Lada dance biography. Lada dance - biography, information, personal life

Biography of Lada Dance Lada Evgenievna Volkova, born in the city of Kaliningrad, September 11, 1969, in the late 80s she moved from Kaliningrad to conquer Moscow and soon became just Lada - in the women's trio "Women's Council". In 1988, Lada appeared as a spectator at the final concert of the pop song festival in Jurmala. There she met Alina Vitebskaya and Svetlana Lazareva. In defiance of many singers who performed songs about love at the contest, the girls, led by Alina's husband, producer Khariton Vitebsky, decided to assemble a trio that would famously and ironically sing songs on social topics that in those years (especially after the hit "Architects" "Give beer to the people!”) was very topical - the time has come to get carried away with caustic criticism for any reason.

Three charming girls in miniskirts and bright red armbands "Women's Council" on their sleeves immediately became popular and often got into various television programs. Including not only in musical, but also in such, then fashionable, - "Projector of Perestroika". They sang about the lack of glass containers, about poor street lighting, and it turned out to be caustic and colorful (especially considering the memorable appearance and artistry of the performers). But soon such a song theme became unfashionable, and the trio broke up. Lada was left in Moscow without work and someone's support, but she was not going to return to her hometown and remained in Moscow.

Having a daring, almost jazzy, "Negro" voice, Lada was able to sing either defiantly freely, or languidly lyrically. Naturally, she tried to earn extra money as a backing vocalist in tone studios, hoping to meet the right producer sooner or later. But such a meeting took place only a year and a half after the forced restlessness of Ladina - in the studio, her voice was liked by the keyboardist and composer of the super-fashionable group "Technology" in 1991-1992, Leonid Velichkovsky. He had already written two very hit cycles in the Eurodisco style for Natalia Gulkina, now he had to find a new, preferably cute, application of his composing talent.

Staying in the group, Leonid suggested to Lada: "Let's try to do something together." The guys started to work. The first hit was already in 1992. It was called "Girl-Night" and was sung uninhibited, bright, outrageous. This was followed by a pop version of the reggae style - "You need to live in a high". To master the new style, Velichkovsky, as a solid person in general, listened to a lot of reggae music, and then made his own reggae hit.

The songs of Lada, who, considering that her name is too short and not sonorous for show business, took stage name Lada Dance, began to fall into various pop collections. The songs quickly became popular, Lada's face became recognizable, and as a result, concert offers in 1993 began to follow one after another. Soon, albums began to be released regularly, for the entire musical part of which Velichkovsky was responsible, for a while he even stopped working on Technology (which is why it temporarily ceased to exist from 1994 to 1996).

In 1994, Lada recorded a passionately elegant duet with Lev Leshchenko "No Need, Nothing", with some use of romance and the style of retro-sentimental music of the 30s and 40s. The clip of the same name also has success. But Lada and Lenya are more drawn to the Western stage and to the international stage. Their trips to Europe are becoming more and more regular. Soon, with the help of journalist Mikhail Sigalov, who specializes in last years in connection with show business in Germany, several German composers working in the disco style give their melodies to Lada: M. Voss, R. Siegel, A. Weindorf. In Russia, Russian texts are written on them, and as a result, the album “Taste of Love” is released as an attempt to invade the show business of Europe (L. Velichkovsky’s statement). However, the new album does not lead to any serious contracts abroad, although the music of Lada Dance is played at the Popkomm-95 festival.

At the beginning of 1996, the guys are preparing an invasion of Europe through MIDEM .. Meanwhile, Lada is increasingly appearing in magazines as an erotic fashion model. Especially notable was her appearance on the cover of Playboy magazine. Lada maintains relationships with business people, sponsors, although Leonid would prefer to do all this himself. But in the fall, in love and cooperation, the final break comes - Lada leaves. She has a new friend and soon the baby will be born. The expectation of the first child, however, did not prevent the singer from starring in a very romantic clip "The Aroma of Love" - ​​against the backdrop of strollers.

Lada, after the release in the summer of 1997 of a very lyrical, even languid, but still dance album "On the Islands of Love", performs at the end of the year infrequently, preferring to raise her little son. But at the beginning of 1998, he is increasingly giving concerts in Moscow nightclubs.

In 1997, Lada, even before the "Islands of Love", released another album - "Fantasy", on which she, together with the orchestra of Oleg Lundstrem, recorded both her best songs (now with orchestral accompaniment), and classical foreign jazz and pop standards (including - own versions of the famous song Marilyn Monroe "I wanna be loved by you" and "Woman in love" by Barbra Streisand). The Fantasia disc becomes, as it were, a report on the previous creative period and the threshold of a new career stage. Moreover, the producer of the last disc was already the singer herself. In 1998, having become a married woman and mother, Lada did not lose her attractiveness and desire to sing. But he goes on tour because of family concerns, not so often anymore. However, he appears in prestigious gala concerts, and in December he begins to prepare new hits. In particular, he orders several songs for the fashionable composer Sergei Trofimov. In 1999, Lada will have a second child. After new pleasant troubles, work on premieres resumes. Sometimes they can be heard in not too frequent, but usually very spectacular and diverse repertoire concerts of Lada Dance in the capital's nightclubs.

On the this moment Lada Dance proved to everyone that she is not only a bright singer, but also a great actress. Her Alla Prikhodko from the popular series on the NTV channel “Balzac age or all men are theirs ...” won the love and recognition of all fans. Also, she brightly entered the show of reincarnations "Just the same" on Channel One, where she won a prize and received a special jury prize. Among the bright images are Nani Brigvadze, Sergey Penkin, Jennifer Lopez and many others.

Lada Dance is preparing a new album for fans, which has the working title "My Second Self".

Lada Dance (Lada Volkova)

Singer, actress Date of birth September 11 (Virgo) 1966 (52) Place of birth Kaliningrad Instagram @lada_dance_official

Lada Dance is a famous pop and jazz singer, composer, songwriter and actress. Model, fashion designer, entrepreneur, editor of women's magazines. Interior designer, mother of two. Born in Kaliningrad.

Biography of Lada Dance

Lada and her brother (the future artist) were raised by their mother Irina Volkova, a translator by profession. Father worked as an engineer. He abandoned his family when Dance was young.

According to Wikipedia, Lada Dance was lucky enough to go to the same school with the former wife of President Putin, Lyudmila, as well as the famous singer O. Gazmanov. The girl did not like mathematics and physics, but she attended music school willingly. In high school, the future actress became a member of the school musical group. Lada played keyboards and sang along. It brought good earnings. With the group, the singer warmed up the audience before the performances of professional teams, entertained people at discos, and traveled to Soviet festivals. According to the artist, then she first felt the taste of financial freedom and decided to devote her life to music.

After school, the girl studied at the pop-jazz faculty. At the same time, the artist earned extra money by performing in restaurants, at weddings, holidays, and various city events.

In 1988, Lada made her way to the stage. It happened at Jurmala-88. The jury members and the audience did not remember the artist, but Lada was able to make friends with S. Lazareva and A. Vitebskaya, two aspiring singers. They created a joint banter group "Women's Council". The girls performed in defiant outfits for that time: strict red bandages on the sleeves, mini-skirts. The songs were notable for swagger and caustic mocking motifs.

Soon there were many such groups, and the "Women's Council" ceased to look original. The girls found themselves at a creative crossroads, conflicts began, and the trio broke up.

Jazz "African-American" vocals helped Lada become a backing vocalist for F. Kirkorov, who is gaining popularity. However, fruitful cooperation did not work out.

The singer began difficult moneyless times. Dance did not want to go to the station and buy a ticket back to Kaliningrad restaurants. For a year and a half, the girl had a hard time - the artist wandered around the recording studios.

Finally, Volkova was lucky enough to meet the young composer L. Velichkovsky, who at that time collaborated with the popular Technologiya team. He agreed to become Lada's producer. Young people also began a love relationship. Then the singer got the pseudonym "Dance".

Velichkovsky helped to record the bright, outrageous "Girl-Night". The song became one of the main hits of 1992. Soon the singer and composer recorded “You Need to Live High”, a song in a reggae style unusual for the Russian listener. The composition became a hit, and the financial difficulties of Lada were behind.

In 1993, the artist's first disc, "Night Album", was released. The main compositions in it were "You need to live in a high" and "Girl-night". In this album, the jazz talents of the artist were fully manifested. In the songs of the performer, swagger harmoniously coexisted with lyrical motives. Dance became popular. The singer was often offered cooperation, she toured a lot.

In 1994, Lada, together with Lev Leshchenko, recorded the song "Nothing, Nothing". The song became a hit.

The artist and her composer did not want to be limited to the CIS. They sought to break into the European market. Velichkovsky's friend M. Sigalov volunteered to help and brought the ambitious couple together with 2 German composers. This is how the album "Taste of Love" appeared with German music and Russian vocals. The record did not have success in Europe, but on Russian market became a hit.

The mid-90s was a golden time for Dance - journalists vied with each other to interview the artist, she constantly toured and appeared on television programs on central channels. Increasingly, Lada sought to resolve financial issues on her own without the help of her producer.

In 1996, Lada Dance agreed to be naked for the first time for Playboy, and she negotiated the price herself. This did not please Velichkovsky, who wanted to be responsible for all the financial affairs of his beloved. The singer and the composer began conflicts. Soon, Dance decided to part ways with Velichkovsky. Lada began a difficult period, but the girl was no stranger to sudden turns of fate.

In 1996, Lada Dance released the last disc with the participation of Velichkovsky - the lyrical and dance creation "On the Islands of Love". Then she met a new lover. A year later, the actress gave birth to her first child. With the advent of the baby, Lada stopped touring, limited herself to working in the studio, performing in the capital's nightclubs and at corporate parties.

In 1997, the singer released the disc "Fantasy". She became the producer herself. It was an interesting mix of songs in an original orchestral arrangement with covers of classic jazz compositions. The album was Lada's last successful work.

In the late 90s, Dance lost popularity. She devoted more and more time to her family and performed little.

At the beginning of the 2000s, the singer released 4 more albums, but they did not arouse interest among the listeners. Then Dance decided to turn to cinema. In 2004, Lada managed to become a member of the successful project "Balzac age or all men are theirs ...". Since then, Dance has appeared regularly on television, in films and programs.

In 2006, Lada took up business. She created Impeccable Personnel, a recruitment agency with a large workforce. The business turned out to be successful.

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Personal life of Lada Dance

After breaking up with L. Velichkovsky, Dance married businessman Pavel Svirsky. They had two children. The couple later separated. Lada is not going to marry again yet.

Do you know what path Lada Dance has gone to popularity? Do you know the biography of the singer? If not, then we recommend that you read the contents of the article. We wish you happy reading!

Lada Dance: biography

She was born on September 11, 1966 in Kaliningrad. Lada Volkova - this is the real name of our heroine. In what family was the future Russian pop star brought up? Lada's parents had nothing to do with the stage and music. They are representatives of technical professions. Mom and dad spoiled their daughter: they bought her beautiful clothes, toys and sweets.

School years

In what direction did the biography continue? Lada Dance attended two schools in parallel - regular and music. The girl never complained about being very busy.

In high school, Lada performed as part of a school ensemble. The team participated in creative evenings, festivals and discos. The audience enthusiastically accepted the performances of talented guys.


Having received our heroine, she applied to the music school. At that time, she was not going to leave her native Kaliningrad. At first, Lada studied at the faculty of academic vocals. But after some time she asked the leadership of the university to transfer her to the jazz and pop department.

The girl did not want her parents. So she started looking for a job. High growth and excellent external data allowed her to become a model. Lada starred in spicy photo sessions, receiving decent fees for this. But this work was not permanent. On average, she received 2-3 filming offers per month.

As for vocal art, Lada honed it by performing in local restaurants and bars. The girl combined business with pleasure - she did what she loved and received a certain income.

Musical career

The first performance of Lada in front of the general public took place in 1988. It was a music festival held in the Latvian city of Jurmala. The brunette did not take a prize. But it was at this event that she met talented singers - Alina Vitebskaya and Sveta Lazareva. Subsequently, the girls created a trio called Women's Council. In a short time they managed to achieve wild popularity and recognition of the audience. After some time, conflicts began to arise among the members of the team. It was impossible to fix the situation. Therefore, the Women's Council group quickly disintegrated.

solo artist

If you think that Lada Volkova gave up and abandoned her musical career, then you are greatly mistaken. After the collapse of the female trio, she had a hard time. However, the brunette did not despair.

At first, Lada worked as a backing vocalist in Philip Kirkorov's team. Then fate brought her to the composer Leonid Velichkovsky. He wrote several incendiary songs for Volkova. In 1992, listeners were able to appreciate her first solo work - the composition "Girl-Night". The release of the album was also not long in coming. In 1993, the disc went on sale. The entire circulation was sold out in a matter of days.

After breaking up with Velichkovsky, Lada set off on a free voyage. She performed as the opening act for the popular Kar-men band. And in 1994, our heroine recorded a duet with Lev Leshchenko. Their joint song was called "To Nothing".

To date, the creative piggy bank of Lada Dance has over 40 songs, 4 bright video clips, 9 studio albums. All this indicates the diligence, great talent and determination of our heroine.

Lada Dance, biography: personal life

A tall brunette with an expressive look has always been popular with the opposite sex. But for our heroine, it was not the quantity, but the quality of the fans that mattered.

The first husband of Lada Dance (civilian), Leonid Velichkovsky, is directly related to the stage. He is a famous composer. Their marriage lasted several years. The couple failed to part on a positive note and maintain friendly relations. Lada and Leonid constantly quarreled and could not share the jointly acquired property. They were not legally married, so it was pointless to go to court.

Lada Dance (see photo above) did not have the status of a free woman for long. Businessman Pavel Svirsky began courting her. Soon the lovers got married. The celebration took place in one of the best restaurants in Moscow.

In 1997, Lada and Pavel became parents. The singer gave birth to a charming son. The boy was named the beautiful Russian name Ilya. In 1999, his younger sister Elizabeth was born. Everything that our heroine dreamed of came true: a large family, a cozy home and a loving husband. But after some time, relations with her husband began to deteriorate. Pavel could disappear for weeks on business trips. In addition, the man considered the work of his wife (performances on stage) a frivolous occupation. The singer saved the family as best she could. But you can't escape fate.

A few years ago, Lada Dance officially divorced her businessman husband. She took it all hard. On nervous grounds, the singer even lost 20 kg. Friends and colleagues simply did not recognize her. Our heroine managed to pull herself together and tune in a positive way.

New facets of talent

A bright, courageous and purposeful woman. Such is Lada Dance. Biography, height, weight and singers - all this interests her fans. We have already talked about childhood, student years and career. Now let's voice the parameters of her figure. With a height of 170 cm, Lada weighs 60 kg.

Music is not the only direction in which Lada Dance has succeeded. Biography indicates that she is a comprehensively developed personality. In 2004, our heroine tried herself as an actress. Director Dmitry Fix approved her for one of the main roles in the TV series "Balzac Age, or All Men Are Their Own ...". Lada 100% coped with the tasks assigned to her.

In September 2015, the famous singer became a participant in the show of reincarnations "Just the same" (season 3). She has already tried on several vivid images, including Claudia Shulzhenko, Nani Bregvadze, Edita Piekha and others.


A caring mother, a talented singer, a sympathetic and attractive woman - and all this is Lada Dance. Her biography was studied in detail by us. We wish this wonderful performer creative success and family well-being!

Lada Dance is a bright and charismatic singer with a strong voice. The Russian performer was considered the sex symbol of show business in the early 90s. The hit “Girl-night” (Baby Tonight), sung by a red-haired girl of model appearance in 1992, gained unprecedented popularity among Russian youth.

Childhood and youth

Lada Evgenievna Volkova, whom the country knows as a singer and actress Lada Dance, was born in September 1966 in Kaliningrad. The family of the future pop star had nothing to do with music: dad worked as an engineer, mom worked as a translator. In addition to the daughter, a son grew up in the family. Today he is an artist.

It is known that Lada studied at the same school with the former wife of the President of Russia. The Russian singer is another famous student of this school.

The acquaintance of Lada Dance and Velichkovsky soon turned out to be productive. A joint composition called "Girl-Night" becomes the singer's first hit, which captivated the public. This song brought the singer fame and popularity.

Lada Dance - “You need to live high” (“Reggae in the Night”)

The performer began to be invited to musical events held throughout Russia. This was followed by another hit - "You need to live in a high" ("Reggae in the Night"). In 1993, these 2 songs formed the basis of the debut disc, called "Night Album". The first disc was sold in millions of copies, and the performances took place in crowded halls.

On this, the collaboration between Dance and Velichkovsky ended. And again, the performer had to go into free swimming. Initially, she sang with the group, but in 1994, after sung from the hit "To Nothing, To Nothing", the singer's career went up again.

Lada Dance and Lev Leshchenko - “No need, no need”

In the mid-90s, Lada Dance became a pop star. The singer often appears at various national concerts. In those years, Dance met composers from Germany, and new hits became the fruit of their cooperation. In 1996, the second album appeared under the name "Taste of Love", all the songs of which were performed in the then fashionable disco style. It was the finest hour of Lada Dance. With tours she traveled a large number of cities in different regions of the country, and abroad, the artist performed at the Popkomm-95 festival.

The performer increases her popularity with candid photo shoots in fashion magazines. So, in the late 90s, she appeared in several issues of Playboy magazine. In 1997, the singer pleased her fans with two new records.

Lada Dance - "Fragrance of Love"

The album "On the Islands of Love" became one of the most popular in the singer's repertoire, and the song "Fragrance of Love" was named the best composition of the disc. Numerous clips of the performer turned out to be very popular: “Cowboy”, “I won’t be with you”, “Happy Birthday”, “Fragrance of Love”, “Unexpected Call”, “Winter Flowers”, “Night Sun”, “Dancing by the Sea”, "Give-Give" and others.

In the same year, the artist released another work - the disc "Fantasy", in the creation of which the orchestra of Oleg Lundstrem participated. The track list of the album includes the hits "I Wanna Be Loved by You" and "Woman in Love", as well as the best songs of Lada Dance herself. With new material, the artist is increasingly entering the stage of Moscow nightclubs.

Lada Dance - "Once a year the gardens bloom"

In the 2000s, the singer again tries to enter the European stage with songs to the music of German composers, but, however, not very successfully. Soon Lada Dance was waiting for a complete reboot of the image. The last disc, "When Gardens Bloom", was released in 2000, but, unfortunately, there was no former success. T

Nevertheless, the musical composition "Once a year the gardens bloom", which was previously included in the repertoire of the Soviet artist, was popular. Lada released a video for this hit. Despite the fact that in the 2000s the singer stopped recording studio albums, her video library was replenished with new videos for the songs “How I loved”, “Control kiss”, “I fell in love with a tanker”.


In 2004, cardinal changes took place in the singer's career. Lada Dance became an actress, taking part in the filming of the TV series "Balzac's age, or All men are theirs ...". The appearance on the screens of the new film turned out to be successful. In the future, the actress accepts invitations to participate in other television projects.

Yulia Menshova, Alika Smekhova, Zhanna Epple and Lada Dance (frame from the TV series "Balzac age, or All men are their ... 5 years later")

Previously, a popular performer managed to become famous in the cinema. A cinematic biography of Lada Dance began with episodic roles, but soon the artist loudly announced herself in the film Stepanych's Spanish Voyage, where the company of the aspiring actress was made up of prominent representatives of Russian cinema - and.

Then the series “Territory of Love” and “Balzac Age, or All Men Are Theirs” came out on the screens. The last tape is especially successful. In addition to Lada Dance, they starred, and. The series turned out to be so popular that in 2013 a continuation of the picture appeared.

The actress was remembered by viewers for filming in comedies, but Lada herself hopes to play more serious characters. The filmography of the artist consists of dozens of works.

Lada Dance in the show "Just Like It" - "Lada" (Vadim Mulerman)

The Russian pop star participates in the show, combining singing with dancing, and also plans to act in films again. In 2016, the TV viewers remembered the participation of the singer in the show of reincarnations "Just the same", when she, among other images, introduced the public to the Soviet pop singer, performing the song "Lada". The famous Russian woman received a special prize from the jury following the results of the competition. She was again talked about as a performer who has a strong and beautiful voice.

In January 2017, the singer attended a party. Lada presented the TV presenter with a special gift: for an hour she performed her best hits from the 90s, to which the audience danced. Olga did not at all try to hide her own joy, enjoying the compositions performed by the idol of millions.

Personal life

Lada Dance has 2 marriages behind her. Leonid Velichkovsky - the first husband of the singer. This civil marriage did not last long. In 1996, the couple broke up. The official marriage was concluded with businessman Pavel Svirsky. During the second marriage, the artist had children: son Ilya and daughter Elizabeth. Over time, the couple began to move away, the family gradually broke up.

The performer of the hit “The Aroma of Love Beckons” is currently recruiting domestic staff. She is looking for rich and famous governesses, drivers and cooks.

The singer Lada Dance was talked about even at the end of the USSR, when she participated in the competition for young performers "Jurmala-88". And although Lada Volkova did not take a prize, as it appears in her passport, she was able to get a lucky ticket to the stage. After all, it was there that Lada met with singers Svetlana Lazareva and Alina Vitebskaya. The girls decided to unite in the trio "Women's Council", which performed sharply social songs. Miniskirts and flashy red armbands have become their symbol.
However, they did not sing for long. After the collapse of the group, Lada worked a little as a backing vocalist in Philip Kirkorov's team, and then began her solo career. The starting point was the singer's acquaintance with the composer Leonid Velichkovsky. Thanks to him, in 1992, Lada got her first hit - "Girl-Night".
Then Dance briefly worked as an opening act for the Kar-men group. And in 1994 she recorded a duet with Lev Leshchenko "No need, no need." It was after this song that she became truly famous.
Along with singing and touring, Lada worked as an erotic model, filming for popular men's magazines. Fans were able to see everything in detail! And she had a lot to be proud of.
In 1997, the artist presented her third album to the audience. After that, her pop career began to fade. But Dance began acting in films. Among her best works is the film "Spanish Voyage of Stepanych", the series "Territory of Love" and "Balzac Age, or All Men Are Theirs ...". The last part of this saga, where Dance plays Alla Prikhodko, was released in 2013.
Today, Lada occasionally gives concerts in nightclubs. As they say, for a 40-minute performance, she takes in a divine way - about 250 thousand rubles. During the day, she is in business.
In 2006, Dance created her own recruitment agency, Impeccable Personnel. The idea of ​​opening it came to the singer when she herself faced the difficulties of finding responsible housewives. So, before Lada found a person to whom she could entrust her children, she had to review a huge number of candidates. And what was the cost of finding a housewife!

Lada Dance (left).
“I myself came across terrible housekeepers. And this is a recommendation! But my agency doesn't. My security service clearly checks the biographies of all applicants, Lada assures. – Forget about the problems and do not lose the long-awaited minutes of relaxation in household chores. Spend your free time the way you want! Enjoy life, build a career, meet friends, go to the gym, go on dates with your loved ones, play with your children - live the life you want. And we will take care of your household chores.
Dmitry Kharatyan, Irina Dubtsova, Slava and Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov and many other colleagues turned to the singer for help. “If a specialist comes from me, he will not let me down. It is unacceptable for me to later say: “Lada recommended, but the person did not cope.” When acquaintances seek help, psychologists select their staff. We pay attention to the speech, how a person behaves. If I see that the candidate is nervous, this is a reason for me to doubt. Because professionals don’t get nervous,” says Dance.

Her business began with 20 people, now there are already more than 200 specialists in the staff - governesses, housekeepers, maids, cooks, gardeners, landscape designers, drivers. Nannies and governesses receive 60-70 thousand rubles, housekeepers - 60 thousand, drivers - 50-150 thousand, cooks - 70-120 thousand. Judging by the fact that the agency has been operating for ten years, this is Lada's most successful and necessary project, since her songs and films should hardly be taken seriously.
