in the process of developing projects.

The concept of technical preparation of production

The creation of new technology is a long and laborious path, not one idea immediately finds application, because. this is due to the complexity of the structure of the new technology and its operation. The creation of new technology requires an integrated approach in the technical preparation of production, which consists of three types:

1. organizational preparation

2. design preparation (ESKD)

3. technical training (ESTPP)

Organizational preparation defines a set of works on the organization of scientific research, scientific forecasting, patent research, feasibility studies, assessment of the technical capabilities of an enterprise and industry, taking into account market conditions both domestically and abroad. The needs of capital investments and their payback periods, the possibility of allocating these funds for the development and mastering of new products are also taken into account. In addition, allied enterprises are determined, issues of logistics and staffing are being worked out, issues of organizing the operation, maintenance, and repair of developed products are being worked out, and much more.

Analysis of the concepts of construction and design

The development of new products is carried out by engineering and technical personnel, through design and construction, which are interrelated and complementary processes. The constructive form of the object is specified by the design method - the product of the calculation of parameters, strength optimization calculations and other projection issues. In turn, designing is possible only for previously accepted design options. Often these two concepts are not distinguished, since they are carried out by specialists of the same profession - design engineers, however, design and construction are different processes.

Design precedes design and represents a search for scientifically sound, technically feasible and economically viable engineering solutions. The result of the design is the design of the object being developed. Design is the choice of a certain method of action, in a particular case, it is the creation of a system as a logical basis for action, capable of solving the task under certain conditions and restrictions. The project is analyzed, discussed, corrected and accepted as the basis for further development.

Construction- this is the creation of a specific unambiguous design of the product.

Design- this is a device, the mutual arrangement of parts and elements of an object, machine, device, determined by its purpose. The design provides for the method of connection, interaction of parts, as well as the material from which individual parts (elements, parts) must be made.

In the process of designing, images and types of products are created, a complex of sizes with allowable deviations is considered. The appropriate material is selected, the requirements for surface roughness, the technical requirements of the product and its parts are established, and technical documentation is created.

Design is based on the results of the design and refines all engineering decisions made during the design. The technical documentation created during the design process should ensure the transfer of all design information to manufactured products and its rational operation.

Design and construction are types of mental activity when a specific mental image is created in the mind of the developer, which is subjected to mental experiments, including the permutation and variation of the components, their geometry and parameters, methods of displacement and placement. At the same time, the effect of the changes made is evaluated.

Development, the components of which are design and construction, this term is widely used in the technical literature, includes the conduct of research, design work, the development of manufacturing technology, logistics and production organization.

Goals, development tasks

The purpose of developing a new product is to meet social needs. Each design or product being developed must meet three basic requirements:

1. technical

2. social

3. economic

These requirements are often contradictory in nature, and the developer's task is to choose from a variety of possible solutions one that best meets the entire set of requirements as a whole.

Technically the development (product) should be at the level of modern achievements of science and technology, provide the ability to correctly solve certain technological and production problems, perform the appropriate functions, produce work (products) of the required quality and have the appropriate parameters (power, productivity, speed, etc.). )

Along with a certain level of technical excellence, the product must meet modern social requirements, improve the conditions and facilitate the work of maintenance personnel, be safe in operation and not pollute the environment. To facilitate labor, it is preferable to mechanize and automate the work of the product itself, and the production process performed with its participation (to ensure ease of management, adjustment, regulation of work processes, etc.)

One of the central places belongs to economic requirements. The development (product) should be not only structurally and technologically possible, but also economically feasible.

Designing for economic requirements means not only reducing the cost of manufacturing products, avoiding complex and expensive solutions, using simple and cheap processing methods, but the main thing is that the economic effect is determined by the useful return of the product and the amount of operating costs for the entire period of operation of the product. The cost of the product is not always the main, and sometimes very insignificant component of this amount. Frequent savings achieved without taking into account the entire range of cost indicators often lead to a decrease in the overall efficiency of the product.

Stages of new product development

The requirements for the designed (developed) structure must be interconnected with the stages of development of design documentation and the stages of the manufacturing process. In the process of manufacturing and introducing new products (new equipment) in all branches of engineering, the main stages are distinguished:

1) research work (R&D);

2) development work (R&D);

3) experimental and technological work (OTR);

4) development of serial production.

2 - development of technical specifications ;

3 - development of a technical proposal, draft and technical design;

4 - development of technical documentation for a prototype;

5 - development of a preliminary technological project;

6 - development of technology for manufacturing a prototype;

7 - development and creation of technological equipment for the manufacture of a prototype;

8 - production and testing of a prototype;

9 - development of design documentation for the series;

10 - development of technological documentation for the series;

11 - development and production of technological equipment for a series;

12 - production of the pilot batch, start of serial production.

As a result of R & D (GOST 15.101-80) choose the best technical solutions for a new product, taking into account the technology of its manufacture; sometimes this requires the development of new materials, components and new technological processes.

The initial document for conducting R & D is the TOR - technical task.The general procedure for developing, agreeing and approving technical specifications, conducting an examination of technical documentation, testing prototypes (pilot batches), issuing permits for putting new and modernized products into production, as well as conducting control tests of serial and mass production products are established by GOST 15.000-82 and GOST 15.001-73.

As a result of R&D, design documentation should be developed.

Design documentation- these are graphic and text documents that individually or in combination determine the composition and design of the product and contain the necessary data for its development or manufacture, control, acceptance, operation and repair.

Types and completeness of design documents developed for products of all branches of engineering are established by GOST 2.102-68, development stages by GOST 2.103-68, designation of products and design documents - GOST 2.201-80.

The obligatory fulfillment of the stages and stages of development of design documentation is established by the terms of reference for development.

Project design documentation(technical proposal, draft and technical designs) contain the data necessary for the development of the product, working design documentation - the data necessary for its manufacture.

Technological preparation of production start at the OCD stage. In parallel with the development of design documentation (CD), a preliminary draft of technological documentation (TD) is developed, including the main technological solutions and new technological processes that will be adopted in the production of a new product. When developing design documentation for prototypes, they simultaneously develop technology and technological equipment for their manufacture. Such parallel work of designers and technologists at the R&D stage accelerates the process of mastering a new product. At the same time, clear coordination of the entire complex of works on the technical preparation of production (design, technological, organizational) is required.

At the stage of technical proposal develop design documents that substantiate the proposed options for technical solutions based on the analysis of the terms of reference, taking into account the possibility of implementing the characteristics and requirements specified in it, give comparative assessments of the solutions of the developed and existing products, as well as patent materials.

The technical proposal, after being agreed and approved in the prescribed manner, is the basis for the development of a draft or technical design (to reduce the design time, it is allowed to combine the stage of the technical proposal with the stages of the draft and technical designs).

At the design stage outline the basic design scheme, create a general layout of the product, determine the overall dimensions on an enlarged basis, set the maximum dimensions and masses of the most critical parts, and perform approximate production calculations. At this stage, it is advisable to involve technologists for consultations. This allows you to organize research work in a timely manner, design or purchase special equipment, and master new processes.

When designing a product dismember on the main independent assembly units, which determines the organizational structure of the assembly. At this stage, an important issue is being unification and the use of individual assembly units and aggregates of products of the same class, as well as choosing the material and type of blanks (casting, stamp-welded structures, etc.) of the main most labor-intensive parts.

It is expedient to carry out the basic technical and economic calculations (FEC), to establish the approximate labor intensity of manufacturing, the cost of the product, and the main volume of cooperation.

At the stage of technical design specify the design of the product; develop individual assembly units and parts, taking into account their size, design forms and accuracy characteristics; establish grades of materials and types of blanks of the main parts; allocate assembly units and structural units, which determines the nature and order of assembly work; carry out an analysis of the provision of a fit-free assembly, and, if necessary, an analysis of the interchangeability of assembly units and the product as a whole, unifying them as much as possible; the types of coatings and heat treatment are assigned based on the operating conditions of the product parts (assembly unit), taking into account the technology of their manufacture.

It is advisable to continue the feasibility study of the structure being created and, as far as possible, to clarify the labor intensity of manufacturing, the cost price, the cycles of manufacturing and assembling the product.

At the stage of working design documentation develop drawings of parts, assembly drawings, specifications, lists of purchased products, specifications, as well as installation, dimensional drawings, diagrams, tables, calculation methods and other documents (in accordance with GOST 2.102-68) necessary for the industrial manufacture of products.

At the same stage, rational shapes and sizes of parts are worked out, which determine the types of blanks, tolerances are specified and the quality of the working surfaces of parts is specified, the maximum possible unification of structural elements (diameters of holes, fasteners, threads, slots, etc.) is carried out, which drastically reduces the range of material and cutting tools, and also increases the manufacturability of the product. The materials used for the manufacture of parts must be unified as much as possible, reducing the number of grades and standard sizes of sectional material (rolled products, sheets).

The use of new or non-traditional materials, the technological properties of which have not yet been sufficiently studied, causes significant difficulties in the mass production of a product, therefore, it is necessary to involve material scientists in the choice of materials for experimental study and development of the processing of such materials.

At this stage, at the first stage, documentation is developed for the manufacture and testing of a prototype (pilot batch), the documentation is corrected based on the results of factory tests, then a prototype (pilot batch) is re-manufactured for state, interdepartmental and other tests, followed by re-adjustment of design documentation.

At the stage of manufacturing and testing prototypes and series carry out further development of structures based on the practical results of manufacturing parts, assembly units and the product as a whole.

After the production of prototypes based on the results of acceptance tests, the technical documentation is adjusted and agreed with the assignment of documentation letters in accordance with the requirements of GOST 2.103-68.

At the stage of manufacturing and testing of the installation series use equipment designed for mass production of a new product. The installation series are handed over to the interdepartmental commission (MVK), in which representatives of developers, customers, technological institutes, standardization and supervision bodies take part. In contrast to the acceptance of prototypes, when accepting installation series, the main attention is paid to the technology of manufacturing a new product. According to the results of manufacturing and testing of the installation series, the design and technological documentation is corrected.

At the final stage manufacture and test the head (control) series with the subsequent adjustment of the technical documentation, and then the final development and verification of a fully equipped technological process.

The development of a product should basically end during the period of mastering mass production, when, in order to ensure a given output of products, all production tooling and equipment, including special ones, are introduced in the planned volume, when production stabilizes and ensures high quality of the product at a minimum cost.

Terms of reference for design

The terms of reference for the design or modernization of fixtures should summarize all the basic requirements for the fixture and its individual elements. It is drawn up in the generally accepted form, signed and approved in the prescribed manner.

The terms of reference provide the following information:

1. Name of fixture.

2. Appointment of the fixture.

3. Technical requirements, among which are indicated: the place of installation of the device; allocated area; characteristics of energy carriers (voltage and type of current, pressure of air, water, steam); device dimensions; required performance; a list of parts and assembly units assembled (welded) in the fixture; conditions for supplying parts to the device and issuing the product, type of vehicles; control requirements (location of the remote control, the need for remote control); health and safety requirements; ergonomic requirements.

4. Technological process with a detailed breakdown of operations, transitions, and passes performed on this device or with its help.

5. Additional technical requirements characterizing the mode of operation of the device; the possibility of its readjustment; degree of mechanization and automation; reliability; unification and standardization; connection with other devices; climatic conditions of operation; labeling and packaging requirements.

6.Economic indicators from the use of the device (estimated cost, annual economic effect, payback period of capital costs, etc.).

7. Working drawings of the welded structure.

8. Drawings of workpieces with actual dimensions (actual deviations in the size and shape of workpieces).

9. Schematic diagram of the device.

10. Plan of the workshop with sections and a grid of columns with indicators of the direction of movement of products, hoisting and transport facilities of the workshop and locations of energy sources.

11. Data on similar devices.

Technical preparation of production is a set of interrelated processes for the creation and development of new products, technologies, materials or the improvement of existing structures and technological processes. It is a natural extension of innovation and is part of the product life cycle. The quality, timing and efficiency of introducing innovations in the sphere of production and commodity circulation depend on it.

The most important tasks of technical preparation of production:

  • to ensure the accelerated development of scientific and technological progress in all branches of the national economy;
  • reduce the duration of the production cycle, labor intensity and cost of all works included in the production preparation complex;
  • produce competitive products that meet the needs of consumers within the time frame specified by the supply contract.

The technical preparation of production consists of the following interrelated and complementary stages: design, technological, organizational, new, material and technical, socio-psychological and economic.

Design and technological training are the most developed in scientific and methodological terms. At each level, they are regulated by various regulatory documents for the standardization and certification of products. Organizational and planned preparation involves the development of long-term and operational work schedules, the organization of work to create a regulatory framework and ensure the readiness of structural units for the production of new products, operational management and regulation of the progress of all stages of preparation, the establishment of functions of structural units for production preparation. Material and technical preparation includes work on the timely and complete supply of materials, components, certain types of tools, spare parts. Socio-psychological training involves explaining the specifics and necessity of introducing innovations, their socio-economic consequences for the national economy and the enterprise staff. Economic preparation consists in determining the technical and economic feasibility of innovative activity, the magnitude of production costs and the expected price level, terms and sources of financing for work. The work is coordinated by the chief engineer.

The direct executors of all work on the technical preparation of production are the services of the chief designer and chief technologist. They are designed to ensure the competitiveness of products, improving the design of the product and reducing the cost of its production.

The form of organization and the structure of bodies for the preparation and development of innovations are determined by the characteristics of the enterprise, the nature of the products, the type of production, the frequency and scale of updating the assortment.

Distinguish three organizational forms of technical training production at the enterprise:

  • centralized,
  • decentralized,
  • mixed.

With a centralized form, all work is carried out in the plant management apparatus; it is typical for mass and large-scale production. With decentralized - all work is carried out by the relevant bureaus of production departments; it is typical for single and small-scale production. With mixed - the entire scope of work is distributed between the factory and shop bodies. Usually, design preparation is carried out by the department of the chief designer, and technological preparation is carried out in the workshop pre-production bureaus. In small enterprises, all technical training is concentrated in a single technical department.

The main stages of the CCI are:

  • 1) development of technological processes;
  • 2) design of technological equipment and non-standard equipment;
  • 3) manufacturing of technological equipment (rigging and non-standard equipment);
  • 4) alignment and debugging of the designed technology and manufactured technological equipment.

At the first stage, the choice of rational methods for manufacturing parts and assembly units, the development of new technological processes are carried out. This work is carried out on the basis of: drawings for a newly designed product, GOSTs, industry and factory standards for materials, tools, as well as tolerances and allowances, reference books and normative tables for choosing cutting modes, planned product output sizes.

  • - selection of the type of blanks;
  • - development of interdepartmental routes;
  • - determining the sequence and content of technological operations;
  • - determination, selection and ordering of technological equipment;
  • - establishing the procedure, methods and means of technical quality control;
  • - appointment and calculation of cutting modes;
  • - technical regulation of operations of the production process;
  • - determination of professions and qualifications of performers;
  • - organization of production sites (production lines);
  • - formation of working documentation for technological processes in accordance with the ESTP.

At the second stage of the CCI, firstly, they design the designs of models, dies, fixtures, special tools and non-standard equipment, and secondly, they develop a technological process for manufacturing technological equipment, which should be quite universal, but at the same time progressive, perfect and ensuring high quality of manufactured parts.

The development of tooling designs is carried out by design bureaus for tooling and tools in close cooperation with technologists who design technological processes for processing parts of a new product.

At the third stage, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry manufactures all tooling and non-standard equipment. This is the most time-consuming part of technological preparation (60 - 80% of labor and funds from the total volume of CCI). Therefore, as a rule, these works are carried out gradually, limited, at first, to the minimum necessary equipment of essentials, and then increasing the degree of equipment and mechanization of the production process to the maximum economically justified limits. At this stage, redevelopment (if necessary) of existing equipment, installation and testing of new and non-standard equipment and equipment, production lines and areas for processing and assembling products are carried out.

At the fourth stage, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry verifies and debugs the designed technology, finally works out the parts and assemblies (blocks) for manufacturability, checks the suitability and rationality of the designed tooling and non-standard equipment, the convenience of disassembling and assembling the product, establishes the correct sequence for performing these works, conducts timing of machining and assembly operations and finalize all technological documentation.

Technological documentation for various types of production (single, serial and mass) differs in the depth of development of technological processes and the degree of their detail. First, route intershop maps are developed for the technological processes of manufacturing parts and assembly units. Route maps indicate the sequence of passage of blanks, parts or assembly units through the shops and production sites of the enterprise. To manufacture parts and assemble a product in a single or small-scale production, it is enough to have design documentation, a route or route-operational description of the technological process, or a list of the full range of technological operations, without indicating transitions and technological modes. For serial and mass production, in addition to route technology, a technological process is being developed with an operational description of shaping, processing and assembly. At the same time, for single technological processes, an operational technological map is developed, for typical (group) technological processes - a map of a typical (group) operation. They indicate all the transitions for this particular operation and the methods for performing each, technological modes, data on technological equipment, materials and labor costs. Usually, sketch drawings are placed in operating cards, depicting parts or parts of parts and containing those dimensions and instructions for processing that are necessary to perform this operation (method of fixing parts on the machine, tool location, fixture, etc.).

In addition, for certain products, maps of typical technological processes for applying electrolytic coatings, chemical processing, applying paint and varnish coatings, lists of specific consumption rates of solvents, anodes, chemicals, lists of itemized waste and other documents are developed.

The initial information for the development of technological processes can be basic, guiding and reference. Basic information includes the name of the object, as well as the data contained in the design documentation. Guidance information is industry and factory standards that establish requirements for technological processes, equipment, tooling, documentation for existing standard and group technological processes, production instructions, documentation for choosing safety and industrial sanitation standards. Reference information includes pilot production documentation, descriptions of advanced manufacturing methods, catalogs, reference books, albums of layouts, layouts, etc.
