What is an enterprise energy passport? Energy passport, who does it and why? Is an energy saving passport of a budgetary institution needed?

According to part 1 of article 198 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, information about apartment buildings, the management of which is carried out by the licensee, is subject to placement by the licensee in the GIS housing and communal services system. Among other data, the managing organization places, among other things, information on energy efficiency and data from the energy passport of the MKD. But what if the energy passport for the MKD has never been issued and the owners refuse to finance its compilation from the funds collected for maintenance and repairs? Let's try to understand this issue.

According to Part 1 of Article 15 of the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and on Increasing Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” (hereinafter - Law 261-FZ), an energy audit can be carried out in in relation to buildings, structures, structures, energy-consuming equipment, electric power facilities, sources of thermal energy, heating networks, district heating systems, centralized cold water supply and (or) water disposal systems, other objects of the communal infrastructure system, technological processes, as well as in relation to legal entities, individual entrepreneurs.

According to clause 18 of the Rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Construction of Russia dated 06/06/2016 No. 399 / pr, the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is included in the energy passport of an apartment building.

As stated in GOST 31427-2010 Residential and public buildings. Composition of Energy Efficiency Indicators” dated April 19, 2011, an energy passport is a document containing the geometric, energy and heat engineering characteristics of buildings and building projects, their enclosing structures and establishing their compliance with the requirements of regulatory documents.

Therefore, the energy passport is intended to confirm the compliance of the thermal performance and energy efficiency of the building with regulatory requirements.

As stated in the Letter of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation, the Russian Federation of November 29, 2016 No. 40222-АЧ / 04: “In accordance with Part 1 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, the energy efficiency class of an apartment building built, reconstructed or overhauled and put into operation , as well as subject to state construction supervision, is determined by the state construction supervision body in accordance with the rules approved by the authorized federal executive body for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings, the requirements for which are established by the Government of the Russian Federation. The energy efficiency class of an apartment building being put into operation is indicated in the conclusion of the state construction supervision body on the compliance of the constructed, reconstructed, overhauled apartment building with energy efficiency requirements. A similar provision is established by paragraph 3 of the Requirements for the rules for determining the energy efficiency class of apartment buildings, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2011 No. 18. Based on a systematic interpretation of the content of the above provisions of the legislation, it follows that the obligation to establish an energy efficiency class for an apartment building arises only after the entry into force of Federal Law No. This house is the subject of state building supervision. In addition, in accordance with Part 3 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, when exercising state housing supervision over the compliance of an apartment building, which was assigned an energy efficiency class upon commissioning, with the energy efficiency requirements during the operation of an apartment building, the executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation , authorized to exercise the above supervision when checking compliance with the rules for maintaining the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building, determines the energy efficiency class of the apartment building based on the current values ​​​​of the indicators used to determine the compliance of the apartment building with energy efficiency requirements, and other information about the apartment building. Thus, in the situation described in Part 3 of Article 12 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ, determining the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is also mandatory. In other cases, the establishment of the energy efficiency class of an apartment building is carried out by decision of the owners (owner) of the premises in an apartment building based on the results of an energy audit, but at the same time, compliance with the provisions of the Rules in terms of the class assignment procedure is mandatory.

An energy passport drawn up based on the results of an energy audit of an apartment building is subject to transfer by the person who compiled it to the owners of the premises in the apartment building or to the person responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building (part 6 of article 15 of Law 261-FZ).

In accordance with Part 4 of Article 11 of Law 261-FZ, the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures are subject to revision at least once every five years in order to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures.

It should be borne in mind that according to part 5 of article 11 of Law 26-FZ, energy efficiency information does not apply to buildings and structures (i.e. there is no need to issue an energy passport: if MKDs are classified as objects of cultural heritage in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (monuments of history and culture).

In addition, in accordance with Part 1 of Article 48 of Law 26-FZ, the requirements for the energy efficiency of buildings, structures, structures established in accordance with this Federal Law do not apply to the following buildings, structures, structures up to before their reconstruction or overhaul:

    buildings, buildings, structures, put into service before the entry into force of such requirements ;

    buildings, structures, structures, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of which are carried out in accordance with the design documentation, approved or submitted for state examination before the entry into force of such requirements;

    buildings, structures, constructions, the design documentation of which is not subject to state expertise, and an application for a construction permit, which was submitted before the entry into force of such requirements.

On January 16, 2019, Federal Law No. 221-FZ dated July 19, 2018 “On Amending the Federal Law “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amending Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” and Article 9.16 of the Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses”, according to which the mandatory energy inspection (energy audit) and the mandatory development of an energy passport are cancelled.

From January 16, 2019 Federal Law No. 221-FZ dated July 19, 2018 Part 5.1 of Article 15 of Law 261-FZ has been amended, according to which energy audit is carried out on a voluntary basis.

Thus, if there is no energy passport for MKD, then it is mandatory to issue it only if a corresponding decision is made at the general meeting of the owners of the premises. As a rule, a voluntary energy inspection of the house and the issuance of an energy passport is carried out as part of measures to improve the energy efficiency of MKD.

Accordingly, if the energy passport of the MKD is not received, then information about it in the GIS housing and communal services does not need to be entered. Lack of such information will not constitute a violation of license requirements.

The Burmistr.ru company has developed a unique CRM system for managing organizations and homeowners associations, which allows automating the work of the emergency dispatch service, the client department, accounting, as well as work with persistent non-payers. All necessary information on .

Note that it is possible to create a declaration of energy efficiency of houses. Note that for those apartment buildings for which an energy efficiency class was previously assigned, the declaration must be updated every five years!

The declaration was made in full accordance with the order of the Ministry of Construction of June 6, 2016 No. 399, so you can safely use it. What is the price? Everything is the same: up to 2 rubles from a personal account, that is, within the framework of the CRM system for free!

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Nikita Ivanov Energy passport, who does it and why? Energy passport (energy audit), why they do it, what they get, and who can conduct an energy survey according to the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 No. 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement"

The energy consumption of any production can be optimized, which will lead to a reduction in electricity costs. For optimization, an energy audit is carried out - a set of measures aimed at finding opportunities to save energy. The results of the audit are entered into the energy passport.

Survey task

An energy audit has the following objectives:

  • Obtaining information about the current electricity consumption at the facility;
  • Search for opportunities to reduce electricity costs;
  • Energy consumption optimization;
  • Reducing the cost of production.

Achieving the desired results is possible when drawing up an individual work plan, including the study of all structures and units related to this enterprise.

Energy Passport

The results of the work carried out are entered into a special document - the energy passport of the facility. Its form and filling procedure are regulated by the order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation No. 400, dated June 30, 2014. The passport is accompanied by a detailed report on the work carried out, including records of the calculations of all indicators presented in the passport. The report also includes a feasibility study on the feasibility of carrying out optimization work to save energy resources.

Enterprises subject to mandatory audit

The implementation of measures aimed at reducing energy costs may be voluntary or mandatory. Private companies are interested in energy audits to reduce the cost of manufactured products on a voluntary basis. Objects that are subject to mandatory audit:

  • Enterprises, part of the capital of which belongs to the state or state institutions;
  • Companies whose activities are related to the extraction, processing or transportation of gas, coal, oil and oil products;
  • Production facilities whose energy consumption exceeds 50 million rubles a year;
  • Organizations carrying out controlled activities.

Regulation of the energy audit

According to the current legislation, only those persons who are members of self-regulatory organizations in the field of energy audit can conduct an energy audit. Hence the definition follows - an energy audit is a set of measures aimed at assigning an object a certain class of energy efficiency. The energy class of a structure is an assessment of the performance of a particular structure according to the criterion of consumption of energy resources. There are five classes, denoted by Latin letters from A to E, where A is the highest class, E is the lowest.

Stages of an energy survey

The sequence of work during an energy audit may vary depending on the type of object and the impact of external factors. The main stages include:

  • Studying documentation - analysis of the technical component of the structure, including the average consumption of energy resources per month and the number of units of electrical equipment;
  • Object inspection - study of energy consumption individually for each unit of boiler, heating, production and other types of equipment operating at the enterprise;
  • Data analysis - comparison of the received information about the level of consumed energy resources with the established normal level, described in the technical documentation of the units;
  • Designing savings measures – development of actions aimed at optimizing the level of consumed energy resources and reducing costs.

Energy audit results

The results of an energy audit can be:

  • Energy passport and technical report.
  • Conclusion of the study of the quality of the consumed resource;
  • Recommendations for actions aimed at optimizing the consumption of energy resources;
  • Recommendations and measures to improve the energy efficiency of manufactured products;

There is no single estimate of the cost of an energy audit. The specialists of the audit companies presented an average pricing policy based on certain factors: the size of the object, the number of electrical equipment, the complexity of the work, etc.

Prices can vary significantly between different organizations providing audit services. This is due to the seriousness of the work and the breadth of knowledge required for their implementation. The survey involves specialists in collecting and analyzing data, compiling technical documentation. Preparation of reporting documents takes a long time. Audit customers should understand these subtleties and keep in mind that if any organization offers an audit in a very short time and at the lowest price, most likely only superficial information will be indicated in its conclusion, which is practically of no benefit to the enterprise.

Responsibility for not conducting an energy audit in the prescribed manner

Previously, it was indicated which enterprises must undergo an energy audit forcibly. The legislation provides for penalties for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of this requirement in the form of administrative fines (Law of the Russian Federation No. 261-Ф3 dated November 23, 2009 “On Energy Efficiency Improvement”).

Tips for saving electrical energy and other energy resources.

To reduce current consumption at the enterprise will help:

  • Replacing the old wiring with a new one - bad contacts can cause electrical losses;
  • Replacement of incandescent lamps with energy-saving lamps or LED lamps;
  • Installation of large windows in the premises;
  • The use of voltage stabilizers;
  • The use of dimmers and automation on / off light.
  • Replacing single windows with double glazing.
  • Insulation of building envelopes.
  • Installation of systems for automatic control of the temperature of the heat carrier depending on the ambient temperature.
  • Replacement of old boilers with more modern ones with higher efficiency.
  • Transfer of cars to work on liquefied gas.

Optimization of electricity consumption will have a positive impact not only on the economy of the enterprise, but also on the economy of the country as a whole.

Price list for drawing up an energy passport

Video on energy audit and energy passport

The energy passport is drawn up based on the results of an energy audit of an energy audit of an enterprise or an analysis of project documentation for a building and reflects energy efficiency indicators in the form specified by law and is an official document.

The energy passport of an enterprise reflects the balance of used fuel and energy resources, and also carries information about the efficiency of energy resources consumed by an enterprise or organization and planned organizational and technical measures to improve the efficiency of fuel and energy consumption. This document allows you to determine the technical condition of buildings or energy-intensive equipment. Measures and recommendations on energy saving that the customer planned to carry out, but there was no reason to include in the budget, can be added to the passport.

Energy passports can be conditionally classified into:

  • a) passport of energy supply organizations;
  • b) energy passport of buildings, administrative or residential facilities;
  • c) energy passport of industrial enterprises with energy supply costs of more than 10 million rubles.

Who is required to have an energy passport

The energy passport is a mandatory document for all government agencies, power supply companies and a number of commercial enterprises, in accordance with the requirements of the federal law on energy saving and energy efficiency increase No. 261-FZ of November 23, 2009.

In a simplified form, an energy passport is issued for newly built and reconstructed industrial facilities, residential and office buildings. Rosgosstroy since the beginning of 2014, in order to obtain permission to put an object into operation, requires the presentation of a correctly executed energy passport, a report on a thermal imaging survey and a calculation of the air exchange rate.

Big plus obtaining an energy passport for a building are tax benefits on the property of organizations for newly commissioned facilities with high energy efficiency (energy efficiency class B and above).

Article 16. Mandatory energy audit reads:

1. An energy audit is mandatory, except for the case provided for by paragraph 1.1 of this article, for the following persons:

  • public authorities, local self-government bodies endowed with the rights of legal entities;
  • organizations with the participation of the state or municipality;
  • organizations carrying out regulated activities;
  • organizations engaged in the production and (or) transportation of water, natural gas, thermal energy, electric energy, extraction of natural gas, oil, coal, production of petroleum products, processing of natural gas, oil, transportation of oil, petroleum products;
  • organizations whose total costs for the consumption of natural gas, diesel and other fuels (excluding motor fuel), fuel oil, thermal energy, coal, electric energy exceed the volume of the corresponding energy resources in value terms established by the Government of the Russian Federation for the calendar year preceding the last year before the expiration of the period for the subsequent mandatory energy audit specified in paragraph 2 of this Article;
  • organizations that carry out activities in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency, financed in whole or in part by subsidies from the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local budgets.

In accordance with the Federal Law, from October 1, 2014, Article 16 will be supplemented with parts 1.1 and 1.2 as follows:

1.1. In the event that the total costs of the persons specified in clauses 1-4 and 6 of part 1 of this article for the consumption of natural gas, fuel oil, thermal energy, coal, electrical energy, with the exception of motor fuel, do not exceed the volume of the relevant energy resources in value terms established by the Government of the Russian Federation, for the calendar year preceding the last year before the expiration of the period for conducting the subsequent mandatory energy inspection provided for in paragraph 2 of this article, these persons, instead of conducting a mandatory energy inspection, have the right to submit information during the last year before the expiration of the period for conducting the subsequent mandatory energy inspection on energy saving and on improving energy efficiency in relation to these persons to the authorized federal executive body for energy audits. These persons are obliged to organize and conduct an energy audit within two years after the expiration of the calendar year in which their total costs for the consumption of natural gas, fuel oil, thermal energy, coal, electric energy, with the exception of motor fuel, exceeded the volume of the corresponding energy resources in value terms established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Subsequent mandatory energy inspections are carried out by the indicated persons in accordance with paragraph 2 of this article.

1.2. Submission of information on energy saving and energy efficiency improvement to the authorized federal executive body on energy audits in the cases provided for in Part 1.1 of this article is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the authorized federal executive body on energy audits.

2. The persons specified in part 1 of this article are obliged to organize and conduct the first energy audit within the period from the date of entry into force of this Federal Law until December 31, 2012, subsequent energy audits - at least once every five years.

3. In order to identify the persons specified in part 1 of this article, the federal executive body authorized to carry out inspections of compliance with the requirement to conduct a mandatory energy audit within the established time limits, has the right to request, in accordance with its competence, and receive free of charge from:

  • organizations engaged in the sale, supply of energy resources, data on the volume and cost of energy resources supplied by them to organizations that are consumers of these supplied energy resources;
  • public authorities, local governments, organizations information and materials necessary to carry out inspections of compliance with the requirement to conduct a mandatory energy audit within the established time limits.

Regulatory and legislative framework for energy audit

The provision of energy audit services is carried out in accordance with the following regulatory legal acts:

  • Federal Law No. 261-FZ dated November 23, 2009 “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”;
  • Federal Law No. 315-FZ of December 1, 2007 “On Self-Regulatory Organizations”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 25, 2011 No. 19 “On approval of the Regulations on the requirements for the collection, processing, systematization, analysis and use of energy passport data compiled on the basis of the results of mandatory and voluntary energy audits”;
  • “Recommendations for conducting energy audits, approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia dated July 4, 2006 No. 141;
  • Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2010 No. 182 “On approval of the requirements for an energy passport drawn up based on the results of a mandatory energy inspection, and an energy passport drawn up on the basis of project documentation, and the rules for sending a copy of an energy passport drawn up based on the results of a mandatory energy inspection » and other regulatory and technical documents in force on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • GOST R 51387-99 “Energy saving. Regulatory and methodological support. Basic Provisions”;
  • Methodology for conducting energy surveys (energy audit) of budgetary organizations RD.34.01-03.

You can download and read the texts of the documents on this page.

Goals and objectives of the energy survey

The main purpose of an energy survey is to find the potential to reduce energy consumption in an enterprise and improve energy efficiency.

When conducting an energy audit, the following tasks are solved:

  • Obtaining information on the amount of energy resources used and financial costs for a certain period (2-3 years);
  • Determine the indicator of the energy efficiency of the enterprise;
  • Establish energy saving potential;
  • Draw up an energy passport of the facility based on the results of the energy audit;
  • Develop a program of measures to save energy resources and increase energy efficiency with an assessment of the costs necessary to implement the planned measures and possible payback periods.

How to issue an energy passport of an organization

In order to obtain an energy passport for a consumer of fuel and energy resources, an institution must conclude an agreement with an audit firm to conduct an energy audit.

To conduct an energy audit, professional audit firms that have proven themselves in this segment of the energy market and have good technical equipment and competent staff should be involved. You should not quickly agree to tempting low-cost offers.

Carrying out an energy audit is a procedure that implies the availability of modern expensive equipment and highly paid specialists. It is mandatory to familiarize yourself with the previous activities of a potential contractor. To do this, there is the Internet, telephone, letters of recommendation, word of mouth.

Take the time to make sure that you are going to conclude an agreement with real experts in their field who will conduct an energy survey at a decent professional level and, most importantly, can ensure the registration of a passport with the Ministry of Energy.

The procedure for issuing an energy passport

Preparatory stage:

  • Appointment of responsible representatives from the Contractor and the Customer; familiarization with the facility, development of an energy inspection program and its approval; preparation of a questionnaire and approval;
  • Collection of initial data for conducting an energy survey of the facility.

The following information is subject to collection:

  • existing contracts for the supply of electricity, heat and water, with prices, tariffs, consumption volumes;
  • Actual data on the consumption and distribution of electricity, heat and water for previous and current periods;
  • design documentation for systems and equipment for the supply and consumption of energy resources and water;
  • design documentation for the building;
  • data on systems of commercial and technical accounting of energy resources and water;
  • other data necessary for the energy survey.

Preliminary analysis of the obtained data and preparation of an instrumental examination

Instrumental inspection with a site visit.

  • Visual inspection and assessment of the condition of engineering systems, equipment and buildings;
  • Instrumental inspection of the object:
  • Conducting thermal imaging inspection of buildings;
  • Measurements of heat supply parameters in heat energy distribution units for heating, ventilation, hot water supply;
  • Measurement of parameters of power consumption by the main consumers of electricity;

Systematization and analysis of the obtained data.

  • Analysis of power supply, heat supply, water supply and sanitation systems;
  • Compilation of FER consumption balances
  • Analysis of the material of enclosing structures.
  • Establishment of the actual thermal characteristics of the enclosing structures of buildings and structures, assessment of the structural characteristics of buildings and structures.

Documenting the results of the energy survey.

Drawing up a report on the results of an energy audit, with an analysis of:

  • state of energy systems, water supply and use systems;
  • building characteristics;
  • assessing the efficiency of energy and water use;
  • reasons for the irrational consumption of energy resources and water;
  • calculation of economic efficiency indicators of the proposed energy saving and energy efficiency measures.

Drawing up an energy passport of the institution with the inclusion of a list of measures to save energy and improve energy efficiency.

Coordination of reporting documents with the Customer

Examination of the energy passport in an expert organization, coordination with the Customer and SRO

The procedure ends with the most important step: Registration of an energy passport in the SRO and the Ministry of Energy

Requirements for the content of the energy passport

The passport file structure diagram is shown in the figure below:

Compilation requirements are reflected in the Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 182 of April 19, 2010. The rules differ for buildings of various purposes (non-industrial or industrial), for objects of various types (buildings, structures, structures), as well as for different types of technological processes and various other factors.

  1. Availability of equipment with energy metering devices.
  2. The amount of consumed energy (heat) resources and its dynamics over the past few years.
  3. The value of the energy efficiency indicator of electrical and heat-consuming equipment.
  4. Losses of transferred energy resources (if the organization is engaged in the transfer of energy resources).
  5. Possible energy saving potential, including in kind.
  6. List of measures for increasing energy efficiency and energy saving, modernization of power installations.

The need for such stringent requirements for compiling an energy passport is explained as follows: for example, when a construction site is put into operation, the construction inspection of Rostekhnadzor checks whether the normative thermal insulation parameters of the structures being built correspond to the parameters reflected in the energy passport compiled by an audit firm based on the results of an energy audit. If these parameters match, a permit from Rostekhnadzor is issued to put the facility into operation. If deviations are found in the calculations, the developer will have to reissue the energy passport and additionally insulate the structures of the facility under construction.

The implementation of energy saving measures, the use of energy-saving technologies helps to save tens of percent of fuel and energy resources, reduce production costs for manufactured goods and, as a result, increase the profit of the enterprise.

Heads of enterprises, homeowners will pay only for actually rendered services. An ordinary consumer will not have to pay for extra heat and energy resources, because. in the energy passport, the amount of electricity, heat and water consumption per each cubic meter of the building is calculated.

Energy-saving technologies are designed to reduce the cost of maintenance services for any building, whether it is a residential building or a shopping and office center.

Drawing up an energy passport will help control the quality of buildings erected by builders and make the life of consumers more comfortable.

We can say that the energy passport is one of the indicators of the quality of the building. Now, when buying any real estate, a potential buyer can familiarize himself with this document in order to know what quality of goods he is going to purchase.

The cost of issuing and registering an official energy passport

The estimated cost of energy audit services for an enterprise with the issuance and registration of an energy passport with the Ministry of Energy can be calculated using the online energy audit price calculator developed by our company.

Energy audit is a financially costly service, the price of which can and should be estimated in advance. Its cost can be conditionally divided into two components: preliminary and main. At the first stage, the customer provides energy auditors with the requested package of documents on the object being inspected. The auditors inspect the facility and determine the list of activities that must be carried out to calculate the price of the energy passport. After that, the energy auditors draw up a subsequent list of works for the energy inspection of the facility.

The cost of the preparatory stages at different sites is approximately the same. But the cost of the main stage of the energy survey is almost always different. The calculation is based on the parametric and energy-technological indicators of the inspected object provided by the customer: the amount of energy consumed, its volume, area, available sources of fuel and energy, etc.

The energy audit ends with the execution of an energy report, which details the program to improve the energy efficiency of the facility. The implementation of the activities of this program is designed to improve the energy efficiency of the facility and reduce its energy consumption.

Penalties for not having an energy passport

Has your organization already received a letter from Rostekhnadzor on a mandatory energy audit?

In accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of 19.04.2010 N 182, as well as the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 25.01. 2011, No. 19, the creation and transfer of energy passports must take place in electronic xml format using EDS (electronic digital signature). Supervision over the absence/presence of a passport in the electronic register of the Ministry of Energy will be carried out by the inspection of Rostekhnadzor. The energy passport of any enterprise, approved by the SRO with registration with the Ministry of Energy, will appear in electronic form in the register of the ministry only after an energy audit. Therefore, energy audits cannot be avoided by those enterprises and organizations who are required to do this without fail.

  • According to Article 9.16 No. 261-FZ, legal entities may be subject to an administrative fine of 50 to 100 thousand rubles, and officials in the amount of 30 to 50 thousand rubles. for non-compliance by organizations with the participation of a municipality or the state, or organizations engaged in regulated activities, with the requirement to adopt programs in the field of increasing energy efficiency and energy saving.
  • According to the same article, legal entities may be fined up to 10 thousand rubles, and officials in the amount of 5 thousand rubles. for ignoring the requirement to submit a copy of the energy passport, compiled on the basis of the results of a mandatory energy audit, to the authorized federal executive body.

Energy passport An energy passport is a document developed based on the results of an energy audit, which reflects data on the characteristics of the enterprise as a whole, buildings and structures, energy-consuming equipment, data on the consumption of energy resources and specific indicators of the energy intensity of products or services provided, as well as indicators of energy the efficiency of the enterprise as a whole and individual technological processes. Among other data, the energy passport includes Appendix 21 "Energy saving potential of consumed energy resources" and Appendixes 20 and 22, containing a list of organizational and technical energy-saving measures recommended for implementation.

The energy passport is drawn up in accordance with the Federal Law of November 23, 2009 N 261-FZ "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency, and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation." The form of the energy passport is established by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 400 dated June 30, 2014.

Energy Passport Classification

  1. The energy passport of an organization (legal entity) includes Appendices 1 - 34 to the Order of the Ministry of Energy. This passport is required to fulfill the requirements of FZ-261 regarding the mandatory energy inspection. Such an energy passport is developed at least once every 5 years.
  2. The energy passport of a separate building is issued in the form of Appendix 35 to the Order of the Ministry of Energy No. 400. This passport is required solely to provide construction supervision as part of a package of documents when putting buildings (structures) into operation. Such an energy passport is developed one-time.

Which organizations and in what case need to have an energy passport

A valid energy passport of an organization (legal entity) must be available to all legal entities that are subject to the requirements of Federal Law-261 on a mandatory energy audit. Article 16 of the Federal Law-261 "On Energy Saving ..." establishes the following criteria for the mandatory energy audit. If an organization meets at least one of these criteria, an energy audit is mandatory for it.

  1. Bodies of state power and local self-government.
  2. Organizations with the participation of the state or municipality. This paragraph includes both organizations directly owned by the state or municipality, and organizations in the chain of owners (or shareholders) of which companies with state participation can be traced.
  3. Organizations carrying out regulated activities (heat supply, water supply and sanitation, electricity supply, gas supply, solid waste disposal, etc.).
  4. Organizations that are engaged in the production of thermal energy (including for their own needs), the extraction of water (including for their own needs), electrical energy (including for their own needs) and any other types of energy resources (natural gas, oil, coal, oil products, processing of natural gas, oil). This paragraph also applies to companies that transport any energy resources. This item is the main one, under which the majority of honest legal entities fall. Previously, some legal entities believed that the availability of production of energy resources exclusively for their own needs (for example, thermal energy for heating their own building) is not a criterion for the mandatory energy audit.
  5. Organizations whose total costs for all fuel and energy resources exceed 50 million rubles. in year.
  6. Organizations that implement energy-saving measures at the expense of budgetary funds.

The process of obtaining an energy passport (with deadlines).

Only specialized organizations that are members of SROs in the field of energy audits and have qualified specialists are entitled to issue an energy passport.

  • To apply for an energy passport, first of all, you need to send us a completed questionnaire according to our form. Questionnaire in Word format (download link) , or send basic information from the questionnaire in free form.
  • After receiving the completed questionnaire, the specialists of our company will calculate the exact cost and timing of the work and send you an official commercial offer. Calculation of the cost of work and preparation of a commercial offer, as a rule, takes no more than 24 hours from the receipt of the questionnaire.
  • You decide on the conclusion of the Agreement and send us a card with company details.
  • Our specialists prepare a draft Agreement and send it to you for approval and signing.
  • After the signing of the Agreement, our specialists, together with the employees of the enterprise, collect the initial data for the development of the energy passport of the organization. Depending on the scale of the enterprise, the collection of initial data can take from several days to several months.
  • When all the necessary data is collected, the energy auditors begin to make all the necessary calculations and fill out the energy passport form. At this stage, energy-saving measures are developed, balances are drawn up for all types of energy resources, energy consumption forecasts are made for the next 5 years, a schedule for the implementation of energy-saving measures is agreed, and an Energy Inspection Report is drawn up.
  • After development, the energy passport is agreed with the Customer and sent for an independent examination to the SRO.
  • Based on the results of the examination, an expert opinion is issued on the compliance of the energy passport with the requirements of the legislation and the passport is assigned a registration number in the SRO register.
  • After registration with the SRO, the original energy passport, certified by the signature and round seal of the SRO and our company, is transferred to the Customer, and an electronic copy of the passport is sent to the Russian Ministry of Energy for registration. After registering a copy of the passport with the Ministry of Energy, the procedure for issuing an energy passport is fully completed. The validity of the passport will be 5 years from the date indicated on the title page.

Price list

The cost of obtaining an energy passport depends entirely on the scale of the organization, the number and area of ​​buildings and the composition of the energy facilities of the enterprise. The exact cost can only be determined after receiving the completed questionnaire. The estimated cost for organizations of various fields of activity is indicated below.

Sanctions for the absence of an energy passport from the organization.

Federal Law 261-FZ of November 23, 2009 “On Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency ...” establishes the amount of a fine for violating the deadlines for conducting a mandatory energy inspection in the amount of up to 250,000 rubles, as well as a fine for an official (responsible employee) from 10,000 rubles to 15,000 rubles. The imposition of a fine does not exempt the organization from conducting a mandatory energy audit. When a fine is imposed, an order is issued to eliminate the violation. The term of elimination is determined based on the actual term of the energy audit, usually 2-4 months.

The requirements for the form of an energy passport are established by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2014 No. 400. The energy passport consists of the following forms (applications):

  • Appendix No. 1 title page.
  • Appendix No. 2 general information about the object of the energy survey.
  • Annex No. 3 information on the equipment with metering devices.
  • Annex No. 4 Information on the consumption of energy resources and water and its changes.
  • Annex No. 5 Information on the balance of electrical energy and its changes.
  • Appendix No. 6 Information on the heat energy balance and its changes.
  • Appendix No. 7 Information on the balance of consumption of boiler and furnace fuel. Information on CO2-equivalent emissions from the use of energy resources for the reporting (base) year. Information on CO2-equivalent emissions from the use of energy resources and its changes.
  • Annex No. 8 Information on the use of motor fuel.
  • Appendix No. 9 Information on the water balance and its changes.
  • Annex No. 10 Information on the use of secondary energy resources.
  • Appendix No. 11 Indicators of the use of electrical energy for lighting purposes. Information about lighting systems and indicators of energy efficiency of the use of electrical energy for the purpose of outdoor lighting of sites of enterprises, settlements and roads outside settlements.
  • Appendix No. 12 Main technical characteristics of energy resources and their consumption by the main technological complexes.
  • Annex No. 13 Brief description of the object (buildings, structures and structures).
  • Annex No. 14 Information on energy efficiency indicators. Assessment of compliance of actual indicators with passport and calculated-normative values.
  • Appendix No. 15 Descriptions of transmission lines for energy resources and water.
  • Annex No. 16 Information on the length of overhead cable lines for the transmission of electricity.
  • Annex No. 17 Information on the number and installed capacity of transformers.
  • Annex No. 18 Information on the number and power of reactive power compensation devices.
  • Annex No. 19 Information on the amount of losses of transferred energy resources.
  • Appendix No. 20 Recommendations for reducing losses of transferred energy resources.
  • Appendix No. 21 Energy saving potential and assessment of energy savings.
  • Appendix No. 22 Information on recommended energy saving and energy efficiency measures. Information about the recommended measures for energy saving and energy efficiency.
  • Appendix No. 23 Information about the officials responsible for providing energy saving and energy efficiency measures.
  • Appendix No. 24 Information on personnel qualifications.
  • Annex No. 25 - 34 (to be filled in only for gas transportation organizations) .