How to weave a doll from rubber bands. How to weave clothes for a doll from elastic bands on a loom and on a hook with a video Weaving from rubber bands phone for dolls

Rainbow Loom rubber bands are a unique material for needlework. Rubber band weaving has become one of the most common hobbies for boys and girls of all ages. If a few months ago rainbow bracelets were woven from rubber bands, today even clothes are woven from them. In this article you can find photo of clothes made of rubber bands for people and watch the tutorial video.

Clothing made of elastic bands for people - fashion of the 21st century

Helen Wright and Katherine Burnand were the first to try to weave a rubber band dress for an Englishwoman. The unique outfit was sold at auction for almost 300 thousand USD and became a real shock for connoisseurs of new fashion trends. In order to weave the dress, it took about 20 thousand rubber bands, and it took almost two days to work.

The idea that elastic bands can be used as the starting material for a dress came to Helen's daughter. As a result, the needlewomen wove many identical strips, and then sewed them in a row. The finished dress looks quite original, does not wrinkle and attracts with bright colors of elastic bands.

Another needlewoman from England surprised me with another idea. It turns out that Rainbow Loom elastic bands also look good in swimwear. Fascinating needlework contributes to the emergence of new ideas, and today absolutely everything can be woven from rubber bands. Although the needlewomen themselves are not going to wear their products, they are happy to put them up for sale for connoisseurs of creative things.

If you have just started weaving from rubber bands and have already mastered techniques such as the French braid, then you can safely move on to a new stage. Try weaving clothes for dolls, decorating your own shoes, or surprising loved ones with some other novelty.

Watch the video: Dress. Rubber band clothes for Barbie and Monster High dolls.

Rainbow Loom rubber bands- probably the only material that reveals so many perspectives for creativity. Weaving from rubber bands is based on the principles of crocheting, so even if you don’t have a special loom, don’t be discouraged, because rubber bands can be woven even without it.

Do not stop there, try to weave new products. Today, not only bracelets made of rubber bands are popular, but also toys. Many children became interested in weaving clothes from rubber bands for their dolls. Now you do not need needles, fabric and threads, just buy a Rainbow Loom set and the dolls will have beautiful jewelry and clothes. We hope that our article is about how to weave clothes from rubber bands was useful, and the photo inspired you to new masterpieces.

Rubber band weaving is one of the most interesting and affordable types of needlework. He gained his popularity for the cheapness of the materials used and the ease of manufacture. With the help of this type of creativity, you can make not only interior decorations, but also many other useful things (toys, animal figurines, clothes for dolls). This type of needlework is most often used to weave clothes for a doll from rubber bands.

Everyone who wants to make not just an ornament, but a small masterpiece, must properly carry out the preparatory work and choose the highest quality material. It is from its characteristics that the attractive appearance of the finished product will depend.

Before weaving clothes for dolls, you must strictly follow the instructions of professional craftsmen. This will help beginners avoid most mistakes and make a truly beautiful product.

Experienced craftsmen advise the following:

DIY options

Professional craftsmen have come up with a large number of ways to make clothes for a doll out of rubber bands. All of them are easy to understand and do not require large time and financial costs. In the process of work, the minimum amount of materials is used, which can be easily found in the shops of your city. All this allows you to engage in this type of needlework not only for wealthy people, but also for lovers of creativity with little financial resources.

The basis of the wardrobe of any doll is a dress. It makes her more attractive. To work on this piece of clothing, you only need a braiding hook and sets of rubber bands in two different colors (green and red). It is important to choose contrasting shades to give the finished dress a more beautiful appearance.

You can weave an original dress in compliance with the following sequence of actions:

Using the same technique, you can weave not only a dress, but also a sweater, T-shirt or blouse.

simple bow

A simple weaving of rubber bands for dolls allows you to make various items of clothing that your child wants. Very often, girls are asked to weave a bow, which can be used both to decorate the toy's hair and to decorate any wardrobe items. For work, red and green elastic bands will be used, as well as a weaving hook. The result of the work should be a beautiful green bow with a red middle.

The process of creating such a craft is simple and is performed as follows:

From rubber bands, you can weave not only outerwear, but also pants, shorts, stockings. This work is done quite quickly, so it can be done even on the busiest day. To please your daughter with a beautiful piece of clothing for her favorite doll, you will need to buy multi-colored elastic bands and a hook.

Workshop on creating rubber stockings:

Additional accessories

In addition to the clothes from rubber bands for dolls, you can also make accessories for them. They will complement the wardrobe items and give them even more uniqueness. Among the additional items, mobile phones, backpacks or bags are most often woven. The latter are very simple, so you do not need to use a weaving machine to create them. The finished product is bright and goes well with a dress woven from rubber bands.

Step-by-step instruction:

Weaving clothes for dolls from rubber bands is a fun and rewarding activity. With it, you can not only make a beautiful toy wardrobe item, but also learn the basics of needlework.

With the right approach to business and following all the recommendations of professionals, you can create an original craft that your children will like and become an integral part of their games. Do not be afraid to experiment and try to weave something of your own. One fine day you will achieve the desired result and make not just a decoration, but a real masterpiece!

Attention, only TODAY!

The production of crafts and bracelets from elastic bands is developing and improving daily. Today, with the help of this ordinary material, you can weave an incredible variety of beautiful things and even a cute doll that will be your wonderful friend! Come up with a doll name you like and start weaving it.

How to weave a rubber band doll You will learn in a step-by-step photo master class. This doll is from the lumigurumi series, that is, it has a 3D format and looks just gorgeous!

Materials for making rubber dolls:

  • Rubber bands;
  • Hook;
  • Clip;
  • Filler.

How to weave a rubber band doll?

All weaving will begin with a magic lumigurumi ring.

For the head, we collect a ring of 5 loops.

In the second row, as usual, we will make an increase (appr.) in each loop, that is, through each of the loops we will weave 2 elastic bands (r-ki). Ultimately, we will get 10 loops.

The third row will need to be done in the same way with appr., but now through the loop. At the end we get 15 loops.

4 rows the same with approx., but through 2 loops.

5 rows weave with approx. through 3 loops. At the end of the row we get 25 loops.

In the 8th row there are also no increases or decreases. We will weave 1 rows each, but we will replace the rows that we will weave in loops 10 and 15 with beads. These will be the eyes.

In the 13th row, we will already begin to decrease. We weave 3 loops, 1 row through each, and weave 4 and 5 loops together with 1 rubber band. That is, a decrease after 3 loops.

Weave 14 rows with a decrease through 2 loops.

At this stage, we will make cilia. To create them, we need two black cutters. We twist the head. Our eyes are put on elastic bands, we need to stretch the black elastic band through the elastic band with the eye and make a knot.

We turn our head back. We start the hook into the loops near the beads and pull out the black loops from the inside.

Now let's make hair strands.

Since the doll will be blonde, we will take the rubber bands in yellow. You can take both orange and black, whatever you like.

We do strands simply. We will form chains of 10 loops.

You need 12 such chains.

Now we need to connect our ponytail to the main hair.

We collect a ring of yellow rubber bands. The ring should consist of 6 loops.

In the second row, skip 2 rows in each loop. But we do not just weave with r-kami, but with our strands, which we just made.

There are just 12 of them, as are the loops in the end.

In the 3rd row approx. again through the loop. In principle, we will continue to work in the same way as we wove the head. We only use yellow cutters.

4 rows will be added through 2 loops.

5 rows will be added after 3 loops.

Let's put aside the hair and take the head again. We fill the head with synthetic winterizer.

Now let's make the handles.

With beige p-kami we will form the initial ring of 6 loops.

Weave 2 rows with beige r-kami, 1 in each of the loops.

2 rows in blue, 2 rows in red, 2 rows in yellow, 2 rows in green, 2 rows in blue.

Now we will weave the legs. We will start with the boot, because then we will connect the legs and we will weave the body.

So, we collect the ring with yellow p-kami from 5 loops.

2 rows must be added to each of the loops.

In the 3rd row we will also add, but a little not according to the schemes. Let's change the r-ki to green.

Weave 3 loops, 1 row through each, then 5 loops, 2 rows each. And there will be 2 more loops. Through them weave 1.

In the next row, weave 3 loops of 1 elastic band in blue p-kami. In the next 5 we make reductions. And 2 more loops of 1 row.

3 rows with lilac rows, 1 row in each of the loops.

In 12, 13, 14, 15 rows, there are also 1 r-ki, but already with beige r-kami.

Weave 2 legs.

We fill the legs with filler.

Now we will connect the legs.

We put them to each other, loop to loop.

We draw a hook under 4 loops, 2 from one leg and 2 from the other. We stretch a lilac r-ku through them and form a knot.

And weave 1 rubber band. Along the perimeter of both legs.

Weave the next 4 rows as before with lilac r-kami with approx. through 2 loops. But the first of them weave not for the loop, but for the inner half-loop.

1 row, 1 elastic band through the loop.

Weave the next row with a decrease in the first and last loops.

Weave 1 row with a decrease in the last 2 loops.

2 rows with green rows, 1 cut through each of the loops.

Weave 12 rows with a decrease through 2 loops. We also weave with green r-kami.

13 rows, 1 elastic.

14 rows as well as 13, but with lilac r-kami.

Clothes for rubber dolls: photo and video workshops

Clothes for rubber dolls: photo and video workshops

Now it is quite difficult to find an adult or a child who would not know what small multi-colored silicone rubber bands are for. From this, at first glance, completely ordinary and unremarkable material, amazing things can be woven!
In the previous master classes, we talked about how to make jewelry, phone cases, key rings, figurines of animals, birds, and even minions out of rubber bands. And now we want to tell and show you what rubber band clothes for dolls are. Let's try to learn together a step-by-step weaving master class and make a beautiful outfit for a doll!

How to weave clothes for a doll from the Monster High series

Every child is sure that dolls, just like people, need clothes. Therefore, today we offer you to please your kids and weave beautiful elegant dresses for their dolls. Of course, these will be dresses for rubber dolls.
If desired, this dress model can be woven in different colors. This will allow you to easily and quickly update your doll wardrobe and spend a minimum of money on it! To weave a dress you will need:

  • white, yellow and red rubber bands;
  • hook.

Having collected everything we need, we can start creating dresses for rubber bands for dolls. We will weave doll clothes using the lumigurumi method. Using this technique will allow us to significantly speed up and also greatly facilitate the process of creating a dress for a doll.
We will begin the first stage of the master class with the formation of a chain of air loops. For a doll like ours, you will need exactly 11 pieces. If you want to weave clothes for another doll, you need to make a chain and wrap it around the body of the doll in the chest area. If the edges of the chain converge, then the length is sufficient.

We must connect the finished chain of elastic bands into a circle. To do this, you need to insert the hook into the first gum, and stretching it through all the loops, form a knot. After that, we continue to weave in a circle, while we start the working tool in each loop 1 time. It turns out that we do not make increments during work. Red rubber bands need to form 11 rows. Weave the next 2 rows in white.

In order not to be mistaken with the size, during weaving the dress must be periodically applied to the doll. The next stage of the training master class is slightly different from the previous one. Now we weave with increments.
Having formed a white belt, we continue weaving a bright red hem for the dress. After completing a small piece with increments, we will make a row with crochets. To do this, draw the rubber band through the loop and leave 2 of its parts on the hook. And then take a new part and draw it through all the loops on the hook.

Thanks to this, the hem of the dress for the doll will turn out to be more magnificent and beautiful.

Next, we take white elastic bands and weave 1 row along the transverse details of the previous row.

As a result, the newly formed row should be under the previous one. If you want to weave a short dress, you need to form 2 such rows: one is red and the other is white. For longer clothes, the number of rows increases. The last row is a frill. He wobbles as usual. The final stage of this small master class will be the creation of an ornament for a dress in the form of a flower. The flower will turn white-yellow. To create it, we first need to wrap the working tool in 3 turns with a white rubber band, and then transfer the resulting workpiece to 2 yellow ones. In total, we weave 5 such details.

They must be dropped onto one yellow one and tightened into a bundle. After that, you need to attach the finished flower to the dress with another rubber band.

Beautiful elegant clothes made of rubber bands for dolls are ready! After studying this small master class, you can weave a couple more dresses of the same style, but in a different color and length!

Weaving an outfit for a doll on a loom

Previously, to make a beautiful outfit for a doll, you had to spend a lot of free time and effort. One doll dress could be sewn or knitted for several evenings.
Now everything is much easier! Indeed, lately clothes for dolls made of rubber bands have been especially popular. It is not only faster to make, but also looks much brighter and more attractive than ordinary fabric dresses. To weave an unusual dress for a doll, you will need:

  • multi-colored rubber bands;
  • hook;
  • machine.

Let's start the master class. Set the machine in front of you and put on the rubber bands in a circle, while twisting them with a figure eight. Put on another layer, but now without twisting.

From each column, remove a couple of lower parts and transfer it to the center. Without twisting, put another row on the machine.

Drop the bottom pairs to the center of the weave. Without changing the scheme of actions, weave 8 rows. In each row, use rubber bands of a new color. Remove 2 pieces from the side protruding column. And move them to the next ledge.

Insert the hook into the pair you just put on and hook the 2 bottom ones. Move them to the adjacent ledge. Continue weaving in a circle in the same pattern until a pair of rubber bands is put on the first column. Now remove the far row from the ledges. Pull 4 rubber bands on the near row.

Move the lower ones to the center of the weave. Put on 4 pcs again. Repeat steps 13 and 14 4 more times. After that, move the elastic band from the last column to the next one. Next, slide your hook through the elastic band you just put on, pull out the bottom pair and put it on the next ledge.

Weave according to this pattern to the end. Then pass the hook through all the rubber bands on the column. Hook them with a new pair and stretch it, as shown in the photo. Throw a free loop on the working tool.

We take 1 more pair and, holding it with our fingers, we stretch it through the blank on the hook. We put loose loops on the hook and repeat the steps 3 times. We leave the last loop on the finger. After that, we start the working tool in the corner of weaving. We cling to the rubber band held by the fingers.

We pass through the loops. We tighten the knot.

Unusual and bright clothes for rubber dolls are ready!

Video: Weave doll dresses from rubber bands


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