Serbian movement. For Russia and Putin

“SERB activists are not involved in the dousing of Navalny. Someone set us up. Our activist Aleksey Kulakov received a call from a certain person who offered to make a good video about Navalny. Our movement receives a lot of this information from sympathetic people, sometimes even from the opposition. So the call didn't surprise us. I received the same call. Kulakov was there at 17.00, I was half an hour late, I was on the set. At 17.00 nothing happened, Kulakov was about to leave. It all happened at 5:30 pm. He didn’t even have time to react, ”the leader of the movement Igor Beketov (also known on social networks and outside them under the name Gosha Tarasevich) told Snob. According to him, another alleged attacker, Alexander Petrunko, went on vacation to Crimea a few days before the incident. Beketov believes that Navalny PR thus: the politician has not yet published a medical certificate of injuries and has not tried to catch up with the attackers. SERB promise to publish a video message soon. Snob failed to get an operational comment from Alexei Navalny.

The “Russian liberation movement SERB” (South East Radical Block) began its activities in March 2014 in Kharkiv with an attempt to storm the regional administration. Members of the movement tore down leaflets about recruiting for the National Guard, wrote “anti-Bandera” slogans on the walls of houses and supported the referendum in Crimea.

The leader of the movement, Igor Beketov from Dnepropetrovsk, is an actor who starred in Russian TV series. “I regularly filmed here, here I watched the Kiev Maidan on TV. I was sure that the Maidan would be crushed. And when the worst happened, I contacted my friends and immediately went to Dnepropetrovsk, ”he said in an interview. When information about the arrest of anti-Maidan activists was released, Beketov left for Moscow.

In the summer of 2014 Beketov supported DPR leader Igor Strelkov at a NOD rally.

Since the fall of 2014, SERB members have come to anti-war rallies and pickets, confiscated anti-Putin posters and Ukrainian flags from protesters and tore them up. In February 2015 SERB doused faeces of members of the Solidarity movement.

In the spring of 2015, Alexander Petrunko joined the movement: “I saw that there are enough forces in Russia supporting the Maidan. That in Moscow there are real banderlogs, fascists who hate the Russian world, and their main task is to destroy the state, which they do not consider their home!

In March 2015, a SERB memorial at the site of the assassination of politician Boris Nemtsov on the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge. “The slogan used by Nemtsov’s supporters is: “Heroes don’t die!” - constantly sounded after the execution of the "Heavenly Hundred" in Kyiv. It is obvious that they [the liberals] are preparing a Maidan on the corpse of this national traitor,” Beketov said.

Pro-Kremlin activists became famous after Nemtsov bridge was destroyed

The SERB movement, whose activists were suspected of attacking Alexei Navalny with green paint, has been known in Russia for such actions for several years now. On account of his attacks on ideological opponents with feces and urine, while the activists are regularly photographed with representatives of the Russian elite and the president's entourage, and also visit the State Duma.

The history of an extremely small movement began in Ukraine in 2014: then, in March, the “Serbs” led by Gosha Tarasevich (the pseudonym of the little-known actor Igor Beketov, who starred in Moscow in the “cop” series) participated in the riots in Kharkov in an attempt to create KhNR - Kharkov People's Republic. Alexander Petrunko, who is now suspected of directly attacking Navalny, took part in the same events.

After the failure of the idea with KhNR, the “Serbs” (SERB stands for South East Radical Block, South-Eastern Radical Block) were forced to move to Moscow (a criminal case was opened against Beketov in Ukraine after the storming of the Kharkov regional administration), where soon, according to Tarasevich , "became comfortable", taking a place among similar pro-Kremlin activists like the National Liberation Movement of State Duma deputy Yevgeny Fedorov, and also collaborating with supporters of Eduard Lmionov, who by that time had taken pro-government positions.

So, in particular, on April 17, 2014, at a NOD rally in support of Novorossiya, Tarasevich said that he had arrived from Dnepropetrovsk at that time only a week ago.

Soon, however, the activities of the "Serbs" lost touch with Ukrainian politics and switched completely to the Russian agenda. So, their first high-profile action was the destruction of the Boris Nemtsov memorial, the Nemtsov Bridge. Tarasevich himself said that initially his supporters simply tied St. George ribbons there, and after removing them, they plundered the memorial, after which they took pictures at the scene. It was then that the movement gained its first notoriety.

The subsequent actions of the “Serbs” began to differ in their characteristic style with pouring various liquids on opponents: from brilliant green to urine. Thus, members of Solidarity, activists Ildar Dadin and Vladimir Ionov (the latter was doused with brilliant green), a journalist, the same Petrunko threw a cake at Navalny a year ago, etc. were attacked with specially collected feces during pickets against the war in Ukraine.

One of the most high-profile actions of this kind was the act of Petrunko: last fall, he poured urine on photographs at the exhibition in Moscow “Jock Sturges. Without embarrassment, stating that he saw in the nude models a "spiritual crime." At the same time, representatives of the "Officers of Russia" took up arms against the exhibition.

As a result, having gained fame, representatives of SERB: recently they have been photographed with State Duma deputy Pyotr Tolstoy, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Sergei Glazyev, members of A Just Russia. Shortly before the attack on Navalny, Tarasevich spoke on LiveJournal about his visit to the State Duma and meetings with faction leaders there, although he did not name the purpose of these contacts.

It should be noted that the Moscow municipal deputy of the Zamoskvorechye district Igor Brumel is a member of SERB.

Characteristically, the active policeman is also a member of the movement: an employee of the Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Oleg Chursin, who is responsible for the professional training of employees of the internal affairs bodies. He, like a number of other "Serbs", shares nationalist views, fights against "Chabadniks" (i.e. Jews), which he regularly reports on his social networks.

In total, SERB, apparently, includes no more than a dozen people, and law enforcement agencies have not initiated any administrative or criminal cases on any of their actions.

SERB activists, notable for hunting down and attacking an exhibition of Sturges' photographs, again came to the attention of the media in September. This time the activists were attracted by a commemorative plaque on a house in the center of the capital. The purpose and mission of this organization, headed by people from Ukraine, despite resonant actions, remain unclear. And their performances, the purpose of which is to humiliate another opponent by dousing them with something dirty or smelly, are more reminiscent of the antics of juvenile hooligans or gopniks. undertook to trace the combat path of SERB, clarify the goals of the movement and understand what is happening in the heads of its leaders - Gosha Tarasevich and.

For the Russian spirit

SERB (South East Radical Block) calls itself the "Russian liberation movement", fighting for the "Russian world", for the culture and "spirit of the Russian people". It calls itself an organization of a "radical" persuasion. This seems to speak of ultra-right views, but they do not consider themselves nationalists.

“By the word “Russian,” we mean those who are for Russia, for the interests of the country,” he told (Gosha Tarasevich is a nickname). - You see the problem in our title, but we don't care about it. We are busy with action, and when the liberals see that SERB is coming, they already know that their provocation will fail.”

Judging by the contents of the movement's public pages, its members have a fiery love for Soviet symbols and for the USSR in general. “We are neither left nor right. We simply do not want a revolution, upheavals and the collapse of the country. It is most important. When the need is gone, we will disperse,” says the SERB leader. However, in a conversation, he mentioned that among the members of SERB there are many people from the “Left Front” of Udaltsov and they sympathize with him in the movement.

Photo: Alexey Abanin / Kommersant

Beketov's associate, Alexander Petrunko, when talking on general topics, is verbose, but no more understandable: “Our [Russian] values ​​are a stick and a carrot. Such a huge country cannot be ruled by different people, because it must have a single owner. For me, the president should lead the country for life, so that he can navigate the ship properly. And by constantly changing the commander, we will not sail anywhere. ”

However, Petrunko does not consider himself a monarchist, and does not say where the ship is supposed to sail. An example worthy of imitation, he calls Byzantium. He also believes that the natural resources of the state should not belong to several people, and a film can be made about how icon painters paint icons - with the blessing of a priest, or at least with the permission of the living members of the imperial family.

Beketov prefers not to talk about his worldview. On his page on VKontakte, he calls himself an "Orthodox communist."

Hey, come here, hear?!

Although Beketov is an actor in the recent past, his actions are not particularly creative. I never came up with anything more interesting than pouring something smelly or dirty on opponents. For example, in February of this year, SERB broke the action, which was supposed to be the largest in the history of the movement. “There was a procession on Sakharov Square, in memory of Boris Nemtsov,” recalls Beketov. - We then settled on the roof of the building and wanted to pour the liberals from it with a smelly liquid from hoses. But we were removed from there, which we regretted very much.”

The guys were not at all embarrassed that they were going to pour water on people in the winter, in the cold.

“Only those who insulted,” Beketov reassures.

"Yes. The head of the first column, - adds Petrunko. “There was all the evil.”

After leaving Ukraine, where the struggle for the "Russian world" somehow did not work out for the guys, both settled in Russia. It turns out that enemies can also be found here. Moreover, unlike in Kyiv or Lvov, in Moscow these enemies can be boldly rebuffed without fear of getting a bullet in the forehead. SERB activists consider it normal to approach any person on the street and demand an "explanation" for some attribute of clothing (with Ukrainian symbols). In Russia, such performances, it must be admitted, have also happened and are happening. But they are satisfied with the gopniks from the sleeping areas, and not members of the "liberation movements".

“Most often you still have to rip [this symbolism] off,” says Beketov. - We approach the person: "Why do you have the Ukrainian flag?" He can simply say: "I support." But more often people start swearing, behaving provocatively.”

As befits the gopniks, the Serbs choose as opponents representatives of a small and harmless group of the capital's intelligentsia, who sympathize with the Ukrainian Euromaidan. Things have not yet come to beatings, but publicly humiliating a person and ridiculing him, pouring something nasty on him - you are always welcome.

Because of these frankly hooligan ways, SERB activists even parted ways with Yevgeny Fedorov's congenial NOD ("People's Liberation Movement") movement. In September 2014, the Nodovites did not go with the Serbs to throw eggs at the participants of the March for Peace, and in October 2015, Fedorov personally criticized SERB because of the incident with the 75-year-old pensioner Ionov, whom Beketov and his comrades poured with a mixture of green paint and yogurt.

Photo: Vladimir Fedorenko / RIA Novosti

And also, like ordinary gopota, SERB activists are in no hurry to take responsibility for those antics that led to serious consequences.

“Navalny is our client,” Alexander Petrunko, the main “bomber” of SERB, proudly says. He admits that, together with other activists, he organizes attacks on the oppositionist and sees great meaning in their regularity: “This is how Navalny's psyche, his state of health and political activity are affected.”

By the way, the last action at the airport, where sausages were hung on Alexei Navalny, was also the work of SERB.

Frame: Stipler SS/YouTube

And only the April action, when the oppositionist received a chemical burn to his eye and the question arose of initiating a criminal case, was called Navalny's provocation and his self-promotion in SERB.

Petrunko, who was unequivocally identified by witnesses in the video, stated that he was in Crimea that day.

Together with Beketov, they gave explanations to the police and did not bother them anymore. For many, not only for Navalny's supporters, such a turn with the suspension of the investigation against the "unknown" with green paint is irritating. But not the SERB leader. Beketov generally believes that there was no harm to health, since, in his opinion, the oppositionist could post the relevant medical certificates online. But for some reason he didn't.

Putin's "helpers"

Perhaps, tired of the image of street hooligans, Beketov decided to slightly correct his role. Now SERB are voluntary assistants to the authorities and are fighting a memorial plaque to Boris Nemtsov in Klimentovsky Lane. The jars with sewage (a therapeutic solution of hydrogen sulfide from the Crimea) were replaced by nail pullers, with which the fighters for the “Russian world” tore off an illegally installed sign.

“Those who installed it are modestly silent about the fact that Nemtsov did not live in the house on the facade of which it appeared (Klimentovsky lane, 9/1), says Beketov. - He lived in the neighboring (Malaya Ordynka, 3). Moreover, we still got into this house and asked the residents on camera if they signed. There are a third of them. This is what liberals are when a minority dictates its will to the majority. Put a sign on his house. Agree on all the questions."

It is unclear, however, on what basis Beketov appropriated the function of the authorities, which were supposed to decide the fate of the memorial tablet. In fact, what he arranged was arbitrariness and the destruction of private property. But no one scolded the voluntary assistant either in the police, where he brought a memorial sign, or in the mayor's office. By the way, regarding the sign in Klimentovsky Lane, no decisions - neither "for" nor against - were made by the city authorities.

For comparison, this summer a monument to the tsar was erected in Moscow, which did not take root in Alexandrov. So, the monumental art commission demanded that it be dismantled, since such initiatives must be discussed and then approved by the legislators of the capital. The monument stood illegally, but no one immediately rushed to “overthrow the king”, although there are many opponents of the new wave of his glorification. It's just not customary to do so.

And the assistants also found a way to put pressure on the police during opposition rallies and pickets, forcing them to take tough measures against the protesters.

It all started with the fact that Beketov spotted in the Criminal Code of Russia a seemingly suitable article number 319 “Public insult to a representative of the authorities in the performance of his official duties or in connection with their performance” and tried to bring under this the actions of picketers who harshly criticize president.

“Putin is our captain who leads the ship. And they are trying to shake this boat. And we make her swim faster, we push her, ”Alexander Petrunko states his motivation.

Photo: Vitaly Belousov / RIA Novosti

“Wherever we wrote letters, and I personally went to an appointment at,” recalls the SERB leader. - Received a response from the legal department, which says that this is a violation. They also noted that failure to take measures against publicly insulting the authorities entails a fine on officials. That is, a police officer who sees that the president is being insulted and does nothing is breaking the law. When they see this paper, they stop it. True, they ask for a copy of this document.

However, the letter from the Ministry of Internal Affairs has no legal force, and Beketov himself admitted that not a single criminal case was initiated on their tip. And in fact, they did not really answer his request.

And this is quite understandable. It is very difficult to bring such a case to court, unless it is a matter of insulting a particular police officer during a rally. “In this article, we are talking about an insult, while at a rally people express their civil position, albeit in an offensive form,” the lawyer told

Photo: Gosha Tarasevich's page on VKontakte

Actor and spy

SERB originated in Ukraine, but its leaders - Beketov and Petrunko - have dual citizenship: Russia and Ukraine. How many active members the organization has is unknown. But they all call themselves volunteers, who do not receive money from anyone for their activity.

Alexander Petrunko, who diligently pretends to be a career intelligence officer, does not give a clear answer about what he does for a living. It seems that he is an assistant to several deputies of different levels at once, he is engaged in paperwork and organizational work.

Igor Beketov is a professional actor who graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Theater School in 1998 and graduated from the VGIK school. Behind him is work in 18 projects - mostly episodic roles and supporting roles in TV series.

From the moment they appeared in Dnepropetrovsk in the spring of 2014 until they fled to Russia in the summer of that year, SERB activists, according to the same Beketov, did not throw “faeces” at anyone, but painted “anti-Bandera slogans” on the walls of houses.

Photo: Gosha Tarasevich's page on VKontakte

The activists held the most massive action in Ukraine on May 9, 2014. “We, in spite of everything, organized an exit to the rally with the largest St. George ribbon in Ukraine - about 40 meters long,” Beketov said in an interview with Bell of Russia. “All our opponents were in shock, but they could not do anything - on May 9, there were a lot of people in the central square of Dnepropetrovsk.”

On that memorable day for Tarasevich-Beketov, the procession of SERB activists received the main reward for the artist - the applause of the townspeople. It really was a bright and bold performance. It is not known how it would have ended if at some point the demonstrators and activists of the Right Sector had not been separated by a police chain.

It is sad that in Russia this actionism has degenerated into banal hooliganism. But, as the SERB activists themselves note, they do not intend to stop there and will continue to invent more and more new methods of influencing the public.

On August 15, the “March of Mothers” action was held in Moscow - a procession from Pushkinskaya Square to the building of the Supreme Court of Russia in support of children convicted in the New Greatness case. More than a thousand people took part in the event, which naturally prompted the well-known city provocateurs from the pro-Putin SERB movement to take action….

SERB (formerly known as "South East Radical Block" SERB (South East Radical Block)) is a pro-Kremlin extremist organization originally operating in Ukraine on the territory of Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Kryvyi Rih, which contributed to inciting war and the annexation of Crimea. Since the end of summer 2014, activists of the SERB movement and their leader Igor Beketov (pseudonym Gosha Tarasevich) have fled Ukraine, fearing criminal prosecution by the SBU. At the moment, the militants are wanted on the territory of Ukraine. Since the winter of 2014-2015, the movement has become active in Russia, organizing systematic attacks and provocations against the Russian opposition and representatives of civil society. The movement enjoys the support of the official authorities and law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation, according to former SERB member Oleg Chursin, the movement was supervised by an employee of the center for countering extremism of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Major Aleksey Okopny, who was also seen at the actions of the movement by Solidarity activists. Chursin himself was an active police major at the time of his SERB activity.

Provocateurs from the SERB movement came to the “March of Mothers” with the obvious intention of arranging a brawl and provoking the participants of the peaceful procession into a conflict with the use of brute physical force.

Igor Beketov - leader of the SERB movement on the "March of Mothers"

Education: He graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Theater School in 1998, has a diploma from VGIK, in 2011 he studied at the workshop of Y. Nazarov and Y. Kara.

Telephone number: organizations SERB +7 925- 327- 13- 13

Number Yandex Wallet: 410012593930551

Sberbank card number: 6390-0238-9079-4005 29

SERB movement- official pages:

Members of the movement:

Alen Isaev- "chief administrator" of the SERB Vkontakte page. Born April 18, 1994 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Alen Isaev

Education: KazNU them. al-Farabi (former Kazakh State University named after Kirov). Faculty of International Relations. Bachelor student.

Yuri Eschelkovsky

At the same time, he supports the pro-Kremlin separatists of the DPR and LPR, and also participates in the actions of the pro-government movement NOD.

Stanislav Davydov

Education: School №119 St. Petersburg , Moscow State University

Profession: Together with an employee of RIA Novosti Ivan Mamontov created and maintains a propaganda project Antibulk | Against Navalny | Navalny in the social network Vkontakte with a total number of more than 6800 subscribers. The same project, but called Navalny Pravda, they lead to Facebook , Twitter, Yandex.zen , on Youtube channel and on Telegram.

Beketov and Pyotr Rybakov

Education: Moldovan State University.

Profession: Unknown.

An extremist and provocateur, a regular participant in direct actions of the SERB movement. On May 5, 2018, on Pushkinskaya Square, he took part in attacks on ordinary citizens and opposition representatives.

Igor Brumel- was born on July 9, 1952 in Rostov-on-Don. Currently lives in Moscow. Since 1974 he lived in Zamoskvorechye: 1974-1978. - Ozerkovskaya emb., 48/50, since 1978 - Pyatnitskaya st., 17

Igor Brumel at the congress of the Just Russia party

Education: 1974 - graduated from the State Central Institute of Physical Education Order of Lenin, Faculty of Mass Sports, specialty "coach-teacher in athletics".

Profession and political career:

1988-1991 - Member of the People's Labor Union (NTS).

In 1992 he took part in the fighting in Transnistria as part of the Guards of the Transnistrian Moldavian Republic.

Member of the defense of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR in September-October 1993, commander of the engineering and sapper company of the regiment. of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, on October 3, 1993, he was appointed representative of I.O. President A. Rutskoy in the Moskvoretsky district of Moscow.

1992-1997 - Member of the Liberal-Patriotic Party "Vozrozhdenie" (Andreevsky Flag Party), Chairman of the Moscow Organization of the Liberal-Patriotic Party "Vozrozhdenie", Deputy Chairman of the Party.

1992-1996 - Executive editor of the newspaper "Rossiyskoe Vozrozhdenie", Moscow.

Since 2000 - an individual entrepreneur (printing and publishing).

Since 2008, he has been a member of the Just Russia party.

March 4, 2012 - elected to the Municipal Assembly of Zamoskvorechye in the 5-seat electoral district No. 1 (took 1 place out of 22) (since March 2013 - deputy of the Council of Deputies).

September 10, 2017 - in the elections to the Council of Deputies of Zamoskvorechye, he took 12th place out of 33 in the Five-member constituency No. 1

At the moment, an active participant in the SERB movement, a provocateur. He became infamous for his aggressive and inadequate statements, participation in numerous attacks on representatives of civil society.

Igor Brumel - deputy of the Council of Deputies of Zamoskvorechye in 2012-2018 On their official page of the organization in Vkontakte, SERBs boasted about the participation of 7 of their activists in a provocation against the "March of Mothers" -

The commentary of a certain Igor Gvardeytsev is particularly noteworthy - this is an armed man who allegedly took part in the hostilities on the side of the pro-Kremlin separatists in Eastern Ukraine, possibly related to the E.N.O.T. CORP.

Igor's page on Vkontakte:

Representatives of various organizations of pro-Kremlin militants and provocateurs are in close contact and coordination with each other, which poses a clear threat to the life and health of citizens of Russia and other countries.

Separately, within the framework of this investigation, it is important to mention the well-known provocateur and extremist of the SERB movement Alexander Viktorovich Petrunko.

Alexander Petrunko

Alexandra Petrunko was born on April 23, 1969. Presumably grew up in an orphanage in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Lived at the address: Kharkiv, Pobedy Avenue, 66, apt. 166

In January 2009, he was arrested on suspicion of committing a crime on Ludwig Svoboda Avenue in Kharkiv.

Alexander Petrunko and head of the Russian delegation to the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly since 2017 Pyotr Tolstoy

On May 5, on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow, he took an active part in attacks on participants in the all-Russian action “He is not our king” along with representatives of other paramilitary pro-Kremlin formations.


mail: [email protected]

NOD and SERB are directly connected with the pro-Russian movements in the East of Ukraine. According to Novaya Gazeta, in 2017, SERB tried to get funding from Oleksandr Boroday’s Union of Donbass Volunteers and therefore increased its activity dramatically. Activists remained on the balance sheet of the Anti-Maidan movement associated with a State Duma deputy from United Russia Dmitry Sablin, who, in turn, since April 5, 2017, has headed the Patriotic Platform of the party. General coordination is carried out at the level of curators from the FSB and the Presidential Administration.

Film crews of REN TV always turned out to be the most prompt at the scene of attacks, having in advance information about impending acts of terror.

REN TV is part of the National Media Group, which is controlled by Yury Kovalchuk's Rossiya Bank. The media group owns 82% of REN TV, as well as 25% of Channel One and 72.4% of Channel Five. In April 2017, it became known that NMG would merge REN TV and Channel Five, as well as the Izvestia newspaper, into a single information center.

SERB provocateurs and militants do not sit idly by, literally every working week is occupied by them with direct actions against representatives of Russian civil society and the opposition, so on August 21 they attacked the office of Open Russia. The team of attackers included an inseparable trio: Beketov, Rybakov, Brumel. Law enforcement agencies that love to detain oppositionists for single-person pickets and initiate criminal cases for posts and likes on social networks are inactive - it is not surprising that the orders supervised by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB are ordered not to be touched at a high level.

The Inseparable Trinity of SERBs

If you have any additional information, please email [email protected] or contact us through the feedback channel with the @bewareofthembot administration.

The little-known Russian liberation movement SERB, which claimed responsibility for destroying a memorial at the site of the death of politician Boris Nemtsov, appeared to have started in Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, where a few activists opposed the new post-Maidan government and demanded more autonomy for the region. After a sudden move to Moscow last summer, SERB took on the Russian opposition, began to denounce and criticize the West and conduct "operations to stop insulting Russia and the Russian president." Medialeaks has followed the transformation of SERB from a Dnepropetrovsk movement to ardent defenders of the "Russian world" and President Vladimir Putin.

The SERB (South East Radical Block) movement became active in the spring of 2014 in Dnepropetrovsk after the Maidan and the overthrow of Viktor Yanukovych. Then the movement could hardly be called strictly pro-Russian: its activists opposed the new government, and also demanded greater autonomy in the southeastern regions of Ukraine.

Positioning themselves as citizens of Ukraine, the activists called for a boycott of the presidential elections in Ukraine, and simultaneously with the current ideologists of Novorossia, they began to talk about the need to create a “South-Eastern Ukrainian Republic”. Every day the call to fight against the "Right Sector" grew stronger, and the volunteers were called out more and more powerfully. But records in the VKontakte group suddenly stopped on April 8, 2014.

Active "Cop in law - 7"

The SERB leader is referred to everywhere as Gosha Tarasevich, but his real name is Igor Beketov. He posts reports on various promotions (already in Russia) on the page "In contact with". Judging by the photographs from the old group, he was one of the leaders of the movement from the very beginning.

It is known about Beketov that in 1998 he graduated from the Dnepropetrovsk Theater School, and also studied at VGIK (workshop of Yu.Kara - Yu.Nazarov). He starred in episodes of "Prosecutor's Check", "Cop in Law - 7" and other series.

The move of SERB activists from Ukraine to Russia apparently took place at the end of the summer of 2014 under the pretext of the danger of being there and being persecuted by the SBU.

One of the first speeches of Gosha Tarasevich in Moscow was participation on August 17 in the NOD rally in support of Donbass and Igor Strelkov. There he said that he arrived from Dnepropetrovsk a week ago, and many activists remained in Ukraine, where they are under arrest or threatened with persecution. He urged the audience not to abandon them and support them, so that the participants in the movement knew that their activities were shared in Russia.

For Putin and the "Russian world"

Since autumn, SERB has become not only clearly pro-Russian, but also picks up anti-Western rhetoric. In the winter of 2014-2015, activists of the former Dnepropetrovsk movement become frequent guests of anti-war and "anti-Putin" actions in Moscow, in particular, Solidarity pickets, which they try to disrupt. And in February, journalists reported that SERB members poured feces on the participants of the next Solidarity action. Shortly before they wrote to the Prosecutor General's Office a statement against the picketers from "Solidarity", demanding to initiate a criminal case on insulting a representative of the authorities. Since then, the opposition media began to refer to SERB activists only as “pro-Putin”.

In winter, the movement abandoned its previous ideas about the secession of the south-east of Ukraine, but switched to fighting the Russian opposition and blaming the West. In their publications, they began to call oppositionists only “liberals” or “libers”, periodically “exposing” the main oppositionists in cooperation with the West and anti-Russian activities.

March "Spring", on March 1 in Maryino, they called preparations for the Maidan in Russia. They also stated that SERB "always stood and stands guard over the Russian world." And for the march on March 1, they allegedly prepared "an operation to suppress insults to Russia and the President of Russia."
